Ann Coulter: "Trump Is Trying To Scam The Stupidest People In His Base With A National Emergency"

it was a vote against both of them
Wrong. It was a vote for your least preferred of the two candidates. And if you are too much a sissy or too lazy to make a grown up decision out loud on that, then you may not be mature enough to vote.

And if you are too much a sissy or too lazy to make a grown up decision

I made a 'grown up decision'....

I decided NOT to support either of them.

Perhaps when YOU grow up, you'll understand.
You know, I really don't care who a person votes for, I just care that they vote. Shoot, write in a candidate if that is what makes you happy, but vote.

People who refuse to vote because they don't like the choices offered piss me off more than those who kneel during the National Anthem at sports events. Why? People who kneel are taking advantage of their 1st Amendment rights, and if they feel secure enough to do that, then I know the Constitution is still in effect, and my 20 years of service in the Navy, through 4 war zones, wasn't in vain.

People who refuse to vote? Those are the ones pissing on the veterans who served, because the military swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the US, and if you don't vote, you aren't availing yourself of the rights that those men and women served to protect.
You know, I really don't care who a person votes for, I just care that they vote. Shoot, write in a candidate if that is what makes you happy, but vote.

People who refuse to vote because they don't like the choices offered piss me off more than those who kneel during the National Anthem at sports events. Why? People who kneel are taking advantage of their 1st Amendment rights, and if they feel secure enough to do that, then I know the Constitution is still in effect, and my 20 years of service in the Navy, through 4 war zones, wasn't in vain.

People who refuse to vote? Those are the ones pissing on the veterans who served, because the military swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the US, and if you don't vote, you aren't availing yourself of the rights that those men and women served to protect.

People who refuse to vote?

are exercising their right to free speech as much as the kneelers
I understand the OP. However, I do have a problem with one part of it. How does one identify the stupidest people in Trump's base? I mean, are we talking about people from Kentucky, Texas, or people who can't spell, or what?
I do have to chuckle at amount of unimaginable arrogance of those that claim your vote is somehow wasted unless you pick one of the candidates from the duopoly for president. No vote is ever wasted when one votes their conscience. Neither major party candidate earned my vote in 2016.
Conservative political commentator and author Ann Coulter railed against President Trump on Thursday night as he prepared to declare a national emergency to build his border wall, tweeting that such a move was intended to “scam the stupidest people in his base.”

Coulter, a confidant of Trump who turned against him last month after his surprising move to reopen government without any border funds, quote-tweeted Conservative Review senior editor Daniel Horowitz’s post that “the goal of a national emergency is to end illegal immigration and cartel smuggling.”

Horowitz wrote that 100 to 200 miles of fencing “will not do” and that unaccompanied minors “will come anywhere including points of entry and not only get amnesty for themselves but for those here.”

Coulter disagreed.

“No, the goal of a national emergency is for Trump to scam the stupidest people in his base for 2 more years,” she tweeted.
In a separate tweet, she added, “The goal is to get Trump's stupidest voters to say ‘HE'S FIGHTING!’ No he's not. If he signs this bill, it's over.”

Read the entire thing here: Ann Coulter says Donald Trump is trying to "scam the stupidest people in his base" with a national emergency

Frankly, I couldn't have said it better myself.
I find it funny how snowflakes attacked Coulter, a virtual nobody to mainstream Average Joe Americans for almost a decade, but as soon as she found someone new - a Republican - to make a living off of attacking 'Pavlov's Democrats' rallied around her and made her their 'new queen'.

I find it hilarious that Liberals will jump on quotes made by people they loath just to take shots at Trump.

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