Ann Coulter speech in Ottawa cancelled due to fears of violence

We got about three or four threads going right now about how terrible it is that some folks have threatened Democrats over health care reform. Then we have you rejects over here supporting that very type of activity. Hmm.......
So is the argument now that violence in support of leftist agenda is a good thing?
Threaten Ann Coulter = Good
Threaten a Democrat = Bad

Sounds like typical left wing hypocrisy.

Appears to be the case, I'm afraid.

They think a few broken Congresscritter windows in protest of the HC bill is the NEXT CHRYSTALLNAUGHT, and they're whining and whimpering loudly. Can you believe that? :eusa_eh:

Meanwhile, they think it's Ok-fine to threaten Ann Coulter's life--simply because they don't agree with her and don't like her.

Liberal fucking HYPOCRITES..... :cuckoo:

First, I don't vote in Canada, so what they do in Canada is their own business. As for not allowing Coulter to speak, and I doubt that anyone threatoned her life, if she was invited, she should have been allowed to speak.

Now it is a bit more than broken window. Threats written in E-mails against the Congressmen and women, and their families. A cut propane line that could well have started a fire in a house with four children younger than the age of eight. After the address was published on line as that of a Congressman.

Even on this board there has been lunitic talk of armed rebellion and seccession because of an American President keeping his campaign promise to do Health Care Reform.

It is you right wingnuts that are going completely overboard.
She spoke in Ontario, so there's no reason to whine. It dismays me that there are people, including posters here, that actually support this putrid ****.

It's not about supporting Coulter, its about supporting her freedom of speech just the same as the protesters. You disagree?
We got about three or four threads going right now about how terrible it is that some folks have threatened Democrats over health care reform. Then we have you rejects over here supporting that very type of activity. Hmm.......

I know. I love leftist hypocrisy. And they wonder why the right laugh at them. Seriously, from a group who were bombing police officers in the '60s, spit on our military, and threatened Stupek before he caved in to vote yes, it is nothing short of a joke.

It is hard not to lump them all into a slimy mass of hate-filled scum but we must try to remember that not all those on the left are total assholes - just most of them.
couldn't coulter just have taken the back entrance? or parachuted onto the roof, and fight her way into the lecture hall?

what was she afraid of?

doesn't she like pie?
I read the story and don't understand why she was afraid. A bunch of vocal Canadian students intimidated her? Puh-lease.

And her point about free speech is ridiculous. The ones in this story that DO have freedom of speech are the students, not her.
I read the story and don't understand why she was afraid. A bunch of vocal Canadian students intimidated her? Puh-lease.

And her point about free speech is ridiculous. The ones in this story that DO have freedom of speech are the students, not her.

Ann was not afraid, the Canadian officials canceled due to anticipated violence by Canadians.
We got about three or four threads going right now about how terrible it is that some folks have threatened Democrats over health care reform. Then we have you rejects over here supporting that very type of activity. Hmm.......

I know. I love leftist hypocrisy. And they wonder why the right laugh at them. Seriously, from a group who were bombing police officers in the '60s, spit on our military, and threatened Stupek before he caved in to vote yes, it is nothing short of a joke.

It is hard not to lump them all into a slimy mass of hate-filled scum but we must try to remember that not all those on the left are total assholes - just most of them.

Proof your name does not have to be Walt to create a Disney fantasy world.
I read the story and don't understand why she was afraid. A bunch of vocal Canadian students intimidated her? Puh-lease.

And her point about free speech is ridiculous. The ones in this story that DO have freedom of speech are the students, not her.

I missed this, Ravi believes conservatives do not have the same rights as liberal/marxist

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