Ann Coulter: Surprise! That 'cheap' immigrant labor costs us a lot

Why didn't Republicans do anything while they controlled the WH and the Congress? Probably because they benefit the most from the cheap labor.
What time when "Republicans" controlled the WH and the Congress ?

Democrats just took over the House in January, where the fuck have you been.
But they have had a filibuster in the Senate for ever, dude.

Why you dumber than a sack of hammers?
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It's called a National Work subsidy for businesses, an argument I made long ago. As unstable as Ann is, she is right about this. It costs taxpayers a great deal and is harmful in many ways.
I agree, but here's the deal....until this country comes to terms with raising the min. wage, financially rewarding workers, illegal labor will be there.
I do believe the proposed ICE raids are a step in that direction.

Haven’t you heard?

They’ve been called off. Mr Businessman didn’t like the idea of losing His hard working cheap labor.
White people can whine all they want to, but at the end of the day, its illegals that keep this country on its heels of commence. Nobody else wants to work like a dog and get 8 bucks an hour.
I do believe the proposed ICE raids are a step in that direction.

Haven’t you heard?

They’ve been called off. Mr Businessman didn’t like the idea of losing His hard working cheap labor.
White people can whine all they want to, but at the end of the day, its illegals that keep this country on its heels of commence. Nobody else wants to work like a dog and get 8 bucks an hour.

What does "on the heels of commence" mean?

I'm starting to be suspicious of posters who have the female sign as their avatar....seem a little unhinged....
I do believe the proposed ICE raids are a step in that direction.

Haven’t you heard?

They’ve been called off. Mr Businessman didn’t like the idea of losing His hard working cheap labor.
White people can whine all they want to, but at the end of the day, its illegals that keep this country on its heels of commence. Nobody else wants to work like a dog and get 8 bucks an hour.

What does "on the heels of commence" mean?

I'm starting to be suspicious of posters who have the female sign as their avatar....seem a little unhinged....
Go to any resturant, hotel, fast food, etc...Maria and hubby is working there. LIsten, don't...don't start this name calling shit this early in the least have a huff on your pipe first, Meth head
I do believe the proposed ICE raids are a step in that direction.

Haven’t you heard?

They’ve been called off. Mr Businessman didn’t like the idea of losing His hard working cheap labor.
White people can whine all they want to, but at the end of the day, its illegals that keep this country on its heels of commence. Nobody else wants to work like a dog and get 8 bucks an hour.

What does "on the heels of commence" mean?

I'm starting to be suspicious of posters who have the female sign as their avatar....seem a little unhinged....
Go to any resturant, hotel, fast food, etc...Maria and hubby is working there. LIsten, don't...don't start this name calling shit this early in the least have a huff on your pipe first, Meth head

Confirmed. Female avatar = batcrap crazy

Witness: "don't start this name calling early in the morning....METH HEAD"
You asked for a report, not an appointment. So you want the report on the Clinton murders ?

Your links:

NBC News - fake news

American Thinker - yes Trump has imported foreign workers to work at Mar a Lago, So ? This is an old story, You don't know why he did that ?

New York Times - fake news

So when was Rudy appointed to investigate Hillary Clinton again?
Why didn't Republicans do anything while they controlled the WH and the Congress? Probably because they benefit the most from the cheap labor.
What time when "Republicans" controlled the WH and the Congress ?

Democrats just took over the House in January, where the fuck have you been.
But they have had a filibuster in the Senate for ever, dude.

Why you dumber than a sack of hammers?

Bullshit, if that were the case how did they get 2 Supreme Court Judges through. Trump Humpers are the suckers of America.
Bullshit, if that were the case how did they get 2 Supreme Court Judges through. Trump Humpers are the suckers of America.
Because Democrats under Harry Reid when he ran the Senate made it so that judicial appointments cant be filibustered.

And McConnel simply extended it to applying to SCOTUS appointments as well.

Sure, he could change the rules and just get rid of the filibuster, because Dems will do it the next chance they get, but McConnell is a fool.
It's called a National Work subsidy for businesses, an argument I made long ago. As unstable as Ann is, she is right about this. It costs taxpayers a great deal and is harmful in many ways.

Yup. These illegals cost we tax payers billions every year. They should all be booted the hell out.
It's called a National Work subsidy for businesses, an argument I made long ago. As unstable as Ann is, she is right about this. It costs taxpayers a great deal and is harmful in many ways.

Yup. These illegals cost we tax payers billions every year. They should all be booted the hell out.

Stop hiring them and they will stop coming.

I agree. Anyone who hires them should be in jail.
I do believe the proposed ICE raids are a step in that direction.

Haven’t you heard?

They’ve been called off. Mr Businessman didn’t like the idea of losing His hard working cheap labor.
White people can whine all they want to, but at the end of the day, its illegals that keep this country on its heels of commence. Nobody else wants to work like a dog and get 8 bucks an hour.

What does "on the heels of commence" mean?

I'm starting to be suspicious of posters who have the female sign as their avatar....seem a little unhinged....
Go to any resturant, hotel, fast food, etc...Maria and hubby is working there. LIsten, don't...don't start this name calling shit this early in the least have a huff on your pipe first, Meth head
Depends upon where you live. I drive all over the country and there are still lots of places that haven’t been invaded yet.
Go to any jurisdiction with wealthy white lefties and you’ll find plenty of invaders.
"Number of American civilians killed in the last decade by Latin Americans: More than 10,000.

Number of American civilians killed by Iranians in the last decade: Less than 5, probably 0."

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