Ann Coulter: Trump is a criminal who is scamming his supporters

WTF are you babbling about?
Have you ever watched Ann Coulter?
I have watched the bitch since the GW days and she is everything Trump ran against; she is just like you...a lover of cheap slave labor.

OK whatever you say Mr. Microchip!
I appreciate the fact that you have left enough evidence to show what a moron you are.


This coming from a guy bows down to a grifter who stiffs the working men and women who work for him, pardons liars and theives who get rich off of and lie to his base, offshores his production, and hires cheap foreigners to work at his resorts.

But you keep believing that lie you tell yourself. You entire self-worth is based on it, Mr. Microchip.

Just another who realizes that you rubes are getting fleeced by the biggest con man in history.

But keep sending those $25 donations or you're not a patriot!


You're busted. Deal with it.
RINO = Rube in Name Only
Gee Toro! Are you too stupid to realize you just gave Repubs a COMPLIMENT! If they are rubes in name only, then they AREN'T RUBES, Dufus! :laughing0301:

Cults gonna cult!
Abundantly clear now with the leftwing nazi socialist Biden Cult!

Too bad it's coming in to get its wings clipped this November! :SMILEW~130:
Gee Toro! Are you too stupid to realize you just gave Repubs a COMPLIMENT! If they are rubes in name only, then they AREN'T RUBES, Dufus!
No, he gave those called RINOs a compliment.
Coulter is pulling child psychology on democrats. She figures if she rags on trump, dems will support trump to spite her because they hate her even more. 😉
Well clearly Trump supporters continue to trigger the left, by being Trump supporters. I'll just keep my avatar for another couple of years.
She made that up and thanks for proving you never watched Coulter before Trump.
Is there no end to how much you will show how ignorant you are of modern history?

She made it up? Ya I guess she did since it came flying out of her cock holster u stupid, ignorant fucking maroon.
We’ll D’uh!

And Dinesh D’Souza and Steve Bannon are on it too.

As much as I'm enjoying the January 6th committee's careful assembly of evidence proving former President Trump is a douchebag, I wasn't seeing much in the way of a criminal offense until this week's underreported story about how Trump used his "STOP THE STEAL" fundraising appeals to grift his supporters out of $250 million, none of which was, in fact, used to fight election fraud.​

It didn't even go to the poor saps who got themselves arrested at the Capitol on Jan. 6. Instead, the $250 million seems to have been funneled exclusively to Trump businesses, family and friends.​

And let's not forget Steve Bannon's "We Build the Wall" swindle; Trump sending out a fundraising appeal to raise funds for his new private plane; and a Trump-affiliated organization paying Kimberly Guilfoyle $60,000 to give a two-minute speech on Jan. 6 (introducing her fiance, Don Jr.). Every time you think you have your arms fully around Trump's con, you realize it's unfathomably more cynical and far-reaching than you could have imagined.​

Is there anyone in Trump World who isn't trying to fleece the Deplorables? Haven't they suffered enough?​

Jo Biden is scamming idiots like you tonto
You follow and believe what Ann Coulter says?! Boy, you sure are a Derp! :laugh2:

Apparently the Right have seen through Ann what a RINO she really is so now has no market for her BS than the cult of BS-lovers, the Left.
Haven't heard much from Ann lately

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