Ann Coulter: Trump is a criminal who is scamming his supporters

Trump exposed nothing & his rants about a "deep state" was total bullshit. A fantasy for the gullible rubes to wallow in. It was career politicians in Washington like McConnel, Lindsey Graham, Lyin Ted & others who let him off the hook on both impeachments even though they knew he was guilty a a fuck.

They knew Trump was a louse but they looked the other way.
You cannot even tell us what he was guilty of, since the articles of impeachment were just simply made up!
You cannot even tell us what he was guilty of, since the articles of impeachment were just simply made up!
The FIRST impeachment was for blackmailing Ukraine by withholding military aid to gain dirt on his political opponent. The SECOND impeachment was for inciting the mob on J6.
The FIRST impeachment was for blackmailing Ukraine by withholding military aid to gain dirt on his political opponent. The SECOND impeachment was for inciting the mob on J6.
Biden withholding the billion
If they did not fire the Investigator on Hunter’s trail ?
He was willing to speak out for traditional Americans like myself, and fight to represent our interests.

The reactions from the Status Que power structure and liberals, showed that what they expected and still want, is for US to just quietly sit here and take it while they take this nation down a path where we are second class citizens.

That did trump character and it still does. Hell, it trumps ISSUES, at this point.

And truthfully, I thought Trump was too soft on our enemies when he was in the first time, and one of the reasons I hope he comes back, is the hope that now, he is as angry as I am. Or at least closer to it.
His lack of respect for the constitution, our laws, his total disrespect for anybody that disagrees with him ( as it is a threat to his seeking personal power) pretty well preclude his fitness for the job. I can see how people carried away with issue politics might see past that, but the fact is, the vast majority of this country are not wanting to change to another form of government, and realize, our constitution and it's checks and balances are what has kept this country together and made it more successful than any country on earth. He never even offered a view as to what kind of government he wanted to create, only one with him at the head of it, as personal power is his only real driving concern.
His lack of respect for the constitution, our laws, his total disrespect for anybody that disagrees with him ( as it is a threat to his seeking personal power) pretty well preclude his fitness for the job. I can see how people carried away with issue politics might see past that, but the fact is, the vast majority of this country are not wanting to change to another form of government, and realize, our constitution and it's checks and balances are what has kept this country together and made it more successful than any country on earth. He never even offered a view as to what kind of government he wanted to create, only one with him at the head of it, as personal power is his only real driving concern.

No one said anything about "changing to another form of government".

I don't know who you are allowing to panic monger you, but you should stop doing that.
No one said anything about "changing to another form of government".

I don't know who you are allowing to panic monger you, but you should stop doing that.
No, but that is what it would take to do away with elections that count, even when you lose and even your inner circle, your family, your attorney general and the courts tell you, you lost. Just staying, anyway is precluded by the documents and history, you took an oath to defend.
No, but that is what it would take to do away with elections that count, even when you lose and even your inner circle, your family, your attorney general and the courts tell you, you lost. Just staying, anyway is precluded by the documents and history, you took an oath to defend.

I doubt Trump thought that. He wanted to win teh count and stay in office, in the same job, in the same role, for the next 4 years.

That you think it wouldn't work out that way, in no way implies anything about what was goin on in HIS head.
Until we control the Committees and can perp
Walk the engineers of the steal
Not going to happen, as it was not stolen. The only attempt to steal was by team trump, and that was after he lost the election.
Move on.
Not going to happen, as it was not stolen. The only attempt to steal was by team trump, and that was after he lost the election.
Move on.
When you've lost Coulter and Ingraham actually cuts you off as you're spreading election lies .... it's time to move on. I think the only people pushing that shit still are the people Trump's "scamming" and the 3rd string polls running on his coattails ....
When you've lost Coulter and Ingraham actually cuts you off as you're spreading election lies .... it's time to move on. I think the only people pushing that shit still are the people Trump's "scamming" and the 3rd string polls running on his coattails ....
You also have to count there are a certain number of people with a variety of mental issues making the either unable to deal with reality as everyday folks, or unable due to impulsivity to move on. Most normal people are coming around, to the move on position.
Good article. If Ann Coulter gets it, sooner or later, everybody holding out will get it, also.
Why? Coulter isn't saintly or special. She's as much a grifter as the rest and apparently she found she could earn more jumping on the Orange Man Bad train. You guys really need to begin to understand that the current Republican party is comprised of two divergent bases. The RINOs are establishment uniparty enablers.

The rest are the MAGA crowd that decided they were tired of all the boolshite from the Left. Trump is in the midst of consolidating the support of patriotic Americans behind the concept of American traditionalism, populism. If you need any evidence, look at how many of his endorsed candidates won primaries. Also, have a look at his younger clone in Florida. This isn't about cultism. It's about a movement to crush the insanity we're enduring from the Left.
Admiral Rockhead, Trump is just an all around great guy, right?
Nah... he's from New Yawk and can be an asshole. The real reason you folks hate him is that he has routinely beaten you down. The media lost their damned MIIIINDS over his success because for decades, Republicans wouldn't DARE to piss off media. They went out of their way to kiss that ring otherwise the media could destroy them and they knew it.

Trump comes along and wins his first electoral attempt IN SPITE of media and the Ds bringing their A game, hard, fast, and relentless. Trump became their public enemy number one because he laughed in their faces. Psst... I think he's about to do it again. Here's the BEST part:
He's going to do it even if he gets indicted and convicted.

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