Ann Coulter: Why Can't We Get A List Of Women Who Have Abortions?

Lol Ann Coulter. An expert at making millions off of Republicans by saying crazy ass shit.

I applaud her.

People who use words like "crazy ass shit" to describe complex issues are showing us how well the union based education system has done.
The relative point she is making is that women who have had abortions have a right to privacy and do not want their names and addresses listed in a publication.. Gun owners deserve the same respect. Just because you disagree with the 2nd Amendment, doesn't give you the right to trample privacy. Many people don't agree with abortion and shouldn't trample on another's right to privacy just because their views differ.
ms coulter is too kind when it comes to illuminating the absolute scum that constitutes the progressive movement. i hope she continues to skewer that cesspool of human debris with the same wit and sarcasm they so rightfully deserve.
The relative point she is making is that women who have had abortions have a right to privacy and do not want their names and addresses listed in a publication.. Gun owners deserve the same respect. Just because you disagree with the 2nd Amendment, doesn't give you the right to trample privacy. Many people don't agree with abortion and shouldn't trample on another's right to privacy just because their views differ.
Regarding the gun issue, it's asinine to post registered owners names, addresses and such........Particularly seeing as though that there may be many of those owners who are retired police who have criminals out there with an axe to grind, and women who may have restraining/protection orders against complete whackjobs......And those are just two examples of how ridiculous it is.
Coulter does not have to worry about getting preggers.
Guys do not get pregnant.
Lets have a list of all men who take viagra?

How about a list of all women who are easy?
Liberals want to protect women that kill their unborn, but want to expose anyone that owns a gun.
The point is that she is making an argument to counter Chicago mayor Emanuel's grand standing about new gun laws by publicizing the names of persons who legally own a gun like they do for sex offenders. Coulter is suggesting that Chicago publicize the names of women who accept taxpayer funding to hire someone to kill their unborn children.
The thing I like about Ann is the same thing I like about Rush and Beck, they get lefty's panties all in a wad.
The relative point she is making is that women who have had abortions have a right to privacy and do not want their names and addresses listed in a publication.. Gun owners deserve the same respect. Just because you disagree with the 2nd Amendment, doesn't give you the right to trample privacy. Many people don't agree with abortion and shouldn't trample on another's right to privacy just because their views differ.

its more like another failed attempt by a partisan to compare abortion with Gun rights.

I mean why not cancer victims? Or Aids, Or herpes? No it just had to be abortion. The agenda is quite clear.
The relative point she is making is that women who have had abortions have a right to privacy and do not want their names and addresses listed in a publication.. Gun owners deserve the same respect. Just because you disagree with the 2nd Amendment, doesn't give you the right to trample privacy. Many people don't agree with abortion and shouldn't trample on another's right to privacy just because their views differ.

its more like another failed attempt by a partisan to compare abortion with Gun rights.

I mean why not cancer victims? Or Aids, Or herpes? No it just had to be abortion. The agenda is quite clear.

I see partisans talking all the time about how n right is absolute, yet not one of them wants any reasonable restrictions on abortions.
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Ever wonder why most people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place? .... Pro life my ass...these people are so concerned about the fetus but once your born...FUCK YOU...Your own your own is what the repubs say..No welfare no food stamps, no medicaid...this is what the republicans want. They only care about you untill you are born..then go fuck yourself.

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