Ann Coulter: Why you no longer recognize your country

100% spot on truth once again from Ann. I wish she would run for president she would have my vote in a heartbeat. So tired of cuckservatives and cuckservative politicians who no spines.
That bitch looks like a Afghan hound and she is a racist. I would never vote for her.

She's smarter than you when she's asleep.

Please don't vote for her. It might make us think you actually have a working brain.
Yeah right. The retarded looking bitch isnt even smarter than my right nut.

Except you are a stupid fucking moron on a message board.

How many books have you published ? Didn't think so.

Nobody knows who you are.

Lots of people know who she is.
I've had 2 books published but that isnt what makes me smarter than her. Shes just a dumb bitch.

Sure you have.
Well you asked. Next time dont ask questions you dont really want to know the answer to. ;)

I guess it's possible you published a children's book.

That would be your level.

But nobody knows who you are then too.

And you are still a stupid fucking moron.

100% spot on truth once again from Ann. I wish she would run for president she would have my vote in a heartbeat. So tired of cuckservatives and cuckservative politicians who no spines.
That bitch looks like a Afghan hound and she is a racist. I would never vote for her.

She's smarter than you when she's asleep.

Please don't vote for her. It might make us think you actually have a working brain.
Yeah right. The retarded looking bitch isnt even smarter than my right nut.

Except you are a stupid fucking moron on a message board.

How many books have you published ? Didn't think so.

Nobody knows who you are.

Lots of people know who she is.
I've had 2 books published but that isnt what makes me smarter than her. Shes just a dumb bitch.

Sure you have.
Well you asked. Next time dont ask questions you dont really want to know the answer to. ;)

I guess it's possible you published a children's book.

That would be your level.

But nobody knows who you are then too.

And you are still a stupid fucking moron.
Lots of people know who I am. Way more than know who you are. But back to the retarded bitch that looks like a Afghan hound. She isnt smart.

100% spot on truth once again from Ann. I wish she would run for president she would have my vote in a heartbeat. So tired of cuckservatives and cuckservative politicians who no spines.
That bitch looks like a Afghan hound and she is a racist. I would never vote for her.
As Coulter has man-hands and an adam's apple, I think that somewhere along the line, she was a he.
Oh, she took a moment out to stop attacking the president to issue this decree? Something about the defunding of police has her worried?

She's been useless for awhile.
The president should remove his head from his ass, kick Ivanka and Jared to the curb and get back to governing like he campaigned. Coulter is awesome and doesn't stand for his bullshit I am right there with her.
The country is doing just fine as the economy picks up steam.

You do realize they are doing all of this to hurt Trump, right? Trump has to call them out when asked, he needs to remind people that good people, "on all sides" (it would be perfect if he used it again in my opinion in an entirely different context) need to have their voices heard too. Citizens want and need protection, police need to have bad apples out of their forces and American citizens need to have their constitution upheld.

Trump is working for police reform and creating a win/win for everyone going forward. If weak local politicians allow their cities to be hurt, it's their fault. Trump wants people to work, some want people to stay home and get together as they have to "stand for something".

A president can't just over react everytime he is goaded into something. Governors and mayors have a job to do. Trump should remind them of this and let voters decide if they will be supported again.
Police reform? Good luck with that.....

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