Ann Romney: Mitt Was Taken Out Of Context

You guys keep saying OBAMA was taken out of context when he said YOU DID NOT BUILT That.. When it was ON tape.. Plus the place that took the video, 2-3 minutes were either deleted or they stopped filming so what is Jimmy Carters grandson trying to hide..

By Benjy Sarlin

Ann Romney defended her husband's closed-door comment that 47 percent of Americans are incurably dependent on government and see themselves as "victims" in an interview with Colorado station FOX31.

"It's unfortunate when something gets misinterpreted like this or it gets taken out of context because if you really do listen to everything that he does say, he's talking about what we're facing in America right now," Romney said in the interview.

Romney added that "if you listen to the whole context of what Mitt talks about, he is talking about what's happening right now in America and how more and more people are falling into poverty, more, in particular, women are falling into poverty."

Video: Ann Romney: Mitt Was Taken Out Of Context | TPM LiveWire
Nothing Romney said was wrong...there is a overwhelming mentality today that people are entitled to things...we see it here on this board..

free contraceptives
free health care
food stamps for the working poor as they like to call it
child assistance for someone to work
free college education
and the beat goes on, but when you run out of monies off the backs of the people working who actually PAY Federal Income Taxes................................OH WELL
Out of context? So funny...

Not really out of context but most of the context was erased, because it appears that the recording was edited.

It's clear that Romney was talking strategy.

He was stating something that should be obvious. That you can't gain support from those who don't pay income taxes by promising them lower income taxes.

What's so hard to figure out?

The falsehood in all of this is how the left spun this statement.

But when has that not been the case.

Seriously, I've never seen such deception from the press in my entire life. They've proven that nothing they say can be trusted.

Yesterday NBC refused to air the 1998 speech by Obama openly stating he believed in redistribution (Theft Through Government) because as Andrea Mitchell said, "We can't authenticate whether or not that was really Barack Obama".
Out of context? So funny...

The video was edited, so we don't actually know what he said. Unlike all those times Obama was taken out of context.

If that is what you need to tell yourself....

What could he possibly have said in the "edited" protions that made what we heard not sound as bad as it obviously sounded.
Oh, and BTW,....Obama finally decided to meet with Israeli Priminister Benjamin Netanyahu's empty chair.

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By Benjy Sarlin

Ann Romney defended her husband's closed-door comment that 47 percent of Americans are incurably dependent on government and see themselves as "victims" in an interview with Colorado station FOX31.

"It's unfortunate when something gets misinterpreted like this or it gets taken out of context because if you really do listen to everything that he does say, he's talking about what we're facing in America right now," Romney said in the interview.

Romney added that "if you listen to the whole context of what Mitt talks about, he is talking about what's happening right now in America and how more and more people are falling into poverty, more, in particular, women are falling into poverty."
Video: Ann Romney: Mitt Was Taken Out Of Context | TPM LiveWire

sorry, mitt built that.
By Benjy Sarlin

Ann Romney defended her husband's closed-door comment that 47 percent of Americans are incurably dependent on government and see themselves as "victims" in an interview with Colorado station FOX31.

"It's unfortunate when something gets misinterpreted like this or it gets taken out of context because if you really do listen to everything that he does say, he's talking about what we're facing in America right now," Romney said in the interview.

Romney added that "if you listen to the whole context of what Mitt talks about, he is talking about what's happening right now in America and how more and more people are falling into poverty, more, in particular, women are falling into poverty."
Video: Ann Romney: Mitt Was Taken Out Of Context | TPM LiveWire

sorry, mitt built that.

Not really. The media built it.

Romney isn't backing down from this but he did ask that the source release the entire video rather than the edited version that was widely shown.
There's any context where what Romney said would sound good?

Only if the Question was, "Governor Romney, can you do your best impersonation of a characterization of a Rich Douchebag asshole who doesn't care about working people?"
just for shits and giggles.

this is what "taking out of context" looks like.

[ame=""]The Truth Behind: Believe in America - Mitt Romney Ad - YouTube[/ame]

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