Anne Coulter rips Rubio (R) & Rand Paul (R) new ones

Is she right?

Ann Coulter Bashes Rand Paul: ?He?s Not Our Candidate,? He Wants ?Legal Pot And Amnesty For Illegals? | Mediaite
After Coulter revealed that she is “warming” to NJ Gov. Chris Christie as the potential 2016 Republican presidential nominee, Hannity expressed disbelief, offering up suggestions of his own: Rand Paul, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

She knows that Rubio & Paul are not general election material :)

Annes another authoritarian RR douche.

She's correct on a lot of things, economy, spending, UE, jobs, etc. but she's an RR like Huckaby
To anyone who has read Coulter's columns over the past few years, the idea that she is "warming" to Chris Christie is funny. She was vociferously promoting him in 2012 until the minute he publicly announced he would not seek the nomination, and even after that, she kept making comments that he would be better than anyone else in the mix.

The only hope the Republicans have in any future national election is to somehow remove the government teat-suckers from the electorate. The Democrats have 40% of the popular vote locked up before the first primary of the season. A Republican has to get 80% of everyone else in order to win.

Voter ID was a good start, but there are too many Democrat whores in the judiciary for this ever to become the law of the land. I'm glad I'm a senior citizen and won't live long enough to see this country go to the dogs - where it surely is headed.
Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan - The Dark Side

Buchanan is the most prominent defender of accused Nazis in America. The most famous case is that of John Demanjuk, who was accused of being an infamous death camp guard named Ivan the Terrible. Buchanan proclaimed his innocence for years, against ample criticism, and felt vindicated when an Israeli court declared there was not enough evidence to convict Demanjuk of being Ivan.

Buchanan continues to declare that Demanjuk has been proved "innocent". Actually, a key piece of evidence (from German documents) that exonerated him as Ivan showed Demanjuk to be a willing guard at Sobibor, another extermination camp where 250,000 died. Even the National Review, while generally defending Demanjuk and Buchanan's support for him, concedes that "Demanjuk was probably guilty of being a lesser accomplice in the Nazi machinery of genocide. That is a fair summary of the Israeli court's findings."

More to the point, Demanjuk is only one of several accused Nazis Buchanan has defended in one way or another. These include Karl Linnas (Buchanan personally appealed to Ed Meese, then Attorney General, to block his deportation to the Soviet Union); Klaus Barbie (Buchanan did not oppose his trial, but argued the US should not have apologized to France for sheltering Barbie after WWII); Arthur Rudolph, a rocket scientist involved in slave labor and severe punishments at a German rocket factory (Buchanan argued his confession was a "lie" while acknowledging he was a "nominal member of the Nazi party and of the SA until 1934"); and Frank Walus (of all the accused, the one most likely innocent.)

One of the most striking examples is Kurt Waldheim, the disgraced former UN leader. Buchanan repeatedly attacked him during his tenure, but once his Nazi past came out, Pat complained that "the ostracism of President Waldheim [has] an aspect of moral bullying and the singular stench of selective indignation." He also rationalized that "like others in Hitler's army, Lt. Waldheim looked the other way."

In each of these cases, Buchanan found a factual reason to defend the accused, an appeal to justice. But put together, it is striking how often he rushes to the defense of accused Nazis. He has also attacked the US Justice Department's Office of Special Investigation (which pursues war criminals) more generally:
"You've got a great atrocity that occurred 35, 45 years ago.... Why... put millions of dollars [into] investigating that?"
Pat Buchanan on Hitler.

Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan - The Dark Side

In 1977, Buchanan wrote:

"Those of us in childhood during the war years were introduced to Hitler only as caricature. ... Though Hitler was indeed racist and anti-Semitic to the core, a man who without compunction could commit murder and genocide, he was also an individual of great courage, a soldier's soldier in the Great War, a political organizer of the first rank, a leader steeped in the history of Europe, who possessed oratorical powers that could awe even those who despised him."

He went on to say:

"Hitler's success was not based on his extraordinary gifts alone. His genius was an intuitive sense of the mushiness, the character flaws, the weakness masquerading as morality that was in the hearts of the statesmen who stood in his path."

This column was a review of a biography of Hitler by John Toland, which Buchanan called "brilliant." To read the entire column,
Be about my luck.................

is it true, what tinyd said, that Laura Ingrahm is also hated by the Baser's due to her actions leading up to the election :dunno:
Pat Buchanan on Hitler.

Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan - The Dark Side

In 1977, Buchanan wrote:

"Those of us in childhood during the war years were introduced to Hitler only as caricature. ... Though Hitler was indeed racist and anti-Semitic to the core, a man who without compunction could commit murder and genocide, he was also an individual of great courage, a soldier's soldier in the Great War, a political organizer of the first rank, a leader steeped in the history of Europe, who possessed oratorical powers that could awe even those who despised him."

And is that incorrect data? No, it is absolutely right on the money.

What should he have done? Pretended that none of that is true?

I think you're confused about how history works.

If I told you that Ghegis Khan was great general and an even better adminisitrator of occupied territories, would that make me a MONGOL?

He went on to say:

"Hitler's success was not based on his extraordinary gifts alone. His genius was an intuitive sense of the mushiness, the character flaws, the weakness masquerading as morality that was in the hearts of the statesmen who stood in his path."

And you think recogtnizing how Hitler rose to power means PB was a NAZI?

Every historian who studies the build up to WWII would agree 100% with that accessment.

I know I do and I am not a NAZI, not NAZI sympathizer, either

I still think you are not doing your OWN research but instead are counting on others, and counting on them taking words out of context to prove a point.

Nothing PB said about Hilter is NOT TRUE.

None of it reaches the level of sympathy for Hitler, either.

But when the word HITLER is mentioned?

People stop thinking.

As you just so admirably showed us right here on this very board.

... this board being a vivid example of that.


Ain't THAT the fucking truth? That's what I detest most about hate radio-TV blabbermouths, they've turned "civil" discourse into a bunch of wanna be Ann Coulters and Michael Moores.

Yep, and it's now filtered all the way through our society. Complete saturation. Normal behavior at every level. So, we demand our "leaders" to behave the same way, and here we are.

... this board being a vivid example of that.


Ain't THAT the fucking truth? That's what I detest most about hate radio-TV blabbermouths, they've turned "civil" discourse into a bunch of wanna be Ann Coulters and Michael Moores.

Yep, and it's now filtered all the way through our society. Complete saturation. Normal behavior at every level. So, we demand our "leaders" to behave the same way, and here we are.


And ain't THIS telling - I just got called a Marxist AND a conservative in the same thread! wahahahahahahahaahaha These people don't know whether they're shot, fucked, powder burnt or snake bit!
Is she right?

Ann Coulter Bashes Rand Paul: ?He?s Not Our Candidate,? He Wants ?Legal Pot And Amnesty For Illegals? | Mediaite
After Coulter revealed that she is “warming” to NJ Gov. Chris Christie as the potential 2016 Republican presidential nominee, Hannity expressed disbelief, offering up suggestions of his own: Rand Paul, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

She knows that Rubio & Paul are not general election material :)

Is she right? I can't think of anyone more to the right, except for maybe Attila the Hun or Mussolini.

There are two characteristic one needs to know about Ms. Coulter: 1) She is very bright, and 2) everything she says and does is well thoughtout and 'career based', in other words, in her best interest alone.

BTW, Hannity is dumb as a box or rocks.

Is she right? I can't think of anyone more to the right, except for maybe Attila the Hun or Mussolini.

There are two characteristic one needs to know about Ms. Coulter: 1) She is very bright, and 2) everything she says and does is well thoughtout and 'career based', in other words, in her best interest alone.

BTW, Hannity is dumb as a box or rocks.

I agree with everything but being bright. We often mistake bullshit artists as "intelligent."
Is she right?

Ann Coulter Bashes Rand Paul: ?He?s Not Our Candidate,? He Wants ?Legal Pot And Amnesty For Illegals? | Mediaite
After Coulter revealed that she is “warming” to NJ Gov. Chris Christie as the potential 2016 Republican presidential nominee, Hannity expressed disbelief, offering up suggestions of his own: Rand Paul, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).
She knows that Rubio & Paul are not general election material :)

Didn't Ann virtually melt down when she thought it was possible that Romney might not be the nominee, and she kept on saying that Romney was the GOP's only hope to win?
Is she right?

Ann Coulter Bashes Rand Paul: ?He?s Not Our Candidate,? He Wants ?Legal Pot And Amnesty For Illegals? | Mediaite
After Coulter revealed that she is “warming” to NJ Gov. Chris Christie as the potential 2016 Republican presidential nominee, Hannity expressed disbelief, offering up suggestions of his own: Rand Paul, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).
She knows that Rubio & Paul are not general election material :)

Didn't Ann virtually melt down when she thought it was possible that Romney might not be the nominee, and she kept on saying that Romney was the GOP's only hope to win?

Ann's penis envy clouds her judgement frequently.

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