Anne Coulter rips Rubio (R) & Rand Paul (R) new ones


Meh. Coulter can be funny, but in general she's just another one of the division pimps who inhabit both ends, those who make a living keeping people angry and separated. If she were civil, thoughtful and reasonable, no one would buy her books and she'd have to get a real job.


Meh. Coulter can be funny, but in general she's just another one of the division pimps who inhabit both ends, those who make a living keeping people angry and separated. If she were civil, thoughtful and reasonable, no one would buy her books and she'd have to get a real job.


Watch her real close sometime. She's (he's) getting better, but I caught her so many times saying crazy things, then having that roll-of-the-eyes shit eating smile like "boy, I sure hope I sold THAT ONE!" She's an entertainer that found a niche market. Phony for the money.

Meh. Coulter can be funny, but in general she's just another one of the division pimps who inhabit both ends, those who make a living keeping people angry and separated. If she were civil, thoughtful and reasonable, no one would buy her books and she'd have to get a real job.


Watch her real close sometime. She's (he's) getting better, but I caught her so many times saying crazy things, then having that roll-of-the-eyes shit eating smile like "boy, I sure hope I sold THAT ONE!" She's an entertainer that found a niche market. Phony for the money.

What concerns me is that these people are essentially the politial equivalent of professional wrestling: Some elements are true to retain viability, but on the whole it's a falsehood; the problem is they have many fans who absolutely believe what they're seeing and hearing, and then spread that phony gospel without even realizing they're being duped. Meanwhile, the division pimps are raking it in.

I don't think politics should be showbiz, but that's just me.


Meh. Coulter can be funny, but in general she's just another one of the division pimps who inhabit both ends, those who make a living keeping people angry and separated. If she were civil, thoughtful and reasonable, no one would buy her books and she'd have to get a real job.


Watch her real close sometime. She's (he's) getting better, but I caught her so many times saying crazy things, then having that roll-of-the-eyes shit eating smile like "boy, I sure hope I sold THAT ONE!" She's an entertainer that found a niche market. Phony for the money.

What concerns me is that these people are essentially the politial equivalent of professional wrestling: Some elements are true to retain viability, but on the whole it's a falsehood; the problem is they have many fans who absolutely believe what they're seeing and hearing, and then spread that phony gospel without even realizing they're being duped. Meanwhile, the division pimps are raking it in.

I don't think politics should be showbiz, but that's just me.


There you go - nailed it. We've gone from Will Rogers and Mark Russell to these people who are nothing more than glorified baiters who imbalanced people take serious.
Ann Coulter will say whatever her MASTERS tell her to say.

Apparently the MASTERS dominating the R wing of the Insider party don't like Rubio & Paul.

These MASTERS are the very same people who decided to tell the world that PAT BUCHANNAN was a NAZI, so take her word at your own risk.

Pat Buchanan is a Nazi.

I don't think so, Joe.

He's a Catholic with leanings toward a fascist state, but then that doesn't make him REMOTELY unique in the GOP.

He was targeted by the MASTERS of the GOP precisely for his objections to FREE TRADE.

Dig deeper into his history, his writings and the events surrounding the proclaimation by his fellows GOPers and you'll quickly see what his REAL crime was. wasn't his views of WWII, it was him challenging the idea that FREE TRADE was a good idea.

PB is a nationalist and the GOP is run by international banksters.
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Ann Coulter will say whatever her MASTERS tell her to say.

Apparently the MASTERS dominating the R wing of the Insider party don't like Rubio & Paul.

These MASTERS are the very same people who decided to tell the world that PAT BUCHANNAN was a NAZI, so take her word at your own risk.

Pat Buchanan is a Nazi.

I don't think so.

He's a Catholic with leanings toward a fascist state, but then that doesn't make he REMOTELY unique in the GOP.

He was targeted by the MASTERS of the GOP precisely for his objections to FREE TRADE.

Dig deeper into his history, his writings and the event surrounding the proclaimation by his fellows GOPers and you'll quickly see what his REAL crime was. wasn't his views of WWII.

It was a return to isolationism that did him in, wasn't it?

Meh. Coulter can be funny, but in general she's just another one of the division pimps who inhabit both ends, those who make a living keeping people angry and separated. If she were civil, thoughtful and reasonable, no one would buy her books and she'd have to get a real job.


Watch her real close sometime. She's (he's) getting better, but I caught her so many times saying crazy things, then having that roll-of-the-eyes shit eating smile like "boy, I sure hope I sold THAT ONE!" She's an entertainer that found a niche market. Phony for the money.

What concerns me is that these people are essentially the politial equivalent of professional wrestling: Some elements are true to retain viability, but on the whole it's a falsehood; the problem is they have many fans who absolutely believe what they're seeing and hearing, and then spread that phony gospel without even realizing they're being duped. Meanwhile, the division pimps are raking it in.

I don't think politics should be showbiz, but that's just me.


thats what 95% of the major networks do when not showing real news for 30 mins/day
Ann Coulter will say whatever her MASTERS tell her to say.

Apparently the MASTERS dominating the R wing of the Insider party don't like Rubio & Paul.

These MASTERS are the very same people who decided to tell the world that PAT BUCHANNAN was a NAZI, so take her word at your own risk.

Pat Buchanan is a Nazi.

I don't think so, Joe.

He's a Catholic with leanings toward a fascist state, but then that doesn't make him REMOTELY unique in the GOP.

He was targeted by the MASTERS of the GOP precisely for his objections to FREE TRADE.

Dig deeper into his history, his writings and the events surrounding the proclaimation by his fellows GOPers and you'll quickly see what his REAL crime was. wasn't his views of WWII, it was him challenging the idea that FREE TRADE was a good idea.

PB is a nationalist and the GOP is run by international banksters.

Yep. Nazi.
Hardly a bash or an example of "ripped a new one", merely a polite criticism. If it wasn't for the tax exempt Media Matters and or "newshounds" the left would be staggering around in the dark.
Hardly a bash or an example of "ripped a new one", merely a polite criticism. If it wasn't for the tax exempt Media Matters and or "newshounds" the left would be staggering around in the dark.

she basically called them fringe elements & midgets (short)
Coulter is correct to infer that Christie is electable as pres whereas Rand, Rubio, and Cruz are not.

She is wrong to think that 11mm illegals are going to leave the country.

Immigration reform coming this summer is the only way to resolve the issue.
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Hardly a bash or an example of "ripped a new one", merely a polite criticism. If it wasn't for the tax exempt Media Matters and or "newshounds" the left would be staggering around in the dark.

no kidding
I used to like her wit and how she drove bed wetters insane. I'm not sure how she justifies her support of "moderate" Christie, and her disdain for Rand Paul. I think Paul is doing a great job, Rubio is a charismatic speaker who promotes fiscal sanity, and I'm proud Ted Cruz is my senator.

Coulter is psychotic.
She'd ridicule anyone for $1

Of the 3 mentioned I see no front runner.
They all have their points

Gotta wonder who's paying her to trash these guys.

Oooh ooh let me guess...the Liberals right?
Ann Coulter will say whatever her MASTERS tell her to say.

Apparently the MASTERS dominating the R wing of the Insider party don't like Rubio & Paul.

These MASTERS are the very same people who decided to tell the world that PAT BUCHANNAN was a NAZI, so take her word at your own risk.

Pat Buchanan is a Nazi.

I don't think so, Joe.

He's a Catholic with leanings toward a fascist state, but then that doesn't make him REMOTELY unique in the GOP.

He was targeted by the MASTERS of the GOP precisely for his objections to FREE TRADE.

Dig deeper into his history, his writings and the events surrounding the proclaimation by his fellows GOPers and you'll quickly see what his REAL crime was. wasn't his views of WWII, it was him challenging the idea that FREE TRADE was a good idea.

PB is a nationalist and the GOP is run by international banksters.

I have dug deeper into his writings.

The man has consistently defended people like John Demonjuk (sp), who were accused of being Nazi War Criminals, and has derided the attempts to bring the last few Nazi War criminals to justice as "going after the Hall Monitor at Auchwhiz"

He praised Hitler in his review of John Toland's biography.

He has consistantly made racially insensitive comments.

Now, here's the thing, much like a broken clock being right twice a day, he does have some good points about Free Trade and Israel's undue influence in Congress. But the other stuff, the racist, homophobic, fascistic and religously whacky bullshit more than disqualified him. And if he didn't have a shitload of buddies in the Pundit corps, he'd never gotten away with it.
Pat Buchanan is a Nazi.

I don't think so.

He's a Catholic with leanings toward a fascist state, but then that doesn't make he REMOTELY unique in the GOP.

He was targeted by the MASTERS of the GOP precisely for his objections to FREE TRADE.

Dig deeper into his history, his writings and the event surrounding the proclaimation by his fellows GOPers and you'll quickly see what his REAL crime was. wasn't his views of WWII.

It was a return to isolationism that did him in, wasn't it?

He never advocated isolationism. that charge is typiucal whenever anybody notes that FREE TRADE isn;t FREE.

He advocated SENSIBLE TRADE policies.

Naturally the MASTERS had to destroy his credibility, but NOT based on what he advocated, but instead by declaring him a NAZI.

That's the GOP for yas.

You either march in lockstep to their drummers or you get thrown under their parade.
It was a return to isolationism that did him in, wasn't it?

He never advocated isolationism. that charge is typiucal whenever anybody notes that FREE TRADE isn;t FREE.

He advocated SENSIBLE TRADE policies.

Naturally the MASTERS had to destroy his credibility, but NOT based on what he advocated, but instead by declaring him a NAZI.

That's the GOP for yas.

You either march in lockstep to their drummers or you get thrown under their parade.

Somewhere I hear Ron Paul saying "Amen" to that!

He never advocated isolationism. that charge is typiucal whenever anybody notes that FREE TRADE isn;t FREE.

He advocated SENSIBLE TRADE policies.

Naturally the MASTERS had to destroy his credibility, but NOT based on what he advocated, but instead by declaring him a NAZI.

That's the GOP for yas.

You either march in lockstep to their drummers or you get thrown under their parade.

You really should get a copy of A Republic, not an Empire, where Buchanan makes a strong argument for Isolationism not only currently, but thinks that's what we should have done in WWI and WWII. (He does defend intervention in Korea and Vietnam, though.) He does some particular handstands on WWII, ("FDR didn't lead us into war, he lied us into war") but admits once Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, we didn't have a choice.

His views on isolationism go far beyond just free trade.

That's not to say that he doesn't have some points. We could potentially get dragged into wars in Taiwan or Iran where we have no interests. But denying he favors isolationism is disingenous.

As far as his being a Nazi.

His defense of accused Nazi War Criminals borders on Holocaust denial, and his valid views on Zionism and Israel's outsized influence has just a touch of anti-Semitism in them.

On top of that, he's racist and homophobic and misogynistic.

The only reason why he's gotten a pass all these years is because he drinks at the same bars all these liberal pundits drink at.
Pat Buchanan is a Nazi.

I don't think so, Joe.

He's a Catholic with leanings toward a fascist state, but then that doesn't make him REMOTELY unique in the GOP.

He was targeted by the MASTERS of the GOP precisely for his objections to FREE TRADE.

Dig deeper into his history, his writings and the events surrounding the proclaimation by his fellows GOPers and you'll quickly see what his REAL crime was. wasn't his views of WWII, it was him challenging the idea that FREE TRADE was a good idea.

PB is a nationalist and the GOP is run by international banksters.

I have dug deeper into his writings.
The man has consistently defended people like John Demonjuk (sp), who were accused of being Nazi War Criminals, and has derided the attempts to bring the last few Nazi War criminals to justice as "going after the Hall Monitor at Auchwhiz"

Show me what he actually wrote on those subjects, would you?

Clearly you must have those quotes at your fingertips so it ought not be a problem to prove what you say about him, eh?

He praised Hitler in his review of John Toland's biography.

Again, show me the quotes. I doubt you read the originals quotes, and I suspect you are characterizing his writing based on what somebody else says about it.

Prove me wrong. Educate me.

He has consistantly made racially insensitive comments.

That he does.

I think he's somewhat racist. How racist? About as racist as most silver spoonfed GOP Insider White Males of his age.

Now, here's the thing, much like a broken clock being right twice a day, he does have some good points about Free Trade and Israel's undue influence in Congress.

Instead of character assassinating him, why not just comment on the issue he was talking about?

You're not being an intellectually honest player, here, lad, and I suspect you know it, too.

But the other stuff, the racist, homophobic, fascistic and religously whacky bullshit more than disqualified him. And if he didn't have a shitload of buddies in the Pundit corps, he'd never gotten away with it.

When (if) you ever want to honestly discuss this man, let me know.

Perhaps together, using his own quotes, we can both come to a better understanding of the complexity of his POVs.
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