Anne Coulter rips Rubio (R) & Rand Paul (R) new ones

I hate to say it, but I think the GOP establishment is just using Rand Paul to prevent the libertarian movement from moving third party. They'll let him grandstand long enough to stick his foot in his mouth a few times, maybe even keep him in the limelight up into the primaries, and then firmly sit on him and nominate Christie (or the like).

Then we vote for the Libertarian ticket.

It ain't rocket science.
she also points out another reason that they're unelectable:

Coulter On Christie: "We Have To Run Someone Who Can Win Or The Country Is Finished" | RealClearPolitics
Coulter dismissed other Republicans whose names are being mentioned as potential presidential candidates. Asked for her opinion of Marco Rubio and Rand Paul, Coulter said they were too short.

they're too short. They'd have to wear those shims in their shoes.

Well if superficial reasons disqualify Rand and Rubio one has to wonder why she doesn't think Christie's weight disqualifies him.
Is she right?

Ann Coulter Bashes Rand Paul: ?He?s Not Our Candidate,? He Wants ?Legal Pot And Amnesty For Illegals? | Mediaite
After Coulter revealed that she is “warming” to NJ Gov. Chris Christie as the potential 2016 Republican presidential nominee, Hannity expressed disbelief, offering up suggestions of his own: Rand Paul, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

She knows that Rubio & Paul are not general election material :)

Annie fucked herself when she backed Romney and wanted Christie as his running mate in 2012.

Ditto Ingraham. Both made complete asses of themselves during the 2012 campaign.

Both are now persona non grata to any conservative.
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Is she right?

Ann Coulter Bashes Rand Paul: ?He?s Not Our Candidate,? He Wants ?Legal Pot And Amnesty For Illegals? | Mediaite
After Coulter revealed that she is “warming” to NJ Gov. Chris Christie as the potential 2016 Republican presidential nominee, Hannity expressed disbelief, offering up suggestions of his own: Rand Paul, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

She knows that Rubio & Paul are not general election material :)
Coulter was for Christie over Romney before she was against Christie. So now she's warming to Christie. OMG, she is crazy.


Don't forget at one point she wanted Christie to be Romney's running mate because they were so "electable". She's working on tying Dick Morris in shitty predictions. :)
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Is she right?

Ann Coulter Bashes Rand Paul: ?He?s Not Our Candidate,? He Wants ?Legal Pot And Amnesty For Illegals? | Mediaite
After Coulter revealed that she is “warming” to NJ Gov. Chris Christie as the potential 2016 Republican presidential nominee, Hannity expressed disbelief, offering up suggestions of his own: Rand Paul, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).
She knows that Rubio & Paul are not general election material :)
I've always had a sneakin' suspicion Ann was a Commie! Even before she was dating Democrats!
Is she right?

Ann Coulter Bashes Rand Paul: ?He?s Not Our Candidate,? He Wants ?Legal Pot And Amnesty For Illegals? | Mediaite
After Coulter revealed that she is “warming” to NJ Gov. Chris Christie as the potential 2016 Republican presidential nominee, Hannity expressed disbelief, offering up suggestions of his own: Rand Paul, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

She knows that Rubio & Paul are not general election material :)

Annie fucked herself when she backed Romney and wanted Christie as his running mate in 2012.

Ditto Ingraham. Both made complete asses of themselves during the 2012 campaign.

Both are now persona non grata to any conservative.

REALLY?!!! Ingraham is hated by the right now? :eek: You sure about that?

Coulter was for Christie over Romney before she was against Christie. So now she's warming to Christie. OMG, she is crazy.


Don't forget at one point she wanted Christie to be Romney's running mate because they were so "electable". She's working on tying Dick Morris in shitty predictions. :)

ummm..... Romney would have done better w/ Christie & might have even won.
Lord, if Coulter gets "say so" like so many other right-wing media empty skulls, they ARE truly fucked! That shit no longer flys. It was funny for awhile. Can't they see they are losing millions of registered members in part because of these haters?

And yet, you think your hate attracts more people to the Democrats. Why is that?

Annie fucked herself when she backed Romney and wanted Christie as his running mate in 2012.

Ditto Ingraham. Both made complete asses of themselves during the 2012 campaign.

Both are now persona non grata to any conservative.

REALLY?!!! Ingraham is hated by the right now? :eek: You sure about that?


I listened to Ingraham every day during the election cycle. It was so bizarre with her. First she and Coulter were slamming any one running against Romney, then it got freakier because she and Annie were having shit fits that Romney didn't pick Christie for VP.

Then she spent the rest of the electoral cycle bashing Romney every chance she got.

I mean it was wild. I was screaming at the radio for most of her broadcasts. I couldn't believe that every broadcast of hers she spent 75% of her time criticizing the Romney campaign.

It was unreal. My old Grundig radio is lucky to be in one piece. :) And whenever she would have any one on from the Romney campaign she'd rake them over the coals because they weren't running the campaign the way she wanted them to.

It was nuts.

Then on top of everything else Fox replaced her with Andrea Tantaros; I'm still picking her up on the FLAG and she's swung "right" again, but I'll never trust her after the 2012 election.

ETA: one thing I'll give left wing pundits and talk show hosts; they don't break ranks. Even if Laura hadn't liked Ryan as the VP pick the bottom line was Romney was the candidate, he chose Ryan and she spent a hell of a lotta time attacking the Republican candidate for President.

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so now we are suppose to care about what Ann Coulter says?

but it's funny to see the left all of a sudden in love with week they will hate her again
Is she right?

Ann Coulter Bashes Rand Paul: ?He?s Not Our Candidate,? He Wants ?Legal Pot And Amnesty For Illegals? | Mediaite
After Coulter revealed that she is “warming” to NJ Gov. Chris Christie as the potential 2016 Republican presidential nominee, Hannity expressed disbelief, offering up suggestions of his own: Rand Paul, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

She knows that Rubio & Paul are not general election material :)
Better material then obamaturd is potus.

LOL. Rightwing fascists? Really?
Lord, if Coulter gets "say so" like so many other right-wing media empty skulls, they ARE truly fucked! That shit no longer flys. It was funny for awhile. Can't they see they are losing millions of registered members in part because of these haters?

I used to like her wit and how she drove bed wetters insane. I'm not sure how she justifies her support of "moderate" Christie, and her disdain for Rand Paul. I think Paul is doing a great job, Rubio is a charismatic speaker who promotes fiscal sanity, and I'm proud Ted Cruz is my senator.

I'm disgusted that POS reincarnation of Joe McCarthy is representing and daily embarrassing Texas.
Is she right?

Ann Coulter Bashes Rand Paul: ?He?s Not Our Candidate,? He Wants ?Legal Pot And Amnesty For Illegals? | Mediaite
After Coulter revealed that she is “warming” to NJ Gov. Chris Christie as the potential 2016 Republican presidential nominee, Hannity expressed disbelief, offering up suggestions of his own: Rand Paul, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

She knows that Rubio & Paul are not general election material :)

Crazy Ann talks the good game, but at the end of the day, she lines up behind whoever the establishment backs.

The problem is, she's so toxic at this point no one wants to be seen with her.
I hate to say it, but I think the GOP establishment is just using Rand Paul to prevent the libertarian movement from moving third party. They'll let him grandstand long enough to stick his foot in his mouth a few times, maybe even keep him in the limelight up into the primaries, and then firmly sit on him and nominate Christie (or the like).

The libertarian movement has been flopping around for 32 years... and it's still on the fringe.

Fact is, Americans want a bunch of government services, they just don't want to pay for it.
Ann Coulter will say whatever her MASTERS tell her to say.

Apparently the MASTERS dominating the R wing of the Insider party don't like Rubio & Paul.

These MASTERS are the very same people who decided to tell the world that PAT BUCHANNAN was a NAZI, so take her word at your own risk.
Hopefully next week she'll rip new ones on a few Democrats

Hillary, Kerry, OBAMA

Ann Coulter will say whatever her MASTERS tell her to say.

Apparently the MASTERS dominating the R wing of the Insider party don't like Rubio & Paul.

These MASTERS are the very same people who decided to tell the world that PAT BUCHANNAN was a NAZI, so take her word at your own risk.

Pat Buchanan is a Nazi.

My question is, why didn't anyone say so in 1992, the first time he ran for President.

Oh, that's right, because he was a more sensible Nazi than David Duke, and the last thing the GOP wanted in 1992 was David Duke becoming the protest vote for anti-Bush sentitment in the GOP.
A 400lb basket case who hasn't seen his toes since he was five years old and likely to die with his head in a plate or a lying greaseball or a Utopian fabulist with less sense than a barnyard chicken?

Oh my.

Somebody better keep Coulter away from bridges for a while.

You hear what happened to Christie last week?

He was in the YMCA shower where he works out and a guy came in, looked him over and said "Is that you Chris?"

Christie said, "Who the fuck's asking?"

The guy said "It's me, Jerry, remember? Chemistry class, 8th period our junior and senior years?"

Christie recognized him then, warmed up and said, "Oh yea, Jerry! How the hell are ya?"

They talked for awhile and Jerry finally said, "Jesus Christ Chris, you sure gained a hell of a lot of weight."

Christie said "Yea, I'm so goddamned fat I ain't seen my dick in 25 years."

Jerry said, "Well, did you try to diet?"

Christie got a worried look on his face and said, "Oh my God, what color is it now?"

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