Anniversary of terrible tragedy in Odessa. Western authorities keep silent.

USA is not controlling anything but they set the world on fire.

American officials said they spent more than 5 billions usd for "development of democracy in Ukraine".
All leaders of Maidan visited US embassy while making coup in 2014...

Ukraine and Russia is the same country, the same nation. They never had anything to conflict for. But there were nazists since ww2 financed by Brits and USA in 1950s. And they were organized in 1990s.
Very sneaky and smart activity of USA allowed Ukraine to be torn from Russia.
that's what they get for screwing with us.
Yea, we know the Soviets also fought, mostly with American supplied equipment.
Also fought?
In the only battle of Stalingrad Germans lost more than USA in the whole war!

90% of your help sank but USSR paid for it with gold.

All you western "civilized" nations are cowards. You'd lost if USSR didn't "also fight"
In Odessa the same would happen, that is why the city now is full of nazists from western regions, full of army men and local people are afraid to express their opinion. I know it well as my father lives there.

Eugene, it would seem there may be some confusion regarding 'Nazi' , as Odessa did have a past history with Nazi's....

1941 Odessa massacre - Wikipedia

These nazi's then^^^^^, are being copied by Ukrainian oppositionists now>>>>

The Silence of American Hawks About Kiev’s Atrocities

a far-right paramilitary organization ideologically aligned with the ultranationalist Svoboda party

Independent Western scholars have documented the fascist origins, contemporary ideology and declarative symbols of Svoboda and its fellow-traveling Right Sector. Both movements glorify Ukraine’s murderous Nazi collaborators in World War II as inspirational ancestors. Both, to quote Svoboda’s leader Oleh Tyahnybok, call for an ethnically pure nation purged of the “Moscow-Jewish mafia” and “other scum,” including homosexuals, feminists and political leftists.

The United States of America is involved ,only to the extent of free elections.

We don't advocate genocide, nor do we send any particular 'western nazi's' anywhere on this planet to engage in genocidal activities

Yea, we know the Soviets also fought, mostly with American supplied equipment.
Also fought?
In the only battle of Stalingrad Germans lost more than USA in the whole war!

90% of your help sank but USSR paid for it with gold.

All you western "civilized" nations are cowards. You'd lost if USSR didn't "also fight"
We are aware 20 million of your people perished in WW2, as well as weakened the nazi's for the allies to finish off


Yea, we know the Soviets also fought, mostly with American supplied equipment.
Also fought?
In the only battle of Stalingrad Germans lost more than USA in the whole war!

90% of your help sank but USSR paid for it with gold.

All you western "civilized" nations are cowards. You'd lost if USSR didn't "also fight"

You uncivilized assholes are the ones denying the contribution by the Allies. In addition to the contribution of the 9 million man American military all the Allies, including the commie bastards, fought with Texas oil and Detroit made vehicles. The US supplied a tremendous amount of war material to the Commies.

The US contributed significantly to denying the Germans access to Middle East oil and Balkan state oil.

The US, with the help of the Brits and other allies, tied up and defeated the German Army in Europe. Not only liberating France but Italy.

The Americans also almost single handily defeated the Japs, who could have mounted a significant Eastern front against the Commies.

Isn't is satisfying to know that Patton was right when he suggested that after we kicked the ass of the Germans we should have kicked the Soviet's butt?

The Soviets killed more of their own people than the Germans killed. Then, after the war, implemented Communist authoritative control over their occupied areas. Nothing for the bastards to brag about.
Yea, we know the Soviets also fought, mostly with American supplied equipment.
Also fought?
In the only battle of Stalingrad Germans lost more than USA in the whole war!

90% of your help sank but USSR paid for it with gold.

All you western "civilized" nations are cowards. You'd lost if USSR didn't "also fight"

You uncivilized assholes are the ones denying the contribution by the Allies. In addition to the contribution of the 9 million man American military all the Allies, including the commie bastards, fought with Texas oil and Detroit made vehicles. The US supplied a tremendous amount of war material to the Commies.

The US contributed significantly to denying the Germans access to Middle East oil and Balkan state oil.

The US, with the help of the Brits and other allies, tied up and defeated the German Army in Europe. Not only liberating France but Italy.

The Americans also almost single handily defeated the Japs, who could have mounted a significant Eastern front against the Commies.

Isn't is satisfying to know that Patton was right when he suggested that after we kicked the ass of the Germans we should have kicked the Soviet's butt?

The Soviets killed more of their own people than the Germans killed. Then, after the war, implemented Communist authoritative control over their occupied areas. Nothing for the bastards to brag about.
The most stupid and ridiculous I ever heard...
Simply check the real figures
Yea, we know the Soviets also fought, mostly with American supplied equipment.
Also fought?
In the only battle of Stalingrad Germans lost more than USA in the whole war!

90% of your help sank but USSR paid for it with gold.

All you western "civilized" nations are cowards. You'd lost if USSR didn't "also fight"

You uncivilized assholes are the ones denying the contribution by the Allies. In addition to the contribution of the 9 million man American military all the Allies, including the commie bastards, fought with Texas oil and Detroit made vehicles. The US supplied a tremendous amount of war material to the Commies.

The US contributed significantly to denying the Germans access to Middle East oil and Balkan state oil.

The US, with the help of the Brits and other allies, tied up and defeated the German Army in Europe. Not only liberating France but Italy.

The Americans also almost single handily defeated the Japs, who could have mounted a significant Eastern front against the Commies.

Isn't is satisfying to know that Patton was right when he suggested that after we kicked the ass of the Germans we should have kicked the Soviet's butt?

The Soviets killed more of their own people than the Germans killed. Then, after the war, implemented Communist authoritative control over their occupied areas. Nothing for the bastards to brag about.
The most stupid and ridiculous I ever heard...
Simply check the real figures

Your denial of facts is comical.

The Soviets were also not the ones that were bombing the Germans on a daily basis, destroying their war making ability, were they? The Soviets were not the ones destroying the German Navy, were they? The Americans and other allies destroyed the German air power.

The Soviets supplied most of the ground troops in the east but the Americans supplied the war material and the pressure on the Soviets in the air and at sea in addition to defeating them on the ground in the west.

I think we would agree that the Soviets stooped the Germans from overrunning the country but that is not the same as defeating them. America, with the help of the Brits and other allies, defeated the Germans on several fronts.

By the way, this discussion is moot for the most part because by mid 1945 the Germans would have been defeated by the US without the Soviets because of the nukes.
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I do not understand the situation in Ukraine-----It is not clear to me that
the USA is intent on vilifying Russia. There seems to be a conflict between
Ukranians who want to join "Russia" (? ussr) and those who do not
Yes, basically it is a civil war. But I suppose that no one civil war was fought without external forces. This is true in this case, with the US and Russia have been supporting thr rival sides for their purposes.
4 years passed, no investigation and nobody is arrested though there are a lot of video showing nazism shooting and beating people.

One of leaders of those radicals is speaker of Ukrainian parliament now.

West keep silent about it. Human rights? Not in this case!

Look who is ruling Ukraine now!
Look whom USA helped to organize a coup!

Odessa is a city I was born in and I will never forget!

you are more than welcome to try again , why not ?

In Ukraine a lot of families cook and serve ducks during New Year and Christmas holidays with a great pleasure. Today we are going to modernize somehow the classic recipe for a duck with apples and add new components and ingredients.

A hint of sweetness goes well with poultry meat, and the apple stuffing and soy-honey glaze we will use today perfectly accentuate the rich taste of a duck and help its skin to caramelize and crisp up. The meat remains moist and tender inside, glorious brown outside, and very flavorful all over.

This mouth-watering, tempting treat is great for any time of year, but it best fits the Christmas time. The appetizing golden look and festive presentation make this dish a worthy option for a center spot on your table."
Roast duck with apples, honey, and soy sauce
I do not understand the situation in Ukraine-----It is not clear to me that
the USA is intent on vilifying Russia. There seems to be a conflict between
Ukranians who want to join "Russia" (? ussr) and those who do not
Yes, basically it is a civil war. But I suppose that no one civil war was fought without external forces. This is true in this case, with the US and Russia have been supporting thr rival sides for their purposes.

of course------some input-----like France had some input in the American revolutionary
war------some input. But it was still MOSTLY an issue between England and "the colonies"
The more Russians get killed the more happier becomes the West.
Very simple.
Putin is very weak and coward, Russia needs more tough guys to resurrect and to make it great again.
Otherwise any turd will piss on Russians
The more Russians get killed the more happier becomes the West.
Very simple.
Putin is very weak and coward, Russia needs more tough guys to resurrect and to make it great again.
Otherwise any turd will piss on Russians

based on what I have heard about UKRAINIANS----here and there----
-------Russians have reason for concern-----especially the people of ODESSA
4 years passed, no investigation and nobody is arrested though there are a lot of video showing nazism shooting and beating people.

One of leaders of those radicals is speaker of Ukrainian parliament now.

West keep silent about it. Human rights? Not in this case!

Look who is ruling Ukraine now!
Look whom USA helped to organize a coup!

Odessa is a city I was born in and I will never forget!

you are more than welcome to try again , why not ?

In Ukraine a lot of families cook and serve ducks during New Year and Christmas holidays with a great pleasure. Today we are going to modernize somehow the classic recipe for a duck with apples and add new components and ingredients.

A hint of sweetness goes well with poultry meat, and the apple stuffing and soy-honey glaze we will use today perfectly accentuate the rich taste of a duck and help its skin to caramelize and crisp up. The meat remains moist and tender inside, glorious brown outside, and very flavorful all over.

This mouth-watering, tempting treat is great for any time of year, but it best fits the Christmas time. The appetizing golden look and festive presentation make this dish a worthy option for a center spot on your table."
Roast duck with apples, honey, and soy sauce

Here is the brightest example of how Ukrainian nazi feel.
Theme of discussion is tragedy of more than 40 people burnt and this nazi Litwin is posting here roast duck.
4 years passed, no investigation and nobody is arrested though there are a lot of video showing nazism shooting and beating people.

One of leaders of those radicals is speaker of Ukrainian parliament now.

West keep silent about it. Human rights? Not in this case!

Look who is ruling Ukraine now!
Look whom USA helped to organize a coup!

Odessa is a city I was born in and I will never forget!

you are more than welcome to try again , why not ?

In Ukraine a lot of families cook and serve ducks during New Year and Christmas holidays with a great pleasure. Today we are going to modernize somehow the classic recipe for a duck with apples and add new components and ingredients.

A hint of sweetness goes well with poultry meat, and the apple stuffing and soy-honey glaze we will use today perfectly accentuate the rich taste of a duck and help its skin to caramelize and crisp up. The meat remains moist and tender inside, glorious brown outside, and very flavorful all over.

This mouth-watering, tempting treat is great for any time of year, but it best fits the Christmas time. The appetizing golden look and festive presentation make this dish a worthy option for a center spot on your table."
Roast duck with apples, honey, and soy sauce

Here is the brightest example of how Ukrainian nazi feel.
Theme of discussion is tragedy of more than 40 people burnt and this nazi Litwin is posting here roast duck.

when we can see your "rjusski mir" revenge on Odessa? much talk not much actions,( Odessa´s KFC runs out of :

Eugene, first of all, thank you for this thread. There are sooooo many videos of Ukrainian junta and Nazi crimes against humanity in post-coup Ukraine but all "democratic" world still doesn't pay any attention. If the world doesn't wake up pretty darn soon, it will obtain over 30 million Nazi country in the middle of Europe. Those who prefer not to notice raising Nazism in Ukraine are recommended to look at following [Western] sources.

Americans have been carefully shielded from the ugly underbelly of Ukraine’s Maidan uprising in 2014 that overthrew the elected president and installed a U.S.-backed, fiercely anti-Russian regime which has unleashed armed neo-Nazis. But a French documentary has dared to expose this grim reality, as Gilbert Doctorow describes.
A Look at Ukraine's Dark Side


This French documentary
lifts the veil on the deception of the US/Europe/NATO elites and their ever faithful media bullhorns. It informs us of a planned coup, described by the head of Stratfor as the most blatant ever, of the butchering of innocent people in the Odessa Trades Hall at the behest of politicians and oligarchs, and the continuing presence of heavily armed neo-Nazi thugs controlling the streets and occupying politically powerful positions in government.

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Second part of the documentary is dedicated to burning people alive in Odessa just because those people disagreed with the 2014 [anti constitutional!] coup. Watch how Bubenchick is bragging about burning the people alive. Is he sorry? Yes, he's sorry for not burning more people. BTW, he's not in prison for mass killing in "democratic" Ukraine.

The Right Sector, Azov or Svoboda created parallel irregular forces that easily go out of control. In Odessa, in May 2014, they were responsible for a mass killing without facing any charges. 45 people burnt to death. A massacre that didn’t get much attention.

How come western democracies haven’t raised their voice in protest?

Most likely because these Ukrainian nationalist militias actually played a significant role in a much larger scale war. The Ukrainian revolution was strongly supported by the US diplomacy.

In the new cold war that opposes Russia to the USA, Ukraine is a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolutionSpecial Commendation Prix Europa – Berlin 2016
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The more Russians get killed the more happier becomes the West.
Very simple.
Putin is very weak and coward, Russia needs more tough guys to resurrect and to make it great again.
Otherwise any turd will piss on Russians
You may like Putin or not, but he's the only independent, strong and very patriotic leader in Europe (leader is a key-word: the vast majority of the other "leaders" appear to be just Deep State puppets and traitors of the countries they are supposed to serve and to protect). I'm sure he's waiting for the right moment to deliberate Ukraine from Nazis to avoid victims. If there were more leaders like Putin in the world, all the conflicts would be solved by now. That's one of the reasons Deep State has been demonizing Putin using their loyal Media, troops of deeply brainwashed sheep and paid trolls (like Litwin).
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Americans have been carefully shielded from the ugly underbelly of Ukraine’s Maidan uprising in 2014 that overthrew the elected president and installed a U.S.-backed, fiercely anti-Russian regime which has unleashed armed neo-Nazis. But a French documentary has dared to expose this grim reality, as Gilbert Doctorow describes.
A Look at Ukraine's Dark Side


This French documentary
lifts the veil on the deception of the US/Europe/NATO elites and their ever faithful media bullhorns. It informs us of a planned coup, described by the head of Stratfor as the most blatant ever, of the butchering of innocent people in the Odessa Trades Hall at the behest of politicians and oligarchs, and the continuing presence of heavily armed neo-Nazi thugs controlling the streets and occupying politically powerful positions in government.

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Second part of the documentary is dedicated to burning people alive in Odessa just because those people did not support the 2014 [anticonstitutional!] coup. Watch how Bubenchick is bragging about burning the people alive. Is he sorry? Yes, he's sorry for not burning more people.

The Right Sector, Azov or Svoboda created parallel irregular forces that easily go out of control. In Odessa, in May 2014, they were responsible for a mass killing without facing any charges. 45 people burnt to death. A massacre that didn’t get much attention.

How come western democracies haven’t raised their voice in protest?

Most likely because these Ukrainian nationalist militias actually played a significant role in a much larger scale war. The Ukrainian revolution was strongly supported by the US diplomacy.

In the new cold war that opposes Russia to the USA, Ukraine is a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolutionSpecial Commendation Prix Europa – Berlin 2016

of course-----Ukrainians had nothing to do with it------Just like Iranians had
nothing to do with making SHAH REZA PEACOCK ASS----king of
4 years passed, no investigation and nobody is arrested though there are a lot of video showing nazism shooting and beating people.

One of leaders of those radicals is speaker of Ukrainian parliament now.

West keep silent about it. Human rights? Not in this case!

Look who is ruling Ukraine now!
Look whom USA helped to organize a coup!

Odessa is a city I was born in and I will never forget!

you are more than welcome to try again , why not ?

In Ukraine a lot of families cook and serve ducks during New Year and Christmas holidays with a great pleasure. Today we are going to modernize somehow the classic recipe for a duck with apples and add new components and ingredients.

A hint of sweetness goes well with poultry meat, and the apple stuffing and soy-honey glaze we will use today perfectly accentuate the rich taste of a duck and help its skin to caramelize and crisp up. The meat remains moist and tender inside, glorious brown outside, and very flavorful all over.

This mouth-watering, tempting treat is great for any time of year, but it best fits the Christmas time. The appetizing golden look and festive presentation make this dish a worthy option for a center spot on your table."
Roast duck with apples, honey, and soy sauce

Here is the brightest example of how Ukrainian nazi feel.
Theme of discussion is tragedy of more than 40 people burnt and this nazi Litwin is posting here roast duck.

you got one part right----UKRAINIANS are brutal animals-----I carry a family legacy of their eastern orthodox filth dating back to the 1800s-------the same brutal filth
that BOSNIAN MUSLIMS used to charm Adolf
People in Odessa maybe did not want to be part of civil war barbarism like in other parts of Ukraine where Russian separatist were active and turning their cities into shyt holes of destruction and constant war.

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