Anonymous declares war on Trump

10% of the voting population,

where the hell did you dig that number from.., your ass?

It's called mathematics. Observe:

Percentage of voters who are registered Republicans: 29%
Percentage of GOP primary votes cast for Trump: 35%

By multiplying the two together, we can determine the percentage of the overall public supporting Trump.

.29 * .35 = .10

Ah, so like Captain Queeg, you seek to create your own reality.

"Ah, but the strawberries, that's, that's where I had them, they laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, with geometric logic..."

10% of the voting population,

where the hell did you dig that number from.., your ass?

It's called mathematics. Observe:

Percentage of voters who are registered Republicans: 29%
Percentage of GOP primary votes cast for Trump: 35%

By multiplying the two together, we can determine the percentage of the overall public supporting Trump.

.29 * .35 = .10

Ah, so like Captain Queeg, you seek to create your own reality.

"Ah, but the strawberries, that's, that's where I had them, they laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, with geometric logic..."


If basic arithmetic is "creating my own reality" then you're ever farther off the reservation than than most Trump supporters.
10% of the voting population,

where the hell did you dig that number from.., your ass?

It's called mathematics. Observe:

Percentage of voters who are registered Republicans: 29%
Percentage of GOP primary votes cast for Trump: 35%

By multiplying the two together, we can determine the percentage of the overall public supporting Trump.

.29 * .35 = .10

Ah, so like Captain Queeg, you seek to create your own reality.

"Ah, but the strawberries, that's, that's where I had them, they laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, with geometric logic..."


If basic arithmetic is "creating my own reality" then you're ever farther off the reservation than than most Trump supporters.

Sure Captain.
made up number

Not at all. I've posted the math multiple times around here.


Look above.

at more of your faulty imagination --LOL


What is it exactly you want a link of? Did nobody teach you math?

He wants a link to anything REPUTABLE that proves your contention, instead of you repeating that you proved it to your satisfaction, Captain. Try to be more intellectually honest.

at more of your faulty imagination --LOL


What is it exactly you want a link of? Did nobody teach you math?

your logic is faulty

Okay, so you just don't understand arithmetic. Cool story bro.

you are pathetic you know as everyone else knows you

just pulled it out of your ass

but you are just a troll so your behavior was expected
Look above.

at more of your faulty imagination --LOL


What is it exactly you want a link of? Did nobody teach you math?

your logic is faulty

Okay, so you just don't understand arithmetic. Cool story bro.

you are pathetic you know as everyone else knows you

just pulled it out of your ass

but you are just a troll so your behavior was expected

What the hell are you talking about? If you can't comprehend basic math then you really have much bigger issues. This is asinine. If this is all you have, then you'd be better off spending some time back in the 5th grade for a refresher course.

I've agreed with most of their targets in the past, but now they're screwing with the will of the public

Will of the public? Are you seriously trying to claim that anything having to do with Donald Trump (except maybe for him to shut up) is the will of the public? You do realize that Trump is only supported by 10% of the voting population, right?

The psychologists tell us that 4% of the population are sociopaths---but what explains the other 6% ?

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