Anonymous Source Reveals the Scandals Within the New York Times


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I met up with my source at a nondescript building, beneath a large bunker, near an airport freeway in the dark of night. He smiled and shook hands and went on his way when I realized he had palmed a small flash drive in my hand.

When i got home, I scanned it and then popped open the single Word document it contained. What follows are excerpts from the 58k word document.

"I work, no I slave for the New York Times, one of the most shameless frauds of journalism in the world. You think Jason Blair was a scandal? No, that is normal for the editors there. Their in-house motto is 'Why bother to investigate when you can just make shit up?' And that is exactly what they do, and their reporters as well. I was confused about a Blair story one time and I approached an editor whose name I will not reveal at this time and told her that Blair was just inventing his entire story.
"Her one word response; 'So?' I was dumbstruck, and then she followed up with, 'I hope this doesn't mean you are going to be late with your assignment on the 'Hollywood Casting Couch' because you have been chasing ghosts that don't matter.'
"That was my initiation into the dark world of the New York Times editorial policy. 'If it sells ad space, it is true.'"
"Remember that story about the Times selling its favorable coverage to Columbia University against some students there if the University would give exclusive rights to a bundle of stories? That kind of stuff goes on all the time there. They will spin a story to the interests that pay top dollar for the spin. Arab sheikhs, Russian commies, Chicom harvesting organs from prisoners, you name it, and the Times will cop out if the price is right.
"The classic example was their coverage of the Soviet Union starvation of the Kulaks. The editors knew that Duranty was a bald faced liar and that millions were starving, but they covered it up because too many sponsors favored Stalin and wanted him to be successful. It has long been rumored that both he and Dreyfoos were card carrying communists themselves and Hoover held that over their heads to keep them silent about the FBI's nefarious activities with the Mafia.
"But whatever; it is what it is. Have you ever wondered though, why is the New York Times always pushing the latest sexual perversions, including NAMBLA till they realized even they couldn't sell it?
"Well, lets just say that Vulvar Myiasis is common among the editorial staff."​

I was astonished at this information, and didnt know quite what to do with it, so I came here to share with all of you and to ask your advice and opinion.

Aren't anonymous scandalous story lines a whole bunch of bullshit?
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I met up with my source at a nondescript building, beneath a large bunker, near an airport freeway in the dark of night. He smiled and shook hands and went on his way when I realized he had palmed a small flash drive in my hand.

When i got home, I scanned it and then popped open the single Word document it contained. What follows are excerpts from the 58k word document.

"I work, no I slave for the New York Times, one of the most shameless frauds of journalism in the world. You think Jason Blair was a scandal? No, that is normal for the editors there. Their in-house motto is 'Why bother to investigate when you can just make shit up?' And that is exactly what they do, and their reporters as well. I was confused about a Blair story one time and I approached an editor whose name I will not reveal at this time and told her that Blair was just inventing his entire story.
"Her one word response; 'So?' I was dumbstruck, and then she followed up with, 'I hope this doesn't mean you are going to be late with your assignment on the 'Hollywood Casting Couch' because you have been chasing ghosts that don't matter.'
"That was my initiation into the dark world of the New York Times editorial policy. 'If it sells ad space, it is true.'"
"Remember that story about the Times selling its favorable coverage to Columbia University against some students there if the University would give exclusive rights to a bundle of stories? That kind of stuff goes on all the time there. They will spin a story to the interests that pay top dollar for the spin. Arab sheikhs, Russian commies, Chicom harvesting organs from prisoners, you name it, and the Times will cop out if the price is right.
"The classic example was their coverage of the Soviet Union starvation of the Kulaks. The editors knew that Duranty was a bald faced liar and that millions were starving, but they covered it up because too many sponsors favored Stalin and wanted him to be successful. It has long been rumored that both he and Dreyfoos were card carrying communists themselves and Hoover held that over their heads to keep them silent about the FBI's nefarious activities with the Mafia.
"But whatever; it is what it is. Have you ever wondered though, why is the New York Times always pushing the latest sexual perversions, including NAMBLA till they realized even they couldn't sell it?
"Well, lets just say that Vulvar Myiasis is common among the editorial staff."​

I was astonished at this information, and didnt know quite what to do with it, so I came here to share with all of you and to ask your advice and opinion.

Aren't anonymous scandalous story lines a whole bunch of bullshit?
I hear their “anonymous source” is a bunny that delivers chocolate eggs in the Spring.
Why does anyone believe slander from 'anonymous sources' when the left has shown repeatedly that they will lie to get at Trump?

That's just it. Anonymous means lies in my book.

If you believe what you write. Put your damned name on it.
Stop with the butt hurt. Deal with the fact that Trump is a maniac. No amount of deflection will cure you of this fact.
I met up with my source at a nondescript building, beneath a large bunker, near an airport freeway in the dark of night. He smiled and shook hands and went on his way when I realized he had palmed a small flash drive in my hand.

When i got home, I scanned it and then popped open the single Word document it contained. What follows are excerpts from the 58k word document.

"I work, no I slave for the New York Times, one of the most shameless frauds of journalism in the world. You think Jason Blair was a scandal? No, that is normal for the editors there. Their in-house motto is 'Why bother to investigate when you can just make shit up?' And that is exactly what they do, and their reporters as well. I was confused about a Blair story one time and I approached an editor whose name I will not reveal at this time and told her that Blair was just inventing his entire story.
"Her one word response; 'So?' I was dumbstruck, and then she followed up with, 'I hope this doesn't mean you are going to be late with your assignment on the 'Hollywood Casting Couch' because you have been chasing ghosts that don't matter.'
"That was my initiation into the dark world of the New York Times editorial policy. 'If it sells ad space, it is true.'"
"Remember that story about the Times selling its favorable coverage to Columbia University against some students there if the University would give exclusive rights to a bundle of stories? That kind of stuff goes on all the time there. They will spin a story to the interests that pay top dollar for the spin. Arab sheikhs, Russian commies, Chicom harvesting organs from prisoners, you name it, and the Times will cop out if the price is right.
"The classic example was their coverage of the Soviet Union starvation of the Kulaks. The editors knew that Duranty was a bald faced liar and that millions were starving, but they covered it up because too many sponsors favored Stalin and wanted him to be successful. It has long been rumored that both he and Dreyfoos were card carrying communists themselves and Hoover held that over their heads to keep them silent about the FBI's nefarious activities with the Mafia.
"But whatever; it is what it is. Have you ever wondered though, why is the New York Times always pushing the latest sexual perversions, including NAMBLA till they realized even they couldn't sell it?
"Well, lets just say that Vulvar Myiasis is common among the editorial staff."​

I was astonished at this information, and didnt know quite what to do with it, so I came here to share with all of you and to ask your advice and opinion.

Aren't anonymous scandalous story lines a whole bunch of bullshit?
Hey, Jim, I read the whole thing! Can't think why after reading it that the parable of the sour grapes just popped into my mind.
Why does anyone believe slander from 'anonymous sources' when the left has shown repeatedly that they will lie to get at Trump?

That's just it. Anonymous means lies in my book.

If you believe what you write. Put your damned name on it.
Claudette, have you EVER heard Trump quote a source? All I hear is "people say..." or "everybody says..." The only source I can recall from Trump is the National Enquirer about Ted Cruz' father helping assassinate Kennedy. So I'm happy to hear you require sources or call anything without a source a lie.
Stop with the butt hurt. Deal with the fact that Trump is a maniac. No amount of deflection will cure you of this fact.
Would YOU believe an anonymous STORY about Obama and his administration? Anyone can say anything. Personally, I believe the NYT is the anonymous source.
Hey, Jim, I read the whole thing! Can't think why after reading it that the parable of the sour grapes just popped into my mind.

With all due respect, could it be it's because you are a moron?
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Hey, Jim, I read the whole thing! Can't think why after reading it that the parable of the sour grapes just popped into my mind.

With all due respect, could it be it's because you are a moron?
Could be! OTOH, it could be because you flail around like a beached fish looking for ways to protect our Belittler-in Chief. Anything detrimental to his 'sterling' character must be due to rotten data.
I met up with my source at a nondescript building, beneath a large bunker, near an airport freeway in the dark of night. He smiled and shook hands and went on his way when I realized he had palmed a small flash drive in my hand.

When i got home, I scanned it and then popped open the single Word document it contained. What follows are excerpts from the 58k word document.

"I work, no I slave for the New York Times, one of the most shameless frauds of journalism in the world. You think Jason Blair was a scandal? No, that is normal for the editors there. Their in-house motto is 'Why bother to investigate when you can just make shit up?' And that is exactly what they do, and their reporters as well. I was confused about a Blair story one time and I approached an editor whose name I will not reveal at this time and told her that Blair was just inventing his entire story.
"Her one word response; 'So?' I was dumbstruck, and then she followed up with, 'I hope this doesn't mean you are going to be late with your assignment on the 'Hollywood Casting Couch' because you have been chasing ghosts that don't matter.'
"That was my initiation into the dark world of the New York Times editorial policy. 'If it sells ad space, it is true.'"
"Remember that story about the Times selling its favorable coverage to Columbia University against some students there if the University would give exclusive rights to a bundle of stories? That kind of stuff goes on all the time there. They will spin a story to the interests that pay top dollar for the spin. Arab sheikhs, Russian commies, Chicom harvesting organs from prisoners, you name it, and the Times will cop out if the price is right.
"The classic example was their coverage of the Soviet Union starvation of the Kulaks. The editors knew that Duranty was a bald faced liar and that millions were starving, but they covered it up because too many sponsors favored Stalin and wanted him to be successful. It has long been rumored that both he and Dreyfoos were card carrying communists themselves and Hoover held that over their heads to keep them silent about the FBI's nefarious activities with the Mafia.
"But whatever; it is what it is. Have you ever wondered though, why is the New York Times always pushing the latest sexual perversions, including NAMBLA till they realized even they couldn't sell it?
"Well, lets just say that Vulvar Myiasis is common among the editorial staff."​

I was astonished at this information, and didnt know quite what to do with it, so I came here to share with all of you and to ask your advice and opinion.

Aren't anonymous scandalous story lines a whole bunch of bullshit?

I don't know where you got this but thanks. Great post. Made my morning.

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