Bull Ring Anonymous1977: emilynghiem is Asian I support Freedmen's Town plan for Constitutional equality


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Anonymous1977 has taken it upon himself to trash me because I "smell White" and thus am associated in his mind with White bigotry against Blacks.

I have no idea where he got this, and ask him to explain.

I am Asian American, born of Vietnamese Buddhist parents in Galveston, Texas.

The Freed Slaves who built Freedmen's Town came out of the Galveston/Port Bolivar area
and the historic houses remind me of the neighborhoods I grew up in. Galveston has done
a better job of preserving the historic buildings from this same era, but Houston is run by developer interests.

My interest in Freedmen's Town first came up because the plans to restore the national historic district as a campus was based on campus plans from Rice University where I graduated. Since Rice shares a similar history with segregation out of the Civil Rights Era, this made sense that a solution would come from a partnership with education as the common principle to build upon.

Unfortunately these campus plans got smashed and censored by the City of Houston abusing public authority to evict the residents, tear down 2/3 of the national historic landmark the residents planned to renovate as a campus, and took advantage of denying the right of the residents "peaceably to assemble" to petition to defend their equal rights and interests under laws. There was no equal protection because political power was abused to scatter the residents so they could not fulfill their plans. They had no resources to meet after removing them from their community, and no legal defenses since no lawyer dared go after the City and developer interests.

This is all about politics.

But because of the fear and hostility associated with Black/White racism, people could not collaborate and help.

People like Anonymous1977 project hatred and anger at the WRONG PEOPLE
and this has further divided and destroyed the community.

I cannot repeat what Anon called me by PM.

But I challenge Anonymous1977 to admit that this was PROJECTION, because I am not European White and I am not trying to enslave or enable anyone under whatever system you are saying is White.

I am trying to use NATURAL LAWS to educate and liberate people from political enslavement and oppression. NATURAL LAWS are for all people, not just WHITE.

Yes, I WILL say that it is considered "white culture" to stand up for Constitutional principles, as I believe defend the natural rights of citizens in Freedmen's Town who I witnessed govt abused to violate their beliefs in preservation and rights to equal protection without discrimination by their beliefs and creed, and to violate their right to security, due process to defend their liberties, and peaceful assemble to petition for redress of grievances.

If this is considered a WHITE cultural standard to use the Constitution to defend these rights by law,
then yes, I am of that WHITE culture then.

So Anonymous1977
if you don't like me using Constitutional laws to represent laws of justice,
what do you propose to use.

Do you want to wait around for someone else to create new laws not associated with WHITES.

What is wrong with these laws that can be used by all people because
they are based on NATURAL LAWS of human nature.

Here are the laws that I propose all citizens learn in order to check, enforce and reform govt at will
to prevent abuses:

Here are the plans for Freedmen's Town including the Veteran housing and campus plans of
BLACK leaders I support. I am just trying to volunteer to find them the right help to fulfill these plans.

Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

I agree with other posters it should focus on Black leadership
and not depend on any government that is outside the direct control and unity of the group.

What is so offensive that you would attack me
assuming I am some kind of White racist.

Where did you get that, or do you know you are projecting?

If you have better plans than these, let me know; otherwise,
Below is the invitation that Gladys House sent me for the next meeting on Saturday.
[email protected]
12:06 PM (7 hours ago)



to me

You may give them my number of 713 742 6995.
Alumni scheduled to meet this Saturday at 1:00 p.m. unless the president
has to work.


-----Original Message-----
To: Gladys House <[email protected]>; Gladys House <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>; Emily Nghiem <[email protected]>
Sent: Tue, Mar 10, 2015 3:23 pm
Subject: found a chef for your Vet Housing Plans?

A black chef might lose his job because of the racist Oklahoma frat chant but the internet is trying to help - Houston Chronicle

^ Black Chef lost his job due to racist chants that expelled the Fraternity at OU ^

Dear Gladys:
Can we lobby the SAE fraternity that shut down due to racist chants at OU,
and ask to create a campus job for them to save the Vet housing plans?

The Black Chef for the expelled chapter lost his job.

I have 10K in the bank toward that project.

Can Minister Pervis Hall organize and use that LLC
to draw the expelled students and chapter here to FT
to help you with the Vet housing and music studio project?

My coworkers are interested but want to know what
celebrities you want to work with to promote the studio.

Can I give them your number to invite them to a meeting of FT alumni on this?
The Constitution and the US Code plus legislation and SCOTUS decisions make up the American law, not Natural Law.
Anonymous1977 has taken it upon himself to trash me because I "smell White" and thus am associated in his mind with White bigotry against Blacks.

I have no idea where he got this, and ask him to explain.

I am Asian American, born of Vietnamese Buddhist parents in Galveston, Texas.

The Freed Slaves who built Freedmen's Town came out of the Galveston/Port Bolivar area
and the historic houses remind me of the neighborhoods I grew up in. Galveston has done
a better job of preserving the historic buildings from this same era, but Houston is run by developer interests.

My interest in Freedmen's Town first came up because the plans to restore the national historic district as a campus was based on campus plans from Rice University where I graduated. Since Rice shares a similar history with segregation out of the Civil Rights Era, this made sense that a solution would come from a partnership with education as the common principle to build upon.

Unfortunately these campus plans got smashed and censored by the City of Houston abusing public authority to evict the residents, tear down 2/3 of the national historic landmark the residents planned to renovate as a campus, and took advantage of denying the right of the residents "peaceably to assemble" to petition to defend their equal rights and interests under laws. There was no equal protection because political power was abused to scatter the residents so they could not fulfill their plans. They had no resources to meet after removing them from their community, and no legal defenses since no lawyer dared go after the City and developer interests.

This is all about politics.

But because of the fear and hostility associated with Black/White racism, people could not collaborate and help.

People like Anonymous1977 project hatred and anger at the WRONG PEOPLE
and this has further divided and destroyed the community.

I cannot repeat what Anon called me by PM.

But I challenge Anonymous1977 to admit that this was PROJECTION, because I am not European White and I am not trying to enslave or enable anyone under whatever system you are saying is White.

I am trying to use NATURAL LAWS to educate and liberate people from political enslavement and oppression. NATURAL LAWS are for all people, not just WHITE.

Yes, I WILL say that it is considered "white culture" to stand up for Constitutional principles, as I believe defend the natural rights of citizens in Freedmen's Town who I witnessed govt abused to violate their beliefs in preservation and rights to equal protection without discrimination by their beliefs and creed, and to violate their right to security, due process to defend their liberties, and peaceful assemble to petition for redress of grievances.

If this is considered a WHITE cultural standard to use the Constitution to defend these rights by law,
then yes, I am of that WHITE culture then.

So Anonymous1977
if you don't like me using Constitutional laws to represent laws of justice,
what do you propose to use.

Do you want to wait around for someone else to create new laws not associated with WHITES.

What is wrong with these laws that can be used by all people because
they are based on NATURAL LAWS of human nature.

Here are the laws that I propose all citizens learn in order to check, enforce and reform govt at will
to prevent abuses:

Here are the plans for Freedmen's Town including the Veteran housing and campus plans of
BLACK leaders I support. I am just trying to volunteer to find them the right help to fulfill these plans.

Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

I agree with other posters it should focus on Black leadership
and not depend on any government that is outside the direct control and unity of the group.

What is so offensive that you would attack me
assuming I am some kind of White racist.

Where did you get that, or do you know you are projecting?

If you have better plans than these, let me know; otherwise,
Below is the invitation that Gladys House sent me for the next meeting on Saturday.

LOL No you White (non-Asian) stink bag (skunk)...I'm calling you White because I know that you are not Asian but a STINKy White trying to start up trouble.

YOUR race (the White race) is the only race who behaves like this:


May God soon remove your HATEFUL evil race from the planet, unless you reform.
Anonymous1977 has taken it upon himself to trash me because I "smell White" and thus am associated in his mind with White bigotry against Blacks.

I have no idea where he got this, and ask him to explain.

I am Asian American, born of Vietnamese Buddhist parents in Galveston, Texas.

The Freed Slaves who built Freedmen's Town came out of the Galveston/Port Bolivar area
and the historic houses remind me of the neighborhoods I grew up in. Galveston has done
a better job of preserving the historic buildings from this same era, but Houston is run by developer interests.

My interest in Freedmen's Town first came up because the plans to restore the national historic district as a campus was based on campus plans from Rice University where I graduated. Since Rice shares a similar history with segregation out of the Civil Rights Era, this made sense that a solution would come from a partnership with education as the common principle to build upon.

Unfortunately these campus plans got smashed and censored by the City of Houston abusing public authority to evict the residents, tear down 2/3 of the national historic landmark the residents planned to renovate as a campus, and took advantage of denying the right of the residents "peaceably to assemble" to petition to defend their equal rights and interests under laws. There was no equal protection because political power was abused to scatter the residents so they could not fulfill their plans. They had no resources to meet after removing them from their community, and no legal defenses since no lawyer dared go after the City and developer interests.

This is all about politics.

But because of the fear and hostility associated with Black/White racism, people could not collaborate and help.

People like Anonymous1977 project hatred and anger at the WRONG PEOPLE
and this has further divided and destroyed the community.

I cannot repeat what Anon called me by PM.

But I challenge Anonymous1977 to admit that this was PROJECTION, because I am not European White and I am not trying to enslave or enable anyone under whatever system you are saying is White.

I am trying to use NATURAL LAWS to educate and liberate people from political enslavement and oppression. NATURAL LAWS are for all people, not just WHITE.

Yes, I WILL say that it is considered "white culture" to stand up for Constitutional principles, as I believe defend the natural rights of citizens in Freedmen's Town who I witnessed govt abused to violate their beliefs in preservation and rights to equal protection without discrimination by their beliefs and creed, and to violate their right to security, due process to defend their liberties, and peaceful assemble to petition for redress of grievances.

If this is considered a WHITE cultural standard to use the Constitution to defend these rights by law,
then yes, I am of that WHITE culture then.

So Anonymous1977
if you don't like me using Constitutional laws to represent laws of justice,
what do you propose to use.

Do you want to wait around for someone else to create new laws not associated with WHITES.

What is wrong with these laws that can be used by all people because
they are based on NATURAL LAWS of human nature.

Here are the laws that I propose all citizens learn in order to check, enforce and reform govt at will
to prevent abuses:

Here are the plans for Freedmen's Town including the Veteran housing and campus plans of
BLACK leaders I support. I am just trying to volunteer to find them the right help to fulfill these plans.

Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

I agree with other posters it should focus on Black leadership
and not depend on any government that is outside the direct control and unity of the group.

What is so offensive that you would attack me
assuming I am some kind of White racist.

Where did you get that, or do you know you are projecting?

If you have better plans than these, let me know; otherwise,
Below is the invitation that Gladys House sent me for the next meeting on Saturday.

Emily. Use the ignore feature. Some people are mean spirited because they want to be mean spirited. Use the ignore feature.
The Constitution and the US Code plus legislation and SCOTUS decisions make up the American law, not Natural Law.

It's the other way, JakeStarkey

Natural law is what the Constitution is based on.
If you are going to communicate with people on a natural level that is EQUAL and universal,
you START with natural laws. Then you agree from there, what language and systems are used to IMPLEMENT
the points that were agreed upon. If you restrict the ideas and communication by the legalese,
then you censor people who are not able to participate on that level.

When you are mediating conflicts, you don't impose a legalistic system that excludes people who don't have legal resources to defend their rights equally as others with more resources.

That's what's wrong with the system.

And why people freak out and run away when this is even brought up.
Anonymous1977 has taken it upon himself to trash me because I "smell White" and thus am associated in his mind with White bigotry against Blacks.

I have no idea where he got this, and ask him to explain.

I am Asian American, born of Vietnamese Buddhist parents in Galveston, Texas.

The Freed Slaves who built Freedmen's Town came out of the Galveston/Port Bolivar area
and the historic houses remind me of the neighborhoods I grew up in. Galveston has done
a better job of preserving the historic buildings from this same era, but Houston is run by developer interests.

My interest in Freedmen's Town first came up because the plans to restore the national historic district as a campus was based on campus plans from Rice University where I graduated. Since Rice shares a similar history with segregation out of the Civil Rights Era, this made sense that a solution would come from a partnership with education as the common principle to build upon.

Unfortunately these campus plans got smashed and censored by the City of Houston abusing public authority to evict the residents, tear down 2/3 of the national historic landmark the residents planned to renovate as a campus, and took advantage of denying the right of the residents "peaceably to assemble" to petition to defend their equal rights and interests under laws. There was no equal protection because political power was abused to scatter the residents so they could not fulfill their plans. They had no resources to meet after removing them from their community, and no legal defenses since no lawyer dared go after the City and developer interests.

This is all about politics.

But because of the fear and hostility associated with Black/White racism, people could not collaborate and help.

People like Anonymous1977 project hatred and anger at the WRONG PEOPLE
and this has further divided and destroyed the community.

I cannot repeat what Anon called me by PM.

But I challenge Anonymous1977 to admit that this was PROJECTION, because I am not European White and I am not trying to enslave or enable anyone under whatever system you are saying is White.

I am trying to use NATURAL LAWS to educate and liberate people from political enslavement and oppression. NATURAL LAWS are for all people, not just WHITE.

Yes, I WILL say that it is considered "white culture" to stand up for Constitutional principles, as I believe defend the natural rights of citizens in Freedmen's Town who I witnessed govt abused to violate their beliefs in preservation and rights to equal protection without discrimination by their beliefs and creed, and to violate their right to security, due process to defend their liberties, and peaceful assemble to petition for redress of grievances.

If this is considered a WHITE cultural standard to use the Constitution to defend these rights by law,
then yes, I am of that WHITE culture then.

So Anonymous1977
if you don't like me using Constitutional laws to represent laws of justice,
what do you propose to use.

Do you want to wait around for someone else to create new laws not associated with WHITES.

What is wrong with these laws that can be used by all people because
they are based on NATURAL LAWS of human nature.

Here are the laws that I propose all citizens learn in order to check, enforce and reform govt at will
to prevent abuses:

Here are the plans for Freedmen's Town including the Veteran housing and campus plans of
BLACK leaders I support. I am just trying to volunteer to find them the right help to fulfill these plans.

Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

I agree with other posters it should focus on Black leadership
and not depend on any government that is outside the direct control and unity of the group.

What is so offensive that you would attack me
assuming I am some kind of White racist.

Where did you get that, or do you know you are projecting?

If you have better plans than these, let me know; otherwise,
Below is the invitation that Gladys House sent me for the next meeting on Saturday.

LOL No you White (non-Asian) stink bag (skunk)...I'm calling you White because I know that you are not Asian but a STINKy White trying to start up trouble.

YOUR race (the White race) is the only race who behaves like this:


May God soon remove your HATEFUL evil race from the planet, unless you reform.

Stop harrassing her. You are a wicked man! You need to repent!
Hi Anonymous1977 Thank you for explaining you really believe this and feel I am the one projecting some ill intent.

I wanted to raise 10 million dollars for that Freedmen's Town project.
Are you willing to bet me 10 million dollars that I am naturally born, incarnated as an American born Asian.
My parents both Vietnamese. I am registered with the Bone Marrow bank as Asian American/Vietnamese
because there is a shortage of Asian donors, and I volunteered to help a Vietnamese mother who lost her
daughter to lack of time in finding a matching donor because she was biracial Vietnamese/White.

Both my parents were born in Vietnam. My pictures are posted on my gallery/album
where you can see I am Asian female.

If you are angry about BlackWhite racism I believe the Freedmen's Town project is a national model
to end the oppression not only of Black minorities, but women minorities and political/religious minorities.

That anger should be directed toward demanding millions in restitution to restore this national site.

It is misdirected towards me, in a pattern which is part of the political history of that district.
People used to turn on Tim O'Brien who was WHITE and they couldn't stand that either.

Let me know what I can do to connect you to the BLACK leaders who need support to
reclaim two Black districts to set up their campus development plans, not more of this destruction and division.

I am happy we met, because I have faith we can resolve this.

If you want to bet 10 million dollars I am Asian female, I gladly donate that to the Freedmen's Town project.
If I am right you have to raise the 10 million.
If I am some fraud I will raise the 10 million and apologize for "lying and saying I was Asian"

This is an easier bet to win than the Tea Party bet I made for 20 million toward this project.
If you can make it easier I'm happy. And I will even help you raise the 10 million when you lose, because I am Asian.
I am just so happy to have help to raise the money, I don't mind if you do it this way.
I just want that project to get going, and you are right, I'm not the right person for it, but just another volunteer.

Do you want to bet 10 million? are you serious ?
Because I really am Asian. Do you want me to post my TX driver's license photo.

here's a link to a Fox 26 news blurb about the Freedmen's Town houses.
Lenwood Johnson is the co-author of those campus plans. I'm in there and the reporter is a classmate of mine
from Rice, that the campus plans are based on, and where a co-founder of the SAE graduated the business school there, so I am trying to contact him about this community service project idea to restore good faith relations with the OU students.

Time running out for historic Freedman s Town - FOX 26 News MyFoxHouston

Anonymous1977 has taken it upon himself to trash me because I "smell White" and thus am associated in his mind with White bigotry against Blacks.

I have no idea where he got this, and ask him to explain.

I am Asian American, born of Vietnamese Buddhist parents in Galveston, Texas.

The Freed Slaves who built Freedmen's Town came out of the Galveston/Port Bolivar area
and the historic houses remind me of the neighborhoods I grew up in. Galveston has done
a better job of preserving the historic buildings from this same era, but Houston is run by developer interests.

My interest in Freedmen's Town first came up because the plans to restore the national historic district as a campus was based on campus plans from Rice University where I graduated. Since Rice shares a similar history with segregation out of the Civil Rights Era, this made sense that a solution would come from a partnership with education as the common principle to build upon.

Unfortunately these campus plans got smashed and censored by the City of Houston abusing public authority to evict the residents, tear down 2/3 of the national historic landmark the residents planned to renovate as a campus, and took advantage of denying the right of the residents "peaceably to assemble" to petition to defend their equal rights and interests under laws. There was no equal protection because political power was abused to scatter the residents so they could not fulfill their plans. They had no resources to meet after removing them from their community, and no legal defenses since no lawyer dared go after the City and developer interests.

This is all about politics.

But because of the fear and hostility associated with Black/White racism, people could not collaborate and help.

People like Anonymous1977 project hatred and anger at the WRONG PEOPLE
and this has further divided and destroyed the community.

I cannot repeat what Anon called me by PM.

But I challenge Anonymous1977 to admit that this was PROJECTION, because I am not European White and I am not trying to enslave or enable anyone under whatever system you are saying is White.

I am trying to use NATURAL LAWS to educate and liberate people from political enslavement and oppression. NATURAL LAWS are for all people, not just WHITE.

Yes, I WILL say that it is considered "white culture" to stand up for Constitutional principles, as I believe defend the natural rights of citizens in Freedmen's Town who I witnessed govt abused to violate their beliefs in preservation and rights to equal protection without discrimination by their beliefs and creed, and to violate their right to security, due process to defend their liberties, and peaceful assemble to petition for redress of grievances.

If this is considered a WHITE cultural standard to use the Constitution to defend these rights by law,
then yes, I am of that WHITE culture then.

So Anonymous1977
if you don't like me using Constitutional laws to represent laws of justice,
what do you propose to use.

Do you want to wait around for someone else to create new laws not associated with WHITES.

What is wrong with these laws that can be used by all people because
they are based on NATURAL LAWS of human nature.

Here are the laws that I propose all citizens learn in order to check, enforce and reform govt at will
to prevent abuses:

Here are the plans for Freedmen's Town including the Veteran housing and campus plans of
BLACK leaders I support. I am just trying to volunteer to find them the right help to fulfill these plans.

Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

I agree with other posters it should focus on Black leadership
and not depend on any government that is outside the direct control and unity of the group.

What is so offensive that you would attack me
assuming I am some kind of White racist.

Where did you get that, or do you know you are projecting?

If you have better plans than these, let me know; otherwise,
Below is the invitation that Gladys House sent me for the next meeting on Saturday.

LOL No you White (non-Asian) stink bag (skunk)...I'm calling you White because I know that you are not Asian but a STINKy White trying to start up trouble.

YOUR race (the White race) is the only race who behaves like this:


May God soon remove your HATEFUL evil race from the planet, unless you reform.
Stop harrassing her. You are a wicked man! You need to repent!

Greetings, Sir.

I'm not sure if you are aware of the whole story here...this woman has been harassing me through PM to "join her" and when I declined due to disinterest, out of no where today she verbally insults me on some thread to someone else...she is the real culprit here but you would have to know the whole story.

I don't believe that she is Asian. I believe that she is a White racist who is playing some kind of game here.

Peace & may God Bless you.
Stop harrassing her. You are a wicked man! You need to repent!

Greetings, Sir.

I'm not sure if you are aware of the whole story here...this woman has been harassing me through PM to "join her" and when I declined due to disinterest, out of no where today she verbally insults me on some thread to someone else...she is the real culprit here but you would have to know the whole story.

I don't believe that she is Asian. I believe that she is a White racist who is playing some kind of game here.

Peace & may God Bless you.

I did not post a single reply after you suddenly turned and told me to stop.

Do I have your permission to post all the contents of every post between us?
Hi Anonymous1977 Thank you for explaining you really believe this and feel I am the one projecting some ill intent.

I wanted to raise 10 million dollars for that Freedmen's Town project.
Are you willing to bet me 10 million dollars that I am naturally born, incarnated as an American born Asian.
My parents both Vietnamese. I am registered with the Bone Marrow bank as Asian American/Vietnamese
because there is a shortage of Asian donors, and I volunteered to help a Vietnamese mother who lost her
daughter to lack of time in finding a matching donor because she was biracial Vietnamese/White.

Both my parents were born in Vietnam. My pictures are posted on my gallery/album
where you can see I am Asian female.

If you are angry about BlackWhite racism I believe the Freedmen's Town project is a national model
to end the oppression not only of Black minorities, but women minorities and political/religious minorities.

That anger should be directed toward demanding millions in restitution to restore this national site.

It is misdirected towards me, in a pattern which is part of the political history of that district.
People used to turn on Tim O'Brien who was WHITE and they couldn't stand that either.

Let me know what I can do to connect you to the BLACK leaders who need support to
reclaim two Black districts to set up their campus development plans, not more of this destruction and division.

I am happy we met, because I have faith we can resolve this.

If you want to bet 10 million dollars I am Asian female, I gladly donate that to the Freedmen's Town project.
If I am right you have to raise the 10 million.
If I am some fraud I will raise the 10 million and apologize for "lying and saying I was Asian"

This is an easier bet to win than the Tea Party bet I made for 20 million toward this project.
If you can make it easier I'm happy. And I will even help you raise the 10 million when you lose, because I am Asian.
I am just so happy to have help to raise the money, I don't mind if you do it this way.
I just want that project to get going, and you are right, I'm not the right person for it, but just another volunteer.

Do you want to bet 10 million? are you serious ?
Because I really am Asian. Do you want me to post my TX driver's license photo.

here's a link to a Fox 26 news blurb about the Freedmen's Town houses.
Lenwood Johnson is the co-author of those campus plans. I'm in there and the reporter is a classmate of mine
from Rice, that the campus plans are based on, and where a co-founder of the SAE graduated the business school there, so I am trying to contact him about this community service project idea to restore good faith relations with the OU students.

Time running out for historic Freedman s Town - FOX 26 News MyFoxHouston

**** you, you sick racist trash (White person, not Asian person.)

Stop harrassing me through PM and get a life.

I do not send PM to anyone who asks me to stop.
There was no harassment
You suddenly turned and started accusing me.

May I ask are you part Native American
The people I have seen suddenly turn like this,
often have Native American blood and have been betrayed
at such deep levels they cannot help when trust issues suddenly trigger.

My apologies for inciting you.
I only wanted to kick some behinds
and get people going on solutions instead of complaining about racism.

I see you as a brother in this spiritual battle.
I support you in winning and not losing to the spirit of fear and division.

sorry for this and I pray for love and healing to lift you out of this
Godspeed and more power to you.
Stop harrassing her. You are a wicked man! You need to repent!

Here Jeremiah,

Here is a racist statement from her in this thread:

"May I ask are you part Native American
The people I have seen suddenly turn like this,
often have Native American blood and have been betrayed
at such deep levels they cannot help when trust issues suddenly trigger."

She is a White racist masquerading as an Asian to try to stir up trouble between a Black and Asians.

She has too much time on her hands, she's dookie (human waste) in a bag of skin LOL, and she needs a life.

Peace & may God Bless you.
Stop harrassing her. You are a wicked man! You need to repent!

Here Jeremiah,

Here is a racist statement from her in this thread:

"May I ask are you part Native American
The people I have seen suddenly turn like this,
often have Native American blood and have been betrayed
at such deep levels they cannot help when trust issues suddenly trigger."

She is a White racist masquerading as an Asian to try to stir up trouble between a Black and Asians.

She has too much time on her hands, she's dookie (human waste) in a bag of skin LOL, and she needs a life.

Peace & may God Bless you.

The only reason worthless, waste of skin, Anonymous1977 talks like this is that he is indeed "anonymous".

He doesn't have the balls to take on a little tiny Asian woman, face to face, in real life cuz its for sure, she'd beat the worthless crap out of him.
What if this was the first thread someone new to USMB clicked on... :rofl:

I guess it will turn into another conversation between JakeStarkey and me.
No offense but the PC police are far more racist than the KKK in a ballsless way. All non-whites/non-blacks including those of mixed race are shoe-horned into one of those two categories.

Nothing on this planet has less courage, integrity and brains than scared, little, chicken shit kkk, white supremacists who talk big here but hide under their sheets in real life.
The only reason worthless, waste of skin, Anonymous1977 talks like this is that he is indeed "anonymous".

He doesn't have the balls to take on a little tiny Asian woman, face to face, in real life cuz its for sure, she'd beat the worthless crap out of him.

LOLOLOL no, Anonymous1977 talks like this because he hates White racists like emilynghiem, and who ever else would be trash enough to masquerade as someone of another race to stir up race trouble lolol.

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