Another $12B to Ukraine…what is with this constant supply of money and weapons to Ukraine?

Are you not familiar with the history? I never claimed they expanded into Russian territory according to the terms no additional expansion towards Russia. You’d think NATO permanent members would’ve at least went back to the negotiating table with Russia (Putin) and said, “Look, we’re not going to be able to abide by the terms of that old doctrine so we need to make a different agreement.”
Who knows what diplomatic talks / communications have gone on.

Many times the public ignorantly claim or act like they know EVERYTHING, when there is SO much they don't.

After 34 years serving, wirh rhe clearance level I had, and in the job I was in, I told .y wife several times I could not wait to retire and become one of millions who walk around with no clue what is really, actually going on.

Thanks to all this health stuff that forced me out starting in January, I no longer sit on briefings, no longer get brief generals, no longer have access to daily classified reports and updates, and now at the mercy of the majority propaganda-pushing liberal media.
Who knows what diplomatic talks / communications have gone on.

Many times the public ignorantly claim or act like they know EVERYTHING, when there is SO much they don't.

After 34 years serving, wirh rhe clearance level I had, and in the job I was in, I told .y wife several times I could not wait to retire and become one of millions who walk around with no clue what is really, actually going on.

Thanks to all this health stuff that forced me out starting in January, I no longer sit on briefings, no longer get brief generals, no longer have access to daily classified reports and updates, and now at the mercy of the majority propaganda-pushing liberal media.
I have no argument with you there that whatever’s leaked or printed in the press is likely at best 30% of the whole story, minus the commentary portrayed as factual evidence.

I read the 11 to 14 letters that were exchanged between Trump and Kim Jong-Un. The goals were obvious, each side wanted something, and none of it panned out.

As a civilian, I support peace efforts
and respect leaders who at least attempt to negotiate with other world leaders, including dictators with stringent regimes.

I know you might not like it but I’m risking it anyway, I appreciate your service for our country. Civilians know squat, I’ve known this for a long time having military personnel in my own family, and thanks for being nice about pointing that out:)
Your first statement is a falsehood. There were no winners following the first nor the second summit between the US and North Korea (Trump and Kim Jong-un). The push for a peace treaty didn’t materialize where North Korea would become denuclearized
in return for sanctions relief.

I have less concern about publicity and appearances then you appear to have (using your words) and more concern about actual attempts at finding workable solutions with hostile governmental heads.

Your second paragraph indicating that “Ukraine had to stop Russia all by themselves” reads like the conflict hasn’t been brewing for many decades. To grasp the beginnings of the turmoil requires going back to territorial terms that were established between NATO and Russia following the collapse of USSR. The agreement was that NATO countries would not expand any further into Russian territory, but this was not honored. NATO membership expanded. What significantly lead to an inevitable outbreak of the current conflict was Ukraine’s Donetsk region’s leaders asked Putin for help to break away from Ukraine. For many years, these northern territories (collectively Donetsk Region) have had a dominant proportion of their population who are Russian, pro-Russian sympathizers, and many who are half-Russian half-Ukrainian and so forth.

Those people should have the right to determine their destiny. That is my opinion and your futile name-calling will not change it.
Yes Republicans screwed up the fall of USSR no doubt. But Putin is a fascist dictator wannabe at least. NATO is not going to attack Russia, Putin knows that he just wants to go back to the Soviet Union boundaries and democracies don't want it nobody wants it the Russian people don't want it. Why do you want it? That's ridiculous. Ukraine has always been another nation even and the things the communists did to them it's just outrageous. Nobody in the modern world agrees with you. They could have had elections real elections but they would have lost because nobody wants to actually be in putins's fascist Russia. Or in trump's fascist United States, unless they are brainwashed. North Korea got everything they wanted- trump didn't do anything constructive. Absolutely nothing. His big success was not ruining Obama's recovery period until he did with his world's worst pandemic reaction. And anybody would have gone after a vaccine just like he did- anybody. They just would not have spread bad rumors about its supposed dangers. And screwed that all up. Change the channel and try reality.
Who knows what diplomatic talks / communications have gone on.

Many times the public ignorantly claim or act like they know EVERYTHING, when there is SO much they don't.

After 34 years serving, wirh rhe clearance level I had, and in the job I was in, I told .y wife several times I could not wait to retire and become one of millions who walk around with no clue what is really, actually going on.

Thanks to all this health stuff that forced me out starting in January, I no longer sit on briefings, no longer get brief generals, no longer have access to daily classified reports and updates, and now at the mercy of the majority propaganda-pushing liberal media.
If you don't know that Putin and trump are disgraceful scumbag liars, you don't know anything
Yes Republicans screwed up the fall of USSR no doubt. But Putin is a fascist dictator wannabe at least. NATO is not going to attack Russia, Putin knows that he just wants to go back to the Soviet Union boundaries and democracies don't want it nobody wants it the Russian people don't want it. Why do you want it? That's ridiculous. Ukraine has always been another nation even and the things the communists did to them it's just outrageous. Nobody in the modern world agrees with you. They could have had elections real elections but they would have lost because nobody wants to actually be in putins's fascist Russia. Or in trump's fascist United States, unless they are brainwashed. North Korea got everything they wanted- trump didn't do anything constructive. Absolutely nothing. His big success was not ruining Obama's recovery period until he did with his world's worst pandemic reaction. And anybody would have gone after a vaccine just like he did- anybody. They just would not have spread bad rumors about its supposed dangers. And screwed that all up. Change the channel and try reality.
North Korea did not get anything they wanted. Trump didn’t give them a dime do you want to talk about which modern era presidents gave monies to hostile governments, do you want to go down that road? Do you want to start with Obama or perhaps Bush Jr.? Let’s talk about how Crimea was given to Russia by Obama basically. You can’t pick and choose -either territories can self-determine via majority rule or they should not be able to self-determine which is it?

I’ve given this a lot of thought and it wasn’t until I watched footage of interpreted interviews of Ukrainians, inside Kyiv vocal support of Zelensky. Outside of Kiev, not so much. Most interviewed expressed extreme sadness because they feel that the Russians are their cousins, and many Ukrainians have relatives who are half-Russian, half-Ukrainian and even more so of an ethnic blend with the younger generations. The difference of religious views is a factor, but overall nobody supported the war. I’ve also watched Interpreted interviews of Russian soldiers. Very sad to see young men confused about why they were on the border and having to go against what they also referred to as their cousins.

Certainly nothing fair in love or war, definitely not in war.
I have no argument with you there that whatever’s leaked or printed in the press is likely at best 30% of the whole story, minus the commentary portrayed as factual evidence.

I read the 11 to 14 letters that were exchanged between Trump and Kim Jong-Un. The goals were obvious, each side wanted something, and none of it panned out.

As a civilian, I support peace efforts
and respect leaders who at least attempt to negotiate with other world leaders, including dictators with stringent regimes.

I know you might not like it but I’m risking it anyway, I appreciate your service for our country. Civilians know squat, I’ve known this for a long time having military personnel in my own family, and thanks for being nice about pointing that out:)
yes yes, in fact we should have a military dictatorship with trump as generalissimo... What the hell.... military people are fantastic but they are not geniuses politically that is sure..
North Korea did not get anything they wanted. Trump didn’t give them a dime do you want to talk about which modern era presidents gave monies to hostile governments, do you want to go down that road? Do you want to start with Obama or perhaps Bush Jr.? Let’s talk about how Crimea was given to Russia by Obama basically. You can’t pick and choose -either territories can self-determine via majority rule or they should not be able to self-determine which is it?

I’ve given this a lot of thought and it wasn’t until I watched footage of interpreted interviews of Ukrainians, inside Kyiv vocal support of Zelensky. Outside of Kiev, not so much. Most interviewed expressed extreme sadness because they feel that the Russians are their cousins, and many Ukrainians have relatives who are half-Russian, half-Ukrainian and even more so of an ethnic blend with the younger generations. The difference of religious views is a factor, but overall nobody supported the war. I’ve also watched Interpreted interviews of Russian soldiers. Very sad to see young men confused about why they were on the border and having to go against what they also referred to as their cousins.

Certainly nothing fair in love or war, definitely not in war.
This is the worst war since Bush attacked Iraq, incredibly stupid 2 proclaim that attacking other countries can be OK lol OMG period. But this is a war of conquest it's just like Adolf Hitler is back what the hell are you people talking about?

And Many thanks to the GOP for the corrupt bubble and bust world depression of 2008. Chaos in the world and the rise of military thinking it's just great like it back in the 1930s after that GOP wrecking of the world economy. People who vote for the Republicans have always been brainwashed fools. The silent majority is now the loud mouth violent majority which is just grand...
Are you not familiar with the history? I never claimed they expanded into Russian territory according to the terms no additional expansion towards Russia. You’d think NATO permanent members would’ve at least went back to the negotiating table with Russia (Putin) and said, “Look, we’re not going to be able to abide by the terms of that old doctrine so we need to make a different agreement.”
Yes, you did. Reread your post! Why do you lie?
yes yes, in fact we should have a military dictatorship with trump as generalissimo... What the hell.... military people are fantastic but they are not geniuses politically that is sure..
Settle down little Franco. I do not support authoritarian government in any shape or form. I test as a libertarian and am far away (below) from the authoritarian type on the chart. I also support states rights and the US Constitution but that’s another thread.
Yes, you did. Reread your post! Why do you lie?
Don’t jump in calling me a liar without proof. A liar presents misinformation intentionally. I apologize for my error, I meant that NATO had agreed they would not expand towards Russia taking countries on the border. Thanks for pointing this out and I’m hoping I still have time to correct my post;) I just checked it, the word “into” Russia should be “towards” Russia. I cannot edit it but tried.
Settle down little Franco. I do not support authoritarian government in any shape or form. I test as a libertarian and am far away (below) from the authoritarian type on the chart. I also support states rights and the US Constitution but that’s another thread.
If you are for trump you support authoritarian government and overturning elections for no reason but his say so.... I AM 71 years old and six foot 4 inches tall and don't need any crap from idiots like you oops brainwashed functional idiots. At least you don't appear to be violent lol
Another 12 billion? Just the other day, he was sending a billion! Who in Congress is approving all of this?
It's unanimous. Only fools like you are against it. Stop listening to Russian garbage propaganda lol
If you are for trump you support authoritarian government and overturning elections for no reason but his say so.... I AM 71 years old and six foot 4 inches tall and don't need any crap from idiots like you oops brainwashed functional idiots. At least you don't appear to be violent lol
You should stop telling other posters what they believe and what they know, you could actually wind up having a few two-way conversations. I have a strong feeling it won’t be with me however lol
It's unanimous. Only fools like you are against it.

Against what? We have plenty of people and problems HERE needing help, Ukraine is another country.

Where is the aid to help Tibet? Those people have needed help for decades!

What is the US's strategic interest in Ukraine? What do we gain? Maybe you should ask the opinions of the people whose money you are spending!
read fascist swine.... I like Russians, especially the women

Olga has a thing for you too.

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