Another $12B to Ukraine…what is with this constant supply of money and weapons to Ukraine?

The Bidet loves Zelenky.....that's why he pours billions and billions to him.....he doesn't care about Americans,he mainly cares about a place across the world called Ukraine...... a place that has nothing to do with America or Americans!

Biden and his thugs are traitors.,...they are worse than scum

The Swamp wanted WW3 under Hillary, but had to destroy Trump to get it under Biden.
When you manufacture an intelligent argument backing up those claims, come by to see us, and tell us all about it. For now, I think scratching your ass is about all you've got to offer.
The Bidet loves Zelenky.....that's why he pours billions and billions to him.....he doesn't care about Americans,he mainly cares about a place across the world called Ukraine...... a place that has nothing to do with America or Americans!

Biden and his thugs are traitors.,...they are worse than scum

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Wow, too bad that rant didn't come with an argument.

This is taxpayer theft. Why is the American taxpayer sending nearly $100B to Ukraine?

This is only perpetuating this war.

We need deescalaton and peace.
The real theft was when Gangster Trump tried to shake down Zelensky & held up aid to Ukraine unless he got dirt on Biden.

That bastard Trump wouldn't release the aid until it hit the press that your guy was an extortionist lowlife criminal scumbag.
You should stop telling other posters what they believe and what they know, you could actually wind up having a few two-way conversations. I have a strong feeling it won’t be with me however lol
so you are not for trump. Good that is a relief. I don't really like threats much. Yes you people do hate for no reason that stands up in reality. Pretty damn scary you are....
Billions and Billions to Ukraine, shit for America!

What kind of President is that?

so you are a Nazi that lives in Austria? Your leader believes the same thing as Biden on this and everything else.
1 it seems like a big money laundering scheme. They send billions over there and there is no real record of what happens to it.
What it seems is that you have no clue what you are talking about. We send millitary weapons and equipment, not suitcases of cash.

You can take a look at "world number 2 army" getting humiliated in Ukraine to know damn fucking well what happens to it.
Horseshit, we send millitary weapons and equipment, not suitcases of cash.

You can take a look at "world number 2" army getting humiliated in Ukraine to know damn fucking well what happens to it.
Actually about 1/3 of it is economic aid. But they pretty much know where it goes lol...
Speak for yourself, right wing semi fascist dope. Stop listening to Russian propaganda and extreme idiot GOP propaganda. It's hard to tell the difference. This is about stopping fascist ******** like Putin and trump for that matter. You GOP base idiots would not understand lol....Poor America.

Fascism is an extreme form of capitalism, in order to increase profits to the wealthy elite, oligarchy.
That describes the US better then Russia.
Russia has free universal health care, more accessible education, and does not go invading countries all the time, like the US does.
Look at history.
The US tried to establish puppet dictators in China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.
Russia has always taken the side of local autonomy, and opposed the US.
So then the US is the bad guys, and Russia has always been the good guys.
Then look at the Ukraine.
Clearly the principle of "local autonomy" says that the ethnic Russians in the Donetsk, Crimea, etc., deserve to be free from the genocide coming out of Kyiv, by the racist and corrupt, ethnic polish government there.
Don’t jump in calling me a liar without proof. A liar presents misinformation intentionally. I apologize for my error, I meant that NATO had agreed they would not expand towards Russia taking countries on the border. Thanks for pointing this out and I’m hoping I still have time to correct my post;) I just checked it, the word “into” Russia should be “towards” Russia. I cannot edit it but tried.

Your error was trying to pass a lie. If it was an honest mistake, you should know better.

Also, in response to your earlier comment about history, I have a degree in it! I also participated in a little history in my lifetime, which I doubt you can claim.
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Same reasons as every other modern country has. Turn off the Russian propaganda stupid

Lots of countries say what the US is doing in the Ukraine is totally unethical.
Like China, India, Turkey, Italy, etc.
Fascism is an extreme form of capitalism, in order to increase profits to the wealthy elite, oligarchy.
That describes the US better then Russia.
Russia has free universal health care, more accessible education, and does not go invading countries all the time, like the US does.
Look at history.
The US tried to establish puppet dictators in China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.
Russia has always taken the side of local autonomy, and opposed the US.
So then the US is the bad guys, and Russia has always been the good guys.
Then look at the Ukraine.
Clearly the principle of "local autonomy" says that the ethnic Russians in the Donetsk, Crimea, etc., deserve to be free from the genocide coming out of Kyiv, by the racist and corrupt, ethnic polish government there.
What a gigantic pile of manufactured bullshit. You could not possibly do a better job of spewing Putin's propaganda.

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