Another $12B to Ukraine…what is with this constant supply of money and weapons to Ukraine?

Your view if history is extremely warped.
Its like listen to McCarthy tapes from the 50's on continual playback.
The big colonial imperialists since Spain and France bowed out, have always been England and the US.
Russia has never been a colonial imperialist.
For example, when Russia help defend China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, etc., they did not get a cent out of it.
The US always goes after the money, and after killing Saddam, we took over Iraq's oil sales for over a decade.

You have absolutely zero morals. Here is just another lie!

The development of oil in Iraq after 2003 is much like the development of the new state. The oil industry is a mix of state ownership and international interests, while the legal framework they work in highlights the continued failure to resolve divisive issues.
Doesn't matter if it is cash or not, it is still a bribe.
The Ukraine would never have started this war by violating treaties, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, murdering ethnic Russians, etc., if not for US bribes.

What fucking nukes, you morally and intelligence bankrupt fool?
Wow! 4 out of 194 other countries? China and India get their energy from Russia. Turkey has always been a totalitarian state. Have you checked with the new head of the Italian government on that?

There are many others as well.
Nations to vote in support of Vladimir Putin were Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea, Syria, Cuba, and Venezuela as well.
The US has a lot of economic clout, and clearly is using it for extortion.
For example, look at how the US blackmailed all the South and Central American countries to not deal with Cuba under Castro?
That clearly was illegal extortion, but Canada was about the only country with the guts to ignore our threats.
Obviously, economic embargos like that on civilian commerce, are totally unethical and illegal.
How much is Putin paying you to post disinformation and personal attacks on the Ukraining President?

The Ukraine was taken over by a military junta in 2014, and most of the political parties made illegal.
It has not have a fair or open election since them, and the government in Kyiv is all ethnic Polish, even though about half the Ukraine is ethnic Russian.
Kyiv is likely the single most corrupt government in the world right now.
What fucking nukes, you morally and intelligence bankrupt fool?

The same nukes the US always tries to put on Russia's border.
We did it in Turkey and Poland, and only had to take them out when Turkey and Poland decided they were a risk instead of an advantage, because they were controlled by the US.
There are many others as well.
Nations to vote in support of Vladimir Putin were Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea, Syria, Cuba, and Venezuela as well.
The US has a lot of economic clout, and clearly is using it for extortion.
For example, look at how the US blackmailed all the South and Central American countries to not deal with Cuba under Castro?
That clearly was illegal extortion, but Canada was about the only country with the guts to ignore our threats.
Obviously, economic embargos like that on civilian commerce, are totally unethical and illegal.

The Ukraine was taken over by a military junta in 2014, and most of the political parties made illegal.
It has not have a fair or open election since them, and the government in Kyiv is all ethnic Polish, even though about half the Ukraine is ethnic Russian.
Kyiv is likely the single most corrupt government in the world right now.

Communist countries every one! My God, you are so fucking stupid! When do get to move to high school Eleanor?

I am still waiting on your link showing economic sanctions are illegal. Can't find it, huh? That's because it doesn't exist!
What fucking nukes, you morally and intelligence bankrupt fool?
Natural logical assumption from Russia's view that Ukraine joining NATO means bases and nukes nearby soon. We don't have those concerns. The closest thing we encountered was Cuba, and we drew a bright red line there. Imagine Mexico joining a military alliance with Russia.
The same nukes the US always tries to put on Russia's border.
We did it in Turkey and Poland, and only had to take them out when Turkey and Poland decided they were a risk instead of an advantage, because they were controlled by the US.
Really? Give me the name of the weapons system, dumbass!

We never were going to station nuclear missiles in Poland. It was an ABM system, retard!

Our missiles were removed from Turkey when I was a baby! I am almost 62 years old, dumb shit!
Natural logical assumption from Russia's view that Ukraine joining NATO means bases and nukes nearby soon. We don't have those concerns. The closest thing we encountered was Cuba, and we drew a bright red line there. Imagine Mexico joining a military alliance with Russia.
What fucking nukes? I see you have joined the alliance of the stupid!

You morons keep talking about weapons that do not exist and have not existed for decades!
So where is this so called treaty you keep referencing? It must only exist in your empty head.

The ethnic Russians live in areas taken by Russia in 2014, dumbass!

The actual treaty between the Ukraine and Gorbachev is not public, but Gorbachev got NATO to promise to never try to convert Warsaw Pact nations into NATO.
And NATO agreed to that.
Both Abe and the Pope are on record as saying the expansion of NATO on Russia's border was an unacceptable act of war.

And no, almost half of the Ukraine is ethnic Russian. The Donetsk, Luhansk, and Karkov regions are all a vast majority of ethnic Russia natives.
Look back before 1955, and you will see that those regions were not part of the Ukraine.

The Ukraine is a composit of many countries, and Kyiv is a left over of the old Polish Aristocracy.
If you want a quick background, watch the movie, "Taras Bulba" with Yul Brennar as a Russian Tatar.
The Poles are the bad guy in the movie, with Tony Curtis falling in love with a Pole.
Kyiv really has no claim to almost any territory really.
I have no argument with you there that whatever’s leaked or printed in the press is likely at best 30% of the whole story, minus the commentary portrayed as factual evidence.

I read the 11 to 14 letters that were exchanged between Trump and Kim Jong-Un. The goals were obvious, each side wanted something, and none of it panned out.

As a civilian, I support peace efforts
and respect leaders who at least attempt to negotiate with other world leaders, including dictators with stringent regimes.

I know you might not like it but I’m risking it anyway, I appreciate your service for our country. Civilians know squat, I’ve known this for a long time having military personnel in my own family, and thanks for being nice about pointing that out:)
Dude, STOP - you are embarrassing yourself.

Again, the 1st test of a nuclear weapon by North Korea was in 2006!

Despite your being provided with NUMEROUS links to articles, wiki, reports, etc... confirming this you snowflakes are STILL are trying to REWRITE HISTORY in order to satisfy your deranged, TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed need to blame TRUMP for North Korea having nukes!


Carter and Clinton are to thank for NK being able to develop and create nukes and use for completely ignoring NK while they acquired nukes to focus on the ME.

The insane claim made was Trump was responsible for NK getting nuclear weapons, doing nothing to stop them.


Don't go away mad - just STFU and go away.
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Really? Give me the name of the weapons system, dumbass!

We never were going to station nuclear missiles in Poland. It was an ABM system, retard!

Our missiles were removed from Turkey when I was a baby! I am almost 62 years old, dumb shit!

I believe I remember the missiles we put in Turkey were Jupiter C.
We put them in other places like Italy, England, etc., but it was Turkey that caused the Cuban Missile Crisis, because they were too close to Russia.

The ABMs we put in Poland were nuclear, and who could possibly believe the fake cover story we use, that it was to protect Poland from a missile attack from Iran?

Doesn't matter how old you are or the missiles, the US constantly is trying to counter MAD by getting missiles too close to Russia for them to be able to retaliate any more.
Russia does not care about MAD because they have no plans of aggression.
It is only the US that is constantly plotting to take over countries, like they did to the Ukraine.
So it is only the US that is trying to break MAD.
And clearly we would not have given the Ukraine all those billions in Javelins, Stingers, HIMARs, etc., unless we deliberately intended to create this conflict in order to break MAD.
Dude, STOP - you are embarrassing yourself.

Again, the 1st test of a nuclear weapon by North Korea was in 2006!

Despite your being provided with NUMEROUS links to articles, wiki, reports, etc... confirming this you snowflakes are STILL are trying to REWRITE HISTORY in order to satisfy your deranged, TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed need to blame TRUMP for North Korea having nukes!

View attachment 704311

Carter and Clinton are to thank for NK being able to develop and create nukes and use for completely ignoring NK while they acquired nukes to focus on the ME.

The insane claim made was Trump was responsible for NK getting nuclear weapons, doing nothing to stop them.


Don't go away mad - just STFU and go away.

I would blame Bush for North Korea getting nukes.
After lying about Iraq WMD and illegally invading, everyone now needs defensive nukes.
The actual treaty between the Ukraine and Gorbachev is not public, but Gorbachev got NATO to promise to never try to convert Warsaw Pact nations into NATO.
And NATO agreed to that.
Both Abe and the Pope are on record as saying the expansion of NATO on Russia's border was an unacceptable act of war.

And no, almost half of the Ukraine is ethnic Russian. The Donetsk, Luhansk, and Karkov regions are all a vast majority of ethnic Russia natives.
Look back before 1955, and you will see that those regions were not part of the Ukraine.

The Ukraine is a composit of many countries, and Kyiv is a left over of the old Polish Aristocracy.
If you want a quick background, watch the movie, "Taras Bulba" with Yul Brennar as a Russian Tatar.
The Poles are the bad guy in the movie, with Tony Curtis falling in love with a Pole.
Kyiv really has no claim to almost any territory really.

How convenient for you, dumbass! Not public? Fuck you, shit for brains!

I gave you a fucking link proving you were wrong abut the Ukraine being ethnic Russian.

Roughly 77.5% of Ukraine's population identify as ethnic Ukrainians. The second largest nationality group are Russians, accounting for 17.2% of the population.
What fucking nukes? I see you have joined the alliance of the stupid!

You morons keep talking about weapons that do not exist and have not existed for decades!

This is not perfect, but it will help explain:
In seeking to explain why there are currently 100,000 Russian troops on the Ukrainian border, commentators have invoked everything from the role of NATO expansion in the 1990s to the history of Kievan Rus in the 9th century. But a more recent development deserves discussion as well: America’s withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in 2019.

Russia’s proposal for ending the current crisis stipulates that the United States “not deploy land-based intermediate- and short-range missiles in areas allowing them to reach [Russian territory].”

The Fate of the Treaty

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was a bilateral agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union, signed in 1987, which eliminated a specific delivery system: surface-to-surface missiles with ranges between 500 and 5,500 kilometers, henceforth referred to as theater-support missiles. Washington withdrew from the treaty in 2019, citing a series of Russian violations while also emphasizing the benefits that the new missiles could provide the United States in Europe and, perhaps more importantly, Asia.


Because the U.S. Army had previously established long-range precision fires as its top modernization priority, the associated loosening of missile restrictions created an innovation opportunity for U.S. forces.
This missile asymmetry had been a criticism of the treaty for years, likely influencing the U.S. decision to withdraw.

Since the United States withdrew from the treaty, the Army has embarked on numerous projects at varying ranges, including a moderate range increase from its current systems to a 500–600-kilometer range precision strike missile and a more strategically designed 2,700-kilometer range hypersonic missile. Additionally, future long-range strike capabilities have begun to influence emerging U.S. military doctrine, which emphasizes their importance in neutralizing anti-access systems. Overall, while the treaty’s demise may have been controversial internationally, domestically the U.S. military was quick to capitalize on its newfound freedom. Instead of internal debates on the strategic implications of reintroducing these missiles, the public military discourse centered on which service would have employment and development responsibility. This implied that the new missiles’ eventual employment and forward basing were foregone conclusions.

Adding to this perception, U.S. analysis covering the treaty’s demise focused heavily on the benefits of theater-support missiles. In 2019, a Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment research team conducted a cost-benefit analysis on deploying these new missiles, arguing that the decision “may contribute to a cost-imposing strategy against China and Russia by pressuring them to invest in expensive defenses and resiliency measures rather than devote those same resources to power-projection capabilities.” The report added that the employment of missiles in Europe and the Pacific could “compensate for the vulnerabilities of U.S. air and naval forces in potential conflicts involving capable opponents such as China and Russia.” European pundits also weighed in on the immediate tactical benefits that conventional missiles could provide to NATO. Christian Mölling and Heinrich Brauß, members of the German Council on Foreign Relations, contended that theater-support missiles “could threaten Moscow’s command facilities and limit Russia’s military ability to act.” Luis Simón, an international security professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels, and Alexander Lanoszka, an international relations professor at Waterloo University, made a similar argument, noting that missiles were “likely to become the center of gravity of deterrence and security in Europe in a post-INF and maturing precision-strike context.” I’ve even put forward this argument myself, writing last year that rocket artillery proliferation in Europe can deter Russian aggression in the Baltics.

The Western narrative is straightforward: Theater-support missiles provide the United States and NATO with new capabilities to better deal with a resurgent Russia and a rising China. But this discourse overlooked the strategic implications of employing these missiles, and neglected any potential Russian response.

So the US lied and quit the treaty on false claims of Russian violation, so that they could freely expand on many new types of missiles and ranges, including hypersonic.
We do have the intermediate missiles that could be put into the Ukraine to break MAD.
We have been developing them all along, but mass producing them only in the last 3 years since we withdrew from the limitation treaties.

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