Another $12B to Ukraine…what is with this constant supply of money and weapons to Ukraine?

Lots of countries say what the US is doing in the Ukraine is totally unethical.
Like China, India, Turkey, Italy, etc.
Actually, all four of those countries have spoken out against Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

If you don't know why the money keeps flowing to these corrupt assholes, you have not been paying attention for the last few decades. Here's a hint, we have 70, 80+ yr. old senators.
Actually about 1/3 of it is economic aid. But they pretty much know where it goes lol...

Doesn't matter if it is cash or not, it is still a bribe.
The Ukraine would never have started this war by violating treaties, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, murdering ethnic Russians, etc., if not for US bribes.
Russia has free universal health care, more accessible education, and does not go invading countries all the time, like the US does.
Look at history.
The US tried to establish puppet dictators in China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.
Russia has always taken the side of local autonomy, and opposed the US.


This dumb motherfucker has never heard of the Iron Curtain. Or the Berlin Wall. Or the invasion of Georgia. Or the invasion Crimea. Or the invasion of Hungary. Or the invasion of Czechoslavakia. Or the invasion of Poland. Or Angola. Or Afghanistan. Or Ossetia. Or Chechnya. Or Putin's military support of his puppet in Syria.

"Look at history," he says.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Actually, all four of those countries have spoken out against Putin's invasion of Ukraine.


All countries have said it is too bad it came to war, but none of those countries are accepting the illegal US economic sanctions Biden is trying to impose.

To get a more real perspective, read what ex-president of Japan, Abe said:
Abe made his remarks on Putin in response to questions posed to him about the Russian invasion. “Putin absolutely cannot tolerate the expansion of NATO to Ukraine,” Abe said, adding that the Russian leader expressed his misgivings about Russia-U.S. relations — such as the stationing of American THAAD anti-ballistic missiles in Poland — in conversations between himself and Abe.

He also said that “Putin is vehement in his view” that NATO made, but broke, a promise not to expand eastwards.

If you read what the Pope said, it was similar, in that Russia could never accept Kyiv trying to join NATO, and that was a deliberate "act of war".
Fascism is an extreme form of capitalism, in order to increase profits to the wealthy elite, oligarchy.
That describes the US better then Russia.
Russia has free universal health care, more accessible education, and does not go invading countries all the time, like the US does.
Look at history.
The US tried to establish puppet dictators in China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.
Russia has always taken the side of local autonomy, and opposed the US.
So then the US is the bad guys, and Russia has always been the good guys.
Then look at the Ukraine.
Clearly the principle of "local autonomy" says that the ethnic Russians in the Donetsk, Crimea, etc., deserve to be free from the genocide coming out of Kyiv, by the racist and corrupt, ethnic polish government there.

You really are stupid, aren't you? Give us the names of the dictators we installed in those countries! You can't possibly do that because your post was a lie.

How much is Putin paying you to post? Have you compared salaries with Skye to see if she is making more than you?

Kyiv is ethnically Polish? Where did you dig up that bullshit?

Roughly 77.5% of Ukraine's population identify as ethnic Ukrainians. The second largest nationality group are Russians, accounting for 17.2% of the population. Other significantly represented nationalities include Romanians, Belorussians, Crimean Tatars, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Poles, Jews, and Armenians.
All countries have said it is too bad it came to war, but none of those countries are accepting the illegal US economic sanctions Biden is trying to impose.

To get a more real perspective, read what ex-president of Japan, Abe said:
Abe made his remarks on Putin in response to questions posed to him about the Russian invasion. “Putin absolutely cannot tolerate the expansion of NATO to Ukraine,” Abe said, adding that the Russian leader expressed his misgivings about Russia-U.S. relations — such as the stationing of American THAAD anti-ballistic missiles in Poland — in conversations between himself and Abe.

He also said that “Putin is vehement in his view” that NATO made, but broke, a promise not to expand eastwards.

If you read what the Pope said, it was similar, in that Russia could never accept Kyiv trying to join NATO, and that was a deliberate "act of war".

Warning, ladies and gentleman! Bullshit warning is in effect!
All countries have said it is too bad it came to war, but none of those countries are accepting the illegal US economic sanctions Biden is trying to impose.

To get a more real perspective, read what ex-president of Japan, Abe said:
Abe made his remarks on Putin in response to questions posed to him about the Russian invasion. “Putin absolutely cannot tolerate the expansion of NATO to Ukraine,” Abe said, adding that the Russian leader expressed his misgivings about Russia-U.S. relations — such as the stationing of American THAAD anti-ballistic missiles in Poland — in conversations between himself and Abe.

He also said that “Putin is vehement in his view” that NATO made, but broke, a promise not to expand eastwards.

If you read what the Pope said, it was similar, in that Russia could never accept Kyiv trying to join NATO, and that was a deliberate "act of war".
Ukraine did not join NATO, tard.

You people are idiots. You are making excuses for Putin and that is really sick. Sick, sick, sick.

Putin's aim is to reconstitute the USSR. It has fuck-all to do with NATO. Only a full-on retard swallows and regurgitates his bullshit.


This dumb motherfucker has never heard of the Iron Curtain. Or the Berlin Wall. Or the invasion of Georgia. Or the invasion Crimea. Or the invasion of Hungary. Or the invasion of Czechoslavakia. Or the invasion of Poland. Or Angola. Or Afghanistan. Or Ossetia. Or Chechnya. Or Putin's military support of his puppet in Syria.

"Look at history," he says.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Very uninformed propaganda.
The Iron Curtain was to protect the USSR from the constant US attempts at espionage.
The Berlin Wall was because people were getting their degrees as doctors, lawyers, etc. for free in Eastern Germany, and then leaving without paying back for their free education.
Russia did NOT invade Georgia, but Georgia invaded South Ossetia, and Russia stopped them.
The Crimea are ethnic Russian Tatars, being murdered and abused by the ethnic Poles in Kyiv.
The invasion of Poland was by East German and Hungarian troops, to restore order.
Angola was Cubans trying to prevent western colonial imperialism.
Afghanistan was war crimes by the US.
Syria is resistance to prevent the illegal US attempt to murder Assad, even though Assad is extremely popular, just like we murdered Saddam, Qaddafi, etc.
The only one where you are remotely right may be Chechnya, where I do not like what Russia did.
another day.....and more billions for Ukraine from the Cheater in Chief in America! YAY!

Isn't Zelensky lucky? :rolleyes:

Very uninformed propaganda.
The Iron Curtain was to protect the USSR from the constant US attempts at espionage.
The Berlin Wall was because people were getting their degrees as doctors, lawyers, etc. for free in Eastern Germany, and then leaving without paying back for their free education.
Russia did NOT invade Georgia, but Georgia invaded South Ossetia, and Russia stopped them.
The Crimea are ethnic Russian Tatars, being murdered and abused by the ethnic Poles in Kyiv.
The invasion of Poland was by East German and Hungarian troops, to restore order.
Angola was Cubans trying to prevent western colonial imperialism.
Afghanistan was war crimes by the US.
Syria is resistance to prevent the illegal US attempt to murder Assad, even though Assad is extremely popular, just like we murdered Saddam, Qaddafi, etc.
The only one where you are remotely right may be Chechnya, where I do not like what Russia did.
This has to be a joke.
Ukraine did not join NATO, tard.

You people are idiots. You are making excuses for Putin and that is really sick. Sick, sick, sick.

Putin's aim is to reconstitute the USSR. It has fuck-all to do with NATO. Only a full-on retard swallows and regurgitates his bullshit.

No one said the Ukraine did join NATO.
Abe said that it was wrong for Kyiv to try to join NATO, since that was a treaty violation and act of war that Russia could never accept.

Claiming Putin wants to "reconstitute the USSR" is silly because Russia has all the good stuff already, more land and resource then they will ever know what to do with.
Russia has no need for the Ukraine at all, and would not bother with them if only they were not committing mass murder of ethnic Russians, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, and stealing over $20 billion in oil and gas.
This has to be a joke.

Your view if history is extremely warped.
Its like listen to McCarthy tapes from the 50's on continual playback.
The big colonial imperialists since Spain and France bowed out, have always been England and the US.
Russia has never been a colonial imperialist.
For example, when Russia help defend China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, etc., they did not get a cent out of it.
The US always goes after the money, and after killing Saddam, we took over Iraq's oil sales for over a decade.
No one said the Ukraine did join NATO.
Abe said that it was wrong for Kyiv to try to join NATO, since that was a treaty violation and act of war that Russia could never accept.

Claiming Putin wants to "reconstitute the USSR" is silly because Russia has all the good stuff already, more land and resource then they will ever know what to do with.
Russia has no need for the Ukraine at all, and would not bother with them if only they were not committing mass murder of ethnic Russians, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, and stealing over $20 billion in oil and gas.

So where is this so called treaty you keep referencing? It must only exist in your empty head.

The ethnic Russians live in areas taken by Russia in 2014, dumbass!
1 it seems like a big money laundering scheme. They send billions over there and there is no real record of what happens to it. No trails. No nothing. It more or less just disappears. Maybe not all of it simply vanishes, but a lot just is lost. I think a lot of it being laundered and sent back or used to pay off people.

2 criminals and crooks need to protect their investments and allies in Ukraine. For decades Ukraine was widely known as a hot bed of criminal activity like money laundering, counterfeiting, sex trafficking, drugs and so on. But soon as Russia moves in suddenly Ukraine is considered the proverbial babe in the woods.

Exactly that! ^^^:thup:

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