Another 177 high profile intel officials send letter supporting Brennan

All "Deep State" I am certain :rolleyes:

With a third star-studded letter, more than 175 additional alumni of top national security jobs are joining the bipartisan outcry against President Trump's stripping of former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance.

Who's in ... An organizer tells me: "This third statement includes career officials — from Nick Rasmussen, former Director of NCTC, to Bill Burns, former Deputy Secretary of State, to Doug Wise, former Deputy Director of DIA, to political folks from both sides of the aisle — including Tony Lake, former National Security Advisor and Sean O’Keefe, former Secretary of the Navy and NASA Administrator as well as more than 10 former U.S. Ambassadors and more than 20 former U.S. Attorneys."

Michael Morell — former CIA acting director, and host of the CBS News "Intelligence Matters" podcast — tells me Trump's approach has backfired:
  • "People are essentially saying to the president: 'We will not be intimidated by you. For those of us who have been speaking up, we will continue to. And if we haven't been, we’re going to start speaking up.'"
  • "This is a great example of democracy — exactly what all these folks who signed the letters spent their lives defending."
Read the full letter.​

First look: Pentagon, State alumni join Brennan clearance outcry
Good, now we have a nice list of 177 people to fire.
They're already gone. Its not hard to find a bunch of former government officials to sign a one paragraph letter voicing their opposition to Trump, no matter how ridiculous the subject.

Shit, these people are deep state sympathizers. They're part of the swamp.
Another example of the privileged elite attacking President Trump. You need to realize that the privileged elite are not the friend of the American people while Donald Trump proves every day that he is.

Donald Trump is a friend to DONALD TRUMP, his family and his business interests.
He doesn't give an orange crap about you, the country or its people ...
Hopefully you'll figure that out one day soon.

I'm sorry but no.

There's no way that person is ever going to figure out that trump doesn't give a crap about them.

They did the same thing in the bush boy years. Only this time it's on steroids.
Another example of the privileged elite attacking President Trump. You need to realize that the privileged elite are not the friend of the American people while Donald Trump proves every day that he is.

Donald Trump is a friend to DONALD TRUMP, his family and his business interests.
He doesn't give an orange crap about you, the country or its people ...
Hopefully you'll figure that out one day soon.
You are incorrect. Why would a billionaire put himself and his family through the daily gauntlet of the presidency? He works every day pulling the rug out from under the institutions and good old boys clubs that are eroding America's strength. You would realize that if you examined his actions and policies instead of doing handsprings over every Tweet and CNN report.
Another example of the privileged elite attacking President Trump. You need to realize that the privileged elite are not the friend of the American people while Donald Trump proves every day that he is.

Donald Trump is a friend to DONALD TRUMP, his family and his business interests.
He doesn't give an orange crap about you, the country or its people ...
Hopefully you'll figure that out one day soon.

I'm sorry but no.

There's no way that person is ever going to figure out that trump doesn't give a crap about them.

They did the same thing in the bush boy years. Only this time it's on steroids.

Actually, at least Junior $hrub had a degree of empathy - A gene entirely missing in Dotardo. Sad
Another example of the privileged elite attacking President Trump. You need to realize that the privileged elite are not the friend of the American people while Donald Trump proves every day that he is.

Donald Trump is a friend to DONALD TRUMP, his family and his business interests.
He doesn't give an orange crap about you, the country or its people ...
Hopefully you'll figure that out one day soon.
You are incorrect. Why would a billionaire put himself and his family through the daily gauntlet of the presidency? He works every day pulling the rug out from under the institutions and good old boys clubs that are eroding America's strength. You would realize that if you examined his actions and policies instead of doing handsprings over every Tweet and CNN report.

Once you've been duped by one of the greatest con men of all time, all hope is lost.
Trump is there for three basic reasons: Thirst for power, love of vengeance and unadulterated greed.

I doubt there are 175 "High Profile" intel officials period. Sounds impressive though, so there' that....
"In 2014, he flat-out denied hacking into computers used by the Senate Intelligence Committee, which was at the time investigating the CIA's use of harsh interrogation measures against terrorists.

After the computer break-ins were proven beyond a doubt, Brennan apologized but refused to acknowledge wrong-doing by the CIA. Despite calls for his dismissal even by Democrats, President Obama stood by his man. Brennan stayed."
All "Deep State" I am certain :rolleyes:

With a third star-studded letter, more than 175 additional alumni of top national security jobs are joining the bipartisan outcry against President Trump's stripping of former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance.

Who's in ... An organizer tells me: "This third statement includes career officials — from Nick Rasmussen, former Director of NCTC, to Bill Burns, former Deputy Secretary of State, to Doug Wise, former Deputy Director of DIA, to political folks from both sides of the aisle — including Tony Lake, former National Security Advisor and Sean O’Keefe, former Secretary of the Navy and NASA Administrator as well as more than 10 former U.S. Ambassadors and more than 20 former U.S. Attorneys."

Michael Morell — former CIA acting director, and host of the CBS News "Intelligence Matters" podcast — tells me Trump's approach has backfired:
  • "People are essentially saying to the president: 'We will not be intimidated by you. For those of us who have been speaking up, we will continue to. And if we haven't been, we’re going to start speaking up.'"
  • "This is a great example of democracy — exactly what all these folks who signed the letters spent their lives defending."
Read the full letter.​

First look: Pentagon, State alumni join Brennan clearance outcry

I disagree with trump's reasons for pulling his clearance.

However brennan lied to congress about torturing human beings in the bush boy administration. And he wiretapped Senator Feinstein.

His clearance should have been pulled years ago and he should have faced consequences for lying to congress, torturing human beings and tapping Senator Feinstein.

Obama was wrong to not pull brennan's clearance when he lied to congress, tortured people and tapped Senator Feinstein's phones

trump is using this man as a political pawn to intimidate others into silence. That's wrong and no president should do that.

My question is, when are Americans going to demand and get honest politicians and people who work for us?

It is simpler for a tribal people to just cheer for the person who wears the jersey of their tribe -- so there is never much of a chance for change when both parties know this
"In 2014, he flat-out denied hacking into computers used by the Senate Intelligence Committee, which was at the time investigating the CIA's use of harsh interrogation measures against terrorists.

After the computer break-ins were proven beyond a doubt, Brennan apologized but refused to acknowledge wrong-doing by the CIA. Despite calls for his dismissal even by Democrats, President Obama stood by his man. Brennan stayed."

Which is why it is ridiculous to claim Obama was some radical progressive -- he wasn't -- he was a corporatist Democrat -- which are exactly the kind of democrats progressives are AGAINST..

Obama thought playing nice and extending olive branches to republican officials by giving them jobs in his admin, adopting their policies - he thought this would win favor from Republicans -- he was wrong...
Another example of the privileged elite attacking President Trump. You need to realize that the privileged elite are not the friend of the American people while Donald Trump proves every day that he is.

Donald Trump is a friend to DONALD TRUMP, his family and his business interests.
He doesn't give an orange crap about you, the country or its people ...
Hopefully you'll figure that out one day soon.

I'm sorry but no.

There's no way that person is ever going to figure out that trump doesn't give a crap about them.

They did the same thing in the bush boy years. Only this time it's on steroids.
what widdle kid type thinking . Trump runs and Cares about the USA and its up to Americans to care for one another Dana .
I don't care what exe employees think on the matter. I say if you've quit the government there's no need for security clearance anymore. In business, if you fire an employee you delete their passwords for GP after they've left, this is the same thing in my mind. All of this "Trump's being mean to his opponents" stuff is just bullshit propaganda spin from the media as far as I'm concerned.

Ex high ranking officials are often needed security clearance because they are used as advisors. They don't allow ex CIA employees to maintain their security clearance for nothing.

You would understand this if you weren't so far up Chump's butt.
Another example of the privileged elite attacking President Trump. You need to realize that the privileged elite are not the friend of the American people while Donald Trump proves every day that he is.

Donald Trump is a friend to DONALD TRUMP, his family and his business interests.
He doesn't give an orange crap about you, the country or its people ...
Hopefully you'll figure that out one day soon.

I'm sorry but no.

There's no way that person is ever going to figure out that trump doesn't give a crap about them.

They did the same thing in the bush boy years. Only this time it's on steroids.

Actually, at least Junior $hrub had a degree of empathy - A gene entirely missing in Dotardo. Sad
Bush is still the Anti-Christ.
If he becomes a problem for the establishment that label can quickly be dusted off and reattached to him.
I don't care what exe employees think on the matter. I say if you've quit the government there's no need for security clearance anymore. In business, if you fire an employee you delete their passwords for GP after they've left, this is the same thing in my mind. All of this "Trump's being mean to his opponents" stuff is just bullshit propaganda spin from the media as far as I'm concerned.

Ex high ranking officials are often needed security clearance because they are used as advisors. They don't allow ex CIA employees to maintain their security clearance for nothing.

You would understand this if you weren't so far up Chump's butt.

lol the only one stuck in Trump's ass is folks like you.

Again, security clearance could be reinstated in seconds by the gov in an emergency. Your complaint is bullshit flung at the wall, it's not sticking with us non-partisan voters.
I don't care what exe employees think on the matter. I say if you've quit the government there's no need for security clearance anymore. In business, if you fire an employee you delete their passwords for GP after they've left, this is the same thing in my mind. All of this "Trump's being mean to his opponents" stuff is just bullshit propaganda spin from the media as far as I'm concerned.

Ex high ranking officials are often needed security clearance because they are used as advisors. They don't allow ex CIA employees to maintain their security clearance for nothing.

You would understand this if you weren't so far up Chump's butt.

lol the only one stuck in Trump's ass is folks like you.

Again, security clearance could be reinstated in seconds by the gov in an emergency. Your complaint is bullshit flung at the wall, it's not sticking with us non-partisan voters.

Is that ^ just a hunch or do you have a link. Sorry, but I'm reasonably sure the process would be more involved than the flip of a switch.
I don't care what exe employees think on the matter. I say if you've quit the government there's no need for security clearance anymore. In business, if you fire an employee you delete their passwords for GP after they've left, this is the same thing in my mind. All of this "Trump's being mean to his opponents" stuff is just bullshit propaganda spin from the media as far as I'm concerned.

Ex high ranking officials are often needed security clearance because they are used as advisors. They don't allow ex CIA employees to maintain their security clearance for nothing.

You would understand this if you weren't so far up Chump's butt.

lol the only one stuck in Trump's ass is folks like you.

Again, security clearance could be reinstated in seconds by the gov in an emergency. Your complaint is bullshit flung at the wall, it's not sticking with us non-partisan voters.

Is that ^ just a hunch or do you have a link. Sorry, but I'm reasonably sure the process would be more involved than the flip of a switch.

A little of both. I'd look up the Bureau of Human Resources as they handle all that shit. Security clearances are granted by government agency, as the "time consuming" part tof it all is the background check on the person, which is already done considering the person actually had employment, it's literally just a matter of legal semantics for them to reinstate whatever security clearance. In the event of an emergency they'd just rubber stamp approval and it's done, not that anyone (aka judge, oversight committee, etc.) would typically care to argue such minor legal semantics of "was it stamped at x minute or 24 hours later" in a true national emergency. I mean you are literally talking about the legal logistics of crossing T's and dotting I's when it comes to the use of previously retracted security clearances in the case of an emergency situation.

None of the above really even matters push come to shove anyway, we have a clause for "interim security clearance" for use in exceptional cases, like emergencies, that'll give typically up to 90 days of immediate clearance without any paperwork hoopla at all.
and who would need advice from this lefty communist voting 'brennan' anyway .

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