Another active shooter

I've never understood the love for an ar. I'll take my bolt action I. Any situation over an ar anytime.
I see,if it's a Rumpster that does it, it's called justified. Or is it a gun supporter until the fraction of a second he fires and then mysteriously transforms into a liberal? Makes sense to he (NOT)
Obviously I am not getting through to you

no one has justified these killings

but I do blame the dominant liberal culture that breeds there deranged people

When shootings have happened in the Party of the Rump areas under Rump was that also a liberal problem or did someone just decide to kill a bunch of people? Even the dude that had the ode to Rump?

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Who stopped the shooter? Was it good guys with guns?

Yeah..we like to call them police officers~

Er... or "good guys with guns"

Not a hard concept.

Nope..not at all. Sworn police officers, trained and ready..who put their lives on the line day after day--are indeed--Good guys with guns.
Dipshit amateurs who often become part of the problem..not so much
Not a hard concept~

You sure are putting a lot of faith in law-enforcement. Most police officers aren't really gun guys and girls and many of them only qualify with their weapons a couple times a year. Next time you see a police officer, ask him or her if they know how to field-strip that Glock they're carrying.

Hundreds of innocent bystanders are accidentally shot by the police every year, and it's not uncommon to see accidental or negligent discharges where law-enforcement officers actually shoot themselves.
As long as this stuff keeps happening, the gun control people are eventually gonna get their way. But when "common sense" gun control fails to eliminate the problem, the next solution will be even more radical than the last. And so on and so on until all of us are living under a boot. For the greater good, of course.

If more were to pass the common sense gun laws, it would happen a lot less. In this case, the gun laws in place would not have stopped this murderer. Until he pulled the trigger, he complied with the State Laws.
Progs and their agendas played a major role in this. For years we have seen this in greater numbers. We are increasingly feminized as a nation and more people are broken or damaged by upside down policy enforcements. Many males are now eunuchs and the worst thing is many are involved in the feminization of our nation. And it can cross political lines to an extent. The last shooting in Atlanta had the feminized Progs attacking a Sheriff instead of the addressing the problem as usual. And the only answer is gun control for the problems they have created or made worse.

The problem is the "Good Guy with a Gun" mode. In a civil situation, a Good Guy with a Gun is about as dangerous as a Bad Guy with a Gun. Just require your "Good Guy with a Gun" to get the training and have them hide their weapons on their person. CCW Licensed Gun Owners are NOT part of the Problem. They are part of the solution. But your "Good Guy with a Gun" is part of the problem. And the general public doesn't feel safe with you prancing around with your gun hanging out.

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth.

According to you. But we all know you're full of shit.

"Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired...

Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms...

60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed...

Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot...

Fewer than 1 percent of firearms are used in the commission of a crime..."

Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows | Lawrence W. Reed

You been hanging around with 2 boy again.

I don't "hang out" with anyone. I'm a walking, talking example of the 2nd Amendment, and am one of those proverbial "good guys with a gun" you hope might be around when some nutcase goes off on a shooting spree.

Do you have a Concealed Weapon Permit?
I've never understood the love for an ar. I'll take my bolt action I. Any situation over an ar anytime.

ARs are lot more tactical than a bolt action. More modular with more add ons. Much higher rate of fire. Minimal recoil. Much more ammo can be carried.

There is a reason we issue these kinds of firearms to the military and police and is the common kind of rifle for Americans instead of a bolt actions.

There is a place for bolt action firearms. I have several. I also have more than a couple dozen ARs.
What do you know about the victims? I've heard basically nothing, although early on they showed pics of the shooter, who was white.
Or was that a joke?
There are so many hot flash events going on sometimes I post comments
When shootings have happened in the Party of the Rump areas under Rump was that also a liberal problem or did someone just decide to kill a bunch of people? Even the dude that had the ode to Rump?
Liberal culture is everywhere and it affects everyone whether they like it or not

Yeah God Dammit when he heard those shots.

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....
I was thinking that as those poor forced sex slave workers in Atlanta were murdered. Now this.

Anyone know the Chinese or Venezuelan anthem so I could start practicing? Then I'll know both when we chose.
Yeah..cause everything is political, right?

F'kin idiot ghouls.
Jesus the shooter appears white....Yes....Yes.Yes it will be. If he was black this post would not be up. We would not know.

It would definitely have been up. You racist hang on everything blacks do. Just like your name tag says

LOLOL...................My handle is racist.....................LOLOLOL.Hang on Sloopy???

That has got to be the dumbest ass post ever posted to me.

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth.

According to you. But we all know you're full of shit.

"Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired...

Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms...

60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed...

Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot...

Fewer than 1 percent of firearms are used in the commission of a crime..."

Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows | Lawrence W. Reed

You been hanging around with 2 boy again.

I don't "hang out" with anyone. I'm a walking, talking example of the 2nd Amendment, and am one of those proverbial "good guys with a gun" you hope might be around when some nutcase goes off on a shooting spree.

Do you have a Concealed Weapon Permit?

Had one since 2010 and have carried every day since then: Glock 19 Gen4, 15 in the magazine, one in the the chamber, two spare mags, pepper spray, tactical knife and flashlight.

Sometimes I'll wear level IV body armor under my shirt if I'm out of town and carrying a wad of cash. I also collect and repair firearms, handload for 10 different calibers, and shoot thousands of round a year. Have my own range in the back yard.
I've never understood the love for an ar. I'll take my bolt action I. Any situation over an ar anytime.

ARs are lot more tactical than a bolt action. More modular with more add ons. Much higher rate of fire. Minimal recoil. Much more ammo can be carried.

There is a reason we issue these kinds of firearms to the military and police and is the common kind of rifle for Americans instead of a bolt actions.

There is a place for bolt action firearms. I have several. I also have more than a couple dozen ARs.

Bolt-action rifles are pretty handy if you're ever attacked by a herd of surly deer.

Yeah God Dammit when he heard those shots.

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....
I was thinking that as those poor forced sex slave workers in Atlanta were murdered. Now this.

Anyone know the Chinese or Venezuelan anthem so I could start practicing? Then I'll know both when we chose.
Yeah..cause everything is political, right?

F'kin idiot ghouls.
Jesus the shooter appears white....Yes....Yes.Yes it will be. If he was black this post would not be up. We would not know.

It would definitely have been up. You racist hang on everything blacks do. Just like your name tag says

LOLOL...................My handle is racist.....................LOLOLOL.Hang on Sloopy???

That has got to be the dumbest ass post ever posted to me.

I didn't say your handle was racist, dumbass. I said if it was a black shooter you racist assholes would tear up your keyboards trying to be the first to type some disrespectful keyboard warrior bullshit.

This is only the first in a string of upcoming mass shootings, at least one of which will be in a school

Lives don't matter - only the agenda

How many mass shootings were there during the Trump administration? Correct, zero.
(The walmart incident was NOT a "mass shooting" incident

Mass shootings seem to occur during DEMOCRAT adminstrations. Things that make you go hmmmmmm

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....
What a pathetic post. Your post is one only a q nut job could find sane.

The pathetic thing is the Liberal filth that has the agenda to do away with the Bill of Rights. They need to do that to make this country a Socialist shithole. The right to keep and bear arms has to go.

Some asshole from Bolder Colorado flew into Tampa a couple of weeks ago, rented a car and immediately got drunk. He got on the Interstate the wrong way and killed a policeman.

What should we ban? People from Bolder? Airplanes? Cars? Should we return to Prohibition?

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth.

According to you. But we all know you're full of shit.

"Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired...

Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms...

60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed...

Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot...

Fewer than 1 percent of firearms are used in the commission of a crime..."

Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows | Lawrence W. Reed

You been hanging around with 2 boy again.

I don't "hang out" with anyone. I'm a walking, talking example of the 2nd Amendment, and am one of those proverbial "good guys with a gun" you hope might be around when some nutcase goes off on a shooting spree.

Sounds tough unless it happens. You're probably the guy that'll shoot himself.

Yeah God Dammit when he heard those shots.

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....
I was thinking that as those poor forced sex slave workers in Atlanta were murdered. Now this.

Anyone know the Chinese or Venezuelan anthem so I could start practicing? Then I'll know both when we chose.
Yeah..cause everything is political, right?

F'kin idiot ghouls.
Jesus the shooter appears white....Yes....Yes.Yes it will be. If he was black this post would not be up. We would not know.

It would definitely have been up. You racist hang on everything blacks do. Just like your name tag says

LOLOL...................My handle is racist.....................LOLOLOL.Hang on Sloopy???

That has got to be the dumbest ass post ever posted to me.

I didn't say your handle was racist, dumbass. I said if it was a black shooter you racist assholes would tear up your keyboards trying to be the first to type some disrespectful keyboard warrior bullshit.

Fuck you pos rookie cock sucker. Learn how to type meaning you gender confused ass hole.

The Mean One................LOLOL.................Means you have a cock the size of a Vienna sausage.lolol...........Dick faced mother fucker.
I've never understood the love for an ar. I'll take my bolt action I. Any situation over an ar anytime.

ARs are lot more tactical than a bolt action. More modular with more add ons. Much higher rate of fire. Minimal recoil. Much more ammo can be carried.

There is a reason we issue these kinds of firearms to the military and police and is the common kind of rifle for Americans instead of a bolt actions.

There is a place for bolt action firearms. I have several. I also have more than a couple dozen ARs.

Bolt-action rifles are pretty handy if you're ever attacked by a herd of surly deer.

Just like muskets would fine if the Red Coats ever attack.

Yeah God Dammit when he heard those shots.

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....
I was thinking that as those poor forced sex slave workers in Atlanta were murdered. Now this.

Anyone know the Chinese or Venezuelan anthem so I could start practicing? Then I'll know both when we chose.
Yeah..cause everything is political, right?

F'kin idiot ghouls.
Jesus the shooter appears white....Yes....Yes.Yes it will be. If he was black this post would not be up. We would not know.

It would definitely have been up. You racist hang on everything blacks do. Just like your name tag says

LOLOL...................My handle is racist.....................LOLOLOL.Hang on Sloopy???

That has got to be the dumbest ass post ever posted to me.

I didn't say your handle was racist, dumbass. I said if it was a black shooter you racist assholes would tear up your keyboards trying to be the first to type some disrespectful keyboard warrior bullshit.

Fuck you pos rookie cock sucker. Learn how to type meaning you gender confused ass hole.

The Mean One................LOLOL.................Means you have a cock the size of a Vienna sausage.lolol...........Dick faced mother fucker.

Dude your whole response was stupid and immature, like you. Durrr..

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth.

According to you. But we all know you're full of shit.

"Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired...

Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms...

60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed...

Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot...

Fewer than 1 percent of firearms are used in the commission of a crime..."

Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows | Lawrence W. Reed

You been hanging around with 2 boy again.

I don't "hang out" with anyone. I'm a walking, talking example of the 2nd Amendment, and am one of those proverbial "good guys with a gun" you hope might be around when some nutcase goes off on a shooting spree.

Sounds tough unless it happens. You're probably the guy that'll shoot himself.

Not very likely. You're far more likely to become a murder statistic in some random shooting, than I am to having an accident.

Read my credentials above.

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