Another active shooter

American leftist, know thy enemy! They're not the rightist working class people.
American rightists, know thy enemy! They're not the leftist working class Americans.

The common enemy of the American people is the very wealthy corporate elites.

Trump's huge show of support to storm the Capitol contained both ideological leftists as well as ideological rightists.

It was spawned by Trump but he didn't really understand what he came close to promoting and changing.

There's obviously no way most Americans can wrap their heads around this fact, but maybe a very few can?

A clue: The political right doesn't start revolutions. The people start revolutions and those people are never divided when it leads to a successful revolution.
American leftist, know thy enemy! They're not the rightist working class people.
American rightists, know thy enemy! They're not the leftist working class Americans.

The common enemy of the American people is the very wealthy corporate elites.

Trump's huge show of support to storm the Capitol contained both ideological leftists as well as ideological rightists.

It was spawned by Trump but he didn't really understand what he came close to promoting and changing.

There's obviously no way most Americans can wrap their heads around this fact, but maybe a very few can?

A clue: The political right doesn't start revolutions. The people start revolutions and those people are never divided when it leads to a successful revolution.

The conservatives started, and ended the American Revolution. Victoriously. The left, has been vigorously at work ever since to return us to bondage. So, historically, and factually you are wrong.
Your suggestions always end with mass murder, so, no thanks.

The Jan.6th. Capitol riot brought a glimmer of hope to America's working class people. They weren't political rightists anymore than they were political leftist. Clearly there was no political idology on display. There was a massive display of patriotism by working class Americans.

Trump, quite unwittingly, brought working class Americans together that was aimed at achieving gain for himself only.

Very few Americans will be able to accept those facts, but maybe a few will?

If it's not this beginning that smashes through the phony political divide in America, then it will be something else with the same general purpose in the minds of the people.

Control by the very wealthy must be wrestled back into the hands of the people.

Biden's people need to kiss a Trumper. They're the same people really, who have been convinced to wear different hats.
The conservatives started, and ended the American Revolution. Victoriously. The left, has been vigorously at work ever since to return us to bondage. So, historically, and factually you are wrong.

Conservatism has never started any revolution and never concluded a revolution with success. Revolutions become successful when the people come together to dismantle bad government.

I didn't expect you or any American could get down to discussing the facts, because their own partisan politics is too near and dear to them.

But there's one thing for certain. If Trump's aim is revolution the the working people of America will need to come together against bad government that only serves the very wealthy.

If you can't think it through then may some others might. It's the perfect match for the libertarian pretender!
The American revolution was clearly fought against Britain's extreme conservatism. America's working class people rose up en mass against Britain's extreme rightist ideology.

Did no Americans ever read Charles Dickens' books and understand them?

Did the people of Britain ever break the hold of the very wealthy ruling class. Could the answer to that become a clue to Americans who are struggling?

Or did it just slowly evolve in Britain to become a more socially responsible society?

This is the reason why Trump's own personal gain became so dangerous to America's status quo of the wealthy ruling class.

Some Americans have to be capable of understanding. Even if their understanding only results in a wrongheaded and determined effort to deny.
Your suggestions always end with mass murder, so, no thanks.

The Jan.6th. Capitol riot brought a glimmer of hope to America's working class people. They weren't political rightists anymore than they were political leftist. Clearly there was no political idology on display. There was a massive display of patriotism by working class Americans.

Trump, quite unwittingly, brought working class Americans together that was aimed at achieving gain for himself only.

Very few Americans will be able to accept those facts, but maybe a few will?

If it's not this beginning that smashes through the phony political divide in America, then it will be something else with the same general purpose in the minds of the people.

Control by the very wealthy must be wrestled back into the hands of the people.

Biden's people need to kiss a Trumper. They're the same people really, who have been convinced to wear different hats.

Your hyperbole is typical of the fascist mob. There was no riot, there was no insurrection on Jan 6. There was a protest, that was infiltrated by your leftist goons from burn loot murder, and antifart. They tried to stir up a riot but were shut down by the peaceful Trump protestors. Those are facts.

You are correct that the leftist Big tech, is trying to take over the country for their masters the chinese. But ultimately it is the LEFTISTS who control the government. Not big business. Most capitalist businessmen are horrified by what they are seeing and are trying to figure out what is going on. Those of us who know our history know exactly what is going on though. The fascist left is trying to destroy this country. That way they can bring about their one world order. The chinese are full in players in that takeover.

Useful idiots, like you, spew the leftist propaganda not knowing that if the takeover actually happens, you will be one of the first ones who is shot. You are so stupid, and you don't read your history, so you simply can't wrap your tiny little head around the fact that if you will revolt against your current government, they know you will revolt against them, thus you must be exterminated. Over and over and over throughout time this has happened, and you idiots keep falling for them.
The American revolution was clearly fought against Britain's extreme conservatism. America's working class people rose up en mass against Britain's extreme rightist ideology.

Did no Americans ever read Charles Dickens' books and understand them?

Did the people of Britain ever break the hold of the very wealthy ruling class. Could the answer to that become a clue to Americans who are struggling?

Or did it just slowly evolve in Britain to become a more socially responsible society?

This is the reason why Trump's own personal gain became so dangerous to America's status quo of the wealthy ruling class.

Some Americans have to be capable of understanding. Even if their understanding only results in a wrongheaded and determined effort to deny.

Britain was a monarchy. Thus leftist. All collectivist governments, monarchies, communist, fascist, socialist, are ALL leftist. Conservative government is individualistic. Thus little power for the government, maximum power for the people. If you actually cared about people, which you don't, you would be anti everything you are spewing.
So you don't go for common sense laws. It's all or nothing.
You dont want common sense laws

the goal of the left is total confiscation of guns from honest citizens

a common sense law would be manditory 5 years in prison or reform school for illegal pocession of a handgun

that would greatly reduce homacides

but instead the legal system is a revolving door for the criminals

You are telling me what I want, what I should say, when I should say it? Thanks, Ivan. But I think I will stick with the common sense laws that stands in the way of your worst nightmare. We will protect your "Rights" in spite of yourself.

Yes, we know how you guys operate....

Give us what we want to ban now, or we will ban all of them....


You come back....

Give us what we want to ban now, or we will ban all of them...


You come back, over and over again telling us that you don't want to ban everything, just what you want to ban at this moment......and over and over again....
The left will never be satisfied so there is no reason to compromise with them

Like I said, we will protect your rights in spite of yourself.
So you don't go for common sense laws. It's all or nothing.
You dont want common sense laws

the goal of the left is total confiscation of guns from honest citizens

a common sense law would be manditory 5 years in prison or reform school for illegal pocession of a handgun

that would greatly reduce homacides

but instead the legal system is a revolving door for the criminals

You are telling me what I want, what I should say, when I should say it? Thanks, Ivan. But I think I will stick with the common sense laws that stands in the way of your worst nightmare. We will protect your "Rights" in spite of yourself.

Yes, we know how you guys operate....

Give us what we want to ban now, or we will ban all of them....


You come back....

Give us what we want to ban now, or we will ban all of them...


You come back, over and over again telling us that you don't want to ban everything, just what you want to ban at this moment......and over and over again....
The left will never be satisfied so there is no reason to compromise with them

Like I said, we will protect your rights in spite of yourself.

Sounds more like, "we had to destroy the city, to save the city"

No thanks. You assholes can't take care of yourselves. I will be fine on my own.

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....
What a pathetic post. Your post is one only a q nut job could find sane.
What's scary is that's how they really think.
So you don't go for common sense laws. It's all or nothing.
You dont want common sense laws

the goal of the left is total confiscation of guns from honest citizens

a common sense law would be manditory 5 years in prison or reform school for illegal pocession of a handgun

that would greatly reduce homacides

but instead the legal system is a revolving door for the criminals
Exactly right, otherwise go right where it hurts them, and give sentencing that makes a would be criminal to give great pause before attempting to murder, rob, cheat or steal from anyone. We are living in an almost lawless society that has been created, fomented, aided and abedded by the Democrat's.
Chicago can try to regulate access to guns but all the bad people do is run to a red state and buy what they want.

Add it all up together and address it all at the same time.
There are two very big solutions, even though both are 'close' to impossible.

1. Eliminate America's bloodlust for more wars, that justify killing people with guns.

2. Eliminate the right to own and carry handguns indiscriminately on the streets.

It should be easy to understand how both are interdependent on each other Without improving attitudes to eliminate the first, there can be no will to follow through with any solutions.

Don't give up, the problem only gets worse and now is being propelled by political hate that was promoted during the Trump regime.

Do you understand that as Americans not only bought millions of new guns starting in the 1990s, and now over 19.4 million Americans can legally carry guns for self defense....

Our gun murder rate went down, not up, 49%.

Our gun crime rate went down, not up, you understand that?

Our violent crime rate went down 72%....

It isn't guns in the hands of normal people that increase gun those stats show......and that was over a 27 year period.......more than enough time to show that your theory is bullshit.

The problem...and you need to understand that one political party, the democrat party, and their judges, prosecutors and politicians.....keep letting known, repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail and prison over and over again.....and it is this minority of violent offenders that they keep releasing that does 95% of all of our gun crime....primarily concentrated in cities controlled by the democrat party...

How about you respond to that point.......explain to us why our democrat party keeps doing that...while they target normal gun owners as the problem...
Moron....the majority of crime guns come from local gun stores...purchased by straw buyers who can pass any background doofus.

True that the situation is very close to hopeless, but parents of little children who aren't safe in their schools, aren't going to give up.

Some particulary aggrieved parent could step over the line and create his own shooting. Gun shows in crowded rooms should begin taking safety precautions.

Do you understand that school shootings are the rarest of rare have a better chance of being hit by lightning....twice.....than you or your children have of being in a school shooting.... you know that law abiding Americans with their 600 million guns, and the 19.4 million AMericans who can legally carry their guns in public for self defense use those guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals in this country...that number comes from our Centers for Disease control....

Do you understand that....
We can come together on the idea that what I own, carry or keep in my home is absolutely none of your business, though.
If you can learn to mind your own, and keep your nose where it belongs, which is out of other people's business, then maybe we can talk....... but I'll need to see a demonstrated record of your ability to do so, say at least 25 years worth, first.

Until then, the answer to anything you ask for is, "No."


Until you can get your anger under control you are answering all questions on which I have an interest.

Americans expressing their anger is probably the only way forward for the near future. It becomes violence and that needs to be experienced by Americans to an extreme.

The left in America, if there is such a thing now that can still be distinguished from the right, can't possibly win a big shootup on the streets of America. Many Americans may die and black people's deaths will exceed white people's deaths disproportionally.

The glimmer of hope in it not getting to that is in the confusion brought on by Trump when he encouraged the working class American to act out against bad government.

Neither the rioters or Trump understood that they were about to take down bad government that was Trump's own corporate bidders.

Antifa and the proud boys, and all the other violent groups are really just the same violent and trod upon Americans, with different hats.

What you don't understand is that black Americans, in democrat party controlled cities....are 12% of the population, but 50% of the murderers in this country.....

Do you even understand that for 7 months, it wasn't Trump supporters, proud boys who burned and looted our cities...primarily black was democrat party voters who did that....7 months of burning and looting, and they murdered 30 Americans...not Trump supporters or Proud boys.........

You post about things that you don't know anything about.....
Democrat Administrations and shootings go like peaches an cream together

they think they will achieve their gun control agenda faster that way, with blood, death and I guess we have to be prepared for more show

the Rats didn't steal this election for nothing
What you don't understand is that black Americans, in democrat party controlled cities....are 12% of the population, but 50% of the murderers in this country.....

That's exactly what I 'do' understand. Denying it is a copout but I'm a Canadian and I don't have any incentive to cop out.

Do you even understand that for 7 months, it wasn't Trump supporters, proud boys who burned and looted our cities...primarily black was democrat party voters who did that....7 months of burning and looting, and they murdered 30 Americans...not Trump supporters or Proud boys.........

Yes, there were 7 months of burning and violence in your cities. The same reply is called for too

You post about things that you don't know anything about.....

I think I know more than most Americans are able to understand.

Look, the American working class people are angry and we both know that for a fact. I'm driving at an explanation for that anger, both with Trump's supporters and his detractors.

But you are afraid to go there. Most Americans will be afraid because it would break through the bullshit and get right down to having a look at the reasons why you're so angry. I would be too if my country ever betrayed the common people the way America has done.

Besides that, you're an insignificant piece of dung and there's nothinig to gain by trying to help you understand. Just stop fondling and licking on your guns in ways that make the guns feel uncomfortable.
What you don't understand is that black Americans, in democrat party controlled cities....are 12% of the population, but 50% of the murderers in this country.....

That's exactly what I 'do' understand. Denying it is a copout but I'm a Canadian and I don't have any incentive to cop out.

Do you even understand that for 7 months, it wasn't Trump supporters, proud boys who burned and looted our cities...primarily black was democrat party voters who did that....7 months of burning and looting, and they murdered 30 Americans...not Trump supporters or Proud boys.........

Yes, there were 7 months of burning and violence in your cities. The same reply is called for too

You post about things that you don't know anything about.....

I think I know more than most Americans are able to understand.

Look, the American working class people are angry and we both know that for a fact. I'm driving at an explanation for that anger, both with Trump's supporters and his detractors.

But you are afraid to go there. Most Americans will be afraid because it would break through the bullshit and get right down to having a look at the reasons why you're so angry. I would be too if my country ever betrayed the common people the way America has done.

Besides that, you're an insignificant piece of dung and there's nothinig to gain by trying to help you understand. Just stop fondling and licking on your guns in ways that make the guns feel uncomfortable.
You're just a troll.

Fuck off.
Do you understand that school shootings are the rarest of rare have a better chance of being hit by lightning....twice.....than you or your children have of being in a school shooting.... you know that law abiding Americans with their 600 million guns, and the 19.4 million AMericans who can legally carry their guns in public for self defense use those guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals in this country...that number comes from our Centers for Disease control....

Do you understand that....
Yes, I understand completely
Do you understand that school shootings are the rarest of rare have a better chance of being hit by lightning....twice.....than you or your children have of being in a school shooting.... you know that law abiding Americans with their 600 million guns, and the 19.4 million AMericans who can legally carry their guns in public for self defense use those guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals in this country...that number comes from our Centers for Disease control....

Do you understand that....
Yes, I understand completely

Apparently, you don't. If you did, you wouldn't post the dumb things you post.
Do you understand that as Americans not only bought millions of new guns starting in the 1990s, and now over 19.4 million Americans can legally carry guns for self defense....

Our gun murder rate went down, not up, 49%.

Our gun crime rate went down, not up, you understand that?

Our violent crime rate went down 72%....

It isn't guns in the hands of normal people that increase gun those stats show......and that was over a 27 year period.......more than enough time to show that your theory is bullshit.

The problem...and you need to understand that one political party, the democrat party, and their judges, prosecutors and politicians.....keep letting known, repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail and prison over and over again.....and it is this minority of violent offenders that they keep releasing that does 95% of all of our gun crime....primarily concentrated in cities controlled by the democrat party...

How about you respond to that point.......explain to us why our democrat party keeps doing that...while they target normal gun owners as the problem...

I freely acknowledge all of America's problems you have highlighted.

The Democratic party obviously has no answers to the problem of gun violence, even if it's acknowldeged as a problem.

The Democratic party targets 'normal' gun owners because they don't know what else to do.

Should they ignore some of their supporters who have lost little children to gun violence? What would you do if one of your children was gunned down in his/hr school?

Look pal, I'm really not very concerned about America's gun violence. It's for Americans, not Canadians.

But I am interested in the latest development in which Trump unconsciously brought America's working class people together as a force that will grow, against America's very wealthy who control everything in the land of the gun.

Things are starting to happen in America and are showing more signs of progress than any time since the government coup that murdered Kennedy.

Biden cheated a bit by handing the big 1.9T gift to the people, but he knew it would pay more for his popularity than any considerations over the damage to the economy.

Shoot that!

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