Another Alt Right Hero Goes Full Putin Troll

Well statistics show that black folks do better economically, in education, in the business, etc. when a Democrat is in the WH as compared to a Republican, so you tell me. Welfare? dumbass more whites have benefitted from welfare than black folks have. Tell me IamR what % of black folks would you say have ever been on welfare since you keep throwing that bullshit out there.
My god! Every single cry of racism every sequel of unfairness, unequal wage gap has only come from blacks in DEMOCRAT FUCKING RUN CITIES LOL. Are you trolling me or are you this uneducated?
Did you read the OP?

Seriously dude we all have you tube, face book, tik tock, Instagram

We know most Russians hate the war.
I don’t think we really know how many or if most, hate the war. protesters are jailed, and information is both strictly controlled and often disinformation. I do think most are or would be horrified at the carnage Putin is inflicting if they saw it. Ukraine is like a sister to Russia, with many having relatives on both sides.
Which is as it should be, because we are the majority in this country.
Wow. You actually just said it's okay for you to embrace racists because you're the majority. I'm glad you dropped even the pretense of possessing morals. It's not like it ever fooled anyone.

By the way, you're just a loud sore-loser minority. That's why Biden won. You tried your best, but you couldn't cheat hard enough to overcome the Democratic majority.

Doesn't this tell you that you might be better off elsewhere?
And there, we learn how you think a minority should just run away and never fight for what's right. Your cult has trained you well in the ways of cowardice. Just don't project that life philosophy on to liberals. We are not like you.

I can't understand what keeps y'all here, losing over and over and over.
Watching Trump cultists cry never gets old. I admit it, I shouldn't take so much joy in it. But I do. I'm an imperfect human.

You need an echo chamber, not a public forum.
Then how could I trigger Trump cultists?

Again, don't project. We are not like you.
So, Russians living in the U.S. should be brutalized because of their nationality alone? Here's an idea... let's blame the criminal acts by Russians in Ukraine, on the criminal Russians IN Ukraine.
Sounds like many citizens here already. Like those that lived here way before you.

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