Another Alt Right Hero Goes Full Putin Troll

Yea because Republicans have been sooo good to black folks in America. Those same benevolent Republicans who don't want to sign a Voting Rights Bill into law, those same benevolent republicans who don't want police reform, tell me SF what major bill or policy have Republicans passed in the last 50yrs that has done anything for black folks?
It's the Democrats who prefer to pass bills specifically for Black folks. Like the Fugitive Slave Act, for example.

You still favor defunding the police? The Dems are running away from that one like a welfare dolee running away from a job fair.

You think ballot harvesting helps black voters specifically? How? You believe that black people are less able to get photo ID than non-blacks? Why is that?
It's the Democrats who prefer to pass bills specifically for Black folks. Like the Fugitive Slave Act, for example.

You still favor defunding the police? The Dems are running away from that one like a welfare dolee running away from a job fair.

You think ballot harvesting helps black voters specifically? How? You believe that black people are less able to get photo ID than non-blacks? Why is that?
You are talking in circles, deal with the questions I asked you. All you are telling us is Democrats this and Democrats that, deal with the questions I asked you about Republicans.
See we can argue opinions all day, but you can't argue against facts. Now show us that all of this is only happening in Democrat run cities.
Show you that all the riots are only happening in democrat run cities. Umm because it’s Been on the news since Selma ,, RUN BY DEMOCRATS TO TODAY
Well statistics show that black folks do better economically, in education, in the business, etc. when a Democrat is in the WH as compared to a Republican, so you tell me. Welfare? dumbass more whites have benefitted from welfare than black folks have. Tell me IamR what % of black folks would you say have ever been on welfare since you keep throwing that bullshit out there.
Under Trump, there was the lowest black unemployment in history.

I guess the ultra-white Wolf Blitzer didn't tell you that.

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