Another Alt Right Hero Goes Full Putin Troll

All cries of unequal pay are only happening in cities run by Democrats.. how are you doing better?
black unemployment lowest under trump, higher wages.. do you think before you post ?
Post anything to back that bullshit up. Anything, other than the right wing talking points.
So, what's your point?

Affirmative action is racist when applied to race, and sexist when applied to sex.

Sure, the Dems prefer to protect the honor of white women than to actually help black men. You think Bill Clinton would hesitate if asked to choose between an AA hire of white woman and and AA hire of a black man?

Why should the Dems worry about black men when they have the media telling black men that the GOP is racist, so they better vote for the Democratic Massa's?
When did I claim Democrats are the saviors of black folks? I said in the last 50yrs black folks have done better in all facets of life when a Democrat has been in the WH, if that is false show us where I am in error instead of just arguing about useless bullshit.
I did upthread.

Black unemployment was lowest in the history of the United States under Donald Trump.

Because a strong economy benefits everyone. You think Black people get a discount on Biden's four dollar a gallon gas?
Trump’s administration often brags and presents the 7% Black unemployment rate as if this is good news, but it’s not. In comparison, the nation’s overall unemployment rate is just 3.8%. According to 24/7 Wall St, that means that Black unemployment is 86% above the national average. It is also 112% higher than the rate among white Americans, and 125% above the rate for Asian Americans. This means that overall the unemployment rate for Blacks under Obama’s administration versus the rate under Trump’s administration is about the same., I am not going to watch FoxNews nor am I going to watch CNN. I do not watch news, it is the worst possible way to get information.

But hey, thanks for the link. I do not really keep up with ever stupid ass thing one of our elected officials says, I have a life to live and that would be a full time job
You sound like You're 16 year old girl
Are you condoning the mistreatment and discrimination of Russians, or people of Russian heritage, in The United States? Yes, or no will do.
No. Of course not. Someone would have to be very stupid and/or dishonest to even ask such a dumb question, given that nothing in the OP suggested it.

Candace Owens is engaging in wildly dishonest bothsiderism, for the purpose of defending Russia. This isn't her first piece where she acts as Putin's mouthpiece. She's been cranking them out.

That's my point. Conservatives keep deflecting from it by faking stories about how all those awful liberals just irrationally hate all Russians for no reason at all.
Trump’s administration often brags and presents the 7% Black unemployment rate as if this is good news, but it’s not. In comparison, the nation’s overall unemployment rate is just 3.8%. According to 24/7 Wall St, that means that Black unemployment is 86% above the national average. It is also 112% higher than the rate among white Americans, and 125% above the rate for Asian Americans. This means that overall the unemployment rate for Blacks under Obama’s administration versus the rate under Trump’s administration is about the same.
7% under Trump is a lot better than 10-15% under a democrat.
Trump’s administration often brags and presents the 7% Black unemployment rate as if this is good news, but it’s not. In comparison, the nation’s overall unemployment rate is just 3.8%. According to 24/7 Wall St, that means that Black unemployment is 86% above the national average. It is also 112% higher than the rate among white Americans, and 125% above the rate for Asian Americans. This means that overall the unemployment rate for Blacks under Obama’s administration versus the rate under Trump’s administration is about the same.
Dude I could care less who is president but Obama left minority teens behind, no jobs equal no future and more time to turn to gangs and criminal behavior

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