Another anti-white tirade from super-racist Pelosi.

The core of liberalism is racism. All liberals hate, despise, and loath white people.

Pelosi: 'Five white guys' leading DACA talks should open a 'hamburger stand'

jan 11 2018 Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi complained Thursday that immigration negotiations are being led by "five white guys" — and was quickly rebuked by her No. 2, Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, himself one of those white guys involved in the talks.

“The five white guys I call them, you know," Pelosi said at her weekly news conference. "Are they going to open a hamburger stand next or what?” Pelosi said, complaining that minority members of Congress were not involved in deciding the fate of Dreamers.

Pelosi's quip was a reference to the hamburger chain Five Guys and the five white men leading the immigration negotiations.
White liberals hate themselves?

“When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power The World Will Know Peace” - Jimi Hendrix
Africa had a slave culture long before whitey arrived. Who do you think the salesmen were?

The whites were sold used cars, that's all.

Indeed. Whites didn't enslave blacks. They merely bought blacks from black slave traders.
Look up good King Gezo of Dahomey. The US and Britain went to war with him to STOP him from selling slaves. Ravanalova of Madagascar was a real princess, too. She killed or enslaved over half the population of her own country. Teodros (Theodore) of Abyssinia. Lots of them.
. The black human folks do all the same thangs as whitey sub-human folks do.

NONONO. Blacks do NOT become engineers and businessmen and scientists like white men do and that is why all black counties are shitholes. Black lives DON'T matter because blacks don't do anything useful. They take up crime or go on welfare or become entertainers or get useless govt jobs thru affirmative action.

Gee. You thangggg whitey being in 2nd place or 3rd place in high school and college graduation is somethang to crow about?
When you compare whitey to all non-white graduates, whitey only graduate 43% to non-White 87% base no population size.
and the black racism never headlines and/or for long

In the beginnings, before/after being taken to be slaves from Africa by godly christain Style Whitey Folks.
Blacks were/are and or was a tribal-based hierarchy lifestyle. Not a racism based whitey claimed godly trained loving culture.
Blacks learned racism from Whitey Slave Traders as they were given free deadly rides to
America to be sold as Slaves to Whitey Americans.

So you can see why, Whitey has no standings here to be racist towards blacks for what whitey has done, stolen,
and murderous treatment of black humans. Blacks have all the right to hold hard feelings, even if their expressions
seem racist, but are not, in the same ways as godly christain whitey are, or reasons why based on skin color.
so the blacks didn't learn racism when they lived in a same race country???!!!??? get it???
so black people are perfect!! they would never be racist without whitey teaching them it???!!
do you know how ridiculous that sounds??
. The black human folks do all the same thangs as whitey sub-human folks do.

NONONO. Blacks do NOT become engineers and businessmen and scientists like white men do and that is why all black counties are shitholes. Black lives DON'T matter because blacks don't do anything useful. They take up crime or go on welfare or become entertainers or get useless govt jobs thru affirmative action.

Gee. You thangggg whitey being in 2nd place or 3rd place in high school and college graduation is somethang to crow about?
When you compare whitey to all non-white graduates, whitey only graduate 43% to non-White 87% base no population size.
Good to know you think things are going swimmingly with these non-whites.

BTW, does that include Asians?

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