another Athiest Blogger Murdered

don't think it's no coincidence that Iraq is an Arab nation Pakistan nation. Korea Vietnam none of them Christian nations.

Well we went to war with Germany a couple times. They were a Christian nation. We went to war with Spain...Christian nation. We went to war with Great Britain twice...Christian nation. We went to war with Mexico...Christian nation. Your memory seems a bit selective. ;)

Nazis were not really christians, at least not the upper levels or SS. They also imprisoned and killed catholics.
Mental patients, disabled, gypsies, jews, gays, medical experimentation on children and twins..... The nazis were far from 'christian' in behavior or morals.
an example you may not be as bad but in some ways your religion causes division makes gay people for example feel worse about themselves use religion to divide us on issues like stem cell research abortion I could go on and on you you know that religion maybe not as bad as Islam your religion is bad too in some ways certainly not infallible

Lifestyles are going to exist; and there will always be cultural clashes. You don't need religion for that to be a reality. Take polygamy; is America against it all that much on religious grounds? I'd argue it's more based upon a collective cultural identity than anything else.

Stem cell research may have religious foes; but checks and balances are often good. I am tentatively for stem cell research. But I do think it's a shame that it extends to abortion politics on both sides.

No religion is infallible because people aren't infallible. You have to see in a pros/cons or good/bad or good/evil spectrum and decide.
Stem Cell Research News from Medical News Today
Stem cells Science The Guardian

and a lot more in the works
all I need to know is that Gordie Howe lives in Michigan had a stroke and had to fly to California to get stem cell treatment that is banned here in Michigan. I guess too bad for all the people not rich like Gordie Howe. f religion

A bit like parents that have children with seizure, cancer and assorted other problems that would benefit from certain form of cannabis or CBD had to move to colorado so they could treat their children.
Florida will hopefully allow Charlotte's Web and CBD oil, but as yet no other form of cannabis.

It is why many people end up in Mexico for treatment, or some cases half way round the world.

Governments have a strangle hold on controlling medical treatment and medicines. Close minded fools or greedy "f"'s

Doctors are still so afraid to hand out an aspirin even for people with chronic pain conditions that in too many case have cause good people to seek suicide or doctor assisted exits.

Kids are the last ones to be eligible for orphan drugs, but has short life spans or horrible quality of life with out access to them.

People should not have to cross state lines or international borders to be treated.
doesn't seem to me like the doctors are afraid to hand out prescription drugs like Vicodin oxycontin or whatever. I think the doctors and the pharmaceutical companies are the biggest drug dealers
don't think it's no coincidence that Iraq is an Arab nation Pakistan nation. Korea Vietnam none of them Christian nations.

Well we went to war with Germany a couple times. They were a Christian nation. We went to war with Spain...Christian nation. We went to war with Great Britain twice...Christian nation. We went to war with Mexico...Christian nation. Your memory seems a bit selective. ;)

Nazis were not really christians, at least not the upper levels or SS. They also imprisoned and killed catholics.
Mental patients, disabled, gypsies, jews, gays, medical experimentation on children and twins..... The nazis were far from 'christian' in behavior or morals.
don't kid yourself those Germans were Christians you want to pick in shoes and say the worst ones were and the not so bad ones were ohr please
an example you may not be as bad but in some ways your religion causes division makes gay people for example feel worse about themselves use religion to divide us on issues like stem cell research abortion I could go on and on you you know that religion maybe not as bad as Islam your religion is bad too in some ways certainly not infallible

Lifestyles are going to exist; and there will always be cultural clashes. You don't need religion for that to be a reality. Take polygamy; is America against it all that much on religious grounds? I'd argue it's more based upon a collective cultural identity than anything else.

Stem cell research may have religious foes; but checks and balances are often good. I am tentatively for stem cell research. But I do think it's a shame that it extends to abortion politics on both sides.

No religion is infallible because people aren't infallible. You have to see in a pros/cons or good/bad or good/evil spectrum and decide.
Stem Cell Research News from Medical News Today
Stem cells Science The Guardian

and a lot more in the works
all I need to know is that Gordie Howe lives in Michigan had a stroke and had to fly to California to get stem cell treatment that is banned here in Michigan. I guess too bad for all the people not rich like Gordie Howe. f religion

A bit like parents that have children with seizure, cancer and assorted other problems that would benefit from certain form of cannabis or CBD had to move to colorado so they could treat their children.
Florida will hopefully allow Charlotte's Web and CBD oil, but as yet no other form of cannabis.

It is why many people end up in Mexico for treatment, or some cases half way round the world.

Governments have a strangle hold on controlling medical treatment and medicines. Close minded fools or greedy "f"'s

Doctors are still so afraid to hand out an aspirin even for people with chronic pain conditions that in too many case have cause good people to seek suicide or doctor assisted exits.

Kids are the last ones to be eligible for orphan drugs, but has short life spans or horrible quality of life with out access to them.

People should not have to cross state lines or international borders to be treated.
doesn't seem to me like the doctors are afraid to hand out prescription drugs like Vicodin oxycontin or whatever. I think the doctors and the pharmaceutical companies are the biggest drug dealers

Most GP and rheumatologist will not write script for pain meds, they send patients to pain specialists who just barely treat the pain, even Orthopedics might treat acute pain but only short term . Oncology is the only real category where doctors are willing to treat the pain, not just reduce it. Even post op pain is highly restricted outside the hospital. It contributes to a poor quality of life for those with chronic or disabling pain conditions.

OBC made it worse, not better.
don't think it's no coincidence that Iraq is an Arab nation Pakistan nation. Korea Vietnam none of them Christian nations.

Well we went to war with Germany a couple times. They were a Christian nation. We went to war with Spain...Christian nation. We went to war with Great Britain twice...Christian nation. We went to war with Mexico...Christian nation. Your memory seems a bit selective. ;)

Nazis were not really christians, at least not the upper levels or SS. They also imprisoned and killed catholics.
Mental patients, disabled, gypsies, jews, gays, medical experimentation on children and twins..... The nazis were far from 'christian' in behavior or morals.
don't kid yourself those Germans were Christians you want to pick in shoes and say the worst ones were and the not so bad ones were ohr please

Occultism and ancient pagan mythology is not christian. Hitler made himself out as a geman god and drew from magic and myth to support his self grandeur and demand the devotion and obedience of the german people. Hitler was no Jesus. The german nazi party became the state religion.

>>The Nazi leadership made use of indigenous Germanic pagan imagery and ancient Roman symbolism in their propaganda. However, the use of pagan symbolism worried some Protestants.[32] Many Nazi leaders, including Adolf Hitler,[30] subscribed either to a mixture of pseudoscientific theories, particularly Social Darwinism,[33] or to mysticism and occultism, which was especially strong in the SS.[34][35] Central to both groupings was the belief in Germanic (white Nordic) racial superiority. The existence of a Ministry of Church Affairs, instituted in 1935 and headed by Hanns Kerrl, was hardly recognized by ideologists such as Alfred Rosenberg or by other political decision-makers.[36] A relative moderate, Kerrl accused dissident churchmen of failing to appreciate the Nazi doctrine of "Race, blood and soil" and gave the following explanation of the Nazi conception of "Positive Christianity", telling a group of submissive clergy in 1937:[37]

Dr Zoellner and [Catholic Bishop of Munster] Count Galen have tried to make clear to me that Christianity consists in faith in Christ as the son of God. That makes me laugh... No, Christianity is not dependent upon the Apostle's Creed... True Christianity is represented by the party, and the German people are now called by the party and especially the Fuehrer to a real Christianity... the Fuehrer is the herald of a new revelation".
Hans Kerrl, Nazi Minister for Church Affairs, 1937<<
don't think it's no coincidence that Iraq is an Arab nation Pakistan nation. Korea Vietnam none of them Christian nations.

Well we went to war with Germany a couple times. They were a Christian nation. We went to war with Spain...Christian nation. We went to war with Great Britain twice...Christian nation. We went to war with Mexico...Christian nation. Your memory seems a bit selective. ;)

Nazis were not really christians, at least not the upper levels or SS. They also imprisoned and killed catholics.
Mental patients, disabled, gypsies, jews, gays, medical experimentation on children and twins..... The nazis were far from 'christian' in behavior or morals.
don't kid yourself those Germans were Christians you want to pick in shoes and say the worst ones were and the not so bad ones were ohr please

Occultism and ancient pagan mythology is not christian. Hitler made himself out as a geman god and drew from magic and myth to support his self grandeur and demand the devotion and obedience of the german people. Hitler was no Jesus. The german nazi party became the state religion.

>>The Nazi leadership made use of indigenous Germanic pagan imagery and ancient Roman symbolism in their propaganda. However, the use of pagan symbolism worried some Protestants.[32] Many Nazi leaders, including Adolf Hitler,[30] subscribed either to a mixture of pseudoscientific theories, particularly Social Darwinism,[33] or to mysticism and occultism, which was especially strong in the SS.[34][35] Central to both groupings was the belief in Germanic (white Nordic) racial superiority. The existence of a Ministry of Church Affairs, instituted in 1935 and headed by Hanns Kerrl, was hardly recognized by ideologists such as Alfred Rosenberg or by other political decision-makers.[36] A relative moderate, Kerrl accused dissident churchmen of failing to appreciate the Nazi doctrine of "Race, blood and soil" and gave the following explanation of the Nazi conception of "Positive Christianity", telling a group of submissive clergy in 1937:[37]

Dr Zoellner and [Catholic Bishop of Munster] Count Galen have tried to make clear to me that Christianity consists in faith in Christ as the son of God. That makes me laugh... No, Christianity is not dependent upon the Apostle's Creed... True Christianity is represented by the party, and the German people are now called by the party and especially the Fuehrer to a real Christianity... the Fuehrer is the herald of a new revelation".
Hans Kerrl, Nazi Minister for Church Affairs, 1937<<
He was smart to try to make himself like a God. Look how well that has worked out for the Kim Jung Il and Un. LOL
don't think it's no coincidence that Iraq is an Arab nation Pakistan nation. Korea Vietnam none of them Christian nations.

Well we went to war with Germany a couple times. They were a Christian nation. We went to war with Spain...Christian nation. We went to war with Great Britain twice...Christian nation. We went to war with Mexico...Christian nation. Your memory seems a bit selective. ;)

Nazis were not really christians, at least not the upper levels or SS. They also imprisoned and killed catholics.
Mental patients, disabled, gypsies, jews, gays, medical experimentation on children and twins..... The nazis were far from 'christian' in behavior or morals.
Please show me on the list of people thrown in death camps that Catholics were on the list. I mean the reason they were put there was because they were Catholics. That's bullshit and you know it. I know gays and Jews were but I was not aware that Catholics were also being persecuted. I have a felling you are full of shit on this.

Hitler knew not to fuck with Catholics because the entire German population was practically Catholic. Not to mention Italy was part of the Axis of evil. No sir I believe you are way off base on this. This is revisionist history.

Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And remember, I claim that "they" use religion to con the masses. So maybe Hitler wasn't a Christian. But certainly the sheep citizens of Germany were. See how easy it is to get religious people to do horrible things? All you have to do is play on their religion and National pride.

Want to see a Hitler quote?

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler
don't think it's no coincidence that Iraq is an Arab nation Pakistan nation. Korea Vietnam none of them Christian nations.

Well we went to war with Germany a couple times. They were a Christian nation. We went to war with Spain...Christian nation. We went to war with Great Britain twice...Christian nation. We went to war with Mexico...Christian nation. Your memory seems a bit selective. ;)

Nazis were not really christians, at least not the upper levels or SS. They also imprisoned and killed catholics.
Mental patients, disabled, gypsies, jews, gays, medical experimentation on children and twins..... The nazis were far from 'christian' in behavior or morals.
Please show me on the list of people thrown in death camps that Catholics were on the list. I mean the reason they were put there was because they were Catholics. That's bullshit and you know it. I know gays and Jews were but I was not aware that Catholics were also being persecuted. I have a felling you are full of shit on this.

Hitler knew not to fuck with Catholics because the entire German population was practically Catholic. Not to mention Italy was part of the Axis of evil. No sir I believe you are way off base on this. This is revisionist history.

Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And remember, I claim that "they" use religion to con the masses. So maybe Hitler wasn't a Christian. But certainly the sheep citizens of Germany were. See how easy it is to get religious people to do horrible things? All you have to do is play on their religion and National pride.

Want to see a Hitler quote?

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler

Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church in Poland - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
don't think it's no coincidence that Iraq is an Arab nation Pakistan nation. Korea Vietnam none of them Christian nations.

Well we went to war with Germany a couple times. They were a Christian nation. We went to war with Spain...Christian nation. We went to war with Great Britain twice...Christian nation. We went to war with Mexico...Christian nation. Your memory seems a bit selective. ;)

Nazis were not really christians, at least not the upper levels or SS. They also imprisoned and killed catholics.
Mental patients, disabled, gypsies, jews, gays, medical experimentation on children and twins..... The nazis were far from 'christian' in behavior or morals.
Please show me on the list of people thrown in death camps that Catholics were on the list. I mean the reason they were put there was because they were Catholics. That's bullshit and you know it. I know gays and Jews were but I was not aware that Catholics were also being persecuted. I have a felling you are full of shit on this.

Hitler knew not to fuck with Catholics because the entire German population was practically Catholic. Not to mention Italy was part of the Axis of evil. No sir I believe you are way off base on this. This is revisionist history.

Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And remember, I claim that "they" use religion to con the masses. So maybe Hitler wasn't a Christian. But certainly the sheep citizens of Germany were. See how easy it is to get religious people to do horrible things? All you have to do is play on their religion and National pride.

Want to see a Hitler quote?

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler

Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church in Poland - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
that was in Poland. perhaps the Catholic Church in Poland was speaking out too much for Hitler's liking.
don't think it's no coincidence that Iraq is an Arab nation Pakistan nation. Korea Vietnam none of them Christian nations.

Well we went to war with Germany a couple times. They were a Christian nation. We went to war with Spain...Christian nation. We went to war with Great Britain twice...Christian nation. We went to war with Mexico...Christian nation. Your memory seems a bit selective. ;)

Nazis were not really christians, at least not the upper levels or SS. They also imprisoned and killed catholics.
Mental patients, disabled, gypsies, jews, gays, medical experimentation on children and twins..... The nazis were far from 'christian' in behavior or morals.
Please show me on the list of people thrown in death camps that Catholics were on the list. I mean the reason they were put there was because they were Catholics. That's bullshit and you know it. I know gays and Jews were but I was not aware that Catholics were also being persecuted. I have a felling you are full of shit on this.

Hitler knew not to fuck with Catholics because the entire German population was practically Catholic. Not to mention Italy was part of the Axis of evil. No sir I believe you are way off base on this. This is revisionist history.

Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And remember, I claim that "they" use religion to con the masses. So maybe Hitler wasn't a Christian. But certainly the sheep citizens of Germany were. See how easy it is to get religious people to do horrible things? All you have to do is play on their religion and National pride.

Want to see a Hitler quote?

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler

Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church in Poland - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
that was in Poland. perhaps the Catholic Church in Poland was speaking out too much for Hitler's liking.

Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church in Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Catholic Church and Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Detlev Peukert's Inside Nazi Germany details persecutions of the religious sects, and by denomination in many cases, as well as trade union members, etc. and the banning of even church soccer teams and the like; the Nazis wanted complete control of any sort of public gatherings, be it childrens' sports events or church services.

Germany wasn't practically entirely Catholic, either. That's wrong. Even the Hitler Youth manuals denounce religion and call for its elimination from German society.
don't think it's no coincidence that Iraq is an Arab nation Pakistan nation. Korea Vietnam none of them Christian nations.

Well we went to war with Germany a couple times. They were a Christian nation. We went to war with Spain...Christian nation. We went to war with Great Britain twice...Christian nation. We went to war with Mexico...Christian nation. Your memory seems a bit selective. ;)

Nazis were not really christians, at least not the upper levels or SS. They also imprisoned and killed catholics.
Mental patients, disabled, gypsies, jews, gays, medical experimentation on children and twins..... The nazis were far from 'christian' in behavior or morals.
don't kid yourself those Germans were Christians you want to pick in shoes and say the worst ones were and the not so bad ones were ohr please

Do some reading on Karl Barth. He was a very instrumental figure against what was going on at the time in Germany with the churches. Essentially, the churches either gave Hitler religious justification and backing or the SS paid them a little visit and the leadership was replaced. Many churches gave Hitler what he wanted out of fear. Barth was very vocal about this and wrote the Barman Declaration which shamed the church leaders in Germany for their cowardice. He mailed a copy to Hitler directly you might imagine...ran for his life.

The point is that Hitler used Christianity as a propaganda tool much like ISIS uses Islam. Hitler was no more a Christian than I am a nun, but he recognized it was an effective way to control the people of faith. Many church leaders told him to go fuck himself. They were either forced to flee or didn't live long afterwards.
Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

Any particular reason you are loathe to name the actual religion involved?
to me it doesn't matter what religion it was or is the point is religion doesn't like being questioned.

on another note I was very sad today to hear some white guy went into a black church and shot people. at least he wasn't a liberal that's for sure.
Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

Any particular reason you are loathe to name the actual religion involved?
to me it doesn't matter what religion it was or is the point is religion doesn't like being questioned.

on another note I was very sad today to hear some white guy went into a black church and shot people. at least he wasn't a liberal that's for sure.

I don't know what he was, but I think it's pretty tough to take a lunatic's political affiliation with much seriousness.
Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

Any particular reason you are loathe to name the actual religion involved?
to me it doesn't matter what religion it was or is the point is religion doesn't like being questioned.

on another note I was very sad today to hear some white guy went into a black church and shot people. at least he wasn't a liberal that's for sure.

I don't know what he was, but I think it's pretty tough to take a lunatic's political affiliation with much seriousness.
always remember I don't hate the players I hate the game. I may not like religion but I do like most religious people. at least the good ones. and giving most people the benefit of the doubt I have to believe most of those people were good people and this is a very tragic incident
Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

Any particular reason you are loathe to name the actual religion involved?
to me it doesn't matter what religion it was or is the point is religion doesn't like being questioned.

on another note I was very sad today to hear some white guy went into a black church and shot people. at least he wasn't a liberal that's for sure.

I don't know what he was, but I think it's pretty tough to take a lunatic's political affiliation with much seriousness.
always remember I don't hate the players I hate the game. I may not like religion but I do like most religious people. at least the good ones. and giving most people the benefit of the doubt I have to believe most of those people were good people and this is a very tragic incident

I hear you. Of course given the title of this thread you had better be hoping he wasn't an atheist blowing away 8 innocent people of faith. ;)
Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

Any particular reason you are loathe to name the actual religion involved?
to me it doesn't matter what religion it was or is the point is religion doesn't like being questioned.

on another note I was very sad today to hear some white guy went into a black church and shot people. at least he wasn't a liberal that's for sure.

I don't know what he was, but I think it's pretty tough to take a lunatic's political affiliation with much seriousness.

Unless it is organized encouraged lunacy with a large following, like Radical Islam is.
Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

Any particular reason you are loathe to name the actual religion involved?
to me it doesn't matter what religion it was or is the point is religion doesn't like being questioned.

on another note I was very sad today to hear some white guy went into a black church and shot people. at least he wasn't a liberal that's for sure.

He also wasn't part of a pattern, which in the case of bloggers who dare question Islam, seems to be the case.

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