another Athiest Blogger Murdered

Got a link? I would like to see this

Nevermind. I found the story. Ok well it's fucking Bangladesh, brother. Going to a nation that embraces extremist Islam and saying "Muhammad sucks" is like bringing a hooker to an evangelical church. What the hell do you think is going to happen? This isn't about theists, it's about Islamic terrorism.

Gotta say, brother. Pretty lame when I have to provide the link to your OP. Shame.

Yet another Bangladeshi blogger hacked to death -

If you bring a hooker to an evangelical church, you wouldn't get knifed.

Maybe some rocks thrown at you, but not hacked to death!!

Uh, you're both wrong. Churches have no problem with hookers showing up. Let he who is without sin throw the first stone and all.

And yelling Muhammad sucks in Islamic countries will get you death; so, the analogy was pretty flawed in the first place.
you know what I find funny at least about my particular brand of Christianity is that we notice priests have embarrassed and yelled at girls who have come into the church not wearing their Sunday school outfits maybe showing a little bit too much knee or cleavage and we were always disgusted with the church that would do that to somebody who cares how you dress if you're showing up to church that's all that should matter. one thing or even a hundred things that turned me off from religion its thousands of thing

Nobody is against you for not subscribing to any religion. It's your general misplaced contempt that they are against.
no but you do try and make this a Christian nation and since I'm a part of this nation and not a Christian I am jacked. no just about the only way I'll ever want to be a Christian nation is it Muslims try and make it a Muslim nation and I guess then I'll pick the lesser of two evils

What's so bad about this being 'a Christian nation'? That you have to hear someone invoke the name of God in a public discourse? Sorry, but that's like being mad that they play Britney Spears on the radio. You should be worried about an Islamic nation. Those towelheads have no problem taking away your rights and liberties in the name of Allah. Like I say, comparing the two is just retarded. They're not even close to the same thing; and no it's not the lesser of two evils. Christianity is not hurting you, dude. That's a fabrication that you've bought from the cool crowd. High school's over, dude. Time to grow up.
Got a link? I would like to see this

Nevermind. I found the story. Ok well it's fucking Bangladesh, brother. Going to a nation that embraces extremist Islam and saying "Muhammad sucks" is like bringing a hooker to an evangelical church. What the hell do you think is going to happen? This isn't about theists, it's about Islamic terrorism.

Gotta say, brother. Pretty lame when I have to provide the link to your OP. Shame.

Yet another Bangladeshi blogger hacked to death -

If you bring a hooker to an evangelical church, you wouldn't get knifed.

Maybe some rocks thrown at you, but not hacked to death!!

Uh, you're both wrong. Churches have no problem with hookers showing up. Let he who is without sin throw the first stone and all.

And yelling Muhammad sucks in Islamic countries will get you death; so, the analogy was pretty flawed in the first place.
you know what I find funny at least about my particular brand of Christianity is that we notice priests have embarrassed and yelled at girls who have come into the church not wearing their Sunday school outfits maybe showing a little bit too much knee or cleavage and we were always disgusted with the church that would do that to somebody who cares how you dress if you're showing up to church that's all that should matter. one thing or even a hundred things that turned me off from religion its thousands of thing

Nobody is against you for not subscribing to any religion. It's your general misplaced contempt that they are against.
no but you do try and make this a Christian nation and since I'm a part of this nation and not a Christian I am jacked. no just about the only way I'll ever want to be a Christian nation is it Muslims try and make it a Muslim nation and I guess then I'll pick the lesser of two evils

Sealy, no one is trying to make this a Christian already is. It has been for centuries. Quite the contrary, you are trying to make this a secular nation. That's your right and I have no problem with that, but let's tell it the right way. Christians are not trying to turn a secular nation into a Christian nation, atheists are trying to remove Christianity from the equation.

Now if you are talking about government in Christians trying to create a system of government based upon the Bible, you are wrong again. I know VERY few Christians who think that the government should be run according to Christianity. Even my wife, who is a very conservative Evangelical Christian, doesn't think Christianity or religion in general should direct government. I think maybe you are a wee bit paranoid, my brother.
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so you can see why it bothers me when religious people think it's impossible for anyone to be good if they're not a member of their group. thank you for getting my point

I can see that you are fond of manufacturing this nonexistent predicament because it allows you a bigoted outlet.
is my contempt for Saudi Arabia misplaced when they in prison an athiest for 10 years and whip him 1000 times? That is the extreme example of why I dislike religion

It's not an extreme example of anything. It's a very applicable example of what Islam really is. This is far from an isolated reality. It's frankly a prevalent reality in the Muslim world, particularly as it relates to the Sunni / Wahabi brand of it, which is very similar to the ISIS brand of it. The SA brand is only tempered due to geo-political realities. But make no mistake, Saudi Arabia is a very oppressive place. And this has nothing to do with Christianity or theism as you love to idiotically over simplify.
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an example you may not be as bad but in some ways your religion causes division makes gay people for example feel worse about themselves use religion to divide us on issues like stem cell research abortion I could go on and on you you know that religion maybe not as bad as Islam your religion is bad too in some ways certainly not infallible

Lifestyles are going to exist; and there will always be cultural clashes. You don't need religion for that to be a reality. Take polygamy; is America against it all that much on religious grounds? I'd argue it's more based upon a collective cultural identity than anything else.

Stem cell research may have religious foes; but checks and balances are often good. I am tentatively for stem cell research. But I do think it's a shame that it extends to abortion politics on both sides.

No religion is infallible because people aren't infallible. You have to see in a pros/cons or good/bad or good/evil spectrum and decide.
an example you may not be as bad but in some ways your religion causes division makes gay people for example feel worse about themselves use religion to divide us on issues like stem cell research abortion I could go on and on you you know that religion maybe not as bad as Islam your religion is bad too in some ways certainly not infallible

Lifestyles are going to exist; and there will always be cultural clashes. You don't need religion for that to be a reality. Take polygamy; is America against it all that much on religious grounds? I'd argue it's more based upon a collective cultural identity than anything else.

Stem cell research may have religious foes; but checks and balances are often good. I am tentatively for stem cell research. But I do think it's a shame that it extends to abortion politics on both sides.

No religion is infallible because people aren't infallible. You have to see in a pros/cons or good/bad or good/evil spectrum and decide.
Stem Cell Research News from Medical News Today
Stem cells Science The Guardian

and a lot more in the works
Nevermind. I found the story. Ok well it's fucking Bangladesh, brother. Going to a nation that embraces extremist Islam and saying "Muhammad sucks" is like bringing a hooker to an evangelical church. What the hell do you think is going to happen? This isn't about theists, it's about Islamic terrorism.

Gotta say, brother. Pretty lame when I have to provide the link to your OP. Shame.

Yet another Bangladeshi blogger hacked to death -

If you bring a hooker to an evangelical church, you wouldn't get knifed.

Maybe some rocks thrown at you, but not hacked to death!!

Uh, you're both wrong. Churches have no problem with hookers showing up. Let he who is without sin throw the first stone and all.

And yelling Muhammad sucks in Islamic countries will get you death; so, the analogy was pretty flawed in the first place.
you know what I find funny at least about my particular brand of Christianity is that we notice priests have embarrassed and yelled at girls who have come into the church not wearing their Sunday school outfits maybe showing a little bit too much knee or cleavage and we were always disgusted with the church that would do that to somebody who cares how you dress if you're showing up to church that's all that should matter. one thing or even a hundred things that turned me off from religion its thousands of thing

Nobody is against you for not subscribing to any religion. It's your general misplaced contempt that they are against.
no but you do try and make this a Christian nation and since I'm a part of this nation and not a Christian I am jacked. no just about the only way I'll ever want to be a Christian nation is it Muslims try and make it a Muslim nation and I guess then I'll pick the lesser of two evils

What's so bad about this being 'a Christian nation'? That you have to hear someone invoke the name of God in a public discourse? Sorry, but that's like being mad that they play Britney Spears on the radio. You should be worried about an Islamic nation. Those towelheads have no problem taking away your rights and liberties in the name of Allah. Like I say, comparing the two is just retarded. They're not even close to the same thing; and no it's not the lesser of two evils. Christianity is not hurting you, dude. That's a fabrication that you've bought from the cool crowd. High school's over, dude. Time to grow up.
Christianity has gotten States to limit easy access to women who probably should get abortions. these children grow up to become our future criminals. or how about Catholics who been birth control or at least won't pay for it so women who should not be having children instead of putting an IUD in their body because it's covered by insurance instead they have multiple children on welfare which I paid for there's another one. we've gone to war over religion don't think it's no coincidence that Iraq is an Arab nation Pakistan nation. Korea Vietnam none of them Christian nations. I believe they use religion to sway your votes that's another reason I don't like religion. just like they used religion to control their slaves they control you. We have not done as much stem cell research as we should have because religion so the progress is a ver what is life arguments. Have you watched the cosmos watch the old ones with Carl Sagan is a new ones with Neil deGrasse Tyson and learn how religion is held us back maybe ten thousand year
Nevermind. I found the story. Ok well it's fucking Bangladesh, brother. Going to a nation that embraces extremist Islam and saying "Muhammad sucks" is like bringing a hooker to an evangelical church. What the hell do you think is going to happen? This isn't about theists, it's about Islamic terrorism.

Gotta say, brother. Pretty lame when I have to provide the link to your OP. Shame.

Yet another Bangladeshi blogger hacked to death -

If you bring a hooker to an evangelical church, you wouldn't get knifed.

Maybe some rocks thrown at you, but not hacked to death!!

Uh, you're both wrong. Churches have no problem with hookers showing up. Let he who is without sin throw the first stone and all.

And yelling Muhammad sucks in Islamic countries will get you death; so, the analogy was pretty flawed in the first place.
you know what I find funny at least about my particular brand of Christianity is that we notice priests have embarrassed and yelled at girls who have come into the church not wearing their Sunday school outfits maybe showing a little bit too much knee or cleavage and we were always disgusted with the church that would do that to somebody who cares how you dress if you're showing up to church that's all that should matter. one thing or even a hundred things that turned me off from religion its thousands of thing

Nobody is against you for not subscribing to any religion. It's your general misplaced contempt that they are against.
no but you do try and make this a Christian nation and since I'm a part of this nation and not a Christian I am jacked. no just about the only way I'll ever want to be a Christian nation is it Muslims try and make it a Muslim nation and I guess then I'll pick the lesser of two evils

Sealy, no one is trying to make this a Christian already is. It has been for centuries. Quite the contrary, you are trying to make this a secular nation. That's your right and I have no problem with that, but let's tell it the right way. Christians are not trying to turn a secular nation into a Christian nation, atheists are trying to remove Christianity from the equation.

Now if you are talking about government in Christians trying to create a system of government based upon the Bible, you are wrong again. I know VERY few Christians who think that the government should be run according to Christianity. Even my wife, who is a very conservative Evangelical Christian, doesn't think Christianity or religion in general should direct government. I think maybe you are a wee bit paranoid, my brother.
well I have officially joined the Arab Muslim Islamic side consider me a Muslim from now on
we will turn this country into an Islamic state and see how fast you Christians admit this is a secular nation and that's how you want it
is my contempt for Saudi Arabia misplaced when they in prison an athiest for 10 years and whip him 1000 times? That is the extreme example of why I dislike religion

It's not an extreme example of anything. It's a very applicable example of what Islam really is. This is far from an isolated reality. It's frankly a prevalent reality in the Muslim world, particularly as it relates to the Sunni / Wahabi brand of it, which is very similar to the ISIS brand of it. The SA brand is only tempered due to geo-political realities. But make no mistake, Saudi Arabia is a very oppressive place. And this has nothing to do with Christianity or theism as you love to idiotically over simplify.
they remind me of Christianity a few hundred years ago.because it's a great example of how religion can go bad. no your religion is nothing like theirs. Not anymore. what you both have in common is your both believing a lie your forefathers passed down to you
an example you may not be as bad but in some ways your religion causes division makes gay people for example feel worse about themselves use religion to divide us on issues like stem cell research abortion I could go on and on you you know that religion maybe not as bad as Islam your religion is bad too in some ways certainly not infallible

Lifestyles are going to exist; and there will always be cultural clashes. You don't need religion for that to be a reality. Take polygamy; is America against it all that much on religious grounds? I'd argue it's more based upon a collective cultural identity than anything else.

Stem cell research may have religious foes; but checks and balances are often good. I am tentatively for stem cell research. But I do think it's a shame that it extends to abortion politics on both sides.

No religion is infallible because people aren't infallible. You have to see in a pros/cons or good/bad or good/evil spectrum and decide.
Stem Cell Research News from Medical News Today
Stem cells Science The Guardian

and a lot more in the works
all I need to know is that Gordie Howe lives in Michigan had a stroke and had to fly to California to get stem cell treatment that is banned here in Michigan. I guess too bad for all the people not rich like Gordie Howe. f religion
don't think it's no coincidence that Iraq is an Arab nation Pakistan nation. Korea Vietnam none of them Christian nations.

Well we went to war with Germany a couple times. They were a Christian nation. We went to war with Spain...Christian nation. We went to war with Great Britain twice...Christian nation. We went to war with Mexico...Christian nation. Your memory seems a bit selective. ;)
an example you may not be as bad but in some ways your religion causes division makes gay people for example feel worse about themselves use religion to divide us on issues like stem cell research abortion I could go on and on you you know that religion maybe not as bad as Islam your religion is bad too in some ways certainly not infallible

Lifestyles are going to exist; and there will always be cultural clashes. You don't need religion for that to be a reality. Take polygamy; is America against it all that much on religious grounds? I'd argue it's more based upon a collective cultural identity than anything else.

Stem cell research may have religious foes; but checks and balances are often good. I am tentatively for stem cell research. But I do think it's a shame that it extends to abortion politics on both sides.

No religion is infallible because people aren't infallible. You have to see in a pros/cons or good/bad or good/evil spectrum and decide.
I have decided. keep in mind that I don't bother people in their everyday lives and tell people there is no God. I live and let live. and I do see that religion gives a lot of people comfort its called ignorant bliss. so what I'm doing here on these boards is expressing my opinion that I think religion has outlived its purpose usefulness and is no longer necessary. I think it's actually hurting people. there's a group called Arrested Development and they sing about how pastors teach dying is the only solution the lady praise with her walls not to change her situation and basically religion keeps people contend satisfied or at least complacent in their misery in their station in life in their situation when instead of fighting for improve their situation because let's face it we only get this one shot when its over and you die that's it you only get one shot at this life so I say fight to improve your situation that you don't wait for the pearly gates
don't think it's no coincidence that Iraq is an Arab nation Pakistan nation. Korea Vietnam none of them Christian nations.

Well we went to war with Germany a couple times. They were a Christian nation. We went to war with Spain...Christian nation. We went to war with Great Britain twice...Christian nation. We went to war with Mexico...Christian nation. Your memory seems a bit selective. ;)
after world war 2
If you bring a hooker to an evangelical church, you wouldn't get knifed.

Maybe some rocks thrown at you, but not hacked to death!!

Uh, you're both wrong. Churches have no problem with hookers showing up. Let he who is without sin throw the first stone and all.

And yelling Muhammad sucks in Islamic countries will get you death; so, the analogy was pretty flawed in the first place.
you know what I find funny at least about my particular brand of Christianity is that we notice priests have embarrassed and yelled at girls who have come into the church not wearing their Sunday school outfits maybe showing a little bit too much knee or cleavage and we were always disgusted with the church that would do that to somebody who cares how you dress if you're showing up to church that's all that should matter. one thing or even a hundred things that turned me off from religion its thousands of thing

Nobody is against you for not subscribing to any religion. It's your general misplaced contempt that they are against.
no but you do try and make this a Christian nation and since I'm a part of this nation and not a Christian I am jacked. no just about the only way I'll ever want to be a Christian nation is it Muslims try and make it a Muslim nation and I guess then I'll pick the lesser of two evils

Sealy, no one is trying to make this a Christian already is. It has been for centuries. Quite the contrary, you are trying to make this a secular nation. That's your right and I have no problem with that, but let's tell it the right way. Christians are not trying to turn a secular nation into a Christian nation, atheists are trying to remove Christianity from the equation.

Now if you are talking about government in Christians trying to create a system of government based upon the Bible, you are wrong again. I know VERY few Christians who think that the government should be run according to Christianity. Even my wife, who is a very conservative Evangelical Christian, doesn't think Christianity or religion in general should direct government. I think maybe you are a wee bit paranoid, my brother.
well I have officially joined the Arab Muslim Islamic side consider me a Muslim from now on

You might want to post a disclaimer for the FBI and DHS, dude. :lol: After posting that, I highly recommend you don't take any plane trips to Turkey for a while. ;)
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don't think it's no coincidence that Iraq is an Arab nation Pakistan nation. Korea Vietnam none of them Christian nations.

Well we went to war with Germany a couple times. They were a Christian nation. We went to war with Spain...Christian nation. We went to war with Great Britain twice...Christian nation. We went to war with Mexico...Christian nation. Your memory seems a bit selective. ;)
after world war 2

What does WWII matter? We were a Christian nation before WWII as well as after it. Think maybe it's because other Christian nations have learned not to fuck with us?
I have decided. keep in mind that I don't bother people in their everyday lives and tell people there is no God. I live and let live. and I do see that religion gives a lot of people comfort its called ignorant bliss.

What you insultingly call ignorant bliss, others know to be enlightenment. And if you were so sure of yourself, you wouldn't spend all this time exploring the matter, even if you are doing it in a audacious manner.
all I need to know is that Gordie Howe lives in Michigan had a stroke and had to fly to California to get stem cell treatment that is banned here in Michigan. I guess too bad for all the people not rich like Gordie Howe. f religion

Yea, religion and their sinister motives trying to protect the unborn, who can't protect themselves. :lol:
is my contempt for Saudi Arabia misplaced when they in prison an athiest for 10 years and whip him 1000 times? That is the extreme example of why I dislike religion

It's not an extreme example of anything. It's a very applicable example of what Islam really is. This is far from an isolated reality. It's frankly a prevalent reality in the Muslim world, particularly as it relates to the Sunni / Wahabi brand of it, which is very similar to the ISIS brand of it. The SA brand is only tempered due to geo-political realities. But make no mistake, Saudi Arabia is a very oppressive place. And this has nothing to do with Christianity or theism as you love to idiotically over simplify.
they remind me of Christianity a few hundred years ago.because it's a great example of how religion can go bad. no your religion is nothing like theirs. Not anymore. what you both have in common is your both believing a lie your forefathers passed down to you

There's two sides to it; institutional and doctrinal. You can find more than enough cases of corrupt institutional Christianity. However, these cases pretty well defy the doctrine. Now then, take Islam. Doctrinally it's a prescription for a ces pool. That's why all Islamic countries are in a perpetual state of suckdom. So, don't pretend like the two are on par or were ever really on par. That's not true.
an example you may not be as bad but in some ways your religion causes division makes gay people for example feel worse about themselves use religion to divide us on issues like stem cell research abortion I could go on and on you you know that religion maybe not as bad as Islam your religion is bad too in some ways certainly not infallible

Lifestyles are going to exist; and there will always be cultural clashes. You don't need religion for that to be a reality. Take polygamy; is America against it all that much on religious grounds? I'd argue it's more based upon a collective cultural identity than anything else.

Stem cell research may have religious foes; but checks and balances are often good. I am tentatively for stem cell research. But I do think it's a shame that it extends to abortion politics on both sides.

No religion is infallible because people aren't infallible. You have to see in a pros/cons or good/bad or good/evil spectrum and decide.
Stem Cell Research News from Medical News Today
Stem cells Science The Guardian

and a lot more in the works
all I need to know is that Gordie Howe lives in Michigan had a stroke and had to fly to California to get stem cell treatment that is banned here in Michigan. I guess too bad for all the people not rich like Gordie Howe. f religion

A bit like parents that have children with seizure, cancer and assorted other problems that would benefit from certain form of cannabis or CBD had to move to colorado so they could treat their children.
Florida will hopefully allow Charlotte's Web and CBD oil, but as yet no other form of cannabis.

It is why many people end up in Mexico for treatment, or some cases half way round the world.

Governments have a strangle hold on controlling medical treatment and medicines. Close minded fools or greedy "f"'s

Doctors are still so afraid to hand out an aspirin even for people with chronic pain conditions that in too many case have cause good people to seek suicide or doctor assisted exits.

Kids are the last ones to be eligible for orphan drugs, but has short life spans or horrible quality of life with out access to them.

People should not have to cross state lines or international borders to be treated.

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