Another attack on Scott Walker boomerangs

Yeah typical American in an Obama economy

I thought Walker was some sort of fiscal genius?

Oh.....I forgot

Couldn't even finish college. That is why his major asset is a Sears card

Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry

Walker is no Bill Gates

Gates left because he was too smart for College. Walker couldn't cut it
Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has

He keeps kicking the left's asses.

The failed governor of Wisconsin?

Yea.......the left is terrified of him

Best governor since Palin
Yeah typical American in an Obama economy

I thought Walker was some sort of fiscal genius?

Oh.....I forgot

Couldn't even finish college. That is why his major asset is a Sears card

Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry

Walker is no Bill Gates

Gates left because he was too smart for College. Walker couldn't cut it
Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has

He keeps kicking the left's asses.

The failed governor of Wisconsin?

Yea.......the left is terrified of him

Best governor since Palin

How did that recall go for you? LMFAO.
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I'm glad that the GOP race started out with guys like Cruz and Paul, and that Walker is well regarded. I'm looking forward to his announcement.. The more libertarian the primary season starts with, the less likely a RINO like Jeb will be to win people over with his common core/amnesty/compromise bullshit.

Walker went after a significant source of leftist finance and he won. He shrugged off the virulent attacks funded by sociopaths and idiots from all over the country. He came out on top each time. That's what it takes to win, offensive maneuvers and good PR. In spite of the monolithic libtard media and all that fascist union cash Walker stayed on message and didn't waver. That's the strategy the GOP needs for 2016.

A prefect result would be Walker/Paul with Ted Cruz as AG. We could probably expect some prosecutions of the obozo regimes' thugs, thieves and criminally negligent secretaries of state.

He withstood you loon's recall. That was priceless

Some accomplishment
Having the people in your state hate you so much that they recall you

You are a truly special kind of stupid, boy.

Not stupid enough to think the failed governor of Wisconsin would make a good president

Boy, calling you dumb as rat shit insults rat shit. Do you have an aide to help feed and clothe you?

So...what do we have as a reason to elect Walker President?

He was able to qualify for a Sears card
He avoided being recalled as Governor

To republicans, that is unbeatable

Mark Levin gets aroused by Walker's bald spot.
I thought Walker was some sort of fiscal genius?

Oh.....I forgot

Couldn't even finish college. That is why his major asset is a Sears card

Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry

Walker is no Bill Gates

Gates left because he was too smart for College. Walker couldn't cut it
Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has

He keeps kicking the left's asses.

The failed governor of Wisconsin?

Yea.......the left is terrified of him

Best governor since Palin

How did that recall go for you? LMFAO.

How did Walker's jobs agenda go for you, breeder?
Come to think of it.....

It does look like Walker buys his clothes at Sears

Yet another RW pure logic and high information attack. Wow, now that you've turned your gigantic mind to ending Walker, he's toast
The failed Governor of Wisconsin has no accomplishment more impressive than qualifying for a Sears credit card

You mean besides slashing the budget deficit and checking the power of greedy government unions?

Wow, since you don't count getting elected as an accomplishment, you must really hate Obama
Come to think of it.....

It does look like Walker buys his clothes at Sears

Yet another RW pure logic and high information attack. Wow, now that you've turned your gigantic mind to ending Walker, he's toast
I promise to try to not make fun of politicians needing to practice with tin foil hats.

Um...OK? Canadian logic is very strange
Maybe because you missed the British humor component.

Walker is no Bill Gates. Gates left because he was too smart for College.

Your standard was that only failures drop out of college, no moving the goal posts

Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has

Government unions should not be able to force taxpayers to pay for ridiculous union demands without taxpayers represented at the bargaining table
It proves one thing. He scares the shit out of them.
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) How many times they insist, over and over, that they don't care about him;
4.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this thread, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
I thought Walker was some sort of fiscal genius?

Oh.....I forgot

Couldn't even finish college. That is why his major asset is a Sears card

Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry

Walker is no Bill Gates

Gates left because he was too smart for College. Walker couldn't cut it
Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has

He keeps kicking the left's asses.

The failed governor of Wisconsin?

Yea.......the left is terrified of him

Best governor since Palin

How did that recall go for you? LMFAO.
When the best thing you can say about a governor is that he survived a recall you can understand why Walker is such a failure
Yeah typical American in an Obama economy

I thought Walker was some sort of fiscal genius?

Oh.....I forgot

Couldn't even finish college. That is why his major asset is a Sears card

Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry

Walker is no Bill Gates

Gates left because he was too smart for College. Walker couldn't cut it
Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has

He keeps kicking the left's asses.

The failed governor of Wisconsin?

Yea.......the left is terrified of him

Best governor since Palin

Walker is way better than Palin
Come to think of it.....

It does look like Walker buys his clothes at Sears

Yet another RW pure logic and high information attack. Wow, now that you've turned your gigantic mind to ending Walker, he's toast
The failed Governor of Wisconsin has no accomplishment more impressive than qualifying for a Sears credit card

You mean besides slashing the budget deficit and checking the power of greedy government unions?

Wow, since you don't count getting elected as an accomplishment, you must really hate Obama

Gutted the education budget to pay for a handout to the billionaire Milwaukee Bucks owners

Worst Governor in America
Yeah typical American in an Obama economy

I thought Walker was some sort of fiscal genius?

Oh.....I forgot

Couldn't even finish college. That is why his major asset is a Sears card

Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry

Walker is no Bill Gates

Gates left because he was too smart for College. Walker couldn't cut it
Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has

He keeps kicking the left's asses.

The failed governor of Wisconsin?

Yea.......the left is terrified of him

Best governor since Palin

You sure put a lot of effort into attacking a guy you aren't afraid of
When the best thing you can say about a governor is that he survived a recall you can understand why Walker is such a failure
Isn't little rw cute? Now he's trying to pretend that "He survived a recall" is the "best thing you can say about" him, after his budget-balancing, curbing of union thugs, and dismantling of liberals programs and promotion of freedom.

Little rw seems to be hoping that somebody believes him somewhere. He should know better than that by now - nobody has believed him in a long time.
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Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry

Walker is no Bill Gates

Gates left because he was too smart for College. Walker couldn't cut it
Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has

He keeps kicking the left's asses.

The failed governor of Wisconsin?

Yea.......the left is terrified of him

Best governor since Palin

How did that recall go for you? LMFAO.
When the best thing you can say about a governor is that he survived a recall you can understand why Walker is such a failure

That would be a good argument if that were the best thing we could say. In fact we said several other things in this conversation, you just aren't very smart, not very smart at all
That would be a good argument if that were the best thing we could say. In fact we said several other things in this conversation, you just aren't very smart, not very smart at all
Little rw seems to be hoping that somebody believes him somewhere. He should know better than that by now - nobody has believed him in a long time.
When the best thing you can say about a governor is that he survived a recall you can understand why Walker is such a failure
Isn't little rw cute? Now he's trying to pretend that "He survived a recall" is the "best thing you can say about" him, after his budget-balancing, curbing of union thugs, and dismantling of liberals programs and promotion of freedom.

Little rw seems to be hoping that somebody believes him somewhere. He should know better than that by now - nobody has believed him in a long time.

RW has accomplished the impressive task of looking stupid ... even for a liberal ...
I thought Walker was some sort of fiscal genius?

Oh.....I forgot

Couldn't even finish college. That is why his major asset is a Sears card

Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry

Walker is no Bill Gates

Gates left because he was too smart for College. Walker couldn't cut it
Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has

He keeps kicking the left's asses.

The failed governor of Wisconsin?

Yea.......the left is terrified of him

Best governor since Palin

You sure put a lot of effort into attacking a guy you aren't afraid of
Not as much time as you all have put into Hillary and Bill. What's that now like 25 years. Nothing but hate for a great president for 25 years. Takes nerve to say we've come anywhere near close to that kind of fear. We're just getting started with little Scottie Walker.

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