Another attack on Scott Walker boomerangs

I go where I want, pea brain. :lol:

Well carry on but stop bothering me. I have little patience for leftist loons such as yourself.
Well if you stalk me enough to know I go to the FZ, you're obviously impressed I'd even respond to you. Just setting you straight, old man.

Bleh, go bother someone who cares, fraud. You're not even female is my guess. Most likely some old dude getting his jollies off pretending to be a girl. Now sit down, ya little nothing
Well, you're almost there. Men do really like me but you wouldn't know the feeling, I'm sure, old dude.

If you look back over the thread, you'll see you responded to me first, old guy. Now that the conversation didn't go your way, you want me to leave you alone? I will but I know that isn't what you want. You try to get people to talk to you here, nobody is usually interested so consider this little chat your complimentary and much needed attention for the day.

There can be no public policy exception by States to Article 1, Section 10 regarding impairing i the Obligation of Contracts since it is repugnant to our federal Constitution. Only the Right doesn't seem to know that.
Well carry on but stop bothering me. I have little patience for leftist loons such as yourself.
Well if you stalk me enough to know I go to the FZ, you're obviously impressed I'd even respond to you. Just setting you straight, old man.

Bleh, go bother someone who cares, fraud. You're not even female is my guess. Most likely some old dude getting his jollies off pretending to be a girl. Now sit down, ya little nothing
Well, you're almost there. Men do really like me but you wouldn't know the feeling, I'm sure, old dude.

If you look back over the thread, you'll see you responded to me first, old guy. Now that the conversation didn't go your way, you want me to leave you alone? I will but I know that isn't what you want. You try to get people to talk to you here, nobody is usually interested so consider this little chat your complimentary and much needed attention for the day.


Put up or shut up, it's just that simple, troll. We both know you can't so just stfu. Go play in the Flame's soooooo you.
Yeah typical American in an Obama economy

I thought Walker was some sort of fiscal genius?

Oh.....I forgot

Couldn't even finish college. That is why his major asset is a Sears card

Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry
One can always tell when a conservative has the chance of being on the national stage. Leftist attacks and lies come like flies gathering over a carcass. Here's the latest about the governor:

They claim he owes Sears $50,000! :rolleyes:

You know what the biggest surprise in Walker’s financial status is? SEARS still exists!

Read more with links @ Scott Walker Credit Card Debt Sears

Longknife, how likely do you think Walker is to win the nomination? What about to win the Presidency?
Come to think of it.....

It does look like Walker buys his clothes at Sears

Yet another RW pure logic and high information attack. Wow, now that you've turned your gigantic mind to ending Walker, he's toast
The failed Governor of Wisconsin has no accomplishment more impressive than qualifying for a Sears credit card
Come to think of it.....

It does look like Walker buys his clothes at Sears

Yet another RW pure logic and high information attack. Wow, now that you've turned your gigantic mind to ending Walker, he's toast
I promise to try to not make fun of politicians needing to practice with tin foil hats.

Um...OK? Canadian logic is very strange
Maybe because you missed the British humor component.
Yeah typical American in an Obama economy

I thought Walker was some sort of fiscal genius?

Oh.....I forgot

Couldn't even finish college. That is why his major asset is a Sears card

Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry

Walker is no Bill Gates

Gates left because he was too smart for College. Walker couldn't cut it
Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has
Yeah typical American in an Obama economy

I thought Walker was some sort of fiscal genius?

Oh.....I forgot

Couldn't even finish college. That is why his major asset is a Sears card

Only losers don't finish college big guy? You mean like Bill Gates? BTW, education is a great way to learn, but it's only one way, it's not the only way. Yet another liberal bigotry

Walker is no Bill Gates

Gates left because he was too smart for College. Walker couldn't cut it
Tell us more bout that "common sense" Walker has

He keeps kicking the left's asses.
She kept the country safe.

There are some interns who might disagree......

Boston, Ft Hood, a certain ambassador.....:)

So let me get this straight. Even throwing in the Workplace violence of Fort Hood, (committed by an American Military Officer, not a foreign Terrorist) the whole death toll from those incidents were 4 from Boston, 13 In Fort Hood and 4 in Benghazi. I think it's a real stretch to throw the blame for either Boston or Fort Hood on Hillary, but let's go with that.

Now compare that to your hero, George Dubya Stupid.

3000 dead on 9/11. (Bush to the CIA, "You've covered your ass".)

4500 Dead American in Iraq for weapons that didn't exist.

1836 Dead in Hurricane Katrina.

Hillary's not looking so bad right now.
The partisans are so foolish they don't know WHAT to do w/themselves anymore.

So they just continue to spew more swill.
It proves one thing. He scares the shit out of them.

So can that same rationale be directed at those who criticize Hillary? I can assure you there are many more threads about her than Walker.
No, because the criticism of Hillary is legitimate. She has a long record of fuck-ups and deliberate fraud whereas the criticism of Walker is a series of petty bullshit like Sears credit cards. Hillary, on the other hand, has Banghazi, obstruction of justice (destroying incriminating evidence), the Clinton Foundation fraud, there's no comparison.
How did I know that a far right wing nutter would find a way to excuse it and make it different. It's just different when RWers do it isn't it? Somehow, it just is.

Name her accomplishments...something that actually made a difference to this nation.

Stumps you loons everytime

She got an ambassador murdered...
Gotta link for that JackAss?
She kept the country safe.

There are some interns who might disagree......

Boston, Ft Hood, a certain ambassador.....:)

So let me get this straight. Even throwing in the Workplace violence of Fort Hood, (committed by an American Military Officer, not a foreign Terrorist) the whole death toll from those incidents were 4 from Boston, 13 In Fort Hood and 4 in Benghazi. I think it's a real stretch to throw the blame for either Boston or Fort Hood on Hillary, but let's go with that.

Now compare that to your hero, George Dubya Stupid.

3000 dead on 9/11. (Bush to the CIA, "You've covered your ass".)

4500 Dead American in Iraq for weapons that didn't exist.

1836 Dead in Hurricane Katrina.

Hillary's not looking so bad right now.
The partisans are so foolish they don't know WHAT to do w/themselves anymore.

So they just continue to spew more swill.

^^^ more "swill"
Hack, that's only something a far RW nutter would say.

Liberals don't hate the rich.

That's a RW talking point.

Go back and try again.

Well yes perhaps, except that YOU used it first ...seriously need to remember what YOU post.

What did Hillary JUST this week say about the rich?
Why don't you just post what she said about the rich?

You don't like being corrected on your own mistake?

Mrs. Clinton pointed at the top category and said the economy required a “toppling” of the wealthiest 1 percent, according to several people who were briefed on Mrs. Clinton’s policy discussions, but could not discuss private conversations for attribution. [Emphasis added]
Hillary Vows To Topple The Rich In Off Record Meeting The Daily Caller

Hillary Clinton Topple the 1 Watch the video - Yahoo News

Hillary Clinton Topple the 1

You are welcome.
To address these gossip videos, because that's what they amount to. There's no evidence of her saying those words, just pundits "reporting" on reports that she said those words. Even if those words came out of her mouth, it's without context. So there's no there there. Just conjecture.

Try again.

She said it, you know it but you protect her at all costs

As for the word "hack" you used it first, you seem to struggle with self awareness
So when we had Romney on video literally stating right before our eyes and ears that the 47% are turds and he doesn't care for them, you and your ilk did backflips trying to convince Americans that he didn't really say that.

However, you want to run as gospel some gossip rags, hearsay and conjecture of some RW hacks in the media because it suits your narrative.

Do you see what's happening here?

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