Another Attemted Coup by Democrats This Time in TN

The Governor of Missouri said (paraphrasing)...

I can make all the proclamations and orders in the world...but it would still be up to you to follow them. Missourians believe in freedom...they also believe in personal responsibility. I'm not going to use the power of the government to curtail you're rights. You know what needs to be done and as your Governor I am asking you to do it.


Couldn't have been prouder of my state.

Missouri isn't doing so bad in terms of cases or deaths.

Surprizing given that you have two or 3 substantial urban centers.
What the 'civil liberties' crowd keep missing is this --- these are not restrictions on PEOPLE. These are restrictions on a VIRUS. Yuge difference, libertarily speaking. If anyone can show us how viruses have civil liberties, they'll have a ball to run with.
Restrictions on people is exactly what they are. Why should someone from NY or LA decide if a honky tonk in a small or medium sized town gets shut down?

Can't handle the point, Kenya.
"Another attempted coup" implies the assertion a constitutionally provided remedy for illegal acts and abuses of power committed by a prez represents a coup isn't batshyte crazy. But it is.
The perils of residing in red states, especially ones with higher elected officials that are beholden to Trump or just resistant to science in general. Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi.....Tennessee.
We cherish the freedom we find in red states.
It would be interesting to know why, after so many other states have issued various orders in the name of public safety, the Governor of Tennessee hasn't followed suit...

Maybe because he doesn't feel it's necessary. Tennessee is doing better than most states right now as far as the spread of infection.


In other news Tennessee has more cases per capita than California.
Can't handle the point, Kenya.
I understand it completely. You support the government telling people what they can and cannot do.

Your cutting out my post so that you could sit and lie about what it says tells everybody that my observation stands ---- you can't handle the point. You're so afraid of it you edited it out. Wimp.
Interesting to note while the population in Tennessee and Massachusetts is close, the current rate of cases in Mass. is twice that of TN.
Didn't they learn a lesson from the first attempt? And they think that whining about the governor's reaction to Coronavirus will get this done?

---In response to the lack of preventative action that has been made across the state, we have no choice but to start making real palpable action to remove Bill Lee from office.---

A recall is not a coup its a legitimate tool of democracy...
You can't make this Schiff up can you ?
The purpose is to tie the dempanic team up with answering subpoenas that they can do nothing else. The same tactic that forced Sarah Palin from the governor's office
Interesting to note while the population in Tennessee and Massachusetts is close, the current rate of cases in Mass. is twice that of TN.

It should be. It got there sooner. Plus, population density.


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