Another Balloon Just shot down

When asked at the hearing yesterday the general said we think before we shoot when asked why they didn't shoot the balloon down over Alaska. Now they are shooting down stuff they haven't even identified?

Will add a link as soon as possible.

Edit update with links

High-altitude object shot down over Alaska, US saysya​


ya the may stream press and synthaholic all druelled over biden's patients for waiting till the previous one went all the way to SC before shooting it down, and what dumb sons a bitches any person thinking any different was
this certainly changes that thinking
Not to worry. It was just a Chinese weather balloon.

So why did the Biden administration decide to shoot this one down over land when they let the last one come all the way up the Aleutian Chain, up into the US, all the way across the US, and then off the coast of SC before shooting this one down?

What was so different between this one and the 1st one?

Did Biden leave the decision up to Milley again, or did Biden take the decision away from him this time since he f*ed up the last one?
When asked at the hearing yesterday the general said we think before we shoot when asked why they didn't shoot the balloon down over Alaska. Now they are shooting down stuff they haven't even identified?
Excellent analysis.

I'll add that Biden said of the first balloon that it was not a threat. This one was supposedly a reasonable threat to air traffic.

Either that, or they know it's as bad as the first one.

Apparently, China considered the first mission such a success, despite the whimpered weak outcry from the US, that they decided to boldly and defiantly launch another.
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The one shot down over the east coast wasn't a weather balloon. Now that parts have been recovered, there was no weather devices on it. Instead is was composed of antennas. It was a giant listening device whose route took it over our military bases.
I just don't accept America's explanation, due to America's track record of lies to create support for military aggression.
This is either an implicit admission by Old Joe that he should have shot down the balloon last before it gets to the mainland, or he shot this one down early solely for political reasons.
Still no link, but it was flying low….at 40,000 feet. Close to the height of civilian flight and thus posed a big danger.

U.S. Shoots Down "High Altitude Object", Over Alaska.

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Yep, Biden doing everything he can to harm border security.

This story hasn’t drawn many headlines (for obvious reasons), but it’s the latest in a series of very clear signals that not only is the Biden administration not making any effort to close the southern border, but it is actively working to make the job of the Border Patrol harder. The CBP had been operating a dozen blimps with cameras to monitor some of the more remote regions of the border. For the most part, they don’t actively help in capturing illegal aliens who enter the country, but they do allow Customs and Border Patrol to monitor and count the number of “gotaways” that make it into the interior of the country. Last year, however, eight of the balloons were eliminated. And now the final four are being taken offline. (Free Beacon)
After refusing for days last week to shoot down China’s spy balloon, the Biden administration finally found airships they are happy to take down: surveillance blimps that monitor the southern border.

The Biden administration is taking the blimps, which allow agents to detect illegal migrant activity over long periods of time, out of commission due to funding cuts, Fox News reported. While there were 12 surveillance balloons in operation last year, only four remain.

Customs and Border Protection agents told Fox that the removal of the blimps, known in the agency as their “Eyes in the Sky,” will drastically hinder their ability to track illegal immigrants who evade detention at the border. As of January, there were 1.2 million “gotaways” since Biden took office.

The White House is blaming “funding cuts” for the removal of the blimps, but that makes no sense. All during the entire Chinese spy balloon fiasco, analysts discussed why the Chinese would use that sort of comparatively primitive technology for surveillance missions. One of the biggest reasons is that balloons are massively cheaper to construct, deploy, and operate than satellites or modern drone swarms.

Are they seriously trying to tell us that they don’t have the money to maintain four blimps above the border but they have yet another tranche of $2.2 billion available to send to Zelensky to protect Ukraine’s borders? And they obviously had enough cash lying around to once again erect a wall around the Capitol Building for Biden’s SOTU address. Yet we’re supposed to believe that they can’t find the money to keep four freaking balloons in the air.​
We don’t need to “speculate” about this development because what’s actually going on here is painfully obvious. Joe Biden doesn’t want CBP reporting on the huge number of gotaways that flood into the country every month. It’s one of the top issues of concern for Americans according to recent polling and it feeds into Biden’s pathetic approval rating numbers. So he’s making it increasingly more difficult for them to monitor the situation.​


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