Another Balloon Just shot down

I already did. That was why I said PM a different Mod. You have ruled out 3, so far. Try a PM to the remaining. I am pretty sure, would respond. Not my place.

The problem with this service is if a mod has it out for you, your threads will be moved constantly because they know people will stop following it unless they have that particular forum in their bookmarks. It's why I seldom even start threads anymore. What's the point?
The problem with this service is if a mod has it out for you, your threads will be moved constantly because they know people will stop following it unless they have that particular forum in their bookmarks. It's why I seldom even start threads anymore. What's the point?
It's sad you have to play whack a dope to get answers. Says a lot about "professional conduct" by staff.
The problem with this service is if a mod has it out for you, your threads will be moved constantly because they know people will stop following it unless they have that particular forum in their bookmarks. It's why I seldom even start threads anymore. What's the point?
I start threads to remind myself that most here don't agree with me. :biggrin:
It's sad you have to play whack a dope to get answers. Says a lot about "professional conduct" by staff.

What's worse is when you send a message to the uppers at USMB, they don't even acknowledge it yet alone look into any matter or take actions on their moderators. I started a thread a few months ago in Politics of a story that happened with the illegals; I forget what it was now, but in less than 24 hours it was moved to the Border forum. Go to the Politics forum now, there are several threads about illegals or the border that were never touched. Why only my topic?

So like I said, I don't create topics anymore. Let somebody else do it.
I like popping balloons for much the same reason that I enjoy some bubble rap.

But if it takes a middle or three, that’s ok too.
AW MOI GAW.....the military says the balloon they just shot down has NO MOVING PARTS! GAAAAACK!!!


i think this is ET Fear Porn to get us all hysterical and into another lockdown. I think someone is punking the military..
This certainly does raise the suspicion that they are weather balloons. China knows there's no way the US is going to let one fly over the lower 48. They must consider that the purpose has been served by the time the balloons reach Alaska.

Otherwise, China wouldn't be throwing away money just to have it shot down.

There's a good argument for the 'weather' balloon theory.

Is that 'tarded' to think that?
/——/ Tarded? No. Hopelessly naive? Yes.
Anyone notice this tidbit:


The U.S. Defense Department confirmed that NORAD detected the object over Alaska on Friday evening.

They just outed themselves for lying about 'discovering' the China balloon......
Finally, a reasonable explanation for the balloons. It's been suggested that China is doing mapping and exploration of the north for oil or natural resources.
Anyone notice this tidbit:


The U.S. Defense Department confirmed that NORAD detected the object over Alaska on Friday evening.

They just outed themselves for lying about 'discovering' the China balloon......
The US may have downed a balloon in use by Ham Radio Operators....


I wonder if the balloon they wasted a high tech missle on in Alaska was the K9YO-15 pico balloon? Hsn't been heard in about 7 hours
The ET’s were just sending an emissary to Earth. And Brandon shot it down!

They put him on trial. Their judge asks, incredulously,

“Hold on. Your defense is that you thought you were shooting a

Over our missile silos?

Most mapping is done via satellite. You bought into their BS.
The author of the report noted how balloon mapping is much more capable of the sort of mapping they're doing. In fact, I learned a lot about the advantages of balloons.

If you can ask in a civil way I might try to find the report that spells out the theory.
The problem with this service is if a mod has it out for you, your threads will be moved constantly because they know people will stop following it unless they have that particular forum in their bookmarks. It's why I seldom even start threads anymore. What's the point?

If you do not like this free service, there are lots of other choices out there for you.
The author of the report noted how balloon mapping is much more capable of the sort of mapping they're doing. In fact, I learned a lot about the advantages of balloons.

If you can ask in a civil way I might try to find the report that spells out the theory.
Like I said, over our missile silos?
The author of the report noted how balloon mapping is much more capable of the sort of mapping they're doing. In fact, I learned a lot about the advantages of balloons.

If you can ask in a civil way I might try to find the report that spells out the theory.
Fully aware of the capabilities.....posted on it already.

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