Another biggoted beauty queen

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
The reigning Miss USA has come out against the Ground Zero mosque, saying "it shouldn't be so close" to Ground Zero. The 24-year-old Rima Fakih, is the first Muslim winner of the Miss USA contest and is preparing for the Miss Universe Pageant, scheduled for Monday in Las Vegas.
"I totally agree with President Obama with the statement on Constitutional rights of freedom of religion," Fakih told "Inside Edition" in an interview that will air tonight.
"I also agree that it shouldn't be so close to the World Trade Center. We should be more concerned with the tragedy than religion."

Muslim-born Miss USA Rima Fakih says she opposes Ground Zero mosque and Islamic center -
You know. I'm sick of hearing the word BIGOT every time someone expresses an opinion that the left doesn't agree with.

You guys have completely destroyed any meaning that the word bigot and racist every might have again.
The reigning Miss USA has come out against the Ground Zero mosque, saying "it shouldn't be so close" to Ground Zero. The 24-year-old Rima Fakih, is the first Muslim winner of the Miss USA contest and is preparing for the Miss Universe Pageant, scheduled for Monday in Las Vegas.
"I totally agree with President Obama with the statement on Constitutional rights of freedom of religion," Fakih told "Inside Edition" in an interview that will air tonight.
"I also agree that it shouldn't be so close to the World Trade Center. We should be more concerned with the tragedy than religion."

Muslim-born Miss USA Rima Fakih says she opposes Ground Zero mosque and Islamic center -

And exactly how does that make her a bigot QW?
The reigning Miss USA has come out against the Ground Zero mosque, saying "it shouldn't be so close" to Ground Zero. The 24-year-old Rima Fakih, is the first Muslim winner of the Miss USA contest and is preparing for the Miss Universe Pageant, scheduled for Monday in Las Vegas.
"I totally agree with President Obama with the statement on Constitutional rights of freedom of religion," Fakih told "Inside Edition" in an interview that will air tonight.
"I also agree that it shouldn't be so close to the World Trade Center. We should be more concerned with the tragedy than religion."

Muslim-born Miss USA Rima Fakih says she opposes Ground Zero mosque and Islamic center -

And exactly how does that make her a bigot QW?

I think that's his point, it doesn't.

As you well know, there are those who use the word to attack folks who oppose the building of the mosque/cultural center/bridge to understanding and tolerance/falafel stand at it's proposed location.
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You know. I'm sick of hearing the word BIGOT every time someone expresses an opinion that the left doesn't agree with.

You guys have completely destroyed any meaning that the word bigot and racist every might have again.
your sarcasm detector need repair
The reigning Miss USA has come out against the Ground Zero mosque, saying "it shouldn't be so close" to Ground Zero. The 24-year-old Rima Fakih, is the first Muslim winner of the Miss USA contest and is preparing for the Miss Universe Pageant, scheduled for Monday in Las Vegas.
"I totally agree with President Obama with the statement on Constitutional rights of freedom of religion," Fakih told "Inside Edition" in an interview that will air tonight.
"I also agree that it shouldn't be so close to the World Trade Center. We should be more concerned with the tragedy than religion."

Muslim-born Miss USA Rima Fakih says she opposes Ground Zero mosque and Islamic center -

Good grief.... Who knew a 'beauty queen' could be smart.

I agree with her.
Not wanting a silly mosque does not equal bigot. The OP understands that if you repeat a word, or an idea often enough then eventually someone will begin to believe it. With that said, I could care less about what some silly beauty queen says.
I'm changing my name to Salami Ahkadoolie.


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Not wanting a silly mosque does not equal bigot. The OP understands that if you repeat a word, or an idea often enough then eventually someone will begin to believe it. With that said, I could care less about what some silly beauty queen says.

The point is that our political leaders and the media tell us that anyone who does not support the Mosque is a bigot.

That makes this Muslim woman a bigot.

Try to keep up.
You know. I'm sick of hearing the word BIGOT every time someone expresses an opinion that the left doesn't agree with.

You guys have completely destroyed any meaning that the word bigot and racist every might have again.

I think QW is being sarcastic.
Good Grief!

The first page is taken up with posts about this being a tongue-in-cheek / sarcastic post?

And we call ourselves SAVVY about Politics???

ROFLMAO!!! :rofl: :lol:
The reigning Miss USA has come out against the Ground Zero mosque, saying "it shouldn't be so close" to Ground Zero. The 24-year-old Rima Fakih, is the first Muslim winner of the Miss USA contest and is preparing for the Miss Universe Pageant, scheduled for Monday in Las Vegas.
"I totally agree with President Obama with the statement on Constitutional rights of freedom of religion," Fakih told "Inside Edition" in an interview that will air tonight.
"I also agree that it shouldn't be so close to the World Trade Center. We should be more concerned with the tragedy than religion."
Muslim-born Miss USA Rima Fakih says she opposes Ground Zero mosque and Islamic center -

And exactly how does that make her a bigot QW?

What made Carrie Prejean a bigot when she said that she believed that marriage should be between a man and a woman?

The real irony hear is that the left was touting her as the first Muslim woman to win the Miss USA pageant, so their instant defense that anyone who opposes the mosque is a fundamentalist Christian bigot hits a pretty big wall.
The reigning Miss USA has come out against the Ground Zero mosque, saying "it shouldn't be so close" to Ground Zero. The 24-year-old Rima Fakih, is the first Muslim winner of the Miss USA contest and is preparing for the Miss Universe Pageant, scheduled for Monday in Las Vegas.
"I totally agree with President Obama with the statement on Constitutional rights of freedom of religion," Fakih told "Inside Edition" in an interview that will air tonight.
"I also agree that it shouldn't be so close to the World Trade Center. We should be more concerned with the tragedy than religion."

Muslim-born Miss USA Rima Fakih says she opposes Ground Zero mosque and Islamic center -

She has a right to her opinion.

What made Carrie Prejean a bigot when she said that she believed that marriage should be between a man and a woman?

The real irony hear is that the left was touting her as the first Muslim woman to win the Miss USA pageant, so their instant defense that anyone who opposes the mosque is a fundamentalist Christian bigot hits a pretty big wall.

You assume a lot.

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