Another BLACK college president accused of plagiarizing.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2024
When a black says he's a physicist you have to figure he's lying. Math is beyond them. Arithmetic is beyond them.

sep 17 2024 University of Maryland President Darryll Pines appears to have committed significant plagiarism, lifting large portions of two academic journal articles from a tutorial website made years prior by an Australian student, a Daily Wire investigation found.

A 1,500-word stretch of a 5,000-word paper by Pines and a co-author published in 2002 — accounting for nearly a third of the paper — is virtually identical to a tutorial website called “Surfing the Wavelets” published in 1996 by Joshua Altmann, who at the time of publishing was a university student in Australia.

Pines does not cite or mention Altmann or the website, which says it was last updated in October 1996. Pines and his co-author, Liming Salvino, then recycled much of that paper, including almost all the uncredited Altmann language, for another peer-reviewed paper in 2006.
There were several high schools in Baltimore, several years ago I believe, with not even one black student was proficient in math.
Here you are talking about blacks while you support a white con man for president.

Shut your racist ass up, there are plenty of black physicists.
There were several high schools in Baltimore, several years ago I believe, with not even one black student was proficient in math.
It's like that throughout the country. Blacks don't belong in any first world country.

1. Black-americans come in last in all standardized tests. Asian-americans do fine on all the tests so it's not due to cultural bias in the tests.

2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it's not due to racism.

3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.

4. Out of 1725 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.

5. 50 years of affirmative action special treatment and blacks have fallen even further behind. What does that tell you?
Here you are talking about blacks while you support a white con man for president.

Shut your racist ass up, there are plenty of black physicists.
Very few black physicists. And even those few graduated thanks to DEI grading.

And BTW - you don't get to call other people racist since you support affirmative action and want whites denied jobs just for being white.
Very few black physicists. And even those few graduated thanks to DEI grading.

And BTW - you don't get to call other people racist since you support affirmative action and want whites denied jobs just for being white.
Since whites benefitted the most from AA and the policy itself guaranteed whites the majority of the jobs if you want to claim quotas, then I can call your racust ass what it is because whites aren't entited to every job. It is apparent that you know nothing about the poicy and you know even less about U.S. History.
The question is why just about all plagiarizers who got caught are blacks. Worst of all, they denied plagiarizing despite the undisputed evidence presented in front of them. If Pines is a real rocket scientist, then we may as well say Greta Thunberg is a climatologist.
Here is another racist ass thread started by a racist POS and look at all of his racist buddies chiming in. Now where is Progressive Hunter, he loves to run on a thread started by someone black claiming racism, but he is quiet as hell when racist trash like this starts these racist threads. Where is Struth? See this is what the racist whose asses you kiss think about you.
Here is another racist ass thread started by a racist POS and look at all of his racist buddies chiming in. Now where is Progressive Hunter, he loves to run on a thread started by someone black claiming racism, but he is quiet as hell when racist trash like this starts these racist threads. Where is Struth? See this is what the racist whose asses you kiss think about you.

Go polish your George Floyd statue.
The question is why just about all plagiarizers who got caught are blacks. Worst of all, they denied plagiarizing despite the undisputed evidence presented in front of them. If Pines is a real rocket scientist, then we may as well say Greta Thunberg is a climatologist.
Last I checked Melania isn't black and she read Mrs. Obama's damn near word for word.

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