Another black man steps up...

I guess it's all about skin color?
it is for libtards......they throw out the race card everytime
Hmm, deltex is such a liberal...

He's the polar opposite of a libturd....thank God, I'd have to disown him
Yet only sees people as a color, not a human...
Neither...just an asshole.

Well...there is that ;)
I guess it's all about skin color?
it is for libtards......they throw out the race card everytime
Hmm, deltex is such a liberal...

He's the polar opposite of a libturd....thank God, I'd have to disown him
Yet only sees people as a color, not a human...
Neither...just an asshole.
At least you can admit your deficiencies...
I don't know about the rest of you yahoos but I would like an AG that protects the rights of ALL Americans, not just the white ones with money.

Or one that isn't a racist POS...reference Holder and Lynch (also Lynch tried in vain to protect Cankles...and failed in epic fashion)

Holden is a great example of who you DON'T WANT as an AG. Like Sessions, he made a career out of representing the powerful against the weak. What he did with EA games to the old legends of professional football was a clear indication as to what kind of AG he would be. Same thing for Sessions, whose dysfunctional point of view believes that there is no racism in America, no discrimination against women, minorities, or the LGBT community. Someone that delusional has no place being near the AG office, let alone being the AG.
One cannot mention the 1986 hearings without using the verb, "Bork."

He was Borked, plain and simple.

And speaking of "simple," thus are those people who suggest that since he was Borked before, he is disqualified now.

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