Another Black shot in the head and murdered this weekend in St. Louis

Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
The guy that has the ability to change his name and be just a regular white guy.
Yeah, but then he has to hide his true identity? Doesn't seem right. But you're correct they may. And then grin and bear it as people deride Jews.
Whats so hard about hiding your true identity if your Black? Oh yeah. People can still tell youre Black.
If Robert Williams of the Celtics sends an email do you know he is black? No.

If Bob Weinberg sends one, you know he is a Jew. Different but still have to face adversity. Based on my name I have faced antisemitism regularly. I just laugh it off. You get all emotional and whine like a bitch and act like a dick.
Email? No one sends an email to a job interview. You have to show up in person.
He keeps dancing around the point because he knows what the point is...he just doesn't want to admit it because it destroys all of the bullshit he been talking....
Pretty much. Its the same mantra with these clowns. They will say Jews faced racism and look at how successful they are. What they dont want to say is look at all the assistance Jews received from other europeans and that they never had their belief system dismantled in slavery for generations. What they dont want to admit is that even if all things were equal modern day Jews are just white people with the Hebrew religion.
Keep telling yourself that. Until you walk a mile in my shoes don't presume you know how that feels. Europeans still hate Jews.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
Give me their can tell I am a Jew by just seeing my name. Don't even have to see my face. Nice try, asshole. Trying to state that antisemitism doesn't exist.
Now tell me which one of these people is black??

View attachment 382688
Do you need their names and stuff?

Spoiler alert: They are all Jewish....
What if you don't have pictures? I send in a know immediately. Its different racism. You knew that and trolled anyway.
Since you keep dancing around the point, I will spell it out for you since you want to be purposely obtuse...

The topic is how police racially target people of color based on the fact, they can see them.....they don't have to see what their name is or do any further research.......therefore, the dehumanization of them kicks in instantly....

The reason why so many Jews in the past unfortunately decided to change their last name and do all they could to omit that they were Jewish -- was to avoid persecution...

Some fair-skinned blacks also had to do this, they had a term for it called "passing" -- meaning they could pass for white to avoid the TARGETED PERSECUTION against them..even tho there was a one-drop rule -- it meant nothing if you couldn't "SEE IT"

I am sure Tamir Rice wishes he could have "passed for white" that day when people called 911 and said a 20-something yr old black male had a gun in the park....because that call would have never been made...

View attachment 382692
Again, I don't disagree with you. What you don't get is you cannot force people not to be scared or racist. If they are they are. Wasn't Rice carrying a toy gun? When the black community has so much violence in it (due to Democrats) then police and white people will be nervous. Black people are nervous too.

I have a very good black friend. We were in Brockton for a basketball tourney. I said, dude I am nervous, is that racist? He said, no, I am nervous too.

So if we are nervous, so are cops. They are human beings too. How do you get them not to be nervous in your opinion.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
Give me their can tell I am a Jew by just seeing my name. Don't even have to see my face. Nice try, asshole. Trying to state that antisemitism doesn't exist.
Now tell me which one of these people is black??

View attachment 382688
Do you need their names and stuff?

Spoiler alert: They are all Jewish....
What if you don't have pictures? I send in a know immediately. Its different racism. You knew that and trolled anyway.
Since you keep dancing around the point, I will spell it out for you since you want to be purposely obtuse...

The topic is how police racially target people of color based on the fact, they can see them.....they don't have to see what their name is or do any further research.......therefore, the dehumanization of them kicks in instantly....

The reason why so many Jews in the past unfortunately decided to change their last name and do all they could to omit that they were Jewish -- was to avoid persecution...

Some fair-skinned blacks also had to do this, they had a term for it called "passing" -- meaning they could pass for white to avoid the TARGETED PERSECUTION against them..even tho there was a one-drop rule -- it meant nothing if you couldn't "SEE IT"

I am sure Tamir Rice wishes he could have "passed for white" that day when people called 911 and said a 20-something yr old black male had a gun in the park....because that call would have never been made...

View attachment 382692
" The topic is how police racially target people of color based on the fact, they can see them.....they don't have to see what their name is or do any further research.......therefore, the dehumanization of them kicks in instantly.... "

Do they target? Or do they go to areas where they live because a lot of crime happens there? I am asking.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
The guy that has the ability to change his name and be just a regular white guy.
Yeah, but then he has to hide his true identity? Doesn't seem right. But you're correct they may. And then grin and bear it as people deride Jews.
Whats so hard about hiding your true identity if your Black? Oh yeah. People can still tell youre Black.
If Robert Williams of the Celtics sends an email do you know he is black? No.

If Bob Weinberg sends one, you know he is a Jew. Different but still have to face adversity. Based on my name I have faced antisemitism regularly. I just laugh it off. You get all emotional and whine like a bitch and act like a dick.
Email? No one sends an email to a job interview. You have to show up in person.
He keeps dancing around the point because he knows what the point is...he just doesn't want to admit it because it destroys all of the bullshit he been talking....
Pretty much. Its the same mantra with these clowns. They will say Jews faced racism and look at how successful they are. What they dont want to say is look at all the assistance Jews received from other europeans and that they never had their belief system dismantled in slavery for generations. What they dont want to admit is that even if all things were equal modern day Jews are just white people with the Hebrew religion.
Keep telling yourself that. Until you walk a mile in my shoes don't presume you know how that feels. Europeans still hate Jews.
Some Americans do too.....and today, they hate the power they feel Jews have been able to accumulate more than Jews themselves -- so whatever tangible hate they have, they gotta keep that in check....due to that power...

power achieved in part due to a person's ability to "pass" into a system they were able to operate within that still largely hated them......until they were able to change that system and the public perception of them....or do you think all of these European nations created the state of Israel because of how much they hated Jews?
Because the msm has its head securely up its butt, alongwith its stupid sponsors.
So if we are nervous, so are cops. They are human beings too. How do you get them not to be nervous in your opinion

Where did this "white nervousness" come from when they were lynching black folks for sport?
_00.rac008 (5).png

There are 2 black men hanging from trees behind those people, anybody look nervous??

When did black folks have a right to be "nervous"??

No amount of crime on Earth will justify a black person feeling nervous around white folks-- it will always be our fault for feeling the way we do, somehow...

and no amount of HISTORIC POLICE BRUTALITY will justify a black person being nervous around police -- it will always be our fault for feeling the way we do...somehow...

Meanwhile, white folks get to feel nervous about commies taking over (DESPITE THE FACT IT NEVER HAPPENED) -- they get to be nervous about being ruled by muslims and sharia law -- just because a couple of muslim women were elected to congress....we as a country always have to bend to to the "nervousness" of white folks, no matter how delusional it is....

but to a black man, the ultimate answer will always be to Stepin Fetchit his way thru life and maybe, just maybe -- people may see your humanity....because they won't see it otherwise...which is why Trumpers love minstrels like Diamond & Silk so much....just folks to pat on the head and tell them that their "nervousness" is always justified -- even at the expense of their own humanity and dignity...

Well, in my opinion, if I have to force you to respect me and mines -- fuk you and your respect..
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Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
The guy that has the ability to change his name and be just a regular white guy.
Yeah, but then he has to hide his true identity? Doesn't seem right. But you're correct they may. And then grin and bear it as people deride Jews.
Whats so hard about hiding your true identity if your Black? Oh yeah. People can still tell youre Black.
If Robert Williams of the Celtics sends an email do you know he is black? No.

If Bob Weinberg sends one, you know he is a Jew. Different but still have to face adversity. Based on my name I have faced antisemitism regularly. I just laugh it off. You get all emotional and whine like a bitch and act like a dick.
Email? No one sends an email to a job interview. You have to show up in person.
He keeps dancing around the point because he knows what the point is...he just doesn't want to admit it because it destroys all of the bullshit he been talking....
Pretty much. Its the same mantra with these clowns. They will say Jews faced racism and look at how successful they are. What they dont want to say is look at all the assistance Jews received from other europeans and that they never had their belief system dismantled in slavery for generations. What they dont want to admit is that even if all things were equal modern day Jews are just white people with the Hebrew religion.
Keep telling yourself that. Until you walk a mile in my shoes don't presume you know how that feels. Europeans still hate Jews.
I'm not telling myself that. History tells us that. I dont have to walk a mile in your shoes to know europeans helped the Jews. Thats the only reason Israel exists right now. The europeans got together and gifted a homeland for you and protected you. Besides youre avoiding the point. The point is that Ashenazis are way more accepted by other whites than Blacks are.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
The guy that has the ability to change his name and be just a regular white guy.
Yeah, but then he has to hide his true identity? Doesn't seem right. But you're correct they may. And then grin and bear it as people deride Jews.
Whats so hard about hiding your true identity if your Black? Oh yeah. People can still tell youre Black.
If Robert Williams of the Celtics sends an email do you know he is black? No.

If Bob Weinberg sends one, you know he is a Jew. Different but still have to face adversity. Based on my name I have faced antisemitism regularly. I just laugh it off. You get all emotional and whine like a bitch and act like a dick.
Email? No one sends an email to a job interview. You have to show up in person.
He keeps dancing around the point because he knows what the point is...he just doesn't want to admit it because it destroys all of the bullshit he been talking....
Pretty much. Its the same mantra with these clowns. They will say Jews faced racism and look at how successful they are. What they dont want to say is look at all the assistance Jews received from other europeans and that they never had their belief system dismantled in slavery for generations. What they dont want to admit is that even if all things were equal modern day Jews are just white people with the Hebrew religion.
Keep telling yourself that. Until you walk a mile in my shoes don't presume you know how that feels. Europeans still hate Jews.
Some Americans do too.....and today, they hate the power they feel Jews have been able to accumulate more than Jews themselves -- so whatever tangible hate they have, they gotta keep that in check....due to that power...

power achieved in part due to a person's ability to "pass" into a system they were able to operate within that still largely hated them......until they were able to change that system and the public perception of them....or do you think all of these European nations created the state of Israel because of how much they hated Jews?
Not all. The UK with support of the US as they felt guilty due to the Holocaust.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
The guy that has the ability to change his name and be just a regular white guy.
Yeah, but then he has to hide his true identity? Doesn't seem right. But you're correct they may. And then grin and bear it as people deride Jews.
Whats so hard about hiding your true identity if your Black? Oh yeah. People can still tell youre Black.
If Robert Williams of the Celtics sends an email do you know he is black? No.

If Bob Weinberg sends one, you know he is a Jew. Different but still have to face adversity. Based on my name I have faced antisemitism regularly. I just laugh it off. You get all emotional and whine like a bitch and act like a dick.
Email? No one sends an email to a job interview. You have to show up in person.
He keeps dancing around the point because he knows what the point is...he just doesn't want to admit it because it destroys all of the bullshit he been talking....
Pretty much. Its the same mantra with these clowns. They will say Jews faced racism and look at how successful they are. What they dont want to say is look at all the assistance Jews received from other europeans and that they never had their belief system dismantled in slavery for generations. What they dont want to admit is that even if all things were equal modern day Jews are just white people with the Hebrew religion.
Keep telling yourself that. Until you walk a mile in my shoes don't presume you know how that feels. Europeans still hate Jews.
I'm not telling myself that. History tells us that. I dont have to walk a mile in your shoes to know europeans helped the Jews. Thats the only reason Israel exists right now. The europeans got together and gifted a homeland for you and protected you. Besides youre avoiding the point. The point is that Ashenazis are way more accepted by other whites than Blacks are.
Because we don’t kill each other in record numbers.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
Give me their can tell I am a Jew by just seeing my name. Don't even have to see my face. Nice try, asshole. Trying to state that antisemitism doesn't exist.
Now tell me which one of these people is black??

View attachment 382688
Do you need their names and stuff?

Spoiler alert: They are all Jewish....
What if you don't have pictures? I send in a know immediately. Its different racism. You knew that and trolled anyway.
Since you keep dancing around the point, I will spell it out for you since you want to be purposely obtuse...

The topic is how police racially target people of color based on the fact, they can see them.....they don't have to see what their name is or do any further research.......therefore, the dehumanization of them kicks in instantly....

The reason why so many Jews in the past unfortunately decided to change their last name and do all they could to omit that they were Jewish -- was to avoid persecution...

Some fair-skinned blacks also had to do this, they had a term for it called "passing" -- meaning they could pass for white to avoid the TARGETED PERSECUTION against them..even tho there was a one-drop rule -- it meant nothing if you couldn't "SEE IT"

I am sure Tamir Rice wishes he could have "passed for white" that day when people called 911 and said a 20-something yr old black male had a gun in the park....because that call would have never been made...

View attachment 382692
Again, I don't disagree with you. What you don't get is you cannot force people not to be scared or racist. If they are they are. Wasn't Rice carrying a toy gun? When the black community has so much violence in it (due to Democrats) then police and white people will be nervous. Black people are nervous too.

I have a very good black friend. We were in Brockton for a basketball tourney. I said, dude I am nervous, is that racist? He said, no, I am nervous too.

So if we are nervous, so are cops. They are human beings too. How do you get them not to be nervous in your opinion.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
Give me their can tell I am a Jew by just seeing my name. Don't even have to see my face. Nice try, asshole. Trying to state that antisemitism doesn't exist.
Now tell me which one of these people is black??

View attachment 382688
Do you need their names and stuff?

Spoiler alert: They are all Jewish....
What if you don't have pictures? I send in a know immediately. Its different racism. You knew that and trolled anyway.
Since you keep dancing around the point, I will spell it out for you since you want to be purposely obtuse...

The topic is how police racially target people of color based on the fact, they can see them.....they don't have to see what their name is or do any further research.......therefore, the dehumanization of them kicks in instantly....

The reason why so many Jews in the past unfortunately decided to change their last name and do all they could to omit that they were Jewish -- was to avoid persecution...

Some fair-skinned blacks also had to do this, they had a term for it called "passing" -- meaning they could pass for white to avoid the TARGETED PERSECUTION against them..even tho there was a one-drop rule -- it meant nothing if you couldn't "SEE IT"

I am sure Tamir Rice wishes he could have "passed for white" that day when people called 911 and said a 20-something yr old black male had a gun in the park....because that call would have never been made...

View attachment 382692
" The topic is how police racially target people of color based on the fact, they can see them.....they don't have to see what their name is or do any further research.......therefore, the dehumanization of them kicks in instantly.... "

Do they target? Or do they go to areas where they live because a lot of crime happens there? I am asking.
Yes they target. Give you personal example. 2 groups of kids. One white and the other Black walking on the same street. White kids are throwing a baseball against business windows. Cops are called. Black kids are told to lie on the ground so we can be searched. White kids are told to go home.
So if we are nervous, so are cops. They are human beings too. How do you get them not to be nervous in your opinion

Where did this "white nervousness" come from when they were lynching black folks for sport?
View attachment 382700

There are 2 black men hanging from trees behind those people, anybody look nervous??

When did black folks have a right to be "nervous"??

No amount of crime on Earth will justify a black person feeling nervous around white folks-- it will always be our fault for feeling the way we do, somehow...

and no amount of HISTORIC POLICE BRUTALITY will justify a black person being nervous around police -- it will always be our fault for feeling the way we do...somehow...

Meanwhile, white folks get to feel nervous about commies taking over (DESPITE THE FACT IT NEVER HAPPENED) -- they get to be nervous about being ruled by muslims and sharia law -- just because a couple of muslim women were elected to congress....we as a country always have to bend to to the "nervousness" of white folks, no matter how delusional it is....

but to a black man, the ultimate answer will always be to Stepin Fetchit his way thru life and maybe, just maybe -- people may see your humanity....because they won't see it otherwise...which is why Trumpers love minstrels like Diamond & Silk so much....just folks to pat on the head and tell them that their "nervousness" is always justified -- even at the expense of their own humanity and dignity...
View attachment 382703

Well, in my opinion, if I have to force you to respect me and mines -- fuk you and your respect..
Eh? Not following. Less emotion and more tangible data.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
The guy that has the ability to change his name and be just a regular white guy.
Yeah, but then he has to hide his true identity? Doesn't seem right. But you're correct they may. And then grin and bear it as people deride Jews.
Whats so hard about hiding your true identity if your Black? Oh yeah. People can still tell youre Black.
If Robert Williams of the Celtics sends an email do you know he is black? No.

If Bob Weinberg sends one, you know he is a Jew. Different but still have to face adversity. Based on my name I have faced antisemitism regularly. I just laugh it off. You get all emotional and whine like a bitch and act like a dick.
Email? No one sends an email to a job interview. You have to show up in person.
He keeps dancing around the point because he knows what the point is...he just doesn't want to admit it because it destroys all of the bullshit he been talking....
Pretty much. Its the same mantra with these clowns. They will say Jews faced racism and look at how successful they are. What they dont want to say is look at all the assistance Jews received from other europeans and that they never had their belief system dismantled in slavery for generations. What they dont want to admit is that even if all things were equal modern day Jews are just white people with the Hebrew religion.
Keep telling yourself that. Until you walk a mile in my shoes don't presume you know how that feels. Europeans still hate Jews.
I'm not telling myself that. History tells us that. I dont have to walk a mile in your shoes to know europeans helped the Jews. Thats the only reason Israel exists right now. The europeans got together and gifted a homeland for you and protected you. Besides youre avoiding the point. The point is that Ashenazis are way more accepted by other whites than Blacks are.
Because we don’t kill each other in record numbers.
Of course you do. One of Stalins top generals was a Ashkenazi. Lookup Genrikh Yagoda. Educate yourself.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
Give me their can tell I am a Jew by just seeing my name. Don't even have to see my face. Nice try, asshole. Trying to state that antisemitism doesn't exist.
Now tell me which one of these people is black??

View attachment 382688
Do you need their names and stuff?

Spoiler alert: They are all Jewish....
What if you don't have pictures? I send in a know immediately. Its different racism. You knew that and trolled anyway.
Since you keep dancing around the point, I will spell it out for you since you want to be purposely obtuse...

The topic is how police racially target people of color based on the fact, they can see them.....they don't have to see what their name is or do any further research.......therefore, the dehumanization of them kicks in instantly....

The reason why so many Jews in the past unfortunately decided to change their last name and do all they could to omit that they were Jewish -- was to avoid persecution...

Some fair-skinned blacks also had to do this, they had a term for it called "passing" -- meaning they could pass for white to avoid the TARGETED PERSECUTION against them..even tho there was a one-drop rule -- it meant nothing if you couldn't "SEE IT"

I am sure Tamir Rice wishes he could have "passed for white" that day when people called 911 and said a 20-something yr old black male had a gun in the park....because that call would have never been made...

View attachment 382692
Again, I don't disagree with you. What you don't get is you cannot force people not to be scared or racist. If they are they are. Wasn't Rice carrying a toy gun? When the black community has so much violence in it (due to Democrats) then police and white people will be nervous. Black people are nervous too.

I have a very good black friend. We were in Brockton for a basketball tourney. I said, dude I am nervous, is that racist? He said, no, I am nervous too.

So if we are nervous, so are cops. They are human beings too. How do you get them not to be nervous in your opinion.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
Give me their can tell I am a Jew by just seeing my name. Don't even have to see my face. Nice try, asshole. Trying to state that antisemitism doesn't exist.
Now tell me which one of these people is black??

View attachment 382688
Do you need their names and stuff?

Spoiler alert: They are all Jewish....
What if you don't have pictures? I send in a know immediately. Its different racism. You knew that and trolled anyway.
Since you keep dancing around the point, I will spell it out for you since you want to be purposely obtuse...

The topic is how police racially target people of color based on the fact, they can see them.....they don't have to see what their name is or do any further research.......therefore, the dehumanization of them kicks in instantly....

The reason why so many Jews in the past unfortunately decided to change their last name and do all they could to omit that they were Jewish -- was to avoid persecution...

Some fair-skinned blacks also had to do this, they had a term for it called "passing" -- meaning they could pass for white to avoid the TARGETED PERSECUTION against them..even tho there was a one-drop rule -- it meant nothing if you couldn't "SEE IT"

I am sure Tamir Rice wishes he could have "passed for white" that day when people called 911 and said a 20-something yr old black male had a gun in the park....because that call would have never been made...

View attachment 382692
" The topic is how police racially target people of color based on the fact, they can see them.....they don't have to see what their name is or do any further research.......therefore, the dehumanization of them kicks in instantly.... "

Do they target? Or do they go to areas where they live because a lot of crime happens there? I am asking.
Yes they target. Give you personal example. 2 groups of kids. One white and the other Black walking on the same street. White kids are throwing a baseball against business windows. Cops are called. Black kids are told to lie on the ground so we can be searched. White kids are told to go home.
That’s not right. So you’re saying I should shrug and not be nervous? LOL

Not how Human Nature works. I never Held any sLaves and neither did my parents. They are immigrants from the old Soviet Union. Not sure why you hold me in such contempt but I like it? Is that wrong?
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
The guy that has the ability to change his name and be just a regular white guy.
Yeah, but then he has to hide his true identity? Doesn't seem right. But you're correct they may. And then grin and bear it as people deride Jews.
Whats so hard about hiding your true identity if your Black? Oh yeah. People can still tell youre Black.
If Robert Williams of the Celtics sends an email do you know he is black? No.

If Bob Weinberg sends one, you know he is a Jew. Different but still have to face adversity. Based on my name I have faced antisemitism regularly. I just laugh it off. You get all emotional and whine like a bitch and act like a dick.
Email? No one sends an email to a job interview. You have to show up in person.
He keeps dancing around the point because he knows what the point is...he just doesn't want to admit it because it destroys all of the bullshit he been talking....
Pretty much. Its the same mantra with these clowns. They will say Jews faced racism and look at how successful they are. What they dont want to say is look at all the assistance Jews received from other europeans and that they never had their belief system dismantled in slavery for generations. What they dont want to admit is that even if all things were equal modern day Jews are just white people with the Hebrew religion.
Keep telling yourself that. Until you walk a mile in my shoes don't presume you know how that feels. Europeans still hate Jews.
I'm not telling myself that. History tells us that. I dont have to walk a mile in your shoes to know europeans helped the Jews. Thats the only reason Israel exists right now. The europeans got together and gifted a homeland for you and protected you. Besides youre avoiding the point. The point is that Ashenazis are way more accepted by other whites than Blacks are.
Because we don’t kill each other in record numbers.
Of course you do. One of Stalins top generals was a Ashkenazi. Lookup Genrikh Yagoda. Educate yourself.
I am talking in my lifetime. In the US. We have evolved. You?
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
The guy that has the ability to change his name and be just a regular white guy.
Yeah, but then he has to hide his true identity? Doesn't seem right. But you're correct they may. And then grin and bear it as people deride Jews.
Whats so hard about hiding your true identity if your Black? Oh yeah. People can still tell youre Black.
If Robert Williams of the Celtics sends an email do you know he is black? No.

If Bob Weinberg sends one, you know he is a Jew. Different but still have to face adversity. Based on my name I have faced antisemitism regularly. I just laugh it off. You get all emotional and whine like a bitch and act like a dick.
Email? No one sends an email to a job interview. You have to show up in person.
He keeps dancing around the point because he knows what the point is...he just doesn't want to admit it because it destroys all of the bullshit he been talking....
Pretty much. Its the same mantra with these clowns. They will say Jews faced racism and look at how successful they are. What they dont want to say is look at all the assistance Jews received from other europeans and that they never had their belief system dismantled in slavery for generations. What they dont want to admit is that even if all things were equal modern day Jews are just white people with the Hebrew religion.
Keep telling yourself that. Until you walk a mile in my shoes don't presume you know how that feels. Europeans still hate Jews.
I'm not telling myself that. History tells us that. I dont have to walk a mile in your shoes to know europeans helped the Jews. Thats the only reason Israel exists right now. The europeans got together and gifted a homeland for you and protected you. Besides youre avoiding the point. The point is that Ashenazis are way more accepted by other whites than Blacks are.
Because we don’t kill each other in record numbers.
Of course you do. One of Stalins top generals was a Ashkenazi. Lookup Genrikh Yagoda. Educate yourself.
Ashkenazi are the smartest people in the world. True story. You jelly?
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
The guy that has the ability to change his name and be just a regular white guy.
Yeah, but then he has to hide his true identity? Doesn't seem right. But you're correct they may. And then grin and bear it as people deride Jews.
Whats so hard about hiding your true identity if your Black? Oh yeah. People can still tell youre Black.
If Robert Williams of the Celtics sends an email do you know he is black? No.

If Bob Weinberg sends one, you know he is a Jew. Different but still have to face adversity. Based on my name I have faced antisemitism regularly. I just laugh it off. You get all emotional and whine like a bitch and act like a dick.
Email? No one sends an email to a job interview. You have to show up in person.
He keeps dancing around the point because he knows what the point is...he just doesn't want to admit it because it destroys all of the bullshit he been talking....
Pretty much. Its the same mantra with these clowns. They will say Jews faced racism and look at how successful they are. What they dont want to say is look at all the assistance Jews received from other europeans and that they never had their belief system dismantled in slavery for generations. What they dont want to admit is that even if all things were equal modern day Jews are just white people with the Hebrew religion.
Keep telling yourself that. Until you walk a mile in my shoes don't presume you know how that feels. Europeans still hate Jews.
I'm not telling myself that. History tells us that. I dont have to walk a mile in your shoes to know europeans helped the Jews. Thats the only reason Israel exists right now. The europeans got together and gifted a homeland for you and protected you. Besides youre avoiding the point. The point is that Ashenazis are way more accepted by other whites than Blacks are.
Because we don’t kill each other in record numbers.
Of course you do. One of Stalins top generals was a Ashkenazi. Lookup Genrikh Yagoda. Educate yourself.
I am talking in my lifetime. In the US. We have evolved. You?
No you havent evolved. Ashkenazis have some power and like I mentioned they never had their history, religion, traditions, etc destroyed for multiple generations. Youre comparing apples and oranges.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
Give me their can tell I am a Jew by just seeing my name. Don't even have to see my face. Nice try, asshole. Trying to state that antisemitism doesn't exist.
Now tell me which one of these people is black??

View attachment 382688
Do you need their names and stuff?

Spoiler alert: They are all Jewish....
What if you don't have pictures? I send in a know immediately. Its different racism. You knew that and trolled anyway.
Since you keep dancing around the point, I will spell it out for you since you want to be purposely obtuse...

The topic is how police racially target people of color based on the fact, they can see them.....they don't have to see what their name is or do any further research.......therefore, the dehumanization of them kicks in instantly....

The reason why so many Jews in the past unfortunately decided to change their last name and do all they could to omit that they were Jewish -- was to avoid persecution...

Some fair-skinned blacks also had to do this, they had a term for it called "passing" -- meaning they could pass for white to avoid the TARGETED PERSECUTION against them..even tho there was a one-drop rule -- it meant nothing if you couldn't "SEE IT"

I am sure Tamir Rice wishes he could have "passed for white" that day when people called 911 and said a 20-something yr old black male had a gun in the park....because that call would have never been made...

View attachment 382692
Again, I don't disagree with you. What you don't get is you cannot force people not to be scared or racist. If they are they are. Wasn't Rice carrying a toy gun? When the black community has so much violence in it (due to Democrats) then police and white people will be nervous. Black people are nervous too.

I have a very good black friend. We were in Brockton for a basketball tourney. I said, dude I am nervous, is that racist? He said, no, I am nervous too.

So if we are nervous, so are cops. They are human beings too. How do you get them not to be nervous in your opinion.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
Give me their can tell I am a Jew by just seeing my name. Don't even have to see my face. Nice try, asshole. Trying to state that antisemitism doesn't exist.
Now tell me which one of these people is black??

View attachment 382688
Do you need their names and stuff?

Spoiler alert: They are all Jewish....
What if you don't have pictures? I send in a know immediately. Its different racism. You knew that and trolled anyway.
Since you keep dancing around the point, I will spell it out for you since you want to be purposely obtuse...

The topic is how police racially target people of color based on the fact, they can see them.....they don't have to see what their name is or do any further research.......therefore, the dehumanization of them kicks in instantly....

The reason why so many Jews in the past unfortunately decided to change their last name and do all they could to omit that they were Jewish -- was to avoid persecution...

Some fair-skinned blacks also had to do this, they had a term for it called "passing" -- meaning they could pass for white to avoid the TARGETED PERSECUTION against them..even tho there was a one-drop rule -- it meant nothing if you couldn't "SEE IT"

I am sure Tamir Rice wishes he could have "passed for white" that day when people called 911 and said a 20-something yr old black male had a gun in the park....because that call would have never been made...

View attachment 382692
" The topic is how police racially target people of color based on the fact, they can see them.....they don't have to see what their name is or do any further research.......therefore, the dehumanization of them kicks in instantly.... "

Do they target? Or do they go to areas where they live because a lot of crime happens there? I am asking.
Yes they target. Give you personal example. 2 groups of kids. One white and the other Black walking on the same street. White kids are throwing a baseball against business windows. Cops are called. Black kids are told to lie on the ground so we can be searched. White kids are told to go home.
That’s not right. So you’re saying I should shrug and not be nervous? LOL

Not how Human Nature works. I never Held any sLaves and neither did my parents. They are immigrants from the old Soviet Union. Not sure why you hold me in such contempt but I like it? Is that wrong?
I hold all racists in contempt. Dont take it personal.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
The guy that has the ability to change his name and be just a regular white guy.
Yeah, but then he has to hide his true identity? Doesn't seem right. But you're correct they may. And then grin and bear it as people deride Jews.
Whats so hard about hiding your true identity if your Black? Oh yeah. People can still tell youre Black.
If Robert Williams of the Celtics sends an email do you know he is black? No.

If Bob Weinberg sends one, you know he is a Jew. Different but still have to face adversity. Based on my name I have faced antisemitism regularly. I just laugh it off. You get all emotional and whine like a bitch and act like a dick.
Email? No one sends an email to a job interview. You have to show up in person.
He keeps dancing around the point because he knows what the point is...he just doesn't want to admit it because it destroys all of the bullshit he been talking....
Pretty much. Its the same mantra with these clowns. They will say Jews faced racism and look at how successful they are. What they dont want to say is look at all the assistance Jews received from other europeans and that they never had their belief system dismantled in slavery for generations. What they dont want to admit is that even if all things were equal modern day Jews are just white people with the Hebrew religion.
Keep telling yourself that. Until you walk a mile in my shoes don't presume you know how that feels. Europeans still hate Jews.
I'm not telling myself that. History tells us that. I dont have to walk a mile in your shoes to know europeans helped the Jews. Thats the only reason Israel exists right now. The europeans got together and gifted a homeland for you and protected you. Besides youre avoiding the point. The point is that Ashenazis are way more accepted by other whites than Blacks are.
Because we don’t kill each other in record numbers.
Of course you do. One of Stalins top generals was a Ashkenazi. Lookup Genrikh Yagoda. Educate yourself.
I am talking in my lifetime. In the US. We have evolved. You?
No you havent evolved. Ashkenazis have some power and like I mentioned they never had their history, religion, traditions, etc destroyed for multiple generations. Youre comparing apples and oranges.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. There are what 7mil of us in the US and what 40 mil African Americans. Stop your whining. Waaa waaaa waaaa. So again, one should not be nervous when one is in Oakland, is white and not from there?
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
The guy that has the ability to change his name and be just a regular white guy.
Yeah, but then he has to hide his true identity? Doesn't seem right. But you're correct they may. And then grin and bear it as people deride Jews.
Whats so hard about hiding your true identity if your Black? Oh yeah. People can still tell youre Black.
If Robert Williams of the Celtics sends an email do you know he is black? No.

If Bob Weinberg sends one, you know he is a Jew. Different but still have to face adversity. Based on my name I have faced antisemitism regularly. I just laugh it off. You get all emotional and whine like a bitch and act like a dick.
Email? No one sends an email to a job interview. You have to show up in person.
He keeps dancing around the point because he knows what the point is...he just doesn't want to admit it because it destroys all of the bullshit he been talking....
Pretty much. Its the same mantra with these clowns. They will say Jews faced racism and look at how successful they are. What they dont want to say is look at all the assistance Jews received from other europeans and that they never had their belief system dismantled in slavery for generations. What they dont want to admit is that even if all things were equal modern day Jews are just white people with the Hebrew religion.
Keep telling yourself that. Until you walk a mile in my shoes don't presume you know how that feels. Europeans still hate Jews.

"Europeans still hate Jews." - Show some proof of that... Europeans have a problem with Israeli illegal occupation in the west bank but not with Jews... Actually worked with many Jews in Europe, the only haters of Jews are the far right who are Trump fans too...
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
Give me their can tell I am a Jew by just seeing my name. Don't even have to see my face. Nice try, asshole. Trying to state that antisemitism doesn't exist.
Now tell me which one of these people is black??

View attachment 382688
Do you need their names and stuff?

Spoiler alert: They are all Jewish....
What if you don't have pictures? I send in a know immediately. Its different racism. You knew that and trolled anyway.
Since you keep dancing around the point, I will spell it out for you since you want to be purposely obtuse...

The topic is how police racially target people of color based on the fact, they can see them.....they don't have to see what their name is or do any further research.......therefore, the dehumanization of them kicks in instantly....

The reason why so many Jews in the past unfortunately decided to change their last name and do all they could to omit that they were Jewish -- was to avoid persecution...

Some fair-skinned blacks also had to do this, they had a term for it called "passing" -- meaning they could pass for white to avoid the TARGETED PERSECUTION against them..even tho there was a one-drop rule -- it meant nothing if you couldn't "SEE IT"

I am sure Tamir Rice wishes he could have "passed for white" that day when people called 911 and said a 20-something yr old black male had a gun in the park....because that call would have never been made...

View attachment 382692
Again, I don't disagree with you. What you don't get is you cannot force people not to be scared or racist. If they are they are. Wasn't Rice carrying a toy gun? When the black community has so much violence in it (due to Democrats) then police and white people will be nervous. Black people are nervous too.

I have a very good black friend. We were in Brockton for a basketball tourney. I said, dude I am nervous, is that racist? He said, no, I am nervous too.

So if we are nervous, so are cops. They are human beings too. How do you get them not to be nervous in your opinion.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
I agree it is a problem. What are you talking about? Look, I am a Jew. Many hate Jews. I cannot stop them from hating Jews. It is life. I live with it. I can scream at you for days to not hate Jews. I can show you videos of the Holocaust. You won't care. Racists will always be around us.

You talk a lot of shit. But face to face you would not. Just saying...
Which one of these people is jewish??
View attachment 382684
Give me their can tell I am a Jew by just seeing my name. Don't even have to see my face. Nice try, asshole. Trying to state that antisemitism doesn't exist.
Now tell me which one of these people is black??

View attachment 382688
Do you need their names and stuff?

Spoiler alert: They are all Jewish....
What if you don't have pictures? I send in a know immediately. Its different racism. You knew that and trolled anyway.
Since you keep dancing around the point, I will spell it out for you since you want to be purposely obtuse...

The topic is how police racially target people of color based on the fact, they can see them.....they don't have to see what their name is or do any further research.......therefore, the dehumanization of them kicks in instantly....

The reason why so many Jews in the past unfortunately decided to change their last name and do all they could to omit that they were Jewish -- was to avoid persecution...

Some fair-skinned blacks also had to do this, they had a term for it called "passing" -- meaning they could pass for white to avoid the TARGETED PERSECUTION against them..even tho there was a one-drop rule -- it meant nothing if you couldn't "SEE IT"

I am sure Tamir Rice wishes he could have "passed for white" that day when people called 911 and said a 20-something yr old black male had a gun in the park....because that call would have never been made...

View attachment 382692
" The topic is how police racially target people of color based on the fact, they can see them.....they don't have to see what their name is or do any further research.......therefore, the dehumanization of them kicks in instantly.... "

Do they target? Or do they go to areas where they live because a lot of crime happens there? I am asking.
Yes they target. Give you personal example. 2 groups of kids. One white and the other Black walking on the same street. White kids are throwing a baseball against business windows. Cops are called. Black kids are told to lie on the ground so we can be searched. White kids are told to go home.
That’s not right. So you’re saying I should shrug and not be nervous? LOL

Not how Human Nature works. I never Held any sLaves and neither did my parents. They are immigrants from the old Soviet Union. Not sure why you hold me in such contempt but I like it? Is that wrong?
I hold all racists in contempt. Dont take it personal.
You are an antisemite and Holocaust denier who believes he is better than Luka Doncic so I take your opinion as such...

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