Another Black shot in the head and murdered this weekend in St. Louis

've been friends with enough cops to know that they have a culture that promotes paranoia, authoritarianism and sadism.
Thats why its a bad idea to challenge their authority

Many black people have the attitude that its ok to fight with the cops

as if the police were ever going to give up and change their mind about arresting you
Really believe it's the rap music that surges defiant pride against police +/or the prior record which makes them know that they are going away yet again, so what the hell, nothing much to lose.

I think the law should be clear, if it isn't. Resist arrest and the police have every right to put you down and in the ground. Black, white, rich, poor, doesn't matter. You react poorly to police aiming guns and directives at you? Kiss yo ass goodbye, and officers get a pat on the back. Maybe even a pay raise. Fuck em.
Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
Hold on, I still want him to explain to me where on the BLM site it says that black on black crime doesn't matter.
Why do you want me to explain that? Of course Black on Black crime matters. The point is that BLM is not focused on that. They are focused on cops and vigilantes. Are you really this retarded or is someone paying you to look stupid?
Blacks killed by cops or vigilantes aren’t even a blip on the radar. From 2017 to date just over seven hundred blacks have been killed by police. The vast majority have been armed. According to the website “mapping police violence” a unarmed black man is only 1.3 times as likely to be killed by a cop than a unarmed white man. This website is definitely not police friendly saying things like “ there is no excuse for police violence”.
Seeing that there are twenty one million black males in the USA, and according to the FBI, in 2016 there were two million two hundred sixty three thousand one hundred and twelve ARRESTED for committing crimes, that means that about ten percent of all black men were arrested for committing crimes in ONE year. Given that most criminals get away with most of their crimes, what percentage of black men are actually committing crimes? Given those concrete numbers are you surprised that more blacks were stopped and frisked than members of any other race?
Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
Hold on, I still want him to explain to me where on the BLM site it says that black on black crime doesn't matter.
Why do you want me to explain that? Of course Black on Black crime matters. The point is that BLM is not focused on that. They are focused on cops and vigilantes. Are you really this retarded or is someone paying you to look stupid?
Blacks killed by cops or vigilantes aren’t even a blip on the radar. From 2017 to date just over seven hundred blacks have been killed by police. The vast majority have been armed. According to the website “mapping police violence” a unarmed black man is only 1.3 times as likely to be killed by a cop than a unarmed white man. This website is definitely not police friendly saying things like “ there is no excuse for police violence”.
Seeing that there are twenty one million black males in the USA, and according to the FBI, in 2016 there were two million two hundred sixty three thousand one hundred and twelve ARRESTED for committing crimes, that means that about ten percent of all black men were arrested for committing crimes in ONE year. Given that most criminals get away with most of their crimes, what percentage of black men are actually committing crimes? Given those concrete numbers are you surprised that more blacks were stopped and frisked than members of any other race?
" Given those concrete numbers are you surprised that more blacks were stopped and frisked than members of any other race? "

Even if those numbers were actually concrete yes it surprises me that Blacks are stopped and frisked more if we are looking at it as if they were not just being racists. Cops are not supposed to determine who they feel may commit a crime. They are paid to arrest real criminals. Since they cant even do that correctly I would never trust their unilateral action to make decisions about who is or is not a criminal. This is not some opinion. This is what I actually lived.
Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
Hold on, I still want him to explain to me where on the BLM site it says that black on black crime doesn't matter.
Why do you want me to explain that? Of course Black on Black crime matters. The point is that BLM is not focused on that. They are focused on cops and vigilantes. Are you really this retarded or is someone paying you to look stupid?
Blacks killed by cops or vigilantes aren’t even a blip on the radar. From 2017 to date just over seven hundred blacks have been killed by police. The vast majority have been armed. According to the website “mapping police violence” a unarmed black man is only 1.3 times as likely to be killed by a cop than a unarmed white man. This website is definitely not police friendly saying things like “ there is no excuse for police violence”.
Seeing that there are twenty one million black males in the USA, and according to the FBI, in 2016 there were two million two hundred sixty three thousand one hundred and twelve ARRESTED for committing crimes, that means that about ten percent of all black men were arrested for committing crimes in ONE year. Given that most criminals get away with most of their crimes, what percentage of black men are actually committing crimes? Given those concrete numbers are you surprised that more blacks were stopped and frisked than members of any other race?
" Given those concrete numbers are you surprised that more blacks were stopped and frisked than members of any other race? "

Even if those numbers were actually concrete yes it surprises me that Blacks are stopped and frisked more if we are looking at it as if they were not just being racists. Cops are not supposed to determine who they feel may commit a crime. They are paid to arrest real criminals. Since they cant even do that correctly I would never trust their unilateral action to make decisions about who is or is not a criminal. This is not some opinion. This is what I actually lived.
Cops certainly may. Proactive vs reactive. You’re incorrect.
've been friends with enough cops to know that they have a culture that promotes paranoia, authoritarianism and sadism.
Thats why its a bad idea to challenge their authority

Many black people have the attitude that its ok to fight with the cops

as if the police were ever going to give up and change their mind about arresting you

As far as common sense goes...I agree. The police scare the shit out of me and I comply whenever I'm confronted.

However, resisting arrest does not justify police using deadly force. In the many cases that we see on T.V., the original crimes are minor and the perpetrators are NOT a threat to the police or anyone else. People should not be killed for selling loose cigarettes or trying to take their own children etc...

There is a nationwide problem with excessive use of force by police, an excessively authoritarian and sometimes sadistic police culture.

Besides, my experience with police that I've known as friends is that they have no respect for the law at all. They consider the law to be an obstacle that they learn to skirt. They enforce their own authority, not the law the way they are supposed to, and certainly not any basic morality.

As one NYC detective once told me:

"Collectively the NYPD are the greatest bunch of guys in the world, individually they're all crooks"

(Note: I would eventually find out that that detective was in the mafia...BIG TIME)
Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
Hold on, I still want him to explain to me where on the BLM site it says that black on black crime doesn't matter.
Why do you want me to explain that? Of course Black on Black crime matters. The point is that BLM is not focused on that. They are focused on cops and vigilantes. Are you really this retarded or is someone paying you to look stupid?
Blacks killed by cops or vigilantes aren’t even a blip on the radar. From 2017 to date just over seven hundred blacks have been killed by police. The vast majority have been armed. According to the website “mapping police violence” a unarmed black man is only 1.3 times as likely to be killed by a cop than a unarmed white man. This website is definitely not police friendly saying things like “ there is no excuse for police violence”.
Seeing that there are twenty one million black males in the USA, and according to the FBI, in 2016 there were two million two hundred sixty three thousand one hundred and twelve ARRESTED for committing crimes, that means that about ten percent of all black men were arrested for committing crimes in ONE year. Given that most criminals get away with most of their crimes, what percentage of black men are actually committing crimes? Given those concrete numbers are you surprised that more blacks were stopped and frisked than members of any other race?
" Given those concrete numbers are you surprised that more blacks were stopped and frisked than members of any other race? "

Even if those numbers were actually concrete yes it surprises me that Blacks are stopped and frisked more if we are looking at it as if they were not just being racists. Cops are not supposed to determine who they feel may commit a crime. They are paid to arrest real criminals. Since they cant even do that correctly I would never trust their unilateral action to make decisions about who is or is not a criminal. This is not some opinion. This is what I actually lived.

Cops also tend to choose their actions based on the perceived wealth of the individual. Well-educated, wealthy white people are usually more capable of affording expensive lawyers and have powerful connections.
this was in the news and no one says shit from those shooting off their racist mouths about BLM matters.

here is a list of seven year old black girls shot in the head and not one fking stance by anyone BLM. they aren't for black lives, I am!!!!

Videos of Seven Year old girl Shot in the head
Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
Hold on, I still want him to explain to me where on the BLM site it says that black on black crime doesn't matter.
Why do you want me to explain that? Of course Black on Black crime matters. The point is that BLM is not focused on that. They are focused on cops and vigilantes. Are you really this retarded or is someone paying you to look stupid?
Blacks killed by cops or vigilantes aren’t even a blip on the radar. From 2017 to date just over seven hundred blacks have been killed by police. The vast majority have been armed. According to the website “mapping police violence” a unarmed black man is only 1.3 times as likely to be killed by a cop than a unarmed white man. This website is definitely not police friendly saying things like “ there is no excuse for police violence”.
Seeing that there are twenty one million black males in the USA, and according to the FBI, in 2016 there were two million two hundred sixty three thousand one hundred and twelve ARRESTED for committing crimes, that means that about ten percent of all black men were arrested for committing crimes in ONE year. Given that most criminals get away with most of their crimes, what percentage of black men are actually committing crimes? Given those concrete numbers are you surprised that more blacks were stopped and frisked than members of any other race?
" Given those concrete numbers are you surprised that more blacks were stopped and frisked than members of any other race? "

Even if those numbers were actually concrete yes it surprises me that Blacks are stopped and frisked more if we are looking at it as if they were not just being racists. Cops are not supposed to determine who they feel may commit a crime. They are paid to arrest real criminals. Since they cant even do that correctly I would never trust their unilateral action to make decisions about who is or is not a criminal. This is not some opinion. This is what I actually lived.

Cops also tend to choose their actions based on the perceived wealth of the individual. Well-educated, wealthy white people are usually more capable of affording expensive lawyers and have powerful connections.
Like OJ....those wealthy white people?

You are such an idiot it makes me laugh out loud. Thank you for that, Dick.
People should not be killed for selling loose cigarettes
If that actually happened I would agree. But the man resisted arrest and died of natural causes during the struggle

it was entirely his fault

I posted a link to a police shooting that could fairly be called police misconduct

but liberals largely ignored it because the victim was white

Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
Hold on, I still want him to explain to me where on the BLM site it says that black on black crime doesn't matter.
Why do you want me to explain that? Of course Black on Black crime matters. The point is that BLM is not focused on that. They are focused on cops and vigilantes. Are you really this retarded or is someone paying you to look stupid?
Blacks killed by cops or vigilantes aren’t even a blip on the radar. From 2017 to date just over seven hundred blacks have been killed by police. The vast majority have been armed. According to the website “mapping police violence” a unarmed black man is only 1.3 times as likely to be killed by a cop than a unarmed white man. This website is definitely not police friendly saying things like “ there is no excuse for police violence”.
Seeing that there are twenty one million black males in the USA, and according to the FBI, in 2016 there were two million two hundred sixty three thousand one hundred and twelve ARRESTED for committing crimes, that means that about ten percent of all black men were arrested for committing crimes in ONE year. Given that most criminals get away with most of their crimes, what percentage of black men are actually committing crimes? Given those concrete numbers are you surprised that more blacks were stopped and frisked than members of any other race?
" Given those concrete numbers are you surprised that more blacks were stopped and frisked than members of any other race? "

Even if those numbers were actually concrete yes it surprises me that Blacks are stopped and frisked more if we are looking at it as if they were not just being racists. Cops are not supposed to determine who they feel may commit a crime. They are paid to arrest real criminals. Since they cant even do that correctly I would never trust their unilateral action to make decisions about who is or is not a criminal. This is not some opinion. This is what I actually lived.

Cops also tend to choose their actions based on the perceived wealth of the individual. Well-educated, wealthy white people are usually more capable of affording expensive lawyers and have powerful connections.
Like OJ....those wealthy white people?

You are such an idiot it makes me laugh out loud. Thank you for that, Dick.

Anyone but an idiot (that would be you), knew that the police treated OJ with kid gloves because he was wealthy and famous. Half the LAPD followed his SUV at a respectful distance until he was ready to give up.

If that had been an unknown black kid the LAPD would have used any amount of force to stop him...even by killing him and the driver.

Hard to believe that you're really that stupid!
Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
Hold on, I still want him to explain to me where on the BLM site it says that black on black crime doesn't matter.
Why do you want me to explain that? Of course Black on Black crime matters. The point is that BLM is not focused on that. They are focused on cops and vigilantes. Are you really this retarded or is someone paying you to look stupid?
Blacks killed by cops or vigilantes aren’t even a blip on the radar. From 2017 to date just over seven hundred blacks have been killed by police. The vast majority have been armed. According to the website “mapping police violence” a unarmed black man is only 1.3 times as likely to be killed by a cop than a unarmed white man. This website is definitely not police friendly saying things like “ there is no excuse for police violence”.
Seeing that there are twenty one million black males in the USA, and according to the FBI, in 2016 there were two million two hundred sixty three thousand one hundred and twelve ARRESTED for committing crimes, that means that about ten percent of all black men were arrested for committing crimes in ONE year. Given that most criminals get away with most of their crimes, what percentage of black men are actually committing crimes? Given those concrete numbers are you surprised that more blacks were stopped and frisked than members of any other race?
" Given those concrete numbers are you surprised that more blacks were stopped and frisked than members of any other race? "

Even if those numbers were actually concrete yes it surprises me that Blacks are stopped and frisked more if we are looking at it as if they were not just being racists. Cops are not supposed to determine who they feel may commit a crime. They are paid to arrest real criminals. Since they cant even do that correctly I would never trust their unilateral action to make decisions about who is or is not a criminal. This is not some opinion. This is what I actually lived.

Cops also tend to choose their actions based on the perceived wealth of the individual. Well-educated, wealthy white people are usually more capable of affording expensive lawyers and have powerful connections.
Like OJ....those wealthy white people?

You are such an idiot it makes me laugh out loud. Thank you for that, Dick.

Anyone but an idiot (that would be you), knew that the police treated OJ with kid gloves because he was wealthy and famous. Half the LAPD followed his SUV at a respectful distance until he was ready to give up.

If that had been an unknown black kid the LAPD would have used any amount of force to stop him...even by killing him and the driver.

Hard to believe that you're really that stupid!
or they did it because he didnt fight back,,,,
Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
Hold on, I still want him to explain to me where on the BLM site it says that black on black crime doesn't matter.
Why do you want me to explain that? Of course Black on Black crime matters. The point is that BLM is not focused on that. They are focused on cops and vigilantes. Are you really this retarded or is someone paying you to look stupid?
Blacks killed by cops or vigilantes aren’t even a blip on the radar. From 2017 to date just over seven hundred blacks have been killed by police. The vast majority have been armed. According to the website “mapping police violence” a unarmed black man is only 1.3 times as likely to be killed by a cop than a unarmed white man. This website is definitely not police friendly saying things like “ there is no excuse for police violence”.
Seeing that there are twenty one million black males in the USA, and according to the FBI, in 2016 there were two million two hundred sixty three thousand one hundred and twelve ARRESTED for committing crimes, that means that about ten percent of all black men were arrested for committing crimes in ONE year. Given that most criminals get away with most of their crimes, what percentage of black men are actually committing crimes? Given those concrete numbers are you surprised that more blacks were stopped and frisked than members of any other race?
" Given those concrete numbers are you surprised that more blacks were stopped and frisked than members of any other race? "

Even if those numbers were actually concrete yes it surprises me that Blacks are stopped and frisked more if we are looking at it as if they were not just being racists. Cops are not supposed to determine who they feel may commit a crime. They are paid to arrest real criminals. Since they cant even do that correctly I would never trust their unilateral action to make decisions about who is or is not a criminal. This is not some opinion. This is what I actually lived.

Cops also tend to choose their actions based on the perceived wealth of the individual. Well-educated, wealthy white people are usually more capable of affording expensive lawyers and have powerful connections.
Like OJ....those wealthy white people?

You are such an idiot it makes me laugh out loud. Thank you for that, Dick.

Anyone but an idiot (that would be you), knew that the police treated OJ with kid gloves because he was wealthy and famous. Half the LAPD followed his SUV at a respectful distance until he was ready to give up.

If that had been an unknown black kid the LAPD would have used any amount of force to stop him...even by killing him and the driver.

Hard to believe that you're really that stupid!
You know this because you have ESP? You are just guessing, Dick H.
People should not be killed for selling loose cigarettes
If that actually happened I would agree. But the man resisted arrest and died of natural causes during the struggle

it was entirely his fault

I posted a link to a police shooting that could fairly be called police misconduct

but liberals largely ignored it because the victim was white

When a person says "I can't breathe", simple common sense dictates that the police should stop putting pressure on their throat. They should immediately consider it a medical emergency.

Once a police officer takes a person into custody, that police officer becomes responsible for their health and welfare. It's the officers job to ensure that they come to no harm.

BTW - I've argued several times on this message board that police brutality is a problem we all face. It's not a black vs. white issue. The BLM movement is leading the effort to change police behavior, so I support them. But you're correct they should also be concerned when white people are murdered or brutalized by police.
People should not be killed for selling loose cigarettes
If that actually happened I would agree. But the man resisted arrest and died of natural causes during the struggle

it was entirely his fault

I posted a link to a police shooting that could fairly be called police misconduct

but liberals largely ignored it because the victim was white

When a person says "I can't breathe", simple common sense dictates that the police should stop putting pressure on their throat. They should immediately consider it a medical emergency.

Once a police officer takes a person into custody, that police officer becomes responsible for their health and welfare. It's the officers job to ensure that they come to no harm.

BTW - I've argued several times on this message board that police brutality is a problem we all face. It's not a black vs. white issue. The BLM movement is leading the effort to change police behavior, so I support them. But you're correct they should also be concerned when white people are murdered or brutalized by police.

" But you're correct they should also be concerned when white people are murdered or brutalized by police "

Yeah that normally doesnt happen. Cops dont murder or brutalize people because they're white. We know for a fact they do it against Black people because they are Black so lets not confuse the issues or try to minimize the very reason that BLM was founded.

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