Another Black shot in the head and murdered this weekend in St. Louis

This thread is a fantastic example of Trumpbots asserting a false equivalency:

What is a "Trumpbot" and what does Trump have to do with any of this? Why are you trying to derail this thread?

Azog - please stop defiling's really quite embarrassing!

And no, you're not going to turn this into a discussion of who is and is not a Trumpbot.

Get out of the basement and live a little. You're not welcome here. Run along, loser.

So, what you're saying is that you cannot refute my assertion that the OP is a false equivalency, so you attempt to derail the argument then resort to childish insults.

Once again, Azog - please stop defiling's really embarrassing.
I did refute it. You blamed him for being a "Trumpbot" and didn't explain how it was false. Your avatar is embarrassing. Its you. LOL.

You did not refute it or even mention it. You tried to derail the argument.

Your inability to present a logical argument is truly pitiful as your insults are lame.

Here is the reason that the OP is a false equivalency. I doubt you'll comprehend:

Police being murdered by criminals is not the equivalent of Police murdering citizens.

The criminals that murder police are arrested, tried and sentenced according to the law.

Police that murder citizens are not being arrested, tried and sentenced according to the law. They are usually allowed to get away with it.

That is what BLM is all about.

Note: If you respond, please say something relevant to the discussion and that has some semblence of intelligence, though I doubt that's possible.
Cops didn't shoot anyone in Chicago this past weekend, yet over 40 shot and 10 killed. J guess those lives don't matter, huh.
True but most cops are racists so they see Blacks as criminals. They overly police Blacks looking for reasons to make them criminals and if that doesnt work they claim you were resisting arrest and thats why they had to shoot you. Youre full of bullshit like a lot of white people. Its well known the white power groups have infiltrated the military and they already had a strong hold in law enforcement. FBI even warned about this you fucking retard.

More crybaby bullshit deflection... everything bad that blacks do is white people's fault because of "muh racism".

Instead of looking at how your own culture glorifying promiscuity, violence, criminality and drug abuse while not putting any worth in hard work, education and family structure have caused the struggles within the black community.

You are hopeless. If you want to be the victim you always will be. :crybaby:
This thread is a fantastic example of Trumpbots asserting a false equivalency:

What is a "Trumpbot" and what does Trump have to do with any of this? Why are you trying to derail this thread?

Azog - please stop defiling's really quite embarrassing!

And no, you're not going to turn this into a discussion of who is and is not a Trumpbot.

Get out of the basement and live a little. You're not welcome here. Run along, loser.

So, what you're saying is that you cannot refute my assertion that the OP is a false equivalency, so you attempt to derail the argument then resort to childish insults.

Once again, Azog - please stop defiling's really embarrassing.
I did refute it. You blamed him for being a "Trumpbot" and didn't explain how it was false. Your avatar is embarrassing. Its you. LOL.

You did not refute it or even mention it. You tried to derail the argument.

Your inability to present a logical argument is truly pitiful as your insults are lame.

Here is the reason that the OP is a false equivalency. I doubt you'll comprehend:

Police being murdered by criminals is not the equivalent of Police murdering citizens.

The criminals that murder police are arrested, tried and sentenced according to the law.

Police that murder citizens are not being arrested, tried and sentenced according to the law. They are usually allowed to get away with it.

That is what BLM is all about.

Note: If you respond, please say something relevant to the discussion and that has some semblence of intelligence, though I doubt that's possible.
Cops didn't shoot anyone in Chicago this past weekend, yet over 40 shot and 10 killed. J guess those lives don't matter, huh.
He did specifically ask that you "say something relevant to the discussion and that has some semblance of intelligence"
True but most cops are racists so they see Blacks as criminals. They overly police Blacks looking for reasons to make them criminals and if that doesnt work they claim you were resisting arrest and thats why they had to shoot you. Youre full of bullshit like a lot of white people. Its well known the white power groups have infiltrated the military and they already had a strong hold in law enforcement. FBI even warned about this you fucking retard.

More crybaby bullshit deflection... everything bad that blacks do is white people's fault because of "muh racism".

Instead of looking at how your own culture glorifying promiscuity, violence, criminality and drug abuse while not putting any worth in hard work, education and family structure have caused the struggles within the black community.

You are hopeless. If you want to be the victim you always will be. :crybaby:
More retarded, low hanging fruit white boy bullshit. When Blacks did all that whites still jim crowed Blacks. You realize that most of the Blacks that were lynched actually had on suits?
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
I knew black lives didn't matter to black lives matter. Only black mental slaves of the democrat party under the spell of cultural marxism propaganda matter.

Nothing new

The National Organization of Women (another marxist group fronting as CIVIL RIGHTS) attacked the clinton victims in the 90s.

Attacked Juanita Broderick after her allegations and no one from the METOO movement said a thing about hillary mocking a rape victim when she defended her accusor.

The mass media in St Louis has been covering in detail the tragic shooting and subsequent death of this young African-American police officer. It has also been carried on the national news by all the main media.

It is the first policeman’s death at a criminal’s hands in St. Louis since 2011. The police department there seems to be fully integrated. The early reports, like the OP, make it sound as if the shooting was a political thing, or it was being reported in a politically biased manner, but that seems to me to be itself quite a biased way to look at the matter, and mistaken. That St Louis has many black cops is great, and the loss of this apparently fine and dedicated man is certainly tragic.

The killer of this black cop, so far as we know, was a typical criminal from my own state of Florida, a genuine gun nut with a personal arsenal and a long record of assault and violence. He was not legally allowed to own guns due to that record. If he were political, he would presumably not be a supporter of BLM. Nobody has yet argued that this shooting was ... racist.

Last edited:
More retarded, low hanging fruit white boy bullshit. When Blacks did all that whites still jim crowed Blacks. You realize that most of the Blacks that were lynched actually had on suits?

Instead of doing some introspection, working harder and focusing on bettering yourselves..keep blaming wypipo for all your problems, Asslips. Been working out great for you guys thus far :auiqs.jpg:

Strange how immigrants (black, Hispanic, Asian) can come to this country and within a generation be doing well, but our black citizens after 160 years and billions in welfare can't seem to get it together..:eusa_think:
More retarded, low hanging fruit white boy bullshit. When Blacks did all that whites still jim crowed Blacks. You realize that most of the Blacks that were lynched actually had on suits?

Instead of doing some introspection, working harder and focusing on bettering yourselves..keep blaming wypipo for all your problems, Asslips. Been working out great for you guys thus far :auiqs.jpg:

Strange how immigrants (black, Hispanic, Asian) can come to this country and within a generation be doing well, but our black citizens after 160 years and billions in welfare can't seem to get it together..:eusa_think:
Hey retarded white boy. I point to white racism as the main obstacle and thats been working out great for me and all those I have mentored on the subject. Once you understand the obstacles, why they exist, and your own history in and apart from this nation you can succeed.
More retarded, low hanging fruit white boy bullshit. When Blacks did all that whites still jim crowed Blacks. You realize that most of the Blacks that were lynched actually had on suits?

Instead of doing some introspection, working harder and focusing on bettering yourselves..keep blaming wypipo for all your problems, Asslips. Been working out great for you guys thus far :auiqs.jpg:

Strange how immigrants (black, Hispanic, Asian) can come to this country and within a generation be doing well, but our black citizens after 160 years and billions in welfare can't seem to get it together..:eusa_think:
" Strange how immigrants (black, Hispanic, Asian) can come to this country and within a generation be doing well, but our black citizens after 160 years and billions in welfare can't seem to get it together. "

More whites on welfare and have always been more so than Blacks. People that come to this country are given loans to start businesses. Blacks from other nations know the same thing I do already and become successful even with racism. Youre really one retarded white boy. :lol:

This thread is a fantastic example of Trumpbots asserting a false equivalency:

What is a "Trumpbot" and what does Trump have to do with any of this? Why are you trying to derail this thread?

Azog - please stop defiling's really quite embarrassing!

And no, you're not going to turn this into a discussion of who is and is not a Trumpbot.

Get out of the basement and live a little. You're not welcome here. Run along, loser.

So, what you're saying is that you cannot refute my assertion that the OP is a false equivalency, so you attempt to derail the argument then resort to childish insults.

Once again, Azog - please stop defiling's really embarrassing.
I did refute it. You blamed him for being a "Trumpbot" and didn't explain how it was false. Your avatar is embarrassing. Its you. LOL.

You did not refute it or even mention it. You tried to derail the argument.

Your inability to present a logical argument is truly pitiful as your insults are lame.

Here is the reason that the OP is a false equivalency. I doubt you'll comprehend:

Police being murdered by criminals is not the equivalent of Police murdering citizens.

The criminals that murder police are arrested, tried and sentenced according to the law.

Police that murder citizens are not being arrested, tried and sentenced according to the law. They are usually allowed to get away with it.

That is what BLM is all about.

Note: If you respond, please say something relevant to the discussion and that has some semblence of intelligence, though I doubt that's possible.
Post a coherent statement and I'll happily debate it.

I have to apologize, clearly the concept of a false equivalency is beyond your comprehension.

I'm ending this discussion with you now, as you are apparently intellectually challenged.
You need to be more specific on why it is a false equivalency. I disagree with you.
The mass media in St Louis has been covering in detail the tragic shooting and subsequent death of this young African-American police officer. It has also been carried on the national news by all the main media.

It is the first policeman’s death at a criminal’s hands in St. Louis since 2011. The police department there seems to be fully integrated. The early reports, like the OP, make it sound as if the shooting was a political thing, or it was being reported in a politically biased manner, but that seems to me to be itself quite a biased way to look at the matter, and mistaken. That St Louis has many black cops is great, and the loss of this apparently fine and dedicated man is certainly tragic.

The killer of this black cop, so far as we know, was a typical criminal from my own state of Florida, a genuine gun nut with a personal arsenal and a long record of assault and violence. He was not legally allowed to own guns due to that record. If he were political, he would presumably not be a supporter of BLM. Nobody has yet argued that this shooting was ... racist.

The MASS MEDIA...................wait for it.........

wait for it............

Wait for it.......



That is the COMMON SENSE of this "tom paine."

Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
True but most cops are racists so they see Blacks as criminals. They overly police Blacks looking for reasons to make them criminals and if that doesnt work they claim you were resisting arrest and thats why they had to shoot you. Youre full of bullshit like a lot of white people. Its well known the white power groups have infiltrated the military and they already had a strong hold in law enforcement. FBI even warned about this you fucking retard.

More crybaby bullshit deflection... everything bad that blacks do is white people's fault because of "muh racism".

Instead of looking at how your own culture glorifying promiscuity, violence, criminality and drug abuse while not putting any worth in hard work, education and family structure have caused the struggles within the black community.

You are hopeless. If you want to be the victim you always will be. :crybaby:
More retarded, low hanging fruit white boy bullshit. When Blacks did all that whites still jim crowed Blacks. You realize that most of the Blacks that were lynched actually had on suits?
Democrats were behind Jim Crow. Yes or No?
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.
" Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white? "

The white coal miner kids have less obstacles. All they need to do is get an education. They are already white so they are part of the club. The cops will shoot Lebrons kids way before they shoot the white coal miners kids.
How many blacks get shot by white cops annually? Thats not the problem. The real problem is cops giving law abiding blacks a hard time for just being black. We don't have numbers for that but need to address that for sure.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.

What can Trump do to address systemic police corruption?

Let's take what happened to the president of the Toronto Raptors...where an Alameda sheriffs deputy blatantly lied and tried to claim he was assaulted by Masai Ujiri...

At the time, the cop knew he had body cam footage as well as 4 or 5 other cameras recording it but he was confident enough that he would be believed that he still went forward with it....and then he was backed up by the department until they later had no choice but to dismiss charges...that cop wasn't fired, he wasn't suspended....

The sheriff of Alameda isn't a democrat liberal -- he is an alt-right conservative who loves militarized policing -- so how would you think Trump should address that kind of systemic police corruption if at all??

Because I guarantee you when people start to vote these types of people out -- it won't be "conservatives" joining them....the conservatives will be the ones backing these is Trump's solution more of the same or something else?
Toronto is in Canada? Democrats in Minny knew all about Chauvin and just let him slide. Is that Trump's fault?
It happened in Oakland...but its ok if you want to pretend you have no idea where Alameda county is...

Trust me...if it was an NBA president who refused to wear a mask and was roughed up by police because of it -- you would know all about him.....

Whenever I present real life situations to you cucks and ask for solutions, yall always act obtuse and feign ignorance -- because solutions isn't what you want -- just racist white aggrievement to obfusicate anything that would be a solution....
Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.

Police are after criminals. They don't care what color you are, they want to stop criminals. If your black buddies would stop committing so much crime, and resisting arrest when they do..they would not have such trouble from police.

Also, it's harder for young black men to be fathers when they are killing each other at such high rates. Look at the race of victim and race of offender in the black category, Asslips

" Police are after criminals."

True but most cops are racists so they see Blacks as criminals. They overly police Blacks looking for reasons to make them criminals and if that doesnt work they claim you were resisting arrest and thats why they had to shoot you. Youre full of bullshit like a lot of white people. Its well known the white power groups have infiltrated the military and they already had a strong hold in law enforcement. FBI even warned about this you fucking retard.
Cops are not racist.
Then I went into a field that supposedly Black people werent smart enough to be in and blew everyone out of the water. Theres nothing that can stop you but your own mind or your body.
Translation: blacks who dont succeed have only themselves to blame
This is true and why so many of the people I mentor go on to become successful. Just because we Blacks have more obstacles like racism to overcome doesnt mean you should lay down and allow whites to win. Yes you will have to out work whites and their white privilege. Yes you will have to be 10x better than a white person but a Black man that wont quit is the most powerful force on this planet.
I actually don't disagree with you sans your last sentence. But we all have obstacles to overcome.
We have the same obstacles plus racism and slavery induced generational dysfunctionality.
Not true. Women have obstacles. My parents came here with nothing and didn't speak the language. They had obstacles. Fat people have obstacles. Ugly people. Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white?

The racism and slavery/Jim Crow induced generational dysfunctional shit storm is true. I didn't realize how true until I went to college but that is mostly driven by Democrats IMO. They were the party of slavery, Jim Crow and for the past 30 years have run inner cities. I was like 10 when Boyz n the Hood came out. Not much has changed for the black community since then. But you keep voting for the same party? I used to as well but now I am shifting to the Republicans. I am a registered Independent and have always been.
" Who do you think has fewer obstacles, LeBron James' kids or some coal miner's kids from West Virginia, who are white? "

The white coal miner kids have less obstacles. All they need to do is get an education. They are already white so they are part of the club. The cops will shoot Lebrons kids way before they shoot the white coal miners kids.
How many blacks get shot by white cops annually? Thats not the problem. The real problem is cops giving law abiding blacks a hard time for just being black. We don't have numbers for that but need to address that for sure.
Just not true. Hell, probably near half the police are minorities. They just want to be safe, keep others safe, and go home to their families safe.

For whatever the reason, whether rap music or prior records, many blacks that are caught just decide to resist arrest. Anyone who resists arrest are far more likely to suffer more extreme consequences.

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