Another Blow to Racial Profiling: "Stop & Frisk" Ended by Courts

You are a simpleton if you think that one stops the other. However to answer your question I would take my chances at getting shot by a criminal before letting the police frisk and shoot me because they "thought" i was going for something.

Except that has been the experience in NY. Aggressive policing does in fact reduce crime.
The fact that you trust a criminal more than a police officer speaks to something.

Policing is not regulated to frisking. Thats why its called by 2 different names. Indeed the fact I feel my chances are better with a criminal than a cop speaks volumes.

The voice of inexperience.
You are a simpleton if you think that one stops the other. However to answer your question I would take my chances at getting shot by a criminal before letting the police frisk and shoot me because they "thought" i was going for something.

News Flash, If a Cop thought you were going for something, you would be at more risk of getting shot 57 times than frisked. What this Court decision will most likely do, is set up random frisks, like at the Airports. Backpacks are currently searched at Events, in the Subways. More likely the policy will screw with commuters and pedestrian traffic, generally, while the thugs blow right by. Maybe NYC will now be modeled after Detroit or DC, or Oakland. Got to love the Statist Utopia mindset. If they cannot handicap Anyone worthy of making a difference, they would be good for nothing, huh. ;)

So give up the Fourth Amendment for promise of safety?

Did the Patriot act teach you nothing?

Is that drone following you??? Why not do a study of the history of Obama's Executive Orders?
This is huge! This was one of those laws that was sooo bad and so egregious that you heard everyone talking about how unfair it was to the black and brown residents including people like:


Also Don't forget people like



This is not huge. And it's not new. The Terry case was decided in 1968. Reasonable suspicion has been required to stop and frisk anyone since that time.

Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968),

Terry v. Ohio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thanks for not answering. Go turn in your rights don't volunteer mine because you're afraid

From the link:
In her long ruling, she determined at least 200,000 stops were made without reasonable suspicion, the necessary legal benchmark, lower than the standard of probable cause needed to justify an arrest.

Amerrrrrica, Amerrrrrica!
Hmm, on the one hand getting frisked,on the other getting shot.
Which would you rather?

You are a simpleton if you think that one stops the other. However to answer your question I would take my chances at getting shot by a criminal before letting the police frisk and shoot me because they "thought" i was going for something.

News Flash, If a Cop thought you were going for something, you would be at more risk of getting shot 57 times than frisked. What this Court decision will most likely do, is set up random frisks, like at the Airports. Backpacks are currently searched at Events, in the Subways. More likely the policy will screw with commuters and pedestrian traffic, generally, while the thugs blow right by. Maybe NYC will now be modeled after Detroit or DC, or Oakland. Got to love the Statist Utopia mindset. If they cannot handicap Anyone worthy of making a difference, they would be good for nothing, huh. ;)

They can already randomly frisk anyone boarding a plane. I get frisked every time I fly because of the metal knees and medication pump. I have been groped so much in airports I would swear I was in the back seat of a 57 Chevy again.

The Constitution seems not to be applicable in airports. But the Terry stop has been illegal since 1968 everywhere else.
Thanks for not answering. Go turn in your rights don't volunteer mine because you're afraid

From the link:
In her long ruling, she determined at least 200,000 stops were made without reasonable suspicion, the necessary legal benchmark, lower than the standard of probable cause needed to justify an arrest.

Amerrrrrica, Amerrrrrica!

Take a break from the computer and do some work around the house. It will improve your life. You have the right to do that every day of the week. Well, unless you live in public housing.
She also cited violations of the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure.

"Far too many people in New York City have been deprived of this basic freedom far too often," she said. "The NYPD's practice of making stops that lack individualized reasonable suspicion has been so pervasive and persistent as to become not only a part of the NYPD's standard operating procedure, but a fact of daily life in some New York City neighborhoods."

What is this bitch talking about? Fuck Freedom! Keep me safe!
Now, if we could just get them to quit feeling us up at the airport...
New Yorkers will be so thankful when they are robbed, raped and murdered.

Or, they will just leave.

You support a police state where the authorities can just stop and frisk you without probable cause?
racial profiling? LOL
if victims didnt say their perpetrators were bkack or hispanic, they wouldnt be targeted as much, ey? pathetic
good they did. it only comes uo with eleven percent arrest rate
just more divide between citizens and police officers if u ask me...
aa if the state telling u what u can do and not do, isnt enough!

The vast bulk of people oppressed by this policy were people of color. It was overtly racist and unconstitutional.
New Yorkers will be so thankful when they are robbed, raped and murdered.

Or, they will just leave.

You support a police state where the authorities can just stop and frisk you without probable cause?

I dont think anyone supports that.
But a) that isnt what's going on here. b) it has reduced NY's crime significantly, especially in poor minority areas.
If the police cannot stop anyone, then everyone should be armed at all times as it their ONLY means of protection.

You are under the mistaken idea that the police are here to protect us...

If, by some stuck of luck, the police happen to protect you from a crime, consider yourself fortunate. For the most part, they are the cleanup crew. The come along after the fact and try to solve the crime...

Remember, when seconds count, the police are minutes away...
New Yorkers will be so thankful when they are robbed, raped and murdered.

Or, they will just leave.

You support a police state where the authorities can just stop and frisk you without probable cause?

I dont think anyone supports that.
But a) that isnt what's going on here. b) it has reduced NY's crime significantly, especially in poor minority areas.

Sometimes it is difficult for people to figure out what the actual issue is. The Terry stop is not the issue in this, it is the profiling. But, again, profiling does work.
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I dont think anyone supports that.
But a) that isnt what's going on here.

That's exactly what Stop and Frisk is.

No,a ctually it isnt. The cops need some kind of probably cause. It might be miniscule. But they have something.

Actually it is. Their criteria for probable cause needs to be thoroughly re examined. How can you be wrong 80% of the time and still keep doing the same thing? Try that while you are working for someone else and see how fast you get canned.
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New Yorkers will be so thankful when they are robbed, raped and murdered.

Or, they will just leave.


Scheindlin noted she was not putting an end to the practice, which is constitutional, but was reforming the way the NYPD implemented its stops.

In her long ruling, she determined at least 200,000 stops were made without reasonable suspicion, the necessary legal benchmark, lower than the standard of probable cause needed to justify an arrest. She said that rank-and-file officers were pressured by superiors to make stops - and that high-ranking police officials ignored mounting evidence that bad stops were being made.

Thus the Terry Stop (see: Terry v. Ohio (1968)) and the doctrine of reasonable suspicion remain in effect, the NYPD simply needs to conduct the stops in a manner not offensive to the Constitution, and not predicated solely on race and ethnicity.

The people of New York are in no greater danger of being ‘robbed, raped and murdered’ than before the ruling.

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