Another Blow to Racial Profiling: "Stop & Frisk" Ended by Courts

Why do I get the impression that all you supporters of Stop and Frisk might have a different view if you got "stopped and frisked" by the NYPD?

You know, they do stop and frisk white people too...
Being a minority is not "reasonable" suspicion.
Whites commit more crime than any other group in the US. Go check the FBI stats. Ask for some help with the subtraction.

You didnt watch the video. You didnt read anything about it. You didnt read my post. You didnt respond appropriately to it.
What a shocker.

I did all those things and still did not come to the same conclusion you did. How can a policy be effective if its almost 90% wrong when implemented? When in the history of the world has that made sense?

You didnt come to the same conclusion because your intelligence is sub-par.
Why do I get the impression that all you supporters of Stop and Frisk might have a different view if you got "stopped and frisked" by the NYPD?

You know, they do stop and frisk white people too...

Why do I get the sense that all of you opposed to stop and frisk have never lived in crime ridden black neighborhoods?
Why do I get the impression that all you supporters of Stop and Frisk might have a different view if you got "stopped and frisked" by the NYPD?

You know, they do stop and frisk white people too...

Why do I get the sense that all of you opposed to stop and frisk have never lived in crime ridden black neighborhoods?

Probably because you dont know what you are talking about. I was raised in a crime ridden black neighborhood. I know from experience stop and frisk does not work. i lived it.
Why do I get the impression that all you supporters of Stop and Frisk might have a different view if you got "stopped and frisked" by the NYPD?

You know, they do stop and frisk white people too...

Why do I get the sense that all of you opposed to stop and frisk have never lived in crime ridden black neighborhoods?

Probably because you dont know what you are talking about. I was raised in a crime ridden black neighborhood. I know from experience stop and frisk does not work. i lived it.
Yeah, right. That's not what the stats showed.
Why do I get the sense that all of you opposed to stop and frisk have never lived in crime ridden black neighborhoods?

Probably because you dont know what you are talking about. I was raised in a crime ridden black neighborhood. I know from experience stop and frisk does not work. i lived it.
Yeah, right. That's not what the stats showed.

Typical of people that are not very bright. You believe any stat passed in front of you that supports your theory without regard to any variables that may affect the outcome of the findings. :lol:
Probably because you dont know what you are talking about. I was raised in a crime ridden black neighborhood. I know from experience stop and frisk does not work. i lived it.
Yeah, right. That's not what the stats showed.

Typical of people that are not very bright. You believe any stat passed in front of you that supports your theory without regard to any variables that may affect the outcome of the findings. :lol:

As opposed to you, who think the whole world is merely a reflection of your personal experience.
Yeah, right. That's not what the stats showed.

Typical of people that are not very bright. You believe any stat passed in front of you that supports your theory without regard to any variables that may affect the outcome of the findings. :lol:

As opposed to you, who think the whole world is merely a reflection of your personal experience.

I think of it like this. Experience trumps an opinion. Someone that has experienced it is in a way better position to comment than someone that is just offering an opinion. A person that believes the results of stats without looking at the variables is a fool.
Considering a Terry Stop is only lawful under limited circumstances, why would it surprise anyone that the Court ordered the police to stop using it illegally?

Because the policy has been in place a long time. AFAIK, it has been around ni NY since the 60’s so yes, it is surprising that they finally addressed this.
Hmm, on the one hand getting frisked,on the other getting shot.
Which would you rather?

You are a simpleton if you think that one stops the other. However to answer your question I would take my chances at getting shot by a criminal before letting the police frisk and shoot me because they "thought" i was going for something.

Except that has been the experience in NY. Aggressive policing does in fact reduce crime.
The fact that you trust a criminal more than a police officer speaks to something.


The safest political structure to live in bar none is a totalitarian police state. That reduces the crime to the lowest possible level. I dint care what it reduces the crime rate to if it costs me my freedoms in the process.
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
- Benjamin Franklin

I will never understand those like you who claim to dislike statism and want ‘smaller’ government as well as government out of your life. What do you think that the police are? They are an arm of the state. Increasing police powers to invade your personal rights is the same thing as ceding them to the state. Further, this is not even a case of interpretation. The fourth is damn clear, the police cannot simply stop and search you because they want to or because it stops crime. You have rights, period.
The Right likes to chide Bloomberg as too liberal, but his utter disdain for the Constitution puts the 'Right Wing' tattoo on his forehead.

He envisions NYC - one of the largest cities in the world - as a haven for the wealthy, beautiful people in the Monaco mode.

He is slowly being forced out of his bunker.

Hmm, on the one hand getting frisked,on the other getting shot.
Which would you rather?

You are a simpleton if you think that one stops the other. However to answer your question I would take my chances at getting shot by a criminal before letting the police frisk and shoot me because they "thought" i was going for something.

News Flash, If a Cop thought you were going for something, you would be at more risk of getting shot 57 times than frisked. What this Court decision will most likely do, is set up random frisks, like at the Airports. Backpacks are currently searched at Events, in the Subways. More likely the policy will screw with commuters and pedestrian traffic, generally, while the thugs blow right by. Maybe NYC will now be modeled after Detroit or DC, or Oakland. Got to love the Statist Utopia mindset. If they cannot handicap Anyone worthy of making a difference, they would be good for nothing, huh. ;)

Upholding this law is a clear example of an expression of statism. Striking it is not. See the above post to Rabbi, you cannot both stand in opposition to big government statism and then also support the ability for police to ignore constitutional rights over expanded powers. That is an exercise in doublethink.
Aggressive policing does in fact reduce crime.

Police presence is the aggressive policing that reduces crime, not the obnoxious 'stop and frisk' which only promotes crime.

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I dont think anyone supports that.
But a) that isnt what's going on here. b) it has reduced NY's crime significantly, especially in poor minority areas.

The ends never justify the means.

That is not nonsense by any stretch of the imagination but rather accepted fact. The ends DOES NOT justify the means or all sorts of horrific instances become justified. It was one of the primary justifications in eugenics. If the ends is all that matters then there should be no reason why I don’t kill off anyone that is ‘undesirable.’
If the ends is all that matters then there should be no reason why I don’t kill off anyone that is ‘undesirable.’

The founding principal of the tea party .... and they do seem to believe there is no reason why people who disagree with them shouldn't be imprisoned - at the very least ....

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Mayor Michael Bloomberg thinks New York's stop-and-frisk program is being unfairly stopped and scrutinized even though it's done nothing wrong
The ends never justify the means.

That is not nonsense by any stretch of the imagination but rather accepted fact. The ends DOES NOT justify the means or all sorts of horrific instances become justified. It was one of the primary justifications in eugenics. If the ends is all that matters then there should be no reason why I don’t kill off anyone that is ‘undesirable.’

Reductio ad absurdum. We justify the means by the end every single day in countless small situations. When we get to larger issues we can debate whether the means really justify the end or not. Whatever it is, "the Constitution is not a suicide pact."
Why do I get the impression that all you supporters of Stop and Frisk might have a different view if you got "stopped and frisked" by the NYPD?

You know, they do stop and frisk white people too...

Why do I get the sense that all of you opposed to stop and frisk have never lived in crime ridden black neighborhoods?

You'd be wrong.

Do you live in NY?

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