Another business owner receives death threats from pro-homosexual, anti-Christians

That would make Christianity just as brutal as some forms of Islam. You must be proud!

No it wouldn't. Which again shows just how ignorant you are of the differences.
What is the difference? In some brutal forms of Islam, the adherents take judgment into their own hands and mete out punishment under the aegis of dogma. What are these alleged Christians doing that is different than that?

Extremely different. No Christian, is going out and punishing anyone anywhere.

We want to control... OUR LIVES. Not others. YOU are the one trying to force something we disagree with on us. We're not doing that to anyone.

YOU are the Islamist trying to punish us for not doing what you want.
Spoken like an old school segregationist. You must be so proud.

Better than a hypocrite with a self-righteous attitude, huh?
odd, that's a spot on description of you and the op ..
We've played it your way, promoting evil, and that's why society is in the crap it's in.
that's absolute bullshit the only difference between now and the fantasy good old days is the so called "good people" can no longer suppress anyone with impunity
what's it come down to is the dwindling number of homophobes feels threatened and give credence to raving psychotics like the op.

Now you "good people" are trying to suppress us with impunity. Hypocrite much?
Are you being denied access to the church of your choice? Are you being persecuted for being simply whop you are?

No! Your actions are the issue. Your un=Christian, un-American actions.

You are trying to tell me as a Christian whom I must serve with my business. Well.... I don't care what you think. Sucks to be you.
Check out public accommodation laws.

I don't care. We're not going to do it.... so... too bad.
No it wouldn't. Which again shows just how ignorant you are of the differences.
What is the difference? In some brutal forms of Islam, the adherents take judgment into their own hands and mete out punishment under the aegis of dogma. What are these alleged Christians doing that is different than that?

Extremely different. No Christian, is going out and punishing anyone anywhere.

We want to control... OUR LIVES. Not others. YOU are the one trying to force something we disagree with on us. We're not doing that to anyone.

YOU are the Islamist trying to punish us for not doing what you want.
Spoken like an old school segregationist. You must be so proud.

Better than a hypocrite with a self-righteous attitude, huh?
odd, that's a spot on description of you and the op ..

You keep confusing me with someone who cares what your opinion of me is.
Puritanical elitism. That's what you espouse. Perhaps those who you and your narrow minded ilk consider to be "sinful" should wear scarlet letters and be fully prepared to be burned at the stake.

We've played it your way, promoting evil, and that's why society is in the crap it's in.
that's absolute bullshit the only difference between now and the fantasy good old days is the so called "good people" can no longer suppress anyone with impunity
what's it come down to is the dwindling number of homophobes feels threatened and give credence to raving psychotics like the op.

Now you "good people" are trying to suppress us with impunity. Hypocrite much?
false! no one is trying to suppress you. you bitch and moan like spoiled children who have been taken to task and have to share your toys.
you have no fucking clue what real suppression is .

Neither do you. Go spout off half the stuff you say here, in Saudi Arabia. You'll find out what it's like being suppressed is then.
oh no not the false dilemma ploy.
there is no need for me to go any where, all that's needed is to talk to any minority whether sexuality or of color and you get some idea of what it's like.
this site is filled with pretentious dumbfucks.
What is the difference? In some brutal forms of Islam, the adherents take judgment into their own hands and mete out punishment under the aegis of dogma. What are these alleged Christians doing that is different than that?

Extremely different. No Christian, is going out and punishing anyone anywhere.

We want to control... OUR LIVES. Not others. YOU are the one trying to force something we disagree with on us. We're not doing that to anyone.

YOU are the Islamist trying to punish us for not doing what you want.
Spoken like an old school segregationist. You must be so proud.

Better than a hypocrite with a self-righteous attitude, huh?
odd, that's a spot on description of you and the op ..

You keep confusing me with someone who cares what your opinion of me is.
I'm not confused at all. you're a racist, homophobic slapdick with delusions of superiority...
Clearly the oh so clever lefties missed the irony of using only bolts and no nuts. Figures.
Must be an inside homophobe joke. was common sense. You can't build something with only bolts. What it wasn't ...was a death threat.

Lefties need to lay off the crack.
Next they will be threatening their own, while calling themselves Christians.

You'll notice they accuse this guy of all the things they historically do themselves.

Oh they're already doing more than that. It's looking like the vast majority of the pro-homo cult on-line are plastic banana accounts being generated by a hand full of leftist cranks (pardon the redundancy).

Twitter and Facebook are becoming notorious for bogus accounts. Rush exposed a half dozen idiots that were spamming his advertisers ... Using fake IDs to make it look like there were thousands of people protesting.

Which is what the left has always done. And why we now must insist that citizens identify themselves to vote. Same thing with the 'everyone accepts it now' crap.

It's a lie.
Of course it is. They're extremists. That's why the only way they can get their ridiculous crap laws passed is to place crooked, activist judges. The people don't support their extremist garbage, never have. We aren't interested in their sex acts, never have been.

You are an ignorant idiot.

'ridiculous crap laws'- judges don't pass laws.

And yes 'you' are interested in 'gay sex acts'- 'you' (the homophobes on USMB) talk about gay sex all the time- and 'you' (meaning right wingers) specifically opposed the repeal of anti-homosexual sodomy laws in Lousiana that the Supreme Court already declared unconstitutional.
Boo hoo. Notice how lefties only want you to have a sense of humor when they approve the content?

It was an internet snarky joke. Big deal.
Anti-Christian lunatics don't get humor.

After all, a highly developed sense of humor is a sign of anybody surprised?
Real christians dont make jokes about being homophobic. Those that do are missing the gene that makes you a human being.

So...when libs crack nasty jokes about Palin's kids,the Bush twins, Terry Schiavo , black Republicans etc... What does that say about them? Please stop clutching your pearls... It's annoying.
When did "lib" turn into a religion? Where in the "lib bible" does it say they cant crack nasty jokes about people that sound stupid. Stop worrying about what other people do and read your bible to get your directions.

As has been established, "lib"...aka "progressive" isn't so much a religion as it is a mental illness.

As has been established, you are a crank, right wing nutjob, who uses religion to advocate for discrimination against homosexuals.
Puritanical elitism. That's what you espouse. Perhaps those who you and your narrow minded ilk consider to be "sinful" should wear scarlet letters and be fully prepared to be burned at the stake.

We've played it your way, promoting evil, and that's why society is in the crap it's in.
that's absolute bullshit the only difference between now and the fantasy good old days is the so called "good people" can no longer suppress anyone with impunity
what's it come down to is the dwindling number of homophobes feels threatened and give credence to raving psychotics like the op.

Now you "good people" are trying to suppress us with impunity. Hypocrite much?
Are you being denied access to the church of your choice? Are you being persecuted for being simply whop you are?

No! Your actions are the issue. Your un=Christian, un-American actions.

You are trying to tell me as a Christian whom I must serve with my business. Well.... I don't care what you think. Sucks to be you.

No-we are saying Christians have to follow the same laws as everyone else.

No special exemption from business laws just because you call yourself 'Christian'
Keep it in your bedroom, homos, and you won't have to whine about Christians *passing judgement* on your dumb asses:

Do you want homosexuals to keep their significant others in the bedroom closet?

What specifically upsets you about a homosexual couple walking into a business together?
Is it sin? Sin with a capital S? Is that why some businesses won't serve homosexual citizens?

Is it sin?

What about the other sinners who come in to those businesses? If the business owner is so concerned about the status of his immortal soul, is that business owner morally vetting everyone? Who knows! There might be an adulterer (a sin specifically mentioned in the Ten Commandments, unlike homosexuality). There might be a sinner who does not honor his mother and father or freely takes the Lord's name in vain.

But it's the homosexuals who are being repressed.

Is homosexuality such a heinous sin that it merits open and prideful discrimination? Isn't that attitude hypocritical?

The dickhead auto mechanic in that state up north claims he does not want "immorality" in his shop. Well, how can he be sure that all his customers are saintly if he does not do his due diligence?

Face it folks. It's homophobia gone wild. And, like a rat caught in a corner, the homophobes and bigots will resort to the craziest means at hand to rationalize their untenable positions.
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So long as you are prideful enough to cast the first stone!

I wish to God these bigots would stop hiding behind a message of love to foment hatred.

Maybe if you left us alone, we would. Besides, Jesus was very open about confronting sin of those who came to him. The fact you don't know that, is your issue, not ours.
That would make Christianity just as brutal as some forms of Islam. You must be proud!

No it wouldn't. Which again shows just how ignorant you are of the differences.
What is the difference? In some brutal forms of Islam, the adherents take judgment into their own hands and mete out punishment under the aegis of dogma. What are these alleged Christians doing that is different than that?

Extremely different. No Christian, is going out and punishing anyone anywhere.

We want to control... OUR LIVES. Not others. YOU are the one trying to force something we disagree with on us. We're not doing that to anyone.

YOU are the Islamist trying to punish us for not doing what you want.
Telling someone they cant get married or have an abortion has nothing to do with your lives.
Must be an inside homophobe joke. was common sense. You can't build something with only bolts. What it wasn't ...was a death threat.

Lefties need to lay off the crack.
Next they will be threatening their own, while calling themselves Christians.

You'll notice they accuse this guy of all the things they historically do themselves.

Oh they're already doing more than that. It's looking like the vast majority of the pro-homo cult on-line are plastic banana accounts being generated by a hand full of leftist cranks (pardon the redundancy).

Twitter and Facebook are becoming notorious for bogus accounts. Rush exposed a half dozen idiots that were spamming his advertisers ... Using fake IDs to make it look like there were thousands of people protesting.

Which is what the left has always done. And why we now must insist that citizens identify themselves to vote. Same thing with the 'everyone accepts it now' crap.

It's a lie.
Of course it is. They're extremists. That's why the only way they can get their ridiculous crap laws passed is to place crooked, activist judges. The people don't support their extremist garbage, never have. We aren't interested in their sex acts, never have been.

You are an ignorant idiot.

'ridiculous crap laws'- judges don't pass laws.

And yes 'you' are interested in 'gay sex acts'- 'you' (the homophobes on USMB) talk about gay sex all the time- and 'you' (meaning right wingers) specifically opposed the repeal of anti-homosexual sodomy laws in Lousiana that the Supreme Court already declared unconstitutional.
it is funny that these supposed straight people are more concerned with gay sex than gay people are.
for all anybody knows the op might need to wear a teddy made of duct tape and swim fins to get off.
So long as you are prideful enough to cast the first stone!

I wish to God these bigots would stop hiding behind a message of love to foment hatred.

Maybe if you left us alone, we would. Besides, Jesus was very open about confronting sin of those who came to him. The fact you don't know that, is your issue, not ours.
That would make Christianity just as brutal as some forms of Islam. You must be proud!

No it wouldn't. Which again shows just how ignorant you are of the differences.
What is the difference? In some brutal forms of Islam, the adherents take judgment into their own hands and mete out punishment under the aegis of dogma. What are these alleged Christians doing that is different than that?

Extremely different. No Christian, is going out and punishing anyone anywhere.

We want to control... OUR LIVES. Not others. YOU are the one trying to force something we disagree with on us. We're not doing that to anyone.

We have a Christian lawyer in California who is trying to make it legal to kill gays in California.

We have Christian organizations who are trying to force business's to fire spokespersons like Ellen Degeneres just because she is gay.

That is certainly Christians trying to control others lives.
Is it sin? Sin with a capital S? Is that why some businesses won't serve homosexual citizens?

Is it sin?

What about the other sinners who come in to those businesses? If the business owner is so concerned about the status of his immortal soul, is that business owner morally vetting everyone? Who know! There might be an adulterer (a sin specifically mentioned in the Ten Commandments, unlike homosexuality). There might be a sinner who does not honor his mother and father or freely takes the Lord's name in vain.

But it's the homosexuals who are being repressed.

Is homosexuality such a heinous sin that it merits open and prideful discrimination? Isn't that attitude hypocritical?

The dickhead auto mechanic in that state up north claims he does not want "immorality" in his shop. Well, how can he be sure that all his customers are saintly if he does not do his due diligence?

Face it folks. It's homophobia gone wild. And, like a rat caught in a corner, the homophobes and bigots will resort to the craziest means at hand to rationalize their untenable positions.
Its a sin because they are latent homosexuals and the mere thought of two men or two women getting it on is too tempting for them to ignore.
Loving your neighbor is demonstrated by holding your neighbor to account for his behavior. In that the failure to do so leads to the destruction of your neighbor.

But, in fairness to you, as a Relativist who lacks the means to reason objectively... There was no way for you to understand that otherwise self-evident truth.
Puritanical elitism. That's what you espouse. Perhaps those who you and your narrow minded ilk consider to be "sinful" should wear scarlet letters and be fully prepared to be burned at the stake.

We've played it your way, promoting evil, and that's why society is in the crap it's in.
that's absolute bullshit the only difference between now and the fantasy good old days is the so called "good people" can no longer suppress anyone with impunity
what's it come down to is the dwindling number of homophobes feels threatened and give credence to raving psychotics like the op.

Now you "good people" are trying to suppress us with impunity. Hypocrite much?
false! no one is trying to suppress you. you bitch and moan like spoiled children who have been taken to task and have to share your toys.
you have no fucking clue what real suppression is .

Ah... You mean like spoiled gay advocates bitching and moaning about a auto shop owner they will never meet making an ironic joke on social media?
Is it sin? Sin with a capital S? Is that why some businesses won't serve homosexual citizens?

Is it sin?

What about the other sinners who come in to those businesses? If the business owner is so concerned about the status of his immortal soul, is that business owner morally vetting everyone? Who know! There might be an adulterer (a sin specifically mentioned in the Ten Commandments, unlike homosexuality). There might be a sinner who does not honor his mother and father or freely takes the Lord's name in vain.

But it's the homosexuals who are being repressed.

Is homosexuality such a heinous sin that it merits open and prideful discrimination? Isn't that attitude hypocritical?

The dickhead auto mechanic in that state up north claims he does not want "immorality" in his shop. Well, how can he be sure that all his customers are saintly if he does not do his due diligence?

Face it folks. It's homophobia gone wild. And, like a rat caught in a corner, the homophobes and bigots will resort to the craziest means at hand to rationalize their untenable positions.
Its a sin because they are latent homosexuals and the mere thought of two men or two women getting it on is too tempting for them to ignore.
It has nothing to do with sin. These bigots are not theologians. they are misinterpreting scripture so they might find the thinnest veneer of legal cover for their bigotry. It has more to do with their attitude toward homosexuals than their deeply held religious beliefs.
We've played it your way, promoting evil, and that's why society is in the crap it's in.
that's absolute bullshit the only difference between now and the fantasy good old days is the so called "good people" can no longer suppress anyone with impunity
what's it come down to is the dwindling number of homophobes feels threatened and give credence to raving psychotics like the op.

Now you "good people" are trying to suppress us with impunity. Hypocrite much?
Are you being denied access to the church of your choice? Are you being persecuted for being simply whop you are?

No! Your actions are the issue. Your un=Christian, un-American actions.

You are trying to tell me as a Christian whom I must serve with my business. Well.... I don't care what you think. Sucks to be you.

No-we are saying Christians have to follow the same laws as everyone else.

No special exemption from business laws just because you call yourself 'Christian'

I dont' care what you say. We are *NOT* going to follow that law. Sucks to be you. Good luck with that.
that's absolute bullshit the only difference between now and the fantasy good old days is the so called "good people" can no longer suppress anyone with impunity
what's it come down to is the dwindling number of homophobes feels threatened and give credence to raving psychotics like the op.

Now you "good people" are trying to suppress us with impunity. Hypocrite much?
Are you being denied access to the church of your choice? Are you being persecuted for being simply whop you are?

No! Your actions are the issue. Your un=Christian, un-American actions.

You are trying to tell me as a Christian whom I must serve with my business. Well.... I don't care what you think. Sucks to be you.

No-we are saying Christians have to follow the same laws as everyone else.

No special exemption from business laws just because you call yourself 'Christian'

I dont' care what you say. We are *NOT* going to follow that law. Sucks to be you. Good luck with that.
By what authority can you choose to follow only the laws you agree with?
that's absolute bullshit the only difference between now and the fantasy good old days is the so called "good people" can no longer suppress anyone with impunity
what's it come down to is the dwindling number of homophobes feels threatened and give credence to raving psychotics like the op.

Now you "good people" are trying to suppress us with impunity. Hypocrite much?
Are you being denied access to the church of your choice? Are you being persecuted for being simply whop you are?

No! Your actions are the issue. Your un=Christian, un-American actions.

You are trying to tell me as a Christian whom I must serve with my business. Well.... I don't care what you think. Sucks to be you.

No-we are saying Christians have to follow the same laws as everyone else.

No special exemption from business laws just because you call yourself 'Christian'

I dont' care what you say. We are *NOT* going to follow that law. Sucks to be you. Good luck with that.

Doesn't bother me- you will just be another business being fined by your local state or city government for failing to follow business laws.

No skin off of my back.

You can refuse to serve Jews, Blacks, veterans, handicapped, Muslims, Japanese or homosexuals- but if you do because that is who they are- you will suffer legal consequences.
Now you "good people" are trying to suppress us with impunity. Hypocrite much?
Are you being denied access to the church of your choice? Are you being persecuted for being simply whop you are?

No! Your actions are the issue. Your un=Christian, un-American actions.

You are trying to tell me as a Christian whom I must serve with my business. Well.... I don't care what you think. Sucks to be you.

No-we are saying Christians have to follow the same laws as everyone else.

No special exemption from business laws just because you call yourself 'Christian'

I dont' care what you say. We are *NOT* going to follow that law. Sucks to be you. Good luck with that.
By what authority can you choose to follow only the laws you agree with?

Any law that tries to force a Christian to violate the laws of G-d, is a law I do not have to obey.

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