Another case proves that the death penalty is wrong

One look at the judges that get elected and appointed as well as DA's pretty much makes it obvious where the problem lies, and it isn't with a death penalty.
The only acceptable application of the death penalty is zero doubt.

Not reasonable doubt. No almost surely. Not a 99.9999% chance.

100% certainty without a shadow of a doubt.

And if that threshold cannot be achieved...then life in prison without parole.
What is wrong with the death penalty is its lack of use
You need to Google "Sabrina Butler".

US Black teen mom, charged with murdering her baby, tried, convicted, and sentenced to death.
Sitting on death row, awaiting her date with the executioner, a miracle, she got a retrial.
At said retrial she was was found to be innocent and was exonerated.
The bruises were caused by her CPR attempts after the baby stopped breathing, a neighbour witness testified.
And more bruises caused by the CPR attempts of the hospital doctors.

Death penalty is a croc of shyte!

innocenceproject dot org

tells the full story of wrongful convictions in America, with photos and details of the wrongfully convicted who spent decades in prison, some on death row.

This poor woman lost 20 years of her life. With a death penalty she would not have cleared her name.
The death penalty is wrong.
I am for the death penalty when it's clear cut, as in the case of Lee Rigby, the two Muslims should just be shot.
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What is wrong with the death penalty is its lack of use

Disagree. The death penalty should only be used in cases where there is zero doubt, and if that is the sentence, it should be carried out within a week of sentencing.
Time to leave the premeditated, cold-blooded killing by the state of human beings in chambers of the past.
It's barbaric, oh so "Auschwitz" - like.
Walk the convicted human beings into the death chambers, kill them, no life left in their bodies, then wheel them out dead.

bambu-ilk had the death penalty in Australia abolished decades ago.
As such, .....when Lindy Chamberlain was tried and convicted of murdering her baby Azaria at Uluru (Ayers Rock), .....the State could not sentence her to death even though the 'lynch mob' was waving nooses around outside the court.
She was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Several years later...
"SEE"! said bambu-ilk to the State and the 'lynch mob'...after a British tourist fell to his death off Uluru and landed near a dingo (wild dog) lair...and rescuers found a baby's jacket, baby Azaria's jacket, just as Lindy insisted all along..."a dingo took my baby".
She got a re-trial, the State's conviction was overturned...(the "baby's blood" found in the car turned out to be rust paint, etc.)
Lindy was freed from prison.

State's chambers of death...baaah!
There shouldn’t be so many” stays” and delays
Unless of course, if you are innocent, and are facing being killed by the state.
The death penalty is barbaric.
Most US states are waking to that fact, and one by one are abolishing it.
Only a few hold-outs now.
Hopefully they'll see the light soon.

All convicteds must be kept alive, so that if proven innocent at some future time, can be released.
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Unless of course, if you are innocent, and are facing being killed by the state.
The death penalty is barbaric.
Most US states are waking to that fact, and one by one are abolishing it.
Only a few hold-outs now.
Hopefully they'll see the light soon.

All convicteds must be kept alive, so that if proven innocent at some future time, can be released.
Please tell us why Richard Allen Davis, Dennis Radar, Chris Watts, Joseph DeAngelo Jr just to name a FEW don’t deserve the Death Penalty
Please tell us why Richard Allen Davis, Dennis Radar, Chris Watts, Joseph DeAngelo Jr just to name a FEW don’t deserve the Death Penalty
None of those names are familiar, and they all might be deserving of the death penelty, but this isn't about them. It's about us, and whether we are willing to take the chance of killing the unfortunate innocent people who will inevitably be found guilty. They are locked up, and nowhere near society, and it's cheaper and less trouble to let them stay in prison than it is to kill them. I guess pro-life isn't really pro-everybody's-life.
None of those names are familiar, and they all might be deserving of the death penelty, but this isn't about them. It's about us, and whether we are willing to take the chance of killing the unfortunate innocent people who will inevitably be found guilty. They are locked up, and nowhere near society, and it's cheaper and less trouble to let them stay in prison than it is to kill them. I guess pro-life isn't really pro-everybody's-life.
You NEVER heard of them???? Richard Allen Davis abducted Polly Klaus from her home and killed bet, Dennis Rader better known as BTK was a Serial Killer and Joseph DeAngelo was the Golden State killer All three made headlines for weeks. Just a small example Please tell us why they don’t deserve the death penalty
You NEVER heard of them???? Richard Allen Davis abducted Polly Klaus from her home and killed bet, Dennis Rader better known as BTK was a Serial Killer and Joseph DeAngelo was the Golden State killer All three made headlines for weeks. Just a small example Please tell us why they don’t deserve the death penalty
Sorry, but I just don't keep up with murderers. No doubt I was aware of each of those events as they happened, and I was properly shocked, but none of them effected me directy, so I just didn't recollect every detail.
Again, this has nothing to do with whether they deserve anything. It has to do with our humanity, and whether it is acceptable to kill the occasional innocent person in an effort to punish a bad person.
Please tell us why Richard Allen Davis, Dennis Radar, Chris Watts, Joseph DeAngelo Jr just to name a FEW don’t deserve the Death Penalty
It could be seen that a quick death for them would be 'too easy', 'too good' for them, ...that a slow, grinding death locked in a prison cell, watching themselves slowly dying, is a more appropriate punishment.

Death penalty can't be selective, can't pick and choose with any guarantee that innocent people won't be killed by the state.
Abolition is the only answer.
Life and death must be taken out of the state's hands.
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