Another Clinton associate found dead.

Holy sheep fuck.

Even you commies must admit that the Clintons kill motherfuckers on the daily and shit.
You believe every Alex Jones type conspiracy theory about the Clinton’s but refuse to believe our intelligence agencies that clearly said Russia meddled in the election to try to help DT win.
You also call the Russian scandal a hoax but look the other way when 9 Trumpies were caught illegally contacting Russians before the election and then lying about it after getting caught..
You really are all psychopatic head cases..
I agree . I only believe real news like the Kkklinton plutonium dealio...Care to refute ?
Been debunked thousands of times but that won’t stop you from lying about it..

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

You're a paid troll, right?

Hillary is a career criminal that should be in prison.

On another note, you're supposed to be backing up your k*nt mouth and all of the lies you've been spewing. Or was that the paid troll that was on shift before you came on? LOL!
Career criminal. Lol
I see you’ve been brainwashed by your right wing media and still spouting gibberish about me.
How come you’re unemployed and up all night? Can’t hold a job I see.
Yes those evull conspiracies snowflakes bleat about while waving the flag
Operation Northwoods
Operation Paperclip
Guatemala syphylis

That's an extremely short goes on and on and on
OH. This was/is fake too ? Flag waving idiots.
You're going down soon. Maybe you should know why so it's not another " surprise" ?
That’s the most incoherent post I’ve read all week.
Since you only like "real news"
U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba

Here's one straight from your employer
Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program to Bring Nazi Scientists to America — Central Intelligence Agency
why are you sending me links from 2001? You’re all over the place. Damn...
Yes those evull conspiracies snowflakes bleat about while waving the flag
Operation Northwoods
Operation Paperclip
Guatemala syphylis

That's an extremely short goes on and on and on
OH. This was/is fake too ? Flag waving idiots.
You're going down soon. Maybe you should know why so it's not another " surprise" ?
That’s the most incoherent post I’ve read all week.
Since you only like "real news"
U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba

Here's one straight from your employer
Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program to Bring Nazi Scientists to America — Central Intelligence Agency
why are you sending me links from 2001? You’re all over the place. Damn...
I'm not sending YOU anything. I'm putting it out on a public forum so when the smoke clears idiots will know............ why .
You’re a very weird little fellow.
The only thing you resist, like all you flag waving assholes, is TRUTH.
I’m not a flag waver... and if you’re not resisting these abominable policies of this sick president you’re an unamerican slime ball.
The only thing you resist, like all you flag waving assholes, is TRUTH.
I’m not a flag waver... and if you’re not resisting these abominable policies of this sick president you’re an unamerican slime ball.

Hey k*nt, you had no problem with Bill Clinton remaining in office after all of the allegations were made against him. Why is it different now with Trump, eh, k*nt?
How come you’re unemployed and up all night? Can’t hold a job I see.

How come you’re unemployed and up all night? Can’t hold a job I see.
I don’t need to work. I’m financially secure. You on the other hand are probably collecting welfare..

You're also a pathological liar and a sniveling little twat that can't back up his k*nt mouth.
I see I hit a nerve. Good. And stop copying al of my comments.
So how long have you been unemployed and sucking society’s tit?
The only thing you resist, like all you flag waving assholes, is TRUTH.
I’m not a flag waver... and if you’re not resisting these abominable policies of this sick president you’re an unamerican slime ball.

Hey k*nt, you had no problem with Bill Clinton remaining in office after all of the allegations were made against him. Why is it different now with Trump, eh, k*nt?
There you go again assuming.. ASS u ME.
How come you’re unemployed and up all night? Can’t hold a job I see.

How come you’re unemployed and up all night? Can’t hold a job I see.
I don’t need to work. I’m financially secure. You on the other hand are probably collecting welfare..

You're also a pathological liar and a sniveling little twat that can't back up his k*nt mouth.
I can back up everything I say Skippy.
Ya see when you facts and truth on your side you need not fear bonehead bottom feeders like you.
Imagine still supporting DT after all you’ve seen of him for a year..Ha.
I can back up everything I say Skippy.
Ya see when you facts and truth on your side you need not fear bonehead bottom feeders like you.
Imagine still supporting DT after all you’ve seen of him for a year..Ha.

You haven't backed up shit. I've called you out on numerous lies and you go into k*nt mode every time, or perhaps that was the shill that logged in on the shift before yours.
How come you’re unemployed and up all night? Can’t hold a job I see.

How come you’re unemployed and up all night? Can’t hold a job I see.
I don’t need to work. I’m financially secure. You on the other hand are probably collecting welfare..

You're also a pathological liar and a sniveling little twat that can't back up his k*nt mouth.
I can back up everything I say Skippy.
Ya see when you facts and truth on your side you need not fear bonehead bottom feeders like you.
Imagine still supporting DT after all you’ve seen of him for a year..Ha.
I don't support ANY so called leaders sweetie.Humans are too stupid to sElect. It's all done for you. I voted with my feet many many years ago. If the radiation levels are low I'll come back up and start over..........maybe. Although con-NED-sumerism has pretty much trashed the place for a few thousand decades.
Clear as mud. Are you locked away in an asylum?
There you go again assuming.. ASS u ME.

No, k*nt. You were just bragging about how Bill "got the last laugh" on the Republicans. You obviously supported Bill.

So I'll ask again, k*nt. How is it that you supported Bill remaining in office but now believe Trump should resign?

Now watch this twat go into full k*nt mode again.
I can back up everything I say Skippy.
Ya see when you facts and truth on your side you need not fear bonehead bottom feeders like you.
Imagine still supporting DT after all you’ve seen of him for a year..Ha.

You haven't backed up shit. I've called you out on numerous lies and you go into k*nt mode every time, or perhaps that was the shill that logged in on the shift before yours.
I’m still waiting for just one example of your imagined lies of mine. Your first attempt was insane with your “ Trump didn’t say he grabs pussy” lunacy.
The only thing you’ve called out for is HELP. Damn and you need it..

So how long have you been on welfare?
Still paying for the broken down trailer you bought?
This mental patient sure loves to use the word kunt. Probably because he never gets any.
I can back up everything I say Skippy.
Ya see when you facts and truth on your side you need not fear bonehead bottom feeders like you.
Imagine still supporting DT after all you’ve seen of him for a year..Ha.

You haven't backed up shit. I've called you out on numerous lies and you go into k*nt mode every time, or perhaps that was the shill that logged in on the shift before yours.
I’m still waiting for just one example of your imagined lies of mine. Your first attempt was insane with your “ Trump didn’t say he grabs pussy” lunacy.
The only thing you’ve called out for is HELP. Damn and you need it..

So how long have you been on welfare?
Still paying for the broken down trailer you bought?
You're pretty defensive about all this.

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