Another Company Is Staging A Hobby Lobby-Esque Birth Control Fight


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Spurred on by the Supreme Court’s recent Hobby Lobby ruling, Eden Foods CEO Michael Potter has revived a March 2013 case to nix coverage of all birth control from his employees’ healthcare plans. In turn, many shoppers have soured on the organic food giant and are boycotting its products.

“In accordance with his Catholic faith, Potter believes that any action which either before, at the moment of, or after sexual intercourse, is specifically intended to prevent procreation, whether as an end or means -- including abortifacients and contraception -- is wrong,” Erin Mersino, Eden’s lawyer from the conservative Thomas More Law Center, said in a statement sent to The Huffington Post on Friday.

Last month, Hobby Lobby won the right to shirk a clause in the Affordable Care Act that requires employers who provide health insurance to cover all Food and Drug Administration-approved forms of birth control. The company, which is owned by a family of evangelical Christians, opposed emergency contraceptives such as “morning after” pills Plan B and Ella and intrauterine devices, which it believes are tantamount to abortion.

Eden's founder and chief executive goes one step further, opposing all birth control.

MORE: Eden Foods' Hobby Lobby-esque Birth Control Fight Sparks Boycott

Will women tolerate this trend - or boycott such companies?
I just read about this elsewhere. Apparently there's already a boycott in place. Good.
Although I have nothing against birth control, I do realize that some religions forbid it. I applaud Eden Foods for standing up for their religious convictions. Our freedoms (including religious freedom) came at a high cost, and must be maintained.

Once we give up one freedom, whether it be religious freedom or 2nd amendment freedom, then all freedoms can be voided. We can't pick and choose the liberties that we agree with.
Great for both sides if the company want's to pursue this matter through the courts that is their right if people want to boycott the company that is their right freedom is truly a wonderful thing.

Funny how you dickheads love the SCOTUS when it goes your way and are all to willing to let it run society (which it was not intended to do).

But, now that you've been handed your asses....weill, it's OMG. How dare they ?

Sorry don't get it both ways.

The only reason the decision went the way it did is because Justice Rehnquist outlived his life expectancy by a few years and died under Bush instead Clinton.

Or, because the conservatives on the Supreme Court against all conservative principle and logic installed GW Bush as president in 2001.
Spurred on by the Supreme Court’s recent Hobby Lobby ruling, Eden Foods CEO Michael Potter has revived a March 2013 case to nix coverage of all birth control from his employees’ healthcare plans. In turn, many shoppers have soured on the organic food giant and are boycotting its products.

“In accordance with his Catholic faith, Potter believes that any action which either before, at the moment of, or after sexual intercourse, is specifically intended to prevent procreation, whether as an end or means -- including abortifacients and contraception -- is wrong,” Erin Mersino, Eden’s lawyer from the conservative Thomas More Law Center, said in a statement sent to The Huffington Post on Friday.

Last month, Hobby Lobby won the right to shirk a clause in the Affordable Care Act that requires employers who provide health insurance to cover all Food and Drug Administration-approved forms of birth control. The company, which is owned by a family of evangelical Christians, opposed emergency contraceptives such as “morning after” pills Plan B and Ella and intrauterine devices, which it believes are tantamount to abortion.

Eden's founder and chief executive goes one step further, opposing all birth control.

MORE: Eden Foods' Hobby Lobby-esque Birth Control Fight Sparks Boycott

Will women tolerate this trend - or boycott such companies?

All birth control, eh? Wasn't it approximately countless times we were yelled at by the table pounding conservatives who vehemently insisted this was only about 'abortion'?

Yes, as a matter of fact, I think we were...
You wanna employ a prostitute you pay for the services out of pocket.

Whats wrong with that principle being applied to people who just want to have sex without paying? You don't want to make babies then you pay for your own conception prevention.

Simple enough.

If you want to pay for other people's birth control then you really ought to be willing to pay for others access to prostitutes.
I've asked for ANY young women to step up on the liberal side of the fence and debate me on the topic of access to birth control, FREE OR OTHERWISE.. There aren't any.. you want to know why? The liberal hags on the left are either OLD and MENOPAUSAL, lesbians who don't need birth control most likely, and lastly, THEY KNOW THEY HAVE PLENTY OF ACCESS TO BIRTH CONTROL, even free.. IT'S A SMOKE SCREEN to tear down freedom of religion.. NOTHING MORE.. A blatant lie.. My offer still stands.

Boycott what?? That a company won't be bullied in to providing hos with free abortion pills or a specific type of birth control? The world doesn't work that way honey. You choose to fuck, pay for your own damn birth control and if you don't have the money, guess what??? GO TO THE FUCKING HEALTH DEPT, set up a fucking appointment to have a pap, then get your FREE BIRTH CONTROL.. and even still.. GO TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD we give them MAD tax money for that very thing..
but..but... but.. "I don't feel like waiting for an appt at the Health Dept.. I want to fuck tonight."

This is the mindset of the liberal.. I I I, me me me.. I want I want I want.. Give me give me give me.
NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.. Guess what?? If you're going to be sexually active- be responsible and wait until you've protected yourself and your partner.. if that means waiting 6 weeks , too bad.. if you can't close your flabby thighs for a small amount of time, that's on you.
Let me know when any child bearing (age) librul chick wants to take me up on the offer to debate.. Until then, your thread is a fail just like most librul propaganda campaigns.. Nothing more than a house of cards built upon lies.
Leftists use the court system to override the will of the people in cases of homosexual marriage and cheer it on.. Leftists are use to getting their way and when they don't, they threaten- use whatever means necessary to obtain power.. SCOTUS biatch slapped their asses back to kingdom come and their continued meltdown reigns supreme. LMAO Enjoy the show.

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