Another criminal slapped on the wrist ends up murdering a cop

So you're saying that should be a bright-line rule?

That anyone caught possessing an unlicensed gun should be denied bail?

How about this guy?

Aide arrested for bringing gun into Capitol - CNNPolitics

Aide to Duncan Hunter, decorated Marine. Brought an unlicensed handgun into the Capitol building.

Lock him up and throw away the key?

Yep. It's called pretrial detention.

Further more, the Risk and Assessment Tools should be thrown out. As they don't consider crimes in other states.

I know what pretrial detention is. In our legal system, bail is only denied if the person is a flight risk, or is a danger to the community.

I know what they are held for.

That would be the gun thing. He is moving between at least two states that we know of right now. That would be the flight risk.

Unlicensed possession of a gun does not automatically make one a danger to the community, and the fact that he has been in more than one state does not automatically make him a flight risk.

It is very easy to sit here, and in retrospect declare what should have happened, when you don't actually know the situation or facts.
Repeat offenders should be locked up. End.
How about this guy?

Aide arrested for bringing gun into Capitol - CNNPolitics

Aide to Duncan Hunter, decorated Marine. Brought an unlicensed handgun into the Capitol building.

Lock him up and throw away the key?

Yep. It's called pretrial detention.

Further more, the Risk and Assessment Tools should be thrown out. As they don't consider crimes in other states.

I know what pretrial detention is. In our legal system, bail is only denied if the person is a flight risk, or is a danger to the community.

I know what they are held for.

That would be the gun thing. He is moving between at least two states that we know of right now. That would be the flight risk.

Unlicensed possession of a gun does not automatically make one a danger to the community, and the fact that he has been in more than one state does not automatically make him a flight risk.

It is very easy to sit here, and in retrospect declare what should have happened, when you don't actually know the situation or facts.
Repeat offenders should be locked up. End.


If that's what you think, I hear the Philippines is nice.

I prefer a justice system that functions on the rule of law, rather than emotional hysterics.
Straight up is not saying this OP is attacking LE. It is attacking the judicial branch and the legislative branch. They are to blame, And they deserve retribution!

I apologize for being harsh toward you. You are a good person. But NO ONE is bashing LE here.

No, you're bashing our legal system as a whole.

You know, the one set down in the Constitution, with all of those inconvenient "rights" and things.

It's a real obstacle to your emotions, isn't it?
Straight up is not saying this OP is attacking LE. It is attacking the judicial branch and the legislative branch. They are to blame, And they deserve retribution!

I apologize for being harsh toward you. You are a good person. But NO ONE is bashing LE here.

No, you're bashing our legal system as a whole.

You know, the one set down in the Constitution, with all of those inconvenient "rights" and things.

It's a real obstacle to your emotions, isn't it?
Repeating you lie again, troll, does not make it true. The judges and politicians ARE responsible troll. Lie all you want, it's what America hating liberal scum do.
So you're saying that should be a bright-line rule?

That anyone caught possessing an unlicensed gun should be denied bail?

How about this guy?

Aide arrested for bringing gun into Capitol - CNNPolitics

Aide to Duncan Hunter, decorated Marine. Brought an unlicensed handgun into the Capitol building.

Lock him up and throw away the key?

Yep. It's called pretrial detention.

Further more, the Risk and Assessment Tools should be thrown out. As they don't consider crimes in other states.

I know what pretrial detention is. In our legal system, bail is only denied if the person is a flight risk, or is a danger to the community.

I know what they are held for.

That would be the gun thing. He is moving between at least two states that we know of right now. That would be the flight risk.

Unlicensed possession of a gun does not automatically make one a danger to the community, and the fact that he has been in more than one state does not automatically make him a flight risk.

It is very easy to sit here, and in retrospect declare what should have happened, when you don't actually know the situation or facts.

You just don't like what I am saying. There comes a point in time where people have to consider public safety. That is a huge issue right now and it is nation wide.

I know that man had two weapons, heroin in baggies, ammunition and his vehicle was jacked up. The fact that he had all of that and came from Maine to another state should be sending up red flags all over the place. He should have been detained.
We are too quick to blame law enforcement who do their job very well in most cases...........Most are there to serve the public................

In Hindsight it's easy to say how they screwed up.......but picking out that guy that will do this one day isn't that easy. The courts don't have a crystal ball either.

I think it does our Law Enforcement a DISSERVICE to immediately jump on the band wagon and say how they screwed up.......It's simply not that easy to figure out the next one that's gonna go postal in the future.

My 2 Cents.

Law enforcement officials tend to do a good job, where the system breaks down is in the Courts.
We are too quick to blame law enforcement who do their job very well in most cases...........Most are there to serve the public................

In Hindsight it's easy to say how they screwed up.......but picking out that guy that will do this one day isn't that easy. The courts don't have a crystal ball either.

I think it does our Law Enforcement a DISSERVICE to immediately jump on the band wagon and say how they screwed up.......It's simply not that easy to figure out the next one that's gonna go postal in the future.

My 2 Cents.

Law enforcement officials tend to do a good job, where the system breaks down is in the Courts.

It's all those pesky laws and rights.
We are too quick to blame law enforcement who do their job very well in most cases...........Most are there to serve the public................

In Hindsight it's easy to say how they screwed up.......but picking out that guy that will do this one day isn't that easy. The courts don't have a crystal ball either.

I think it does our Law Enforcement a DISSERVICE to immediately jump on the band wagon and say how they screwed up.......It's simply not that easy to figure out the next one that's gonna go postal in the future.

My 2 Cents.

Law enforcement officials tend to do a good job, where the system breaks down is in the Courts.

It's all those pesky laws and rights.

Yep. Funny how you seem to have no problem abrogating the Rights of non violent people, while affording every protection possible to the criminal element.
you seem to have no problem abrogating the Rights of non violent people

Can you elaborate on that?

Sure, progressives want to ban "assault weapons". Millions of non violent, non criminals own them, but you don't care. You want to ban them because you think that that will somehow prevent mass killings. Evidence from all over the world says that a gun ban will have no impact, but progressives don't care about facts. They want power, and gun control must be pushed through before they can truly get it. That's why it is billionaires who are pushing all of these gun control measures.

Gun control is the ultimate form of class warfare. The billionaires will have the guns.. but we, the People, won't. That's when it will start to get ugly. Of course the Founders knew this long before we were all born.

"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776
Sure, progressives want to ban "assault weapons". Millions of non violent, non criminals own them, but you don't care. You want to ban them because you think that that will somehow prevent mass killings.

You really shouldn't make assumptions about the opinions of others. I am very outspoken when it comes to my support of the second amendment as written. I've gone back and forth in numerous threads on this forum, and have even been labeled an imbecile, a RWNJ, a Trumpanzee and several others by some of the very friendly and open-minded liberals that hang out here.
Sure, progressives want to ban "assault weapons". Millions of non violent, non criminals own them, but you don't care. You want to ban them because you think that that will somehow prevent mass killings.

You really shouldn't make assumptions about the opinions of others. I am very outspoken when it comes to my support of the second amendment as written. I've gone back and forth in numerous threads on this forum, and have even been labeled an imbecile, a RWNJ, a Trumpanzee and several others by some of the very friendly and open-minded liberals that hang out here.

Ok. Do you think that "assault weapons" should be banned?
Sure, progressives want to ban "assault weapons". Millions of non violent, non criminals own them, but you don't care. You want to ban them because you think that that will somehow prevent mass killings.

You really shouldn't make assumptions about the opinions of others. I am very outspoken when it comes to my support of the second amendment as written. I've gone back and forth in numerous threads on this forum, and have even been labeled an imbecile, a RWNJ, a Trumpanzee and several others by some of the very friendly and open-minded liberals that hang out here.
We know what your opinion is, you don't need to say it. You defend criminals and you want to ban guns. You fools have opened your minds so much it all fell out.
Ok. Do you think that "assault weapons" should be banned?

I said I support the second and get into arguments with liberals on this forum and then you follow up with "Do you want to ban assault weapons?" Seriously dude? This is what happens when you paint your world black and white and make leaping assumptions about people; you end up looking like an idiot. It's okay though. It also causes confusion on the left when they can't figure out how to label me because I'm not some partisan puke.
The tats look suspiciously white supremacist


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