Another Democrat leaves the party

Unfortunately, it's about ballot harvesting. And, Republicans better wake up and really great at that if they want to win elections. At least until we can somehow get voter ID's in place.
Voter IDs are a waste. Even if we had them and someone like Trump lost, they would simply claim that china flew in a bunch of fake IDs...maybe made of bamboo fibers, and trumpers would lap it up greedily and ask for more.
Voter IDs are a waste. Even if we had them and someone like Trump lost, they would simply claim that china flew in a bunch of fake IDs...maybe made of bamboo fibers, and trumpers would lap it up greedily and ask for more.
Whatever that means. Voter ID means people actually have to walk into the voting booths and vote. Cuts down on the ballot harvesting.
Whatever that means. Voter ID means people actually have to walk into the voting booths and vote. Cuts down on the ballot harvesting.
I guess you confused what you consider to be an advantage of voter ID with it being rendered useless by a lying traitor claiming the election was rigged and that voter IDs were made of bamboo fibers flown in by China.

I mean really, you think the party that believes Jewish space lasers caused forest fires, Italian servers changing votes and a presidential candidate was operating a child sex ring in the basement if a pizza joint...with no basement, wouldn't believe that voter IDs were faked?

Doesn't that seem a bit naive?
Is this a trend?

The REALITY is that a lot of democrats are kind of right wing. The middle ground is where you get people who are in the middle and could be both parties. Biden could easily be a Republican. Trump could easily be a Democrat.
I guess you confused what you consider to be an advantage of voter ID with it being rendered useless by a lying traitor claiming the election was rigged and that voter IDs were made of bamboo fibers flown in by China.

I mean really, you think the party that believes Jewish space lasers caused forest fires, Italian servers changing votes and a presidential candidate was operating a child sex ring in the basement if a pizza joint...with no basement, wouldn't believe that voter IDs were faked?

Doesn't that seem a bit naive?
You have a wild imagination that taints your ability to recognize reality. Trump did not do anything that would cause you to be liable to what you write. Now, Biden has. He received millions through his son from China, Russia and the Ukraine. Also, from his son's stupid paintings. All coming out now. Nothing Trump did was an insurrection. And, there is nothing wrong with claiming an election was rigged.
Some are realizing the false narrative of their party.
I'm heartened to know that some Democrats value the truth over omerta, unscrupulous narratives, and Constitutional fails.

Good night everyone. I pray for safety at the borders, more people who notice cheating at the polls recording it on their I-phones
You have a wild imagination that taints your ability to recognize reality. Trump did not do anything that would cause you to be liable to what you write. Now, Biden has. He received millions through his son from China, Russia and the Ukraine. Also, from his son's stupid paintings. All coming out now. Nothing Trump did was an insurrection. And, there is nothing wrong with claiming an election was rigged.
This conversation is about the viability of voter id.

I don't feel like rehashing your greivence list for you.
This conversation is about the viability of voter id.

I don't feel like rehashing your greivence list for you.
No, the title of this thread is "Another Democrat leaves the Party. The reason is because of the direction of the Party with their Soviet Style election tampering with ballot harvesting people that don't want to vote or aren't signed up to vote. Voter ID will help with this communist style takeover. Another reason lawmakers are leaving your Party is due to the total meltdown of logic, reason, common sense and science denial with the wokeness. You people can't even define what a woman is and therefore should not be allowed to vote. Another reason is the anarchy with the lawlessness mainly in the large Democrat controlled cities with crime going through the roof. People can't even defend themselves because of rogue DA's and an AG that is a puppet for the Soviet Americans.
Some years ago, this happened and some years before that. It was mostly Dem to Republican. Perhaps there is a sense of some change. Whatever that change is. For we have kept moving left for many many decades now.

I think these clowns know they can’t get elected as Republicans these days so they’re pretending to be Democrats and supporting Democratic policies until they get the votes and then “I was wrong. I’ve change my mind”.

I think it’s fraud, and I think the loader should call on it.
No, the title of this thread is "Another Democrat leaves the Party. The reason is because of the direction of the Party with their Soviet Style election tampering with ballot harvesting people that don't want to vote or aren't signed up to vote. Voter ID will help with this communist style takeover. Another reason lawmakers are leaving your Party is due to the total meltdown of logic, reason, common sense and science denial with the wokeness. You people can't even define what a woman is and therefore should not be allowed to vote. Another reason is the anarchy with the lawlessness mainly in the large Democrat controlled cities with crime going through the roof. People can't even defend themselves because of rogue DA's and an AG that is a puppet for the Soviet Americans.
You brought up voter id in post 17.

Why do Repubs leave their party?

Uh oh, grevience list. Triggered?
You brought up voter id in post 17.

Why do Repubs leave their party?

Uh oh, grevience list. Triggered?
You have issues with voter IDs?

You don’t think demofks leave their party?

You’re stupid
You have issues with voter IDs?

You don’t think demofks leave their party?

You’re stupid
You can't even derive basic information from my post.

Go screech somewhere else about voter ids. I don't have time for your sealioning.
It's nice that LA and NC have Republican supermajorities now, but seriously, how do some people not realize until later in life how intrusive and overbearing the Democratic Party is.

When this whole woke thing started, the writing was on the wall. The radical progressives were shutting out moderate democrats. They had to either sit down and shut up, or they got shunned or even worse, primaried.
The same thing is going on in the RNC with Trump. Trumps minions are involved in their own "cancel culture" MAGA woke BS.

Politics is getting retarded. But I'm glad that some are jumping ship. But for the democrats joining the GOP. It's not going to be much of a change. If one is not a die hard Trump fan, they'll treat them the same way.

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