Another difficult one, you follow the Lord, do what is right, but your enemies don't...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I'm sure many of you have thought of this before. What if you do what is right, play by the rules, live with principle and character, but your enemies don't?

Can we simply suffer on earth without curtailment for promises of the Afterlife?

I have too many stories of abusers and those who are evil to their cores, though, they try to convince themselves and others they are not. There must be some justice here on earth, no?
Screw that. I'm a Christian-sympathizer but I won't be a victim or a martyr.
Screw that. I'm a Christian-sympathizer but I won't be a victim or a martyr.

So how do you fight back without losing your own spirit?

I've swore more the last six months than I have the prior 6 years. There was a time not so long ago if I even heard a curse word I'd cringe, now I use the words more than I should.

Why? Frustration. Always trying to do right, be a person of character and having abusers get a free pass and a free shot at me. It's one hell of a task to ask someone "live a particular way, but your enemies will not, and you will pay a price during your time on earth".
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I'm sure many of you have thought of this before. What if you do what is right, play by the rules, live with principle and character, but your enemies don't?

Can we simply suffer on earth without curtailment for promises of the Afterlife?

I have too many stories of abusers and those who are evil to their cores, though, they try to convince themselves and others they are not. There must be some justice here on earth, no?
It most definitely is tough at times when you are the victim of their corruption. I still get very agitated about the things they have done and do here. How would you like a neighbor that makes up bogus deeds on your land and a county bureaucracy that assist them in doing it; and then standing on your own land the person starts threatening you and then cuts down a semi load of your Walnut trees? And that is only one example of some of the crap that has been pulled here on us. Court committed fraud to help cover up bank fraud and not a lawyer around willing to take them on.

I know in my heart even if we never recover from all their misdeeds justice will find them.

A good example of justice even if people do not look at it as I do is that judge that ruled and made such egregious demands on a jury that they found in favor against that rancher in Arizona in favor of illegals; one of those illegals was a known felon who had already been tossed once before. Barrett's ranching neighbor was killed and they are fairly sure it was illegals. They had been losing cattle for years over the illegals coming in on their properties along with the nasty messes, etc. Anyhow with a few years that judge was killed by one of the mass shootings. I see that as justice taking place whether we know all the in and outs of it or not. Arizona passed a law so future illegals cannot sue. They tried to make it retroactive but the courts would not allow for that.

Long term people who abused me as a child I see their misery now and truly I have no sympathy for the ones that haven't changed and are still assholes.

It all works out. Try to keep the faith that it does. People who judge in unrighteousness and do unrighteous things do suffer because of it.
Screw that. I'm a Christian-sympathizer but I won't be a victim or a martyr.

So how do you fight back without losing your own spirit?

I've swore more the last six months than I have the prior 6 years. There was a time not so long ago if I even heard a curse word I'd cringe, now I use the words more than I should.

Why? Frustration. Always trying to do right, be a person of character and having abusers get a free pass and a free shot at me. It's one hell of a task to ask someone "live a particular way, but your enemies will not, and you will pay a price during your time on earth".

No idea.
I'm sure many of you have thought of this before. What if you do what is right, play by the rules, live with principle and character, but your enemies don't?

Can we simply suffer on earth without curtailment for promises of the Afterlife?

I have too many stories of abusers and those who are evil to their cores, though, they try to convince themselves and others they are not. There must be some justice here on earth, no?
Without knowing specifics it’s hard to answer. But remember, they can take your job, even life, but they can’t take your character.
I'm sure many of you have thought of this before. What if you do what is right, play by the rules, live with principle and character, but your enemies don't?

Can we simply suffer on earth without curtailment for promises of the Afterlife?

I have too many stories of abusers and those who are evil to their cores, though, they try to convince themselves and others they are not. There must be some justice here on earth, no?

If you're patient, God will deliver you your enemies or fuck them up. "Vengeance is mine, saith The Lord."

God ingrained karma into this world. Nobody gets away with anything.
I'm sure many of you have thought of this before. What if you do what is right, play by the rules, live with principle and character, but your enemies don't?

Can we simply suffer on earth without curtailment for promises of the Afterlife?

I have too many stories of abusers and those who are evil to their cores, though, they try to convince themselves and others they are not. There must be some justice here on earth, no?
Without knowing specifics it’s hard to answer. But remember, they can take your job, even life, but they can’t take your character.

Indeed. What about taking your home or your wifes health and peace? That the fight we have at the moment. These people are the devil. I mean that.

Look, I've dealt with many Americans in prior jobs and travel. Like anywhere you have your SOBs and just downright mean people, When you have sadistic abusers, who know better and are in positions of power...there's nothing like it, it's unique to only certain societies and systems.
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I'm sure many of you have thought of this before. What if you do what is right, play by the rules, live with principle and character, but your enemies don't?

Can we simply suffer on earth without curtailment for promises of the Afterlife?

I have too many stories of abusers and those who are evil to their cores, though, they try to convince themselves and others they are not. There must be some justice here on earth, no?
Without knowing specifics it’s hard to answer. But remember, they can take your job, even life, but they can’t take your character.

Indeed. What about taking your home or your wifes health and peace? That the fight we have at the moment. These people are the devil. I mean that.

Look, I've dealt with many Americans in prior jobs and travel. Like anywhere you have your SOBs and just downright mean people, When you have sadistic abusers, who know better and are in positions of power...there's nothing like it, it's unique to only certain societies.
Where are you going with this?
I'm sure many of you have thought of this before. What if you do what is right, play by the rules, live with principle and character, but your enemies don't?

Can we simply suffer on earth without curtailment for promises of the Afterlife?

I have too many stories of abusers and those who are evil to their cores, though, they try to convince themselves and others they are not. There must be some justice here on earth, no?
Why limit this realization to just religious righteousness when it's the same problem in dealing with terrorists (who use no morality code in what they do and how they go about doing it) and political foes who admit they will do anything without bounds
(hence cheat and commit treason).
The lawless ones have the advantage knowing our values limit how we react & defend ourselves
while they have no bounds that limit them
=unfair advantage. They even have the nerve to sink so low that they use that and play against it, trying to get sympathy as victims of your responses, trying to set you up(hiding behind guises or innocents), never needing to keep equal standards.
I'm sure many of you have thought of this before. What if you do what is right, play by the rules, live with principle and character, but your enemies don't?

Can we simply suffer on earth without curtailment for promises of the Afterlife?

I have too many stories of abusers and those who are evil to their cores, though, they try to convince themselves and others they are not. There must be some justice here on earth, no?
Why limit this realization to just religious righteousness when it's the same problem in dealing with terrorists (who use no morality code in what they do and how they go about doing it) and political foes who admit they will do anything without bounds
(hence cheat and commit treason).
The lawless ones have the advantage knowing our values limit how we react & defend ourselves
while they have no bounds that limit them
=unfair advantage. They even have the nerve to sink so low that they use that and play against it, trying to get sympathy as victims of your responses, trying to set you up(hiding behind guises or innocents), never needing to keep equal standards.

This is true. Sheer appalling action. One must be sick in their soul to engage in this.

There are different forms of terror. All committed by cowards.
I'm sure many of you have thought of this before. What if you do what is right, play by the rules, live with principle and character, but your enemies don't?

Can we simply suffer on earth without curtailment for promises of the Afterlife?

I have too many stories of abusers and those who are evil to their cores, though, they try to convince themselves and others they are not. There must be some justice here on earth, no?
There must be some justice here on earth, no?

sometimes no, many cases they get away with their crimes or foiled only in the end after their deeds of evil are complete - history is replete with repetitive wars. no easy victories over evil. it's an ongoing battle.
I'm sure many of you have thought of this before. What if you do what is right, play by the rules, live with principle and character, but your enemies don't?

Can we simply suffer on earth without curtailment for promises of the Afterlife?

I have too many stories of abusers and those who are evil to their cores, though, they try to convince themselves and others they are not. There must be some justice here on earth, no?

No. We do not suffer in silence. We're men of God, yes. However, we need not be sheep and most of us have families to protect. The math on this is very simple. Live and let live until there's no other course but to live and let die. No Christian alive is a moral paragon. Nor should any Christian try to be or self-flagellate after failing to be so. We're no more or less human than any other soul mold of the species. From time to time our talons will have to come out and draw blood. Either that or get to used a life ended on your knees begging for mercy where mercy begging is seen as entertainment.
I'm sure many of you have thought of this before. What if you do what is right, play by the rules, live with principle and character, but your enemies don't?

Can we simply suffer on earth without curtailment for promises of the Afterlife?

I have too many stories of abusers and those who are evil to their cores, though, they try to convince themselves and others they are not. There must be some justice here on earth, no?
Without knowing specifics it’s hard to answer. But remember, they can take your job, even life, but they can’t take your character.

Indeed. What about taking your home or your wifes health and peace? That the fight we have at the moment. These people are the devil. I mean that.

Look, I've dealt with many Americans in prior jobs and travel. Like anywhere you have your SOBs and just downright mean people, When you have sadistic abusers, who know better and are in positions of power...there's nothing like it, it's unique to only certain societies and systems.
When I was 11 years old I met the leader of the Hell's angels. A bit of too lengthy story to put it all down and recant it all here but I'd like you to keep in mind "'good will always rule over evil". As an 11 year old I did not understand the full message I was given at the time but later when I sought it all out, examined myself and my life it made sense to me. The guy wanted to give me a message to give to our little mountain community to not go into their camp. The Hell's angels would have their annual meeting their for three days once a year. He told me that their rules were very strict about bothering anyone outside of their camp but if anyone dare to step foot into their camp they would be subjected to whatever went on within the confines of their camp. Right after that he asked my friend and I if we would walk down into the camp with him for he could introduce all of the leadership people. I told him "but you just said, "Don't go into their camp?" He assured me that we would be safe as we were with him and he was most definitely their leader so nothing would happen to us and we would be perfectly safe. He made that promise several times before I would agree to walk down their to meet his men as he called them. The El Presidente as they called him called over two men to watch guard over us as he went to another area of the camp and said he would be right back. He was very insistent that we stayed right were he told us to stay until he got back and we promised we would not move from that area. One of the guardians set to watch over us was a huge man who they called Tiny and the other a smaller one named Rooster. My friend got antsy and started walking out of the camp. Two guys came out from a brush area and grabbed her. Boy did that create a ruckus. The leader shortly thereafter was back up from the area he had gone to retrieve and gather his men. He was very upset at me that I had left the area where he had us stay. I explained to him why and I couldn't just stand by while they attacked my friend. He was still agitated with me for leaving the area but was understanding as to why I could not just let those beast have my friend without a fight. After that he took me down to where his men were and introduced each one. Each told me their names and their occupations. They were businessmen, doctors, lawyers, etc. and each had a certain task within their organization.

Per giving the message to the community I told him I would happily do that but also told him who would really listen to an 11 year old. He said I had a point and ultimately he accepted my invitation to come to the church potluck and give the community message himself.

Moral of the story. We do subject ourselves into many situations. For us as far as the bankers, court, etc. I allowed a banker to talk me into taking a business loan out when I knew better. Our previous business was built a piece and a portion at a time with a very limited line of credit. My fault for believing their lies but their fault in the fraud they committed which is unacceptable. Yet I would not have had a clue how corrupt it all was if I had not gone there for myself. Thank God the children were grown and on their own at that point even if they are still mad because mom doesn't have all that spare change they can bum from her. Per the land and the local thuggery, well that is still unattended and hopefully we can get that addressed at some point. I also very nearly died during all that mess when I took a job with an idiot company that has been poisoning pets and its workers both but that is a whole nother piece and portion of life here in this world. If it all had not happened there are a lot of things I would have not learned about the corruption in the world. Yet while I was sick I was afforded the blessing of learning and searching out more about the questions I had asked God about for all those years. I may not have taken the time to do all that if I was still operating a multi-million dollar enterprise.
I'm sure many of you have thought of this before. What if you do what is right, play by the rules, live with principle and character, but your enemies don't?

Can we simply suffer on earth without curtailment for promises of the Afterlife?

I have too many stories of abusers and those who are evil to their cores, though, they try to convince themselves and others they are not. There must be some justice here on earth, no?

No. We do not suffer in silence. We're men of God, yes. However, we need not be sheep and most of us have families to protect. The math on this is very simple. Live and let live until there's no other course but to live and let die. No Christian alive is a moral paragon. Nor should any Christian try to be or self-flagellate after failing to be so. We're no more or less human than any other soul mold of the species. From time to time our talons will have to come out and draw blood. Either that or get to used a life ended on your knees begging for mercy where mercy begging is seen as entertainment.
Correct and we never have to accept lies or be a party to them and should avoid such if we know they are lies.
I'm sure many of you have thought of this before. What if you do what is right, play by the rules, live with principle and character, but your enemies don't?

Can we simply suffer on earth without curtailment for promises of the Afterlife?

I have too many stories of abusers and those who are evil to their cores, though, they try to convince themselves and others they are not. There must be some justice here on earth, no?

Yes, there is Justice indeed!

I let Karma fight for me.


in other words

"Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord." :)
Oh, you gotta stand up for yourself, sometimes. When you have The Holy Spirit, hopefully you know when that time is and when it isn't.

skye has the right idea. It's all laid out in The Bible.

Now God has delivered some of my enemies unto me, and I worked their ass over.

Others he has taken care of without me having to do anything.
Oh, you gotta stand up for yourself, sometimes. When you have The Holy Spirit, hopefully you know when that time is and when it isn't.

Yes, of course.

A punch here a punch's ok

But I am talking about more complicated things..... deep things in life:wink_2:

HE knows better.
Oh, you gotta stand up for yourself, sometimes. When you have The Holy Spirit, hopefully you know when that time is and when it isn't.
You don't necessarily have to know when that is or isn't. If we are standing where the Lord has put us and we keep ourselves in as much as possible in the faith the Holy Spirit will take care of the rest. It is not that we won't have trials and tribulations but we will be kept. I say that considering the cousin's hubby that came at me with a knife drawn and he was dropped like a rock. In my heart I knew he could not hurt me but if he got past me and got to her he planned on killing her.

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