another dude gets fire for not kissing blms ass

He made a choice. And so did the company. I don't care what qualifications you have, if you go against the company policy then you have the right to preach on the nearest street corner unemployed.
He was Harassed and he violated no's a wrong termination in any state. The company will be paying $$$$ for wrongful termination. They can not terminate as a way to harass employees into their mental disorders. The company will settle out of court.
He was Harassed and he violated no's a wrong termination in any state. The company will be paying $$$$ for wrongful termination. They can not terminate as a way to harass employees into their mental disorders. The company will settle out of court.
yep keepo thwe fight up against blm and rules like this.
this was done becasue pelople are forcing blm on people and if you dont alomng with there racisum you get fired. typicla nazi behavior,
No, this was done because the guy was openly antagonistic towards his coworkers. Reuters chooses to cover stories in a certain way. That's the policy. This guy isn't even a reporter, he was a statistician. He was telling the reporters how to do their jobs. When he was told to not do that, he kept escalating, earning the ire of his co-workers.

It's not enough to just be good at your job, you have to get along with your coworkers as well. If 99% of your coworkers think a cop strangling a guy to death for 9 minutes is wrong, you kind of look like an asshat insisting that is acceptable, somehow.

even when policy is ot force you to go racist,

Um, how is pointing out that cops kill too many black people "racist"? Now, you can make an argument that these incidents are rare, I guess... but they do happen and they are unacceptable.

black peo0ple are not owed nothing

How about the same treatment white people get? That seems reasonable.
That definition is used exclusively by people who want to justify their own racism.

Or not. Let's look in detail

There are black people who really hate whites. Personally, I would call that racist. But I can see the argument that because they aren't the managers, the police, the store owners, they don't have the ability to really act on that hate, unlike white people who do.

It's not just the outright white bigots who are the problem. I've told the story of the manager who showed more favor to a young white intern than buyers who were people of color who had worked for him for years. Was he being openly racist? Nope. But did he show an unconscious bias.

You're in no danger. You're a good "white people suck, America sucks, we need to give black people whatever they want" leftist drone.

So you think that most companies follow that policy?
This guy is right. BLM admits they're Marxist. BLM doesn't admit they're racists, but they are. BLM, like antifa, is a domestic terrorist group. The White members of BLM, most of whom identify as antifa, are confused, misguided idiots. BLM logic is like Al Sharpton logic, it doesn't add up. BLM and antifa suck and neither will ever help Blacks..
This guy is right. BLM admits they're Marxist. BLM doesn't admit they're racists, but they are. BLM, like antifa, is a domestic terrorist group. The White members of BLM, most of whom identify as antifa, are confused, misguided idiots. BLM logic is like Al Sharpton logic, it doesn't add up. BLM and antifa suck and neither will ever help Blacks..

Funny, we have BLM here. Does that mean that one of the BLM leaders is a marxist? Considering two of the leaders in the last 2 BLM protests were led by the Chief of Police and the Mayor, maybe you are lying out your ass again or still. And this is a deep Red part of the state. We don't tolerate Rioters nor bad cops. But, obviously, you do.
He was Harassed and he violated no's a wrong termination in any state. The company will be paying $$$$ for wrongful termination. They can not terminate as a way to harass employees into their mental disorders. The company will settle out of court.

There was no law broken by his firing. He was not fired for one of the "forbidden" reasons.
this is ridiculous. he is intitled to his opnion and just because he speeks the and blm dont want to here here it they make sure he is fired. this is same thing nazis did. the black nazis are at it again.
No, we sadly are not entitled to our opinions.

At work and at school and on the street, we must smile and agree with what is politically correct.

If asked about BLM, the answer must be: "Wonderful movement. Time to stop cops from killing innocent and sweet and angelic young men who would not harm a fly. They are simply victims of poverty and systemic racism. Here is my donation to your movement. I promise to increase it for next month. May I please have a BLM bumper sticker and a BLM mask for work? Oh, yes, I will be participating in your next march. Have a nice day, sir/ma'am."
No, this was done because the guy was openly antagonistic towards his coworkers. Reuters chooses to cover stories in a certain way. That's the policy. This guy isn't even a reporter, he was a statistician. He was telling the reporters how to do their jobs. When he was told to not do that, he kept escalating, earning the ire of his co-workers.

It's not enough to just be good at your job, you have to get along with your coworkers as well. If 99% of your coworkers think a cop strangling a guy to death for 9 minutes is wrong, you kind of look like an asshat insisting that is acceptable, somehow.

Um, how is pointing out that cops kill too many black people "racist"? Now, you can make an argument that these incidents are rare, I guess... but they do happen and they are unacceptable.

How about the same treatment white people get? That seems reasonable.
they kill miore whites the black. if black would quit fightining the cops and compl less would b e killed.
This guy is right. BLM admits they're Marxist. BLM doesn't admit they're racists, but they are. BLM, like antifa, is a domestic terrorist group. The White members of BLM, most of whom identify as antifa, are confused, misguided idiots. BLM logic is like Al Sharpton logic, it doesn't add up. BLM and antifa suck and neither will ever help Blacks..
they are racist nazis horrible and rthwey force themselvw into peoples lvieas and jobs and getting fired if you dxont kiss there ass isnt eright.

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