Another example of how Political opinions are biased--- Kavanaugh News...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I was watching CBS Sunday Morning today September 30,2018. Story produced by Sari Aviv.
Below is the actual dialogue from this segment and NOTE the absence of 4 important FACTS purposely left out to BIAS viewers!

Direct from the transcript of this segment:
On Thursday Sen. Dick Durbin asked Dr. Christine Blasey Ford,
"Dr. Ford, with what degree of certainty do you believe Brett Kavanaugh assaulted you?"
She replied, "100%."
Later that day, Sen. John Kennedy asked Kavanaugh, "None of these allegations are true?"
he replied.
Kennedy: "No doubt in your mind?"
Kavanaugh:"Zero. I'm 100% certain."

There was an FBI background investigation then, too, delivered before the hearings.
But like the report being prepared now, it had no conclusions, just summaries of interviews.
That decision on whom to believe will be left up to 100 senators … and all of us.

A nation is tasked: Whom to believe?

So here we have the august CBS Sunday Morning telling viewers that the decision on whom to believe
is because it is simply from the august CBS Sunday Morning show a "SHE SAID... HE SAID"!

BUT that is such biased MSM/CBS reporting!
THE FACT is there are 3 other people Ford identified that were at the party:
1) Her lifelong friend Leland Keyser
2) Mark Judge
3) Patrick Smyth

NOW I'm shouting because it seems the TRUTH is getting obscured by BIAS reporting!

Worse, the four other people she identified as attending the party, including Kavanaugh, all deny knowledge of the gathering in question, including Leland Ingham Keyser, who she calls a “lifelong friend.”

Keyser’s lawyer told the Senate Judiciary Committee:
“Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or
gathering where he was present, with or without Dr. Ford.”

The other two potential witnesses — Mark Judge and Patrick “P.J.” Smyth — also deny any recollection of attending such a party.
The committee took their sworn statements “under penalty of perjury.”
“These witnesses directly contradict Professor Ford’s allegations against Judge Kavanaugh,”
Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley advised Ford’s attorneys last week.

Now WHY didn't the august CBS Sunday Morning report this in the same august manner i.e.
That decision on whom to believe will be left up to 100 senators … and all of us.

Why didn't they report that in their conclusion?
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My suggesting to you, do not watch Sunday morning news shows and for sure do not watch them on Saturday.
My suggesting to you, do not watch Sunday morning news shows and for sure do not watch them on Saturday.

And you are reinforcing the point of the THREAD! Thank you!

The point being is more and more people are in agreement with this study:

This biased reporting by the MSM is one of the MAJOR contributors to this recent study that less than 6% of the general public have confidence in the MSM!
Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, finds the American media's popularity way down with that of Washington politicians.
With 2,014 adults surveyed,
only 6% expressed “a lot of confidence” in the press.
Only 6% Trust Media, But It Should Be Less | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Thanks for confirming the point!
I have a question that begs to be answered - ford says in her letter ‘Both loudly stumbled down the stairwell, at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home.”
This would mean that after just being “sexually assaulted” she left her other female friend at the house without warning her about what had supposedly just happened to her. She would’ve just left her to fend for herself. Is this plausible? What would this say about ford & her care about another female - her intimate friend, Leland Ingham?
If ford was so scared that she left the house without warning leland about what allegedly just had happened to her- then when they (ford & leland) next met or talked on the phone - which could’ve even been the next day - why was leland not at least then told about this purported foiled savaging of her? For ford not to have talked to leland about such a fearful experience surpasses any level of credibility.
I find it impossible to believe that ford
My suggesting to you, do not watch Sunday morning news shows and for sure do not watch them on Saturday.

And you are reinforcing the point of the THREAD! Thank you!

The point being is more and more people are in agreement with this study:

This biased reporting by the MSM is one of the MAJOR contributors to this recent study that less than 6% of the general public have confidence in the MSM!
Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, finds the American media's popularity way down with that of Washington politicians.
With 2,014 adults surveyed,
only 6% expressed “a lot of confidence” in the press.
Only 6% Trust Media, But It Should Be Less | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Thanks for confirming the point!

That is why I quit watching network news more than a decade ago.

And yet you are still watching them. Are you one of the 6%? If not, why waste your time watching them?
My suggesting to you, do not watch Sunday morning news shows and for sure do not watch them on Saturday.

And you are reinforcing the point of the THREAD! Thank you!

The point being is more and more people are in agreement with this study:

This biased reporting by the MSM is one of the MAJOR contributors to this recent study that less than 6% of the general public have confidence in the MSM!
Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, finds the American media's popularity way down with that of Washington politicians.
With 2,014 adults surveyed,
only 6% expressed “a lot of confidence” in the press.
Only 6% Trust Media, But It Should Be Less | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Thanks for confirming the point!

That is why I quit watching network news more than a decade ago.

And yet you are still watching them. Are you one of the 6%? If not, why waste your time watching them?

Oh...yes I forget. You are the TraitorGator that KNEW before EVERYONE else there were no WMDs in Iraq!
And of course the sagacious and always on top TraitorGator KNEW that the economy was doing SO well under his deity Obama.
So yes why would YOU Mr. totally know everything that "works for bosses" as a quote "STATISTICIAN" be anything but omniscient and so far ahead of EVERYONE else.
YUP I bow to your intellectual superiority TraitorGator. You truly deserve the title "MR. KNOW IT ALL!"!!!
My suggesting to you, do not watch Sunday morning news shows and for sure do not watch them on Saturday.
So you watch Sunday news shows on Sat... interesting...

I do not, but perhaps Healthmyth does since he watched the shows on Sept 29th.

Hey... show me where I said Sept 29th?

Wow. What a pathetic piece of shit you are. Cannot even admit you made a simple mistake, you to fix it and pretend like you did not do it.

Too bad you are too stupid to know the site puts a time stamp on edits to post.

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My suggesting to you, do not watch Sunday morning news shows and for sure do not watch them on Saturday.

And you are reinforcing the point of the THREAD! Thank you!

The point being is more and more people are in agreement with this study:

This biased reporting by the MSM is one of the MAJOR contributors to this recent study that less than 6% of the general public have confidence in the MSM!
Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, finds the American media's popularity way down with that of Washington politicians.
With 2,014 adults surveyed,
only 6% expressed “a lot of confidence” in the press.
Only 6% Trust Media, But It Should Be Less | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Thanks for confirming the point!

That is why I quit watching network news more than a decade ago.

And yet you are still watching them. Are you one of the 6%? If not, why waste your time watching them?

Oh...yes I forget. You are the TraitorGator that KNEW before EVERYONE else there were no WMDs in Iraq!
And of course the sagacious and always on top TraitorGator KNEW that the economy was doing SO well under his deity Obama.
So yes why would YOU Mr. totally know everything that "works for bosses" as a quote "STATISTICIAN" be anything but omniscient and so far ahead of EVERYONE else.
YUP I bow to your intellectual superiority TraitorGator. You truly deserve the title "MR. KNOW IT ALL!"!!!

Let's recap.

You and I both agree the network news is not trustworthy and is biased.

You choose to watch them anyhow, I choose to hit the driving range to get ready for the upcoming office golf scramble...what does that say about you?

You seem to be very threatened by the fact I am employed as a statistician. I realize that you suck at math and such ,but that is still no reason to be so threatened by it.

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